Showing posts with label Rotterdam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rotterdam. Show all posts

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Corona-Proteste in Wien und Rotterdam

Nov 20, 2021 • In Wien haben die Proteste gegen die österreichische Corona-Politik begonnen. Im Tagesverlauf sind mehrere Kundgebungen geplant. Die Polizei rechnet mit mehreren Tausend Demonstrierenden

In Rotterdam sind gestern Abend Proteste gegen schärfere Corona-Regeln in Gewalt umgeschlagen. Am Morgen nach den Ausschreitungen bot sich in der niederländischen Stadt ein Bild der Verwüstung. Laut Polizei wurden sieben Menschen verletzt - unter ihnen auch Beamt:innen.


Rotterdam Police Open Fire as Covid Protest Turns Violent

Demonstrators protest against government restrictions. Photograph: AP

THE GUARDIAN: Warning shots fired as unrest breaks out over Dutch plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people

Police in Rotterdam have fired warning shots, injuring protesters, as riots broke out at a demonstration against government plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people.

Crowds of rioters torched cars, set off fireworks and threw rocks at police in the centre of the Dutch port city on Friday, and police responded with shots and water cannon.

“Police were forced to draw their weapons and even fire direct shots,” the mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, told a press conference early on Saturday.

He described the riots as “an orgy of violence, I can’t think of another way to describe it”. With video » | Staff and agencies in The Hague | Saturday, November 20, 2021

Covid-19 : manifestations contre les mesures anti-Covid, violences aux Pays-Bas et aux Antilles : Sept personnes ont été blessées vendredi dans des émeutes à Rotterdam, tandis qu'un couvre-feu a été décrété en Guadeloupe pour mettre fin au vandalisme. Des manifestations agitent aussi l'Australie et l'Autriche. »

Weitere Festnahmen nach «Orgie der Gewalt» in Rotterdam: In den Niederlanden haben am Freitagabend Hunderte von Menschen gegen weitere Beschränkungen demonstriert. Es kam zu chaotischen Szenen. Nach Schüssen der Sicherheitskräfte gibt es sieben Verletzte. »

Corona-Kundgebung in Wien hat begonnen: Die rechte FPÖ sieht Österreich auf dem Weg in eine „Diktatur“ und hat zur Demo in Wien aufgerufen. In Telegram-Gruppen wird offen Gewalt angedroht. »

Austria braces for violence at mass protests over Covid measures. »

Australia Covid protests: threats against ‘traitorous’ politicians as thousands rally in capital cities: Melbourne ‘freedom’ rally draws largest crowds as counter-protesters avoid confrontation »

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Muslim Dutch Mayor to Muslims: Accept Western Values or Leave

ARUTZ SHEVA: Muslim mayor of Rotterdam says Europe has no place for extremists who are not willing to live within the bounds of its norms.

The Muslim mayor of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, said this week that Europe has no place for extremists who are not willing to live within the bounds of its norms.

Speaking to CNN's Michael Holmes on Wednesday, the mayor, Moroccan-born Ahmed Aboutaleb suggested that those Muslims who don’t embrace values should leave Europe.

"You are not forced to be with us, it's a choice," he said. "Work with us together to construct a 'we society.'"

"But if you want to stand out of the 'we community,' you threaten us, you go to Yemen to learn how to use a Kalashnikov and to come back to threaten the society, well you are not part of my 'we society,' you better leave," added Aboutaleb.

Aboutaleb drew headlines around the world in the wake of last month's attack on the editorial staff of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, when he said, "if you don't like it here because you don't like that humorists who make a newspaper -- yeah, if I can say it like this, get lost!" » | Elad Benari, Canada | Friday, February 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dutch Mayor Tells Fellow Muslims Who Do Not Like the Western World to 'F*** Off'

DAILY EXPRESS: A MUSLIM politician has said if followers of Islam living in the West do not appreciate its culture then they should "pack their bags" and "f*** off".

Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam, made the comments on live TV hours after jihadists had massacred 12 people at the offices of newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

The 53-year-old said it was "stupid" and "incomprehensible" to be against freedom of speech and those who feel that way should "vanish" from the West.

The Moroccan born politician said: "It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom.

"If you do not like it here because some humorists you don't like are making a newspaper, may I then say you can f*** off.

"This is stupid, this so incomprehensible. Vanish from the Netherlands if you cannot find your place here.

"All those well-meaning Muslims here will now be stared at". » | Dion Dassanayake | Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mohammed Is Most Popular Boy's Name in Four Biggest Dutch Cities

THE TELEGRAPH: Mohammed, or other variations of the name of Islam's founding prophet, has become the most popular name choice for baby boys in the four biggest cities of the Netherlands.

Information collected by the country's social security agency has found that traditional Dutch names have been displaced in the urban centres of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht as the country's Muslim population grows.

In The Hague variations of the name Mohammed have taken first, second and fifth place in the Dutch capital's league table of most popular names for boys, replacing traditional favourites such as Jan, Luuk, Gijs or Daan.

At a national level the name Mohammed is now the 16th most popular name for boys.

The figures, obtained by the Dutch Elsevier magazine, from the Dutch Social Insurance Bank, or Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB), are different from the official statistics which have in the past counted various spellings of Mohammed, Muhamed, or Muhammad as different names.

Previous government name counts, separating the different versions, have avoided controversy by keeping the name of Islam's founder outside the Dutch top 20 of favourite names for baby boys.

Geert Wilders, leader of the far-Right, anti-Islam Freedom Party, which is currently leading the Dutch opinion polls, has demanded a government investigation following the Daily Telegraph's Aug 8 report that over a fifth of the European Union's population has been forecast to be Muslim by 2050. >>> Bruno Waterfield | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

L'Eurabia ha una capitale: Rotterdam

L’ESPRESSO: Qui interi quartieri sembrano Medio Oriente, le donne camminano velate, il sindaco è musulmano, nei tribunali e nei teatri si applica la sharia. Un grande reportage dalla città più islamizzata d'Europa

ROMA – Uno dei frutti più incontestabili del viaggio di Benedetto XVI in Terra Santa è stato il migliorato rapporto con l'islam. I tre giorni passati in Giordania e poi la visita alla Cupola della Roccia a Gerusalemme hanno fatto circolare anche tra il grande pubblico musulmano – per la prima volta in misura così diffusa – l'immagine di un papa amico, attorniato da leader islamici visibilmente felici di accoglierlo e di collaborare con lui per il bene della famiglia umana.

Ma altrettanto incontestabile è la distanza tra questa immagine e la cruda realtà dei fatti. Non solo nei paesi a dominio musulmano, ma anche là dove i seguaci di Maometto sono minoranza, ad esempio in Europa.

Nel 2002 Bat Ye'or, una studiosa nata in Egitto e di nazionalità britannica, specialista della storia e della condizione delle minoranze cristiane ed ebraiche – dette "dhimmi" – nei paesi musulmani, coniò il termine "Eurabia" per definire il destino verso il quale vede incamminata l'Europa. Un destino di sottomissione all'islam, di "dhimmitudine".

Oriana Fallaci riprese nei suoi scritti la parola "Eurabia" e diede ad essa una risonanza mondiale. Il 1 agosto 2005 Benedetto XVI ricevette la Fallaci in udienza privata, a Castel Gandolfo. Lei rifiutava il dialogo con l'islam, lui lo voleva e lo vuole. Ma si trovarono d'accordo – come poi riferì la Fallaci – nel riconoscere "l'odio di sé" che l'Europa mostra, il suo vuoto spirituale, la sua perdita d'identità, proprio mentre aumentano in essa gli immigrati di fede islamica. >>> di Sandro Magister | Martedi 19 maggio 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Critiqué, Tariq Ramadan continue son travail à Rotterdam

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: ISLAM | La mairie soutient l'intellectuel genevois, après que des médias néerlandais lui aient prêté des propos homophobes. «Sortis de leur contexte», précise l'intéressé.

Photo: Google Images

La ville de Rotterdam a annoncé mercredi qu'elle poursuivait sa collaboration avec l'intellectuel genevois controversé Tariq Ramadan, conseiller de la mairie depuis 2007. Son poste était remis en question après des propos homophobes qui lui avaient été attribués par les médias néerlandais.

M. Ramadan "a, au sujet de l'homosexualité, un point de vue relativement conservateur", a reconnu Rik Grasshof, conseiller municipal à la Culture, lors d'une conférence de presse à Rotterdam. "Mais il a toujours été dans la même logique", a-t-il ajouté en présence de M. Ramadan, à savoir que "l'homosexualité est difficile à accepter en islam, mais le respect pour la personne prime" sur la religion. 
Voulant étouffer dans l'oeuf toute controverse, le conseil municipal a demandé une traduction assermentée de certains discours de M. Ramadan, reproduits fin mars dans De Gay Krant, un magazine pour homosexuels. >>> ATS/AFP | Mercredi 15 Avril 2009

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Dutch City Rules 'Euro Islam' Proponent Is not Homophobic

Rotterdam has exonerated Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan in an investigation over alleged homophobic and misogynistic statements he made in tapes aimed at immigrants. Holland's second largest city says it will retain him as an adviser to build bridges between its immigrant communities.

Last month, the Gay Krant, a newspaper for the homosexual community in the Netherlands, accused Tariq Ramadan of making homophobic and mysogenistic statements on tapes in Arabic destined for immigrant communities in Europe.

Ramadan, 46, a Swiss philosopher and theologist of Egyptian descent, was hired by the city of Rotterdam two years ago to "help lift the multicultural dialogue to a higher level". He dismissed the Gay Krant's accusations as slander.

The city of Rotterdam has since carried out its own investigation, the results of which were presented on Wednesday. The city had 54 Arabic-language cassette tapes translated and examined. According to council executive Rik Grasshof of the Green party GroenLinks, the Gay Krant's reporting was incomplete en [sic] inaccurate.

As a result, Ramadan's contract with the city will be extended for another two years, during which time he will lead public debates in an effort to bring the various communities in Rotterdam closer together. >>> By Mark Hoogstad | Thursday, April 16, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Radical Muslim Preacher Welcome in Rotterdam

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin rejects demands by two parties to bar a radical Islamic preacher from speaking in the Netherlands.

Mr Hirsch Ballin wrote to parliament on Thursday that the preacher, American citizen Khalid Yasin, is free to enter the country and address audiences. The justice minister adds that Mr Yasin will risk prosecution if it turns out that his speeches incite hatred. He emphasises that everyone in the Netherlands has freedom of speech, provided they respect the rule of law. >>> By Rob Kievit | Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wilders Slams Appointment of Moroccan Mayor

Photo of Geert Wilders courtesy of Google Images

Freedom Party leader says appointing Moroccan Ahmed Aboutaleb as Rotterdam mayor is as ridiculous as having a Dutchman become mayor of Mecca.

MUSLIMS AGAINST SHARIA: AMSTERDAM -- The right-wing leader of Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, on Friday slammed the upcoming appointment of Moroccan Ahmed Aboutaleb as mayor of Rotterdam.

"Appointing a Moroccan as mayor of the second largest Dutch city is just as ridiculous as appointing a Dutchman as mayor of Mecca," he said.

Instead, Wilders said, Aboutaleb "should become mayor of Rabat in Morocco."

"With him as mayor, Rotterdam will be Rabat on the banks of the river Maas. Soon we may even have an imam serving as arch bishop. This is madness."

On Friday, the city council of Rotterdam determined Moroccan-born Muslim Ahmed Aboutaleb will be mayor from 1 January.

The government still has to approve 47-year-old Aboutaleb's appointment, but this is considered a formality. >>> | October 17, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>