Showing posts with label dementia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dementia. Show all posts
Saturday, August 03, 2024
Dr. Suneel Dhand: Will Your Statin Medicine Give You Dementia?
health matters,
Saturday, June 29, 2024
What Scientists Have Learned from Studying People over 90 | 60 Minutes Archive
Jun 27, 2024 | In 2020, 60 Minutes checked in on the ground-breaking 90+ study and its members, a group of Americans age 90 and above still thriving in old age.
Lesley Stahl revisited the participants, whom she first met in 2014, and caught up with the scientists expanding their findings on what leads to a longer, healthier life, with a special focus on memory and dementia.
Lesley Stahl revisited the participants, whom she first met in 2014, and caught up with the scientists expanding their findings on what leads to a longer, healthier life, with a special focus on memory and dementia.
60 Minutes,
health matters
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Titled Ron Reagan - My Father at 100, Ron suggests in the new tome that his father suffered from Alzheimer's disease while in the White House.
'Had the diagnosis been made in, say, 1987, would he have stepped down?', Ron asks in the book released next Tuesday. 'I believe he would have'.
In excerpts of the memoir released by U.S. News, Ron says he saw hints of confusion and 'an out-of-touch president' during the 1984 campaign and again in 1986 where he claimed his father could not remember the names of the familiar California canyons he was flying over.
Mr Reagan was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in August 1994 at the age of 83.
But while some people suggested they knew Reagan had the disease while in office, his four White House doctors said they saw no evidence of it.
52-year-old Ron writes in the memoir that doctors have more of an understanding of the disease now than back when his father was diagnosed and appreciate that the signs of the disease can be in evidence before it is acutally recognised.
'The question, then, of whether my father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's while in office more or less answers itself', Ron writes. >>> Daily Mail Reporter | Friday, January 14, 2011
Ronald Reagan
Saturday, November 27, 2010
MAIL ONLINE: Tory MPs were furious yesterday after a film depicting Baroness Thatcher as a has-been with dementia was given a £1million taxpayer-funded grant.
The Film Council handed out the cash in what some see as a final insult to the Government days before ministers reveal how the quango will be wound down. Conservative MPs hit out at the use of taxpayers’ funds for what appears to be a political hatchet job.
The former Tory Prime Minister, now 85, is portrayed as stricken with dementia and full of regret over what many believe were courageous political decisions. She is also shown speaking to her husband Denis, not realising he has died. Read on and comment >>> Gerri Peev | Saturday, November 27, 2010
Margaret Thatcher
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, August 24, 2008
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Baroness Thatcher's daughter Carol has revealed details of her mother's struggle with dementia for the first time.
In her new book, Carol Thatcher tells of her pain at haveing to repeatedly break the "truly awful" news of her father Sir Denis' death to her mother until the information sank in.
In her book, A Swim-On Part in the Goldfish Bowl: A Memoir, she wrote how her mother's "blotting-paper brain" which had always absorbed information got confused between Bosnia and the Falklands during a conversation about the war in the former Yugoslavia.
She wrote: "I almost fell off my chair. Watching her struggle with her words and her memory, I couldn't believe it. She was in her 75th year but I had always thought of her as ageless, timeless and 100% cast-iron damage-proof.
"The contrast was all the more striking because, until that point, she'd always had a memory like a website."
In the book, serialised in a Sunday newspaper, Ms Thatcher added: "From the fateful day of our lunch, telltale signs that something wasn't quite right began to emerge.
"Whereas previously you would never have had to say anything to her twice, because she'd already filed it away in her formidable memory bank, Mum started asking the same questions over and over again, unaware she was doing so. Thatcher's Struggle with Dementia >>> | August 24, 2008
Carol Thatcher: I Always Thought of Mum as Being 100% Cast-Iron Damage-Proof >>> By Carol Thatcher | August 23, 2008
Margaret Thatcher's Struggle with Dementia Revealed in Daughter's Memoir: Dementia is slowly claiming one of Britain’s sharpest political minds >>> By Francis Elliott, Deputy Political Editor | August 24, 2008
Lady Thatcher's Daughter Writes of Dementia >>> By Allegra Stratton, political correspondent | August 25, 2008
Thatcher's Battle with Dementia, by Her Daughter >>> By Chris Green | August 25, 2008
MAIL Online:
Too Soon and Far Too Much Detail: Why I'm Saddened by Carol Thatcher's Tell-All Book on Her Mother's Dementia >>> By Amanda Platell | August 24, 2008
Margaret Thatcher kämpft mit Demenz >>> 24. August 2008
NZZ Online:
Margaret Thatcher leidet unter Altersdemenz: Tochter Carol beschreibt Erkrankung in ihren Memoiren >>> | 24. August 2008
Margaret Thatcher souffre de démence depuis sept ans, confie sa fille: L'ancien Premier ministre britannique Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) souffre de démence depuis sept ans, confie sa fille Carol dans des mémoires dont des extraits sont publiés dans la presse britannique lundi >>> Londres (AFP) | 25 Août 2008
Carol Thatcher parle de la maladie de sa mère: Malade depuis sept ans, l'ancien premier ministre s'est retirée de la vie publique en 2002 sur les conseils de ses médecins. La fille de Margaret Thatcher raconte pour la première fois, dans un livre à paraître dévoilé par la presse britannique, que sa mère a perdu la mémoire et souffre de démence depuis sept ans. «J'ai toujours pensé à elle comme la Dame de fer 100 % inoxydable, sur laquelle l'âge et le temps n'ont pas de prise», écrit Carol Thatcher, qui retrace le déclin de l'ancien premier ministre, aujourd'hui âgée de 82 ans >>> 25. 08. 2008
Margaret Thatcher sufre demencia, según su hija Carol: La ex primera ministra británica, de 82 años, pierde su prodigiosa memoria >>> Patricia Tubella, Londres | 25/08/2008
«Mia madre Thatcher ora dimentica tutto»: La malattia nel libro della figlia Carol. Confonde le guerre di Falklands e Jugoslavia. E bisogna ricordarle ogni volta che il marito è già morto nel 2003 >>> Guido Santevecchi | 25 agosto 2008
Il triste declino della Lady di Ferro >>> di Redazione | lunedì 25 agosto 2008
Carol Thatcher, Daughter of the Revolution: Never very close to her mother, she still embodies the Thatcherite legacy. Accusations of disloyalty cannot dent the nation's affection for the Iron Lady's girl, writes William Langley >>> By William Langley | August 30, 2008
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
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