Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Reagan Son Launches Conservative Email Service

THE TELEGRAPH: Michael Reagan, the son of former American president Ronald Reagan, is launching “the very first conservative email provider”.

Conservatives can show their support for Reagan with an email account. Photo: The Telegraph

Mr Reagan says that popular email providers such as Hotmail, Google, Yahoo! and Apple support leftwing causes and are “hurting” America. In a message on his website he said: “People who believe in true Reagan Conservative Values are unwittingly supporting the Obama, Pelosi and Reid liberal agenda!”

Those who sign up for the Reagan email service, which costs $34.95 per year, will receive an email address that ends with @reagan.com and early subscribers will also get a DVD of Ronald Reagan’s 1987 “tear down this wall speech”[.] >>> Shane Richmond, Head of Technology (Editorial) | Tuesday, August 03, 2010