Friday, July 26, 2024

Is JD Vance the Worst VP Pick in US History? | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Jul 26, 2024 | Since JD Vance was announced as Donald Trump's running mate last week, there's been an extremely negative reaction across the country. Steve Schmidt breaks down what makes JD Vance so reprehensible and why he thinks he's the worst VP pick ever.

Maduro: From Socialism to Dictatorship | Documentary

Jul 26, 2024 | Once a pariah on the international stage, the war in Ukraine seems to have put Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela, back at the centre of the game: The west needs Venezuelan oil after imposing sanctions on Russia. From revolutionary hero to increasingly autocratic ruler, this documentary follows in the footsteps of a canny and ruthless politician who never ceases to surprise his opponents and always seems to bounce back.

Diese Dokumentation ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte hier klicken, um sie anzusehen. – Mark

Peter Stefanovic: Jacob Rees-Mogg Salivates Like Dog with a Bone as Tory Leadership Contender Says He Would Leave ECHR

Jul 26, 2024

The Conservative Party has turned into the party of irresponsible fools, clowns, and jesters. As things stand, it is to be hoped that it will never regain power. – © Mark Alexander

German Man Sentenced to Death in Belarus Begs for Help on State TV

THE GUARDIAN: Rico Krieger admits role in Ukrainian plot and pleads for German chancellor to save him during broadcast

A German man sentenced to death in Belarus has appeared on state television in the country, in tears and begging the German government to intervene in his case.

“Mr Scholz, please, I am still alive … it is not yet too late,” said Rico Krieger, who was pictured handcuffed inside a cell, appealing to the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

Authorities in Belarus, a dictatorial state where torture and politicised trials are rife, claim that Krieger, 30, travelled to the country last autumn on the orders of Ukrainian intelligence, with the goal of carrying out a terrorist attack on a railway line.

“This was the biggest mistake of my life. I admit my guilt, without a doubt,” said Krieger in a section of the interview where the original German was audible below a Russian-language voiceover translation. At several moments during the 17-minute television programme he broke down crying. » | Shaun Walker in Warsaw and Deborah Cole in Berlin | Friday, July 26, 2024

Belarus sentences German medic to death, activists say: A court in Belarus has sentenced a German medic to death after he was found guilty of charges related to terrorism and mercenary activity, rights activists have said. »

Mémorial de la Shoah tagué de «mains rouges» : trois Bulgares arrêtés

LE FIGARO : Deux bulgares ont été interpellés jeudi en Bulgarie dans la capitale Sofia et dans la ville de Blagoevgrad. Le troisième a été appréhendé en Croatie, selon une source proche de l'enquête.

Trois ressortissants bulgares proches de l'extrême droite, soupçonnés d'avoir tagué en mai des «Mains rouges» sur le Mémorial de la Shoah à Paris, musée consacré à l'histoire juive durant la Seconde guerre mondiale, ont été arrêtés, ont annoncé ce vendredi 26 juillet les autorités à Sofia. Deux d'entre eux ont été interpellés jeudi en Bulgarie et un autre dans un autre pays membre de l'Union européenne, a indiqué l'Agence nationale de sécurité (DANS) dans un communiqué. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | vendredi 26 juillet 2024

Indiens Kurkuma - Heilsam und heilig | GEO Reportage | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Jul 22, 2024 | Kurkuma, von vielen als das indische Gold verehrt, ist ein ganz besonderes Gewürz. Wo wird Kurkuma hauptsächlich abgebaut? Bei welchen Krankheiten wirkt es sogar heilsam? Und wie taucht Kurkuma in religiösen Zeremonien auf? Wir begeben uns auf die Spuren der Wunderknolle.

Hauptabbaugebiet der Kurkuma sind die Berge von Andhra Pradesh. Hier verarbeiten auch Veni Macs und Dr. Sudheer Krishna gemeinsam mit lokalen Bauern die Wunderknolle. Die beiden haben eine Kooperative gegründet, um Bio-Kurkuma zu produzieren. Denn nicht jedes Kurkumapulver ist auch Gold wert. Minderwertige Sorten, schlechte Verarbeitung und gepanschte Pulver finden ihren Weg auf den Markt. Dabei ist Kurkuma in der Kultur und Religion Indiens stark verwurzelt und begleitet das tägliche Leben vieler Bewohner als Gewürz und auch als Heilmittel. Der Wurzel wird desinfizierende, schmerzlindernde und antibiotische Wirkung zugesprochen. Sie soll gut für den Magen sein und zum Beispiel bei Gelenkschmerzen und Alzheimer helfen. Veni Macs betreibt in ihrem alten Dorf Chintapalle im indischen Bundesstaat Andhra Pradesh gemeinsam mit ihrem Lebenspartner, dem Arzt Dr. Sudheer Krishna, eine Kurkuma-Kooperative. Veni ist überzeugt, dass sie durch ihre Arbeit vor allem für die vielen Frauen der umliegenden Stammesdörfer eine sicherere Existenzgrundlage schaffen kann. So lernen alle Feldarbeiterinnen, wie sie wertvolle einheimische von minderwertigen Sorten trennen und durch gezielte Anbaumethoden eine besonders reichhaltige Ernte erzielen können. Und sollte dies gelingen, steht einem ausgelassenen Kurkumafest nichts im Wege!

Reportage von Friederike Schlumbom (D 2020, 53 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 25/08/2024

‘Extremely Offensive’: Former UN Ambassador Reacts to ‘DEI Hire’ Comment about Harris

Jul 24, 2024 | Former UN ambassador Susan Rice speaks with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer about a comment made by Rep. Ted Burchett (R-TN) calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “DEI hire.”

Fascism Sneaks Around The Monarchies | Documentary

Jul 25, 2024 | Fascism Sneaks Around The Monarchies - Royals across Europe embrace fascism; King George V knows he must keep his country safe from the dangers of Nazi Germany, but when his eldest son Edward VIII abandons royal duty for love, the Crown is thrown into a deep crisis.

Fascism Sneaks Around The Monarchies (2021)
Director: Lou Westlake
Stars: Derek Jacobi, Miranda Carter, Saul David
Genre: Documentary
Language: English
Also Known As: Royals: Keeping The Crown EP02 - Nazi Royals
Release Date: 1. November 2021 (United States)
Also Known As/AKA: Nazi Royals (Original title)

WARNING! This documentary contains some disturbing images. – Mark

The Mark Thompson Show: Trump Is Afraid, Pulitzer Prize Investigative Journalist & Author David Cay Johnston

Jul 23, 2024

Farah Diba Pahlavi - Die letzte Kaiserin von Persien

Jan 9, 2022 | This is the turbulent life story of Farah Diba Pahlavi, who became the first and only Empress in the history of Persia. The history and culture of this country, which dates back over millennia, is as much the theme of this film as is the life of the Empress, a role model to all women in Iran.

Brian Tyler Cohen: “JD Vance Gives Jaw-dropping Response on National TV”

Hear how JD Vance endorses Viktor Orbán’s “smart decisions” to make Hungary an illiberal state, and clearly seems to want the USA to copy his moves.

Barack Obama Endorses Kamala Harris for US President | BBC News

Barack Obama has endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic presidential nominee, ending days of speculation over whether he would support her.

Former President Obama and ex-First Lady Michelle Obama said in a joint statement that they believe Ms Harris has the "vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands".

The Journalists Fearing for Their Lives in Rwanda | Freedom From Oppression

Jul 26, 2024 | Freedom From Oppression by RTS Radio Television Suisse

Car accidents, suicides, unexplained deaths: many exiled Rwandan opponents and journalists are disappearing in strange ways. What they have in common: they were all critics of the regime of Rwandan President Paul Kagame. Investigated in collaboration with the investigative collective Forbidden Stories.

Farah Pahlavi - Markus Lanz Talkshow

Jul 10, 2021

Brandanschläge auf französisches Schnellzugnetz vor Olympia-Eröffnung

Jul 26, 2024 | Stunden vor der Eröffnung der Olympischen Spiele in Paris haben Unbekannte das Schienennetz in Frankreich beschädigt. Die Störung dürfte mehrere Tage bestehen.

Italia Squisita: When the Hamburger Goes "Wild" with Tuscan Chef Cristiano Tomei

Jul 26, 2024 | The street food symbol of the United States in the hands of Cristiano Tomei is transformed into a sandwich capable of rigorously enclosing the wildest Tuscany. Boar meat, juniper, fir, wild herbs give life to a burger rich in flavor, which has in the beer braised sauce another moment of experimentation inside tradition, in perfect Tomei style.

How Vance's Bizarre Family Policies Seem Rooted in His Childhood Trauma

Jul 26, 2024 | Alex Wagner looks at some of the bizarre details of JD Vance's views on families, the role of women, and the requirements of marriage, and talks with Jessica Winter, contributing editor at the New Yorker, and Sam Stein, managing editor at The Bulwark, about where he got these ideas and what they would mean for America if he and Donald Trump win in 2024.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Full Speech: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Makes Address to Congress

ul 24, 2024 | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to bolster U.S. support for his country's fight against Hamas in a speech to Congress Wednesday that sparked boycotts by some top Democrats and drew thousands of protesters to the nation’s capital.

Hear What VP Harris’ husband Told Jewish Voters about Her Stance on Israel

Jul 25, 2024 | Second gentleman Doug Emhoff joined a Zoom call organized by the Jewish Democratic Council of America and Jewish Women for Kamala where he vowed that Harris would support Israel and ensure the country can defend itself.

Why Fixing Family Rift Isn’t Prince Harry’s Priority | Royal Insight

Jul 25, 2024 | This is Prince Harry’s self-professed dragon slayer moment. In the latest instalment in the ongoing saga, he has appeared in a new ITV documentary, Tabloids on Trial, to say that his fight against the British press has contributed to the rift between him and his family.

He calls his various media lawsuits a “central piece” to the collapse in his relationship with the rest of the royal family and says that it would have been nice if they could have done it together, as unlikely as that may now sound.

It marks Harry’s first interview about phone hacking since his claim against Mirror Group Newspapers concluded in December, when he was awarded more than £140,000 in compensation after 15 of 33 articles were found to have been the product of unlawful information gathering.