Saturday, December 06, 2014

Im Netz der Salafisten: Islam in Deutschland | ARD Doku 2014

Suisse : Fribourg: réunion du Conseil central islamique interdite

Islam Strikes in Warsaw

Arabien: Die Barbaren sind unter uns

Eine ägyptische Musikerin bei einer traditionellen
Aufführung in Kairo
ZEIT ONLINE: Die arabische Zivilisation ist zusammengebrochen. Zu meinen Lebzeiten wird sie nicht mehr auf die Beine kommen.

Mit seiner Entscheidung, militärisch gegen die Extremisten des "Islamischen Staates" (IS) vorzugehen, begibt sich der US-Präsident Barack Obama mitten in das Chaos einer Zivilisation, die zusammengebrochen ist. Denn die arabische Zivilisation, wie wir sie einmal kannten, gibt es nicht mehr. Die arabische Welt von heute ist so gewalttätig, so instabil, so fragmentiert und so sehr von Extremismus getrieben – Extremismus sowohl von Herrschern als auch von Oppositionellen – wie noch nie seit dem Ende des Osmanischen Reiches vor hundert Jahren.

Alle Hoffnungen der modernen arabischen Geschichte sind enttäuscht worden. Politische Mitwirkung, die Wiederherstellung der Menschenwürde – die Versprechen aus der Blütezeit der arabischen Aufstände sind verweht. Zurückgeblieben sind Bürgerkriege, ethnische, konfessionelle und regionale Konflikte sowie die Wiederkehr eines militaristischen Absolutismus. Nur die antiquierten Monarchien und Emirate am Golf sowie möglicherweise Tunesien widerstehen vorläufig noch den Fluten. Ansonsten existiert in der arabischen Welt von heute keine Legitimität mehr. Und abgesehen von den Amerikanern und den Staaten des Westens, ist niemand mehr da, der den Schlamassel aufräumen könnte, den wir Araber angerichtet haben. » | Ein Gastbeitrag für Zeit Online von Hisham Melhem | Samstag, 06. Dezember 2014

Japon : Un quotidien s'excuse pour une publicité antisémite

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le journal avait fait la promotion des livres d'un écrivain antisémite. Celui-ci prétend que les Juifs sont derrière le tsunami de 2011.

Un quotidien conservateur japonais a présenté ce samedi 6 décembre ses excuses pour avoir publié une publicité pour les livres d'un écrivain qui prétend que les Juifs sont derrière le séisme et le tsunami qui ont provoqué une catastrophe au Japon en 2011.

La publicité en question a été publié le 26 novembre dans une édition régionale du Sankei Shimbun, un quotidien national. Elle concernait les oeuvres de Richard Koshimizu, activiste et prétendu journaliste qui soutient également que les Juifs sont responsables des attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis. » | afp/Newsnet | samedi 06 décembre 2014

«Les chrétiens sont en train d'être chassés du Moyen-Orient»

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le pape François a dénoncé l'exil forcé des chrétiens «chassés du Moyen-orient», dans une allocution vidéo qui doit être diffusée samedi 6 décembre au soir à Erbil dans le nord irakien.

Le pape François a abordé les difficultés rencontrées par les chrétiens du Moyen-Orient dans une séquence vidéo, à l'occasion d'une visite du cardinal Philippe Barbarin au Kurdistan irakien, où des dizaines de milliers de membres de la minorité chrétienne ont trouvé refuge après l'offensive du groupe djihadiste, sunnite Etat islamique.

«Les chrétiens sont en train d'être chassés du Moyen-orient, dans la souffrance», s'est ému le souverain pontife qui a pointé la responsabilité de l'EI, sans toutefois nommer ce groupe qui s'est emparé de larges pans de territoire en Irak comme en Syrie voisine, selon le texte de la déclaration reçu par l'AFP. » | afp/Newsnet | samedi 06 décembre 2014

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence, Requires Jihad

Jordanian MP: I Hate the Jews, I Hate the Jews, I Hate the Jews. They Are Worthy of Hatred

Turkish President Erdogan: Women Are Not Equal to Men

Saudi Writer Abdullah Hamidaddin: Israel Does Not Pose a Threat to Saudi Arabia, but Iran Does

Fatah Central Committee Member, Nabil Shaath: The U.S. Created ISIS and Occupied the Middle East

Iraqi Vice President and Former PM Nouri Al-Maliki Blames Saudi Arabia for the Rise of ISIS

Egyptian Human Rights Activist Ahmad Harqan: ISIS Is Doing What the Prophet Muhammad Did

Franklin Graham: 'Islam Is a Religion of War'

CHRISTIAN TODAY: The son of Billy Graham who now heads his father's evangelistic organisation has described Islam as a "religion of war" and urged Christians to attempt to convert Muslims to their own faith.

Franklin Graham, the fourth of Billy Graham's five children, said he had not softened his stance since he controversially referred to Islam as a "very wicked and evil religion" in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 that brought down the World Trade Centre in New York.

More recently, he criticised The Episcopal Church's National Cathedral in Washington for permitting its first Muslim prayer service. On his Facebook page he wrote: "It's sad to see a church open its doors to the worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins."

His views contrast with those of the Pope, who on his recent three-day visit to Turkey was moved to pray alongside Grand Mufti Rahmi Yaran in Istanbul's Blue Mosque. Beside working to build better relations with Muslims, Pope Francis is also reaching out to evangelicals, a move which came about because of his friendship with the late Bishop Tony Palmer, a charismatic of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.

Franklin Graham told Christian Today that his own views on Islam remained the same as in 2001. » | Ruth Gledhill | Saturday, December 06, 2014

US Express Fears as Isis Takes Control of Northern Libyan Town

THE GUARDIAN: Isis supporters declare Derna the first town in Libya to join Isis / US believes Isis is running training camps across Libya

It is a warm October evening in Derna, a small town on Libya’s north east coast, 450 miles from the capital, Tripoli.

The main square is packed with young men, brought by a summons from the town’s self-proclaimed emir to swear allegiance to a newly formed Islamic caliphate.

The emir, on a stage just visible through the jumping throng, calls for the crowd to repeat his calls to join the a caliphate, to listen and follow orders, and to acclaim that the Islamic State (Isis) is here to stay.

To each call, they repeat the chant, roaring their support – and with that, the emir declares Derna the first town in Libya to join the Islamic State, making common cause with fighters in Iraq and Syria. » | Chris Stephen in Tunis | Saturday, December 06, 2014

Barack Obama Condemns ‘Brutal Murder’ of American Photojournalist

Luke Somers, a 33-year-old British-born US journalist, who
has been killed in a failed rescue attempt.
THE GUARDIAN: British-born Luke Somers was being held in Yemen by al-Qaida militants after being kidnapped in September 2013

US president Barack Obama has condemned the “brutal murder” of American photojournalist Luke Somers, who was shot by his al-Qaida captors during a rescue mission by US special forces.

The 33-year-old was shot during the rescue attempt on Saturday morning and died while being transferred to a warship by American troops. A South African teacher being held with him, Pierre Korki, was also killed in the raid.

“On behalf of the American people, I offer my deepest condolences to Luke’s family and to his loved ones,” Obama said in a statement.

“As this and previous hostage rescue operations demonstrate, the United States will spare no effort to use all of its military, intelligence and diplomatic capabilities to bring Americans home safely, wherever they are located. And terrorists who seek to harm our citizens will feel the long arm of American justice. » | Martin Chulov in Beirut andEmma Graham-Harrison | Saturday, December 06, 2014

Friday, December 05, 2014

Tabac : l'achat à distance interdit

LE POINT: Pour lutter contre le marché parallèle, les acheteurs sur internet seront passibles d'une peine de cinq ans de prison ferme.

Les députés ont voté vendredi, dans le cadre du projet de budget rectificatif 2014, plusieurs mesures réclamées par les buralistes, comme l'interdiction de tout achat de tabac à distance dans un pays étranger et une modification du calcul de la fiscalité.

Pour lutter contre le marché parallèle, les acheteurs sur internet seront désormais passibles d'une peine pouvant aller jusqu'à cinq ans de prison ferme pour trafic en bande organisée. En France, le commerce du tabac relève du monopole des buralistes, mais au moins une cigarette fumée sur cinq n'a pas été achetée dans le réseau officiel et échappe donc aux taxes françaises. » | Source AFP | vendredi 05 décembre 2014

Belgium's Former Queen Fabiola Dies at the Age of 86

Passed away: Belgium's former Queen Fabiola,
pictured in 2008, has died at the age of 86 at
Stuyvenbergh Castle, the palace has announced
MAIL ONLINE:  Belgian foreign minister Didier Reynders said: 'A page in our country's history has turned'  The former Queen's cause of death has not been announced, but her health had been ailing since a bout of pneumonia in 2009  Fabiola became queen of Belgium when she married King Baudouin in 1960  She remained Queen Consort for 33 years - until Baudoin's death in 1993  The couple had no children, and Fabiola suffered five miscarriages over the course of her marriage

Belgium's former Queen Fabiola has died at the age of 86 at Stuyvenbergh Castle.

A statement from the palace today said: 'Their majesties the King and Queen and the members of the royal family announce with great sadness the death of Her Majesty Queen Fabiola in Brussels this evening.'

Foreign minister Didier Reynders said all Belgians would mourn her passing. 'A page in our country's history has turned,' he told Belgium's RTL television.

King Philippe of Belgium said he was left with 'great sadness' when he heard of the death of his aunt.

Although her exact cause of death has not been confirmed, Queen Fabiola, the childless widow of King Baudouin, had been suffering from osteoporosis for years, and had never fully recovered from pneumonia in 2009.

The former queen, who used a wheelchair, had looked increasingly frail over the past month as she increasingly limited her public appearances.

Fabiola was born in 1928 as Fabiola de Mora y Aragón into an aristocratic family in Madrid, Spain.

Her godmother was Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain. She became queen of Belgium when she married King Baudouin in 1960. » | Annabel Fenwick Elliott for MailOnline | Friday, December 05, 2014

Luke Somers: Yemen Hostage's Family in Video Appeal

The journalist was abducted in Yemen in September 2013
BBC: The family of UK-born American hostage Luke Somers have appealed in a video to al-Qaeda militants in Yemen to "show mercy" and release him.

In the online statement, his mother, Paula Somers, says: "Please... give us an opportunity to see our Luke again."

A man identifying himself as Mr Somers, who was abducted in 2013, appeared in a separate video on Wednesday, saying his life was in danger and asking for help.

The US has revealed it tried to rescue him last month.

"Regrettably, Luke was not present, though hostages of other nationalities were present and were rescued," the National Security Council said on Thursday.

In a video posted on YouTube, Mr Somers' mother and brother said he was "only trying to do good things for the Yemeni population".

"Luke is only a photojournalist and is not responsible for any actions the US government has taken," his brother, Jordan, said.

Noting that her son "appears healthy" in his captors' video, Paula Somers said: "We thank you for that." (+ video) » | Friday, December 05, 2014

Bill Maher: Comparing My Islam Criticism to Nazi Propaganda Is ‘Beyond Stupid’

Bill Maher
RAW STORY: In an interview with Vanity Fair, HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher restated some of his criticisms of Islam while responding to a critic who said his rhetoric was similar to what was said about Jews in the 30′s and 40′s, calling the assertion, “beyond stupid.”

Speaking with Sally Kohn, Maher discussed the controversy over his upcoming speech, scheduled to be delivered at University of California Berkeley on Dec. 20, which has raised the ire of students who created a petition to disinvite him.

The comedian has been under fire for comments he made during a contentious episode of Real Time in early October when Maher told a panel, including actor Ben Affleck, Islam is “the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f*cking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture, or write the wrong book.”

Calling the petition a “bullshit thing,” Maher addressed the students at the university — currently celebrating the anniversary of Free Speech Movement protests on campus 50 years ago — saying liberalism shouldn’t “squelch free speech.” » | Tom Boggioni | Friday, December 05, 2014