Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Schutz für Frauen und Opposition – Die Taliban inszenieren sich als grosse Versöhner

Jahrelang war er für die internationalen Medien nur eine Stimme am Telefon: Sprecher Sabihullah Mudschahid (l.) beim ersten Medienauftritt der Taliban nach dem Fall von Kabul. | Foto: Hoshang Hashimi (AFP, Getty Images)

Erste Pressekonferenz

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Radikal-Islamisten-Miliz versucht bei ihrem öffentlichen Auftritt nach dem Fall von Kabul, die Weltgemeinschaft und ihre Gegner im Land zu beruhigen. Das dürfte Kalkül sein.

Entweder haben die Taliban sich gewandelt oder sie haben schlicht jede Menge Kreide gefressen: Die militanten Islamisten wollten die Macht in Afghanistan teilen, versprach der Sprecher der Bewegung bei der ersten Pressekonferenz nach der Einnahme von Kabul. Man werde auch andere politische Kräfte an der Macht in Afghanistan teilhaben lassen, sagte Sprecher Sabihullah Mudschahid. «Wenn die Regierung gebildet ist, wird jeder einen Teil daran haben.»

Besonderes Aufsehen erregte auch der Taliban-Sprecher selbst: Über Jahre hinweg war Sabihullah Mudschahid für die internationalen Medien eine Stimme am Telefon gewesen, mehr nicht. Nun sass er leibhaftig in Kabul und sprach in die Mikrofone, als offizielle Stimme und als Gesicht der für ihre Brutalität und ihr drakonisches Scharia-Regime gefürchteten Taliban. Wird Baradar Regierungschef? » | Tomas Avenarius aus Istanbul | Mittwoch, 18. August 2021

Die Wut der US-Veteranen: «Es war sinnlos, dort zu sein, zu sehen, wie Freunde ihr Leben verlieren» – US-Veteranen sind schockiert über die Machtübernahme der Taliban in Afghanistan. Und sie fragen sich, ob ihr Einsatz umsonst war. »

Afghanistan: l’Europe face au spectre d’une nouvelle crise migratoire

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Les Vingt-Sept, qui n’ont pas unifié leur politique d’accueil après 2016, se sentent vulnérables.

640 Afghans, entassés dans un avion-cargo américain, ont pu quitter Kaboul dès dimanche, à destination du Qatar. Les Européens vont multiplier les vols pour évacuer leurs ressortissants et le personnel afghan de leurs missions diplomatiques. CAPT. CHRIS HERBERT/AFP


Surpris par la vitesse de la chute du gouvernement et des forces armées afghanes, les Européens ont pour priorité d’évacuer leurs ressortissants ainsi que le personnel afghan employé dans leurs missions diplomatiques. Une question de «devoir et dignité», plaide le président Emmanuel Macron.

Pour l’aspect pratique, c’est à l’Otan que la coordination se fait. Les alliés «travaillent sans relâche pour maintenir les opérations à l’aéroport de Kaboul», assurait Jens Stoltenberg après une réunion d’urgence ce mardi. «Environ 800 civils travaillant pour l’Otan sont restés pour assurer des fonctions cruciales, y compris le trafic aérien, la gestion des carburants et communication», explique le secrétaire général de l’Alliance, en plus des soldats américains, turcs, britanniques, français et autres qui sont sur place.

Si des avions allemands et néerlandais n’ont pas pu atterrir lundi soir, la situation se stabilise, permettant un «retour graduel» des opérations, confie un diplomate. Et les alliés vont multiplier les vols pour évacuer aussi vite que possible. Il faudra probablement parler avec les talibans pour assurer ces évacuations, pointe Josep Borrel, Haut Représentant de l’Union après une réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’UE, aussi ce mardi. » | Par Leonor Hubaut | Publié : mardi 17 août 2021 ; mis à jour : mercredi 18 août 2021

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Am Knutschen !

Snogging ! / En train de se bécoter !

Ich bedanke mich bei Google Images and Wikimedia Commons – File: Kissing in Berlin for this super photo.

Bee Gees: Alone

Views on YouTube: 17,476,807

Fighting Homophobia

GQ Deutschland started a campaign back in 2013 to fight against homophobia. Straight actors kissed on the lips in the #Mundpropaganda campaign. Check out GQ Deutschland for more information.

With many thanks to gcn for this great photo. It’s where I found the photograph. Actually via Google Images.

Bee Gees: You Win Again (1987)

Views on YouTube: 50,578,227

America, the World’s Superpower, Has Been Humiliated – Big Time!

Joe Biden and his henchmen can put all the positive spin on this disaster in Afghanistan as much as they like. There is but one way to interpret this: The mighty USA has been routed! And by whom? By a ramshackle group of ill-equipped, ill-educated, ne’er-do-wells! So much for the power of the Superpower!

The mere fact that Americans thought they could bring democracy to a backward, unenlightened country such as Afghanistan beggars belief! That they have even tried has been bad enough; but to have tried and allowed their ridiculous experiment to fail before the eyes of the world is not only sad, it is a demonstration of the inability of successive administrations to understand not only Islam, but how it functions, or Islam’s intentions. It is also a first-class demonstration to the world that Americans don’t even know how a true democracy should function or why their own system of government is able to survive!

If Americans don’t even understand the underpinnings of their own governmental system, then what hope is the for them to understand how a radically different system of government, based on Shariah law, operates?

The mere fact that Americans have been trying to bring democracy to Afghanistan over a protracted period of time–twenty years–would be laughable were it not so misguided and sad. This débâcle has exposed not only the sadness of the lack of leadership in America today, but it has also exposed its leadership’s ignorance, both in the government and in the military.

All Rights Reserved
© Mark Alexander

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

LOVING: A Short Documentary

Oct 3, 2020 • Signed, numbered, dedicated, special Limited Editions and Retail Editions of our book "LOVING A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s - 1950s". This book is available here. Follow on Instagram @lovingbynealandhugh

Afghanistan: «Capitulation»

L’éditorial du Figaro, par Philippe Gélie.

Afghanistan: «Capitulation» – L’éditorial du Figaro, par Philippe Gélie. »

Vintage Gay: Elegant Gentlemen in Love

It’s nice to see how gays from earlier times combined their gayness with refinement, handsomeness and elegance.

With many thanks to Pinterest and The Gaily Grind for this great vintage photo.

Robert Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 – Martha Argerich & Riccardo Chailly

Views on YouTube: 2,070,108

Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom

MARK ALEXANDER: This essay was first published on April 20, 2007. It is relevant even today. In fact, given what has happened in Afghanistan in the past few days, it is arguably even more relevant today than ever.

I wish our leaders and politicians would take the trouble to understand the nature of Islam. It would save us all a great deal of pain, heartache, trouble and wasted tax dollars!

Islam and democracy are wholly and totally incompatible. They have never been compatible; and never will be!

To say this is not in any way to cast Islam in a bad light. Not at all! Being different doesn’t have to mean bad at all. Simply put: In many fundamental ways, they are poles apart. And if the Islamic world and the Western world are ever to get on, those differences must be understood and respected.

Democracy cannot be imposed on a nation as different as Afghanistan is from the USA, UK, or any European country. Democracy must emerge. But whilst Islam is these people’s guide, true democracy will never spring forth. My reasoning is given in the essay that follows. I stood by my words in 2007 and I stand by my words today. No politician can change the nature of a faith.

Whilst Christianity and Islam resemble each other in some ways, there are many, many fundamental differences; and those differences cannot be reconciled.

I ask you to read my essay that follows and give it some serious thought. I mean no harm to any Muslim; indeed, in years gone by, I had some wonderful friends who were Muslims and surely still are. I will say this now: You will never get a warmer welcome from anyone than you will get from a good Muslim. Muslims are given to warmth, hospitality, generosity and kindness. In many ways, they are so misunderstood. But it is the sine qua non of good relations that each side understand the other. Moreover, differences must not only be understood; they must also be respected in a reciprocal manner. Without reciprocity, there will always be potential conflict.

I hope you enjoy the essay that follows:

Until 9/11, the western world was largely ignorant of the religion of Islam, of its goals, of its aspirations. Indeed, even since 9/11, most people, and that includes our politicians, would not score very highly in a test of their knowledge on the subject. It should be obvious to all thinking people that our politicians are actually unaware, dare I say blind, to the dangers that Islam will increasingly cause us. It is truly a case of the blind leading the blind! That means to say, uninformed and unthinking politicians leading an ill-informed electorate. But this is what we have right now. The same can hardly be said of Muslims in the Islamic world, though; for their knowledge of Christianity far surpasses - even though much of their knowledge is quite distorted - any knowledge of Islam by the man in the street in the West.

As the old saying goes, knowledge is power. But what we often don't hear uttered is its converse: Ignorance is weakness.

The West is far weaker than it need be because of this ignorance of Islam, since Islam is our greatest enemy. The greatest enemy since Nazism and communism. I'll give you some good reasons why this is so. And none of them - absolutely none of them - are based on hatred.

Islam is the enemy of the West for a plethora of good, solid reasons, and if we wish to survive as a civilization, we are going to have to bite the bullet and deal, head on, with the issues these reasons raise. Let us begin...

First and foremost, we are dealing with a religion which does not recognize any separation of politics and religion, any separation of the political from the spiritual. For Muslims, life is one coherent whole: the political and spiritual both meld into one. This has always been so, and always will be. No re-classification of the religion into two separate parts is possible because of Islam's very nature.

In Islam, all power rests with Allah, the god of Muslims. The Qur'an, their holy book, is always taken literally. Those words are considered to be the actual words of Allah. Therefore, none of these words can be changed, for to change any of them would be tantamount to tampering with Allah's words. This would be a grave sin in their eyes.

For the same reason that the words contained in the Qur'an cannot be changed, they cannot, therefore, be re-interpreted either. So do not hold your breath for any kind of reformation in this religion, because it’s not going to happen.

In Islam, all power rests with Allah, and it filters down via his vice-gerents on earth to the people. Hence the great desire among Muslims to restore the caliphate. Contrast this with the Western model of government.

In the West, the ideal political system is democracy. In democracy, all power rests with the people, and they exercise that power at the polls. In a democracy, all power filters in the opposite direction from Islam. In democracy it filters up; in Islam, down! Herein lies the greatest barrier to the miscibility of the two worlds: the western world and the Islamic world.

Without digressing too much here, I should like to add that this is the main reason why George W Bush and Blair's venture into Iraq to bring democracy there was a grave error of judgment. We are now seeing the experiment failing before our very eyes. How can one bring democracy to a region of the world where the people who inhabit that region believe that all power rests with Allah, and where they believe that Allah has prescribed their way of life for them for then, for now, and for all time?

I would suggest that where such a dichotomy exists, the most sensible and prudent thing to do would be for us to lead our lives as we see fit, and for those people to be allowed to live their lives as they see fit. That way, there would be hope of some peace in this world.

But this is not what we have done. We have done the very opposite of this: We have entered the Middle East in the hope - the vain hope in my opinion - of bringing our way of doing things, our way of life, to them; furthermore, we have allowed millions and millions of Muslims into the West - and at the very time when Christianity, the religion which underpins the West, is greatly weakened anyway - which will only give us headaches for the years ahead. Why? Because Muslims who immigrate bring their hopes and dreams and aspirations with them, hopes and dreams of establishing Islam everywhere on earth. To Islamize the world is the main aspiration of the Muslim; and we have seen in France in the recent past the manifestation of aggression in its cause. For what happened in France was in no small part because of the Muslim's desire to establish Allah's caliphate here on earth. These were the first rumblings, the first roar of the lion! Expect more of this in the future, as Islam grows stronger and stronger.

Muslims, by and large, do not respect non-Muslims. How can they? Their religion does not allow them to do so. Their religion preaches that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims; indeed, they use the derogatory term infidel for us. This word to some Westerners might simply mean that they call us infidels because we are people who do not subscribe to their faith. This, after all, would be quite logical, since to us it simply means not fidèle, or not true to the faith. But this does not completely describe what Muslims mean by this term. To Muslims, to be called an infidel is an insult indeed. It has connotations of inferiority, backwardness, and even uncleanness.

You see, Muslims believe that Islam is the perfection of religion for man for all time. They call it ad deen al kamal, the perfect religion. In their eyes, people who have not yet submitted to the will of Allah are in a state of pre-Islamic chaos, a state known to them as jahiliyyah. To Muslims, all Muslims, the whole world is classified in two parts: that part of the world which has submitted and is therefore in the Islamic state known as Dar ul Islam, or 'the House of Islam'; and that part of the world which has yet to submit and is therefore in a pre-Islamic, chaotic, jahiliyyic state known as Dar ul Harb, or the 'House of War'.

The 'House of War' is the part of the world which has yet to be taken over, and must at some point be taken over in the future. We, I am sorry to inform you, are in the 'House of War'. So we can expect anything at anytime.

Some people would ask why we were able to go for quite a long time without problems with Muslims. The answer to that is a simple one indeed. First of all, there were relatively few Muslims living in the West, so the ones that did live here were not powerful. Secondly, Muslims living in the Islamic world were, for the most part and for many years, poor by anyone's standards. This all changed with the Oil Embargo of the 70s - a time when the price of oil on the world markets soared. As a result of this, the Islamic world became rich and empowered. Money is power; and it talks loudly. In recent years we have seen evidence aplenty of Islam being on the move. I tell you now: If we do not find a way of clipping its wings here in the West, we shall lose our democracy, and we shall be in deep, deep trouble.

So the trouble we will have with Muslims will not come only from without, but in the future we can expect trouble from the Muslims within. The millions of Muslims living here in the West will not integrate, because it is not in their worldview to do so. It is also forbidden them by their very own Prophet Himself, the Prophet Muhammad. He forbade Muslims even to befriend infidels. He also exhorted them to kill us. And he certainly told them that they should live separate lives, and dress and behave differently, so that they could easily tell themselves apart.

No Western politician is going to be able to change these facts, for facts they are indeed. Moreover, as Islam will grow here, their numbers will become greater and greater, and they will be able to use our democratic system to outvote us and introduce their form of government based as it is on their beloved Shari'ah, or Quranic laws. How do you propose we shall be able to stop them? We shall be outnumbered, and as the outcome of democratic elections depends on the number of votes cast, we shall be able to do nothing about it. This time will come quicker than we might think, because so few babies are being born to infidel families.

The only thing left for people to do, will be to fight. Inevitably, at some point, civil war will ensue. If the political process fails people, then this will be all that will be left for them: civil war, guerre civile, Bürgerkrieg, call it what you will.

But one thing I can assure you, no politicians' sweet talk, posturing, or manœvring, will get us out of this one without conflict at some point in the future.

One of the biggest problems for the West is its devotion to the concept of freedom of religion. This is a lofty concept indeed, an ideal; but this devotion blinds people to one important reality: To the reality that Islam is not just a religion, but a political system, too. Indeed, it is more of a political system than anything else, and it is, in addition, a political system diametrically opposed to our own. It abhors freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of anything that we so cherish. The only thing one is free to do in Islam is become a Muslim, and submit to the will of Allah.

These two systems are totally immiscible, and unfortunately, we have imported this immiscibility right into the heart of the West; and to our own great disadvantage, and to the disadvantage of our long-term peace and security. What, I ask you, will the Americans do when the ever-growing Muslim population in America starts wanting to tinker with the Americans' beloved Constitution? When Muslims will see their way clear to supplant the Constitution with Shari'ah law?

Questions like these are the ones we should be grappling with NOW. To wait until the time comes would be foolish indeed.

Wake up to the harsh realities of life in the twenty-first century! We've got some collective thinking to do if we wish to save ourselves from darkness. Perhaps we shall, indeed, be forced to think about having to re-classify Islam as a political system first and foremost, a political system immiscible with our own, and one whose advance needs to be forestalled. This may be one of our only sensible alternatives. Since to give complete, unhampered freedom to Islam to grow here in the West is tantamount to digging our own graves.

All Rights Reserved
© Mark Alexander

Ina Garten's Balsamic Roasted Beef | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Views on YouTube: 52,146


2 1/2 pounds filet of beef, trimmed and tied
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon aged balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon coarsely cracked black pepper

Directions [Method]:

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. [260C / Gas Mark 10] Line a sheet pan with aluminum foil. Place the beef on the sheet pan. Combine the mustard, vinegar, and salt in a small bowl. Spread the mixture on the filet and brush it evenly over the top and sides. Sprinkle the cracked pepper evenly all over the meat.

Roast the filet for 30 minutes exactly for medium-rare (25 minutes for rare and 35 minutes for medium). Remove the pan from the oven, cover tightly with aluminum [aluminium] foil, and allow the beef to rest on the pan for 10 minutes. Slice and serve hot or warm.

Note: This recipe was doubled for this episode.

Afghanistan: Warum die Regierungsarmee so wenig Widerstand leistete

Noch vor wenigen Wochen rechnete kaum ein Experte mit einem derart schnellen Siegeszug der Taliban. Die afghanischen Regierungsarmee - hier Soldaten auf einem Stützpunkt nördlich von Kabul im Juli - räumte zuletzt weitgehend kampflos das Feld. (Foto: ZAKERIA HASHIMI/AFP)| Oben, ein Screenshot von der Süddeutschen Zeitung.

SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: 300 000 Mann stark - und dennoch überfordert: Die Soldaten der Regierung in Kabul setzten den islamistischen Kriegern wenig entgegen. Das hat auch mit einem Geburtsfehler der neu aufgebauten Streitkräfte zu tun.

Das Video, das im Netz kursierte und den Weg zum US-Sender CNN fand, ist schockierend, Amnesty International spricht von einem Kriegsverbrechen und "kaltblütigem Mord". Im nordafghanischen Dawlat Abad folgen etwa 20 Soldaten der afghanischen Armee der Aufforderung offenbar der Taliban, sich zu ergeben. Als sie unbewaffnet vor das Haus treten, eröffnen die Islamisten das Feuer. Es war, am 20. Juni dieses Jahres, ein Menetekel für den Kollaps der Regierungsstreitkräfte, der ANSF, und für das Schicksal der Besiegten. Die Ermordeten gehörten laut afghanischen Medienberichten einer Spezialeinheit an, die in eine Falle geraten war und sich verteidigte, bis ihr die Munition ausging. Sie rief über Funk nach Luftunterstützung, die aber niemals kam. Zu den Toten gehörte der Kommandooffizier Sohrab Azimi, der in Teilen der Öffentlichkeit wie ein Nationalheld verehrt wurde und ein erbitterter Feind der Islamisten gewesen war. » | Von Joachim Käppner | Dienstag, 17. August 2021

À Van, en Turquie, les Afghans qui fuient racontent les pratiques talibanes moyenâgeuses

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - Avec la chute de Kaboul, ce dimanche 15 août, c’est désormais tout un peuple qui se retrouve condamné aux mêmes ténèbres, sans issue de secours.

Une famille afghane, épuisée, réfugiée depuis quelques jours à Van, en Turquie. OZKAN BILGIN/Anadolu Agency via AFP

Si le désespoir avait un visage, il ressemblerait à celui d’Abdul Karim Ouzbek. «J’avais déjà perdu deux enfants à cause des talibans. Aujourd’hui, j’ai perdu mon pays», chevrote ce natif de Takhar, en Afghanistan, réfugié in extremis à Van, en Turquie. Dimanche soir, il n’a pas fermé l’œil de la nuit, collé à l’écran de son smartphone, bombardé d’images de panique relayées sur les réseaux sociaux. Comme une traînée de poudre, le piège des «Étudiants en théologie» venait de se refermer sur l’Afghanistan. À 40 ans, ce père de six enfants connaît leurs méthodes moyenâgeuses - il les a déjà endurées de 1996 à l’intervention américaine de 2001. Il est familier de leurs menaces - il n’a cessé de les subir pendant la relative accalmie de ces deux dernières décennies. Jusqu’à ce que le danger frappe en direct à sa porte. » | Par Delphine Minoui | Publié : lundi 16 août 2021 ; mis à jour : mardi 17 août 2021

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Afghanistan: les dirigeants islamistes «veulent éviter d’être mis au ban des nations» – ENTRETIEN - Les talibans ont désormais une compréhension des enjeux internationaux qui devrait permettre aux Occidentaux d’obtenir des concessions, estime Romain Malejacq. »

EN DIRECT - Afghanistan : le chaos à l'aéroport de Kaboul est «une honte pour l'Occident», estime l'Allemagne »

«Die Länder müssen ihre Grenzen für afghanische Flüchtlinge öffnen»

Forderung von Malala Yousafzai

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin von 2014 spricht in einem BBC-Interview über die Situation der Menschen in Afghanistan.

«Jedes Land hat jetzt eine Rolle und eine Verantwortung»: Malala Yousafzai. Foto: Brendan Esposito (Keystone) | Oben ein Screenshot vom Tages Anzeiger

Die pakistanische Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Malala Yousafzai ruft Regierungen in aller Welt auf, Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan aufzunehmen. «Jedes Land hat jetzt eine Rolle und eine Verantwortung», sagte die 24-Jährige in einem BBC-Interview, das am Montagabend ausgestrahlt wurde. «Die Länder müssen ihre Grenzen für afghanische Flüchtlinge öffnen, für die vertriebenen Menschen.»

Sie selbst habe sich bereits an Regierungen gewandt und auch den pakistanischen Premierminister Imran Khan um die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten gebeten. Ausserdem müssten Flüchtlingskinder und Mädchen in Camps Zugang zu Bildung bekommen. SP fordert Aufnahme von 10’000 Menschen aus Afghanistan » | cpm/sda | Dienstag, 17. August 2021

Read the BBC article here.

Malala: I Fear for My Afghan Sisters »

Afghanistan: Bilder des Zusammenbruchs

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Taliban greifen nach der Macht in Afghanistan. Die Bilder der vergangenen Tage zeigen den ungebremsten Vormarsch der radikal-islamischen Milizen.

Screenshot von einem Bild in der Fotogalerie des Tages Anzeigers.

Hier können Sie die Fotogalerie anschauen und einen Kommentar hinzufügen.

The Taliban’s Victory in Afghanistan Has Laid Bare the Magnitude of Western Hubris

THE GUARDIAN: I was one of many who thought, in the wake of 9/11, that “something must be done”. We have learned a bitter lesson

Taliban fighters take control of the presidential palace in Kabul after the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani had fled the country. Photograph: Zabi Karimi/AP

Here ends the west’s grotesque delusion that it could use its military might to turn Afghanistan into a stable democracy, a shining path of moderate Islam. In the shadow of New York’s burning twin towers, I was one swept along on that “something must be done” tide, that drumbeat for a war to stop terror and liberate oppressed people. We have learned a bitter lesson.

How deceptively easy was the 2001 victory, as Taliban fighters fled to melt back into their own population famously murmuring, “You have watches, we have time.” They have just turned back the clock on 20 wasted years.

A year after that empty “victory”, I was in Afghanistan, seeking signs of cultural transformations and social progress. But it was already clear the west had neither the political will, financial generosity nor the attention span to match the windy rhetoric that breezed us there. » | Polly Toynbee | Tuesday, August 17, 2021

‘Was It Worth It?’: Veterans of Afghan Conflict Reel at Taliban Takeover

THE GUARDIAN: Former soldiers express anger and heartbreak as service in 20-year war rendered ‘pointless’

Chaos at Kabul airport as Afghans try to leave capital after the Taliban entered to city. Photograph: NurPhoto/Rex/Shutterstock

As chaotic scenes unfolded more than 4,000 miles away in Kabul, veterans of the 20-year conflict and families who lost loved ones on the battlefield have been asking the stark question: “Was it worth it?”

“There is a generation of Afghans who have been given a taste of what freedom is like, so you never know, but it feels pretty bleak at the moment,” said Andrew Fox, a former major in the Parachute Regiment who served on three tours of Afghanistan and who has spoken openly about the impact of PTSD on his own health.

“But as one of my friends said to me: it’s like the defining feature of our adult lives has turned out to be pointless. I think that’s where we all were … this week.

“On patrols we’d see the little girls and boys running around playing with their kites and they would talk to us and take a few sweets. They’re probably 16 or 17 now and the thought of those lovely little kids growing up to be adults who only knew a degree of freedom and suddenly being thrown back into oppression is heartbreaking.” » | Ben Quinn | Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Gay Humour

Image thanks to Snooki on Pinterest.

NB: It should be remembered that for some people, it is dangerous to come out. Especially for those living in less enlightened countries.