Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Courage It Takes to Be Who You Really Are

Such a delightful quote: so true; so hilarious!

Image and quote thanks to Pinterest and Gay Star News.

Arcs en ciel. Regenbogen. Rainbows.

Image and quote thanks to Pinterest Deutschland and Etsy.

True Love

Image and quote thanks to Pinterest and Past Beauty of Men.

Pedro Francke: Relief in Peru as Moderate Is Made Finance Minister

Pedro Francke, Peru’s new finance minister. Photograph: Ernesto Benavides/AFP/Getty Images

THE GUARDIAN: President Pedro Castillo completes his cabinet after causing shockwaves with appointment of controversial Guido Bellido as prime minister

After 24 hours of uncertainty and the worst Friday in years on the stock exchange, Peru’s new president, Pedro Castillo, has completed his cabinet, swearing in the moderate leftist economist Pedro Francke as finance minister, and in the process calming jittery investors and anxious Peruvians alike.

Aníbal Torres was also sworn in, as justice minister, on Friday, filling the remaining empty cabinet posts. The rest were sworn in late on Thursday, amid deep unease over Castillo’s choice of prime minister, Guido Bellido, who is under investigation for allegedly defending the Shining Path, a Maoist rebel group that killed tens of thousands of Peruvians in the 1980s and 1990s, and is also accused of making homophobic remarks.

In a pointed rejection of Bellido’s controversial views, Francke vowed to work “towards good living, with equal opportunities, without the distinction of gender, ethnic identity or sexual orientation” when he took the oath as minister. » | Dan Collyns in Lima | Saturday, July 31, 2021

Schön, sinnlich, erregend und erotisch: Ein queerer Kuß.

Beau, sensuel, exitant et érotique : un baiser gay. / Beautiful, sensual, exciting and erotic: a queer kiss.

Image thanks to Google Images and to Washington Blade, its original source.

Friday, July 30, 2021

New Zealand Introduces Bill to Outlaw LGBT Conversion Therapy

REUTERS: WELLINGTON, July 30 (Reuters) - New Zealand introduced on Friday legislation that proposes up to five years in prison for practices intended to change a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, known as LGBT conversion therapy.

The proposed measures were aimed at ending such practices, which do not work, are widely discredited, and cause harm, Justice Minister Kris Faafoi said in a statement.

"Conversion practices have no place in modern New Zealand. They are based on the false belief that any person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression is broken and in need of fixing," Faafoi said.

"Health professionals, religious leaders and human rights advocates here and overseas have spoken out against these practices as harmful and having the potential to perpetuate prejudice, discrimination and abuse towards members of rainbow communities," he added. » | Praveen Menon | Friday, July 30, 2021

Ukrainian Police Clash with Far-Right Protesters at LGBT Event In Kyiv

Michael Bublé - Save the Last Dance for Me [Official Music Video]

Views on YouTube: 51,184,002

Michael Bublé’s website »

Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias - All of You

Views on YouTube: 3,152,024

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 30, 2021

Wales Launches Plan to Become Most LGBT-friendly Country in Europe as Westminster Slides Backwards

PINK NEWS: The Welsh government has unveiled a new LGBT+ action plan and set out its hope to become the most LGBT-friendly country in Europe.

Key actions will include trying to devolve powers related to the Gender Recognition Act in order to reform it to benefit trans people; using “all available powers” to ban “all aspects of” LGBT+ conversion therapy; and increasing support for Pride events across Wales by sponsoring Pride Cymru, establishing a Wales-wide Pride Fund and appointing a Welsh Pride co-ordinator. » | Vic Parsons | Friday, July 30, 2021

Anti-LGBTQ Megachurch Loses Lawsuit to Get People to Stop Calling Them a Hate Group

D. James Kennedy | Photo: YouTube screenshot

LGBTQ NATION: They said it's defamation and anti-Christian discrimination to call them a hate group. But free speech won the day.

A federal court rejected a Florida megachurch’s defamation and religious discrimination lawsuit over how the SPLC labeled them a hate group for their anti-LGBTQ statements.

In 2017, Coral Ridge Ministries Media in Fort Lauderdale, Florida filed a lawsuit against the SPLC after they appeared on the organization’s hate map as a hate group. SPLC says that Coral Ridge doesn’t just oppose LGBTQ rights – which Coral Ridge admitted in court – but that the megachurch portrayed LGBTQ people “as perverted and a threat to the nation.”

Coral Ridge said that SPLC defamed them because they aren’t really a hate group since they don’t commit acts of violence, even though the SPLC and other civil rights organizations don’t use the term “hate group” to only refer to violent organizations.

The church also sued Amazon because the AmazonSmile Foundation denied their application to raise funds on their platform due to their status as a hate group.

They also claimed that the organizations violated the Civil Rights Act’s ban on religion-based discrimination, saying that their anti-LGBTQ beliefs are based on the Bible. » | Alex Bollinger | Friday, July 30, 2021

Afghanistan: le tandem Russie-Turquie prêt à combler le vide laissé par les Occidentaux

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine et son homologue turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan se serrent la main à l’issue d’un entretien à Moscou, le 5 mars 2020. PAVEL GOLOVKIN/AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Malgré des positions à fronts renversés sur plusieurs théâtres d’opérations, la relation entre les deux pays résiste à toutes les intempéries.

Après avoir chassé les Occidentaux de Syrie, de Libye et du Haut-Karabakh, la Turquie et la Russie, main dans la main, s’apprêtent à prendre la place des États-Unis à Kaboul. Alors que les Américains se retirent d’Afghanistan après une guerre de vingt ans, et avec eux les autres forces de l’Otan, laissant le terrain aux talibans qui progressent à grande vitesse, la Turquie a proposé à Washington d’assurer la sécurité de l’aéroport de la capitale. «Qui tient l’aéroport tient la ville»,commente un officier général français.

En prenant l’aéroport de Kaboul, principale porte de sortie d’Afghanistan pour les étrangers, Ankara s’offre un levier sur les forces internationales qui resteront dans le pays, environ 500 soldats américains dans la zone verte et les expatriés, diplomates et humanitaires. En cas d’évacuation, ils dépendront d’Ankara pour assurer leur sécurité. Ou de ses supplétifs, car selon certaines sources, la Turquie pourrait exporter en Afghanistan, comme elle l’a déjà fait en Libye, … » | Par Isabelle Lasserre | Publié : jeudi 29 juillet 2021 ; Mis à jour : vendredi 30 juillet 2021

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Die Pandemie als Ausrede für leere Supermarktregale

Ein Supermarkt in Glasgow: Hier fehlt vieles. © Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

ZEIT ONLINE: Großbritannien steckt in der Krise, die neue Infektionswelle belastet unzählige Branchen. Dass viele Probleme dem Brexit geschuldet sind, mag die Regierung nicht zugeben.

Lange konnten die britischen Supermärkte ihre Not kaschieren. Monatelang wurden Nudeln, Dosensuppen, Avocados oder Honig so geschickt in die Regale geschoben, dass gar nicht auffiel, wie mager die Auswahl wirklich war. Es geht nicht mehr, denn jetzt fehlen auch noch die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. So ist niemand da, der Zeit hätte, das dürftige Warenangebot zu Potemkinschen Dörfern eines Schlaraffenlandes zu sortieren. Plötzlich fällt auf, dass mehrere … » | Eine Analyse von Bettina Schulz, London | Dienstag, 27. Juli 2021

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This Administration: Shabby on Brexit; Shabby on Much Else Besides

UK chief negotiator David Frost looks on as Boris Johnson poses for a picture after signing the Brexit trade deal with the EU on 30 December 2020. Photograph: Reuters

The Guardian view on Boris Johnson’s Brexit lies: reality demands a rewrite »

Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Homosexual and Censored

Image thanks to The Observer.

Tchaikovsky and the secret gay loves censors tried to hide »

Un baiser intense, affectueux et naturel

An intense kiss, loving and natural. / Ein intensiver Kuß, liebevoll und natürlich.

Image grâce à Google Images et Quora.

On Kissing: “The Best Feeling in the World”

Quote and image of quote thanks to Chantal on Pinterest.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love (Official Music Video)

May 11, 2010 • @Genesis : The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 tickets now on sale here | Views on YouTube: 22,105,385

An Innocent and Memorable Gay Kiss

Ein unschuldiger und unvergeßlicher schwuler Kuß! / Un baiser gay, innocent et mémorable !

Image thanks to Advocate.