Showing posts with label Ronald Reagan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ronald Reagan. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Ronald Reagan, 40. Präsident der USA | Geschehen, neu gesehen | Doku | ARTE

Jan 7, 2022 | ARTE nimmt geschichtsträchtige Personen und Ereignisse in den Fokus. In dieser Folge: Nachdem Ronald Reagan 1981 das Herz der Amerikaner erobert hatte, leitete der US-Präsident eine weitreichende Wirtschaftsreform ein, um dem Land wieder zum Aufschwung zu verhelfen.

Als Ronald Reagan am 20. Januar 1981 als 40. Präsident der USA vereidigt wurde, steckte das Land in einer tiefen Rezession. Gleich nach seiner Ankunft im Weißen Haus war klar, dass es diesem Präsidenten an Wissen und Erfahrung mangelte. Doch die Amerikaner waren felsenfest überzeugt: Reagan würde dem Land wieder zu Stolz und Ehre verhelfen! Nachdem er das Herz der Amerikaner erobert hatte, leitete Reagan eine weitreichende Wirtschaftsreform ein, um dem Land wieder zum Aufschwung zu verhelfen. Es war eine radikale Abkehr von der Vergangenheit. Der Staat zog sich aus seiner sozialen Verantwortung zurück, die Ungleichheiten nahmen zu, die Staatsverschuldung war horrend. Reagan sah sich gezwungen, die größte Steuererhöhung in der Geschichte der USA vorzunehmen. Doch das schadete ihm nicht, ganz im Gegenteil: Reagan war ein Pragmatiker und schreckte vor offenen Widersprüchen nicht zurück. Geschickt surfte er auf der Welle des nun einsetzenden Wirtschaftswachstums, obwohl dies nicht sein Verdienst war, und holte sich mit klarer Mehrheit eine zweite Amtszeit. Getreu seinem Cowboy-Image hatte er nun freie Bahn, um sich seinen Erzfeind vorzuknöpfen: den Kommunismus! Verdutzt erfuhren die Amerikaner, dass Reagan einen "Krieg der Sterne" plante. Die Militarisierung des Weltalls versetzte die UdSSR in Panik und trieb sie in ein ruinöses technologisches Wettrüsten. Er beendete 40 Jahre Kalten Krieg und polierte damit sein Image auf. Gorbatschow, an der Spitze einer ausgebluteten und zerfallenden Sowjetunion, war zu allen Zugeständnissen bereit. 1989 schied Reagan aus dem Amt – und war beliebter denn je, obwohl die Bilanz seiner Regierung eher durchwachsen war.

Dokureihe, Regie: Cédric Condon (F 2019, 52 Min)

Sunday, February 06, 2022

What Kind of President Was Ronald Reagan? | The Reagan Presidency | Timeline

Jan 27, 2022 • This landmark documentary offers a historical portrait of America’s 40th President as told through the recollections, observations and opinions of those who knew him and experts who have analyzed the Reagan presidency. The focus of the documentary is the crucial events associated with his two-term presidency and the legacy he left behind.

If you decide to sign up for ‘History Hit’ documentaries, don’t forget to use the code ‘TIMELINE’ for a massive 50% discount:

History Hit.

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Extra Special Relationship: Thatcher, Reagan, and the 1980s

ASSOCIATION FOR DIPLOMATIC STUDIES & TRAINING: The “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom has served to unite the two nations over the past century. Thanks in part to a shared language, historically common enemies and similar political structures, leaders of the two countries have found it easier than most to achieve common objectives around the world. Perhaps no relationship between American and British leaders has been stronger than that of President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.

Heads of their respective conservative political parties, Reagan and Thatcher shared similar views on economics and anti-Communism. In spite of their different approaches to politics, they formed a close bond that allowed them to strengthen the Anglo-American alliance at a time when the international order was undergoing profound change with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany. » | Liz Dee | Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ronald Reagan's Son: We Have Grifters in the White House

Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan and former first lady Nancy Reagan, tells CNN's Ana Cabrera that his father would "be horrified" by the Republican Party of today. He added that the Trump children are profiting off of their father's presidency as "grifters."

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Released Tape Features Ronald Reagan Using Racist Slur

In a newly unearthed audio clip, then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan disparaged "monkeys" from African countries in a phone call with then-President Richard Nixon, according to the former director of Nixon's presidential library.

Tim Naftali, who directed the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum from 2007 to 2011, writes that Reagan -- who would later become the 40th President of the United States -- called Nixon in October 1971, the day after the United Nations had voted to recognize the People's Republic of China. In the call, he says, Reagan is heard apparently referencing the way the Tanzanian delegation started dancing in the General Assembly when the UN took the vote to seat the delegation from Beijing instead of Taiwan.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Reagan's Daughter: Trump Has Never Shown Compassion

Patti Davis, the daughter of former President Ronald Reagan, discusses President Trump's response to recent tragedies.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ronald Reagan's Daughter: My Father Would Be Appalled by Trump

Patti Davis, daughter of former President Ronald Reagan, says that her father would be appalled by the leadership of President Donald Trump.

Friday, September 15, 2017

From Ronald Reagan to Bernie Sanders – Reality Asserts Itself (RAI) with Thomas Frank

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank, author of 'What's the Matter with Kansas?' and 'Listen, LIberal,' talks about his journey from being an enthusiastic supporter of the Vietnam War and Ronald Reagan to embracing Franklin Roosevelt and socialist Bernie Sanders

Thomas Frank »

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Tale Of Two Presidents - The Mediator

More than 90 percent of US media is controlled by just six companies. The Listening Post's Richard Gizbert on who is responsible for the state of American journalism today

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Reagan Warned Us About Obama

How Reagan summed up Obama in the first 5 minutes of a speech over 40 years ago.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ronald Reagan's Children Reject Republican Claims Over His Political Legacy

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The three surviving children of Ronald Reagan have rubbished efforts by Republican presidential hopefuls to claim his mantle as a conservative reformer, branding Sarah Palin "a soap opera".

Celebrations to mark the centenary of the late president's birth have coincided with the need of what critics call a mediocre group of candidates to burnish their reputations to send Reagan-fever jumping to unprecedented levels.

Speaking at a dinner to honour the 40th president, Sarah Palin said she considered herself a "western conservative in the spirit of Ronald Reagan".

Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who is also considering a run for the White House, compared his Pennsylvania roots to Reagan's in a small town in Illinois and said [the] man who ended the Cold War would have handled the turmoil in Egypt with much more certainty than President Barack Obama. Other potential candidates have lavished praise on Reagan, who died in 2004, and cited him as their chief inspiration.

But asked what she made of Mrs Palin as a potential successor to her father, Patti Davis, Mr Reagan's only surviving daughter, said: "You've got to be kidding me."

Ron Reagan, her younger brother, scoffed: "Sarah Palin has nothing in common with my father. Sarah Palin is a soap opera." >>> Alex Spillius, Washington | Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ronald Reagan's Son Claims His Father Had Alzheimer's While in the White House

MAIL ONLINE: Former President Ronald Reagan would have been 100 years old on February 6, and in celebration of the centennial, his youngest son Ron has released a new book about his father.

Titled Ron Reagan - My Father at 100, Ron suggests in the new tome that his father suffered from Alzheimer's disease while in the White House.

'Had the diagnosis been made in, say, 1987, would he have stepped down?', Ron asks in the book released next Tuesday. 'I believe he would have'.

In excerpts of the memoir released by U.S. News, Ron says he saw hints of confusion and 'an out-of-touch president' during the 1984 campaign and again in 1986 where he claimed his father could not remember the names of the familiar California canyons he was flying over.

Mr Reagan was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in August 1994 at the age of 83.

But while some people suggested they knew Reagan had the disease while in office, his four White House doctors said they saw no evidence of it.

52-year-old Ron writes in the memoir that doctors have more of an understanding of the disease now than back when his father was diagnosed and appreciate that the signs of the disease can be in evidence before it is acutally recognised.

'The question, then, of whether my father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's while in office more or less answers itself', Ron writes. >>> Daily Mail Reporter | Friday, January 14, 2011

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Reagan Son Launches Conservative Email Service

THE TELEGRAPH: Michael Reagan, the son of former American president Ronald Reagan, is launching “the very first conservative email provider”.

Conservatives can show their support for Reagan with an email account. Photo: The Telegraph

Mr Reagan says that popular email providers such as Hotmail, Google, Yahoo! and Apple support leftwing causes and are “hurting” America. In a message on his website he said: “People who believe in true Reagan Conservative Values are unwittingly supporting the Obama, Pelosi and Reid liberal agenda!”

Those who sign up for the Reagan email service, which costs $34.95 per year, will receive an email address that ends with and early subscribers will also get a DVD of Ronald Reagan’s 1987 “tear down this wall speech”[.] >>> Shane Richmond, Head of Technology (Editorial) | Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In Health Care Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality

THE NEW YORK TIMES: For all the political and economic uncertainties about health reform, at least one thing seems clear: The bill that President Obama signed on Tuesday is the federal government’s biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three decades ago.

Over most of that period, government policy and market forces have been moving in the same direction, both increasing inequality. The pretax incomes of the wealthy have soared since the late 1970s, while their tax rates have fallen more than rates for the middle class and poor.

Nearly every major aspect of the health bill pushes in the other direction. This fact helps explain why Mr. Obama was willing to spend so much political capital on the issue, even though it did not appear to be his top priority as a presidential candidate. Beyond the health reform’s effect on the medical system, it is the centerpiece of his deliberate effort to end what historians have called the age of Reagan. >>> David Leonhardt | Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hillary Clinton Scrubs Ronald Reagan from History

THE TELEGRAPH – BLOG – Nile Gardiner: It’s bad enough that President Obama could not be bothered to attend the celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. But Hillary Clinton’s refusal to even acknowledge the role played by Ronald Reagan in the Wall’s demise as well as the downfall of Communism was highly insulting towards one of the greatest figures of our time, and reeked of petty and partisan mean-spiritedness.

The Secretary of State’s remarks yesterday in Berlin completely erased from history the huge contribution played not only by President Reagan but also by the United States in confronting the Soviet Empire. In her speech she applauded half of Europe, but could not bring herself to thank those Americans who bravely served their country and in many cases laid down their lives in defeating Communism, under Reagan’s leadership. >>> Nile Gardiner | Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ronald Reagan: Tear Down This Wall!

THE TELEGRAPH – BLOG – Toby Harnden: Not enough about him? Barack Obama skips Berlin Wall ceremonies >>> Toby Harnden | Monday, November 09, 2009