Thursday, November 21, 2019

Prince Andrew’s Behaviour Has Put the Very Future of the Monarchy in Doubt

THE GUARDIAN: The Queen has been a point of stability in a precarious world, but the prince’s misjudgments over Jeffrey Epstein have refocused scrutiny on the institution that produced him

The institution of the monarchy, said Boris Johnson, is beyond reproach. It was such an odd response to the scandal engulfing Prince Andrew – so stiff, so forelock-tugging, so initially lacking in sympathy towards the teenage girls abused by the prince’s late friend Jeffrey Epstein – that it stuck in the mind long after the televised leaders’ debate ended. Perhaps, I thought, he was simply afraid of offending the Queen any further after dragging her into a shabby, unlawful prorogation of parliament.

Yet now one wonders if Johnson had an inkling of what was coming, when he chose to defend not Prince Andrew personally but the institution from which the prince has essentially resigned. For it is the institution itself that is now in danger. » | Gaby Hinsliff | Thursday, November 21, 2019

The toxic prince: Andrew handed royal P45 after tipping point reached »

Farage Under Fire for Conspiracy Claims Linked to Antisemitism

THE GUARDIAN: Brexit party leader tells evangelical Christian TV channel of threat from ‘globalists’ and mass migration

Nigel Farage has faced renewed criticism for discussing tropes and conspiracy theories associated with the far right and antisemitism after it emerged he said migration would “imperil the future of our civilisation” and called Goldman Sachs “the enemy”.

In an interview earlier this year with a tiny UK evangelical Christian TV channel, Revelation TV, the Brexit party leader alleged that banks and multinational corporations were trying to created a dictatorial world government.

The discussion, uncovered by the group Hope Not Hate, saw Farage single out Goldman Sachs, the investment bank founded by Jewish immigrant to the US that is often the focus of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Farage also repeatedly used phrases such as “globalists” and “new world order”, which regularly feature in antisemitic ideas.

Discussing the necessity of preventing migrants who cross the Mediterranean into Europe from entering the UK, Farage said: “If we allow it to continue, we will actually, through our compassion, imperil the future of our civilisation.” » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Thursday, November 21, 2019

What is Christianity? Ehrman-Harris Podcast

Professor Bart D. Ehrman is interviewed by Host Sam Harris on podcast called "Waking Up" on May 1st, 2018. In episode #125 of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris speaks to Bart Ehrman about his experience of being a born-again Christian, his academic training in New Testament scholarship, his loss of faith, the most convincing argument in defense of Christianity, the status of miracles, the composition of the New Testament, the resurrection of Jesus, the nature of heaven and hell, the book of Revelation, the End Times, self-contradictions in the Bible, the concept of a messiah, whether Jesus actually existed, Christianity as a cult of human sacrifice, the conversion of Constantine, and other topics. The interview mentions Bart's book "The Triumph of Christianity: How A Forbidden Religion Swept the World."

Israeli PM Netanyahu Indicted on Corruption Charges

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted on corruption charges, raising more uncertainty over who will ultimately lead a country mired in political chaos after two inconclusive elections this year.

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced the decision in a statement on Thursday. The charges included bribery, breach of trust, and fraud. Netanyahu has vehemently denied all the allegations, calling the corruption investigation a "witch-hunt" and alleging it has been motivated by his enemies' desire to force him from office. He will make a statement at 20:30 GMT.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu »

Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Back Trump Impeachment Inquiry in Debate

Democratic presidential contenders backed the Donald Trump impeachment inquiry during the fifth televised debate on Wednesday, saying his efforts to press Ukraine to investigate the former vice-president Joe Biden was an example of his administration's corruption. The debate came hours after a senior US diplomat gave explosive testimony that directly implicated the president in a quid pro quo deal with Ukraine

Prince Andrew Departs from Public Life as He Prepares to Give Evidence to Epstein Investigation in US

THE TELEGRAPH: The Duke of York is preparing to give formal evidence to a US criminal investigation into the disgraced paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, The Telegraph can disclose.

In an unprecedented move, the Duke announced on Wednesday evening that he was stepping back from public life in the wake of a BBC interview over his friendship with Epstein that backfired in spectacular fashion.

A well-placed royal source said on Wednesday night that the Queen had summoned the Duke to Buckingham Palace to effectively sack her second-born son – said to be her favourite child – from official duties, ordering him to stand aside. The Prince of Wales, who is on a tour of New Zealand, was consulted by telephone.

City sponsors deserted the Duke’s flagship projects while major charities were planning to ditch him as their patron. A planned visit to flood victims in South Yorkshire were abandoned in the aftermath of his “excruciating” Newsnight performance.

Buckingham Palace is understood to be braced for US authorities to issue the Duke with a subpoena, requesting he gives testimony under oath over his friendship with Epstein. Sources have suggested the summons is “imminent”. » | Robert Mendick, chief reporter; Victoria Ward; Camilla Tominey, associate editor and Jamie Johnson | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Royal Rivalry | Behind The Queen’s Coronation | Real Royalty

The Coronation in 1953 appeared to be a glittering triumph for the House of Windsor. But behind the scenes there was a three-cornered story of jealousy and rivalry at the highest level. The new Queen was caught in the middle.

While the new Queen largely sided with her mother over arrangements for the Coronation, she backed Philip over perhaps the most important decision to televise the ceremony inside Westminster Abbey. In doing so she set a precedent for television to be given access to the most intimate rituals.

Why Did Donald Trump Go to the Hospital?

Is Donald Trump going to the hospital to get away from his impeachment?

The French Brexit Song – Amanda Palmer, Sarah-Louise Young & Maxim Melton

Prince Andrew Latest: Lady Colin Campbell Dropped from Christmas Lights Switch On after 'Defending' Epstein

THE TELEGRAPH: Royal biographer Lady Colin Campbell has been sacked from turning on the Christmas lights in Prince Charles' home town - after ‘appearing to partially defend’ convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Lady C had been set to appear at the switch-on in Tetbury, Glos., on December 6, which is near Prince Charles' Highgrove House estate.

But the 70-year-old's appearance has now been pulled by furious organisers after she said 'soliciting sex was not the same as paedophilia'.

Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain on Tuesday, Lady C made the comment when discussing the scandal-hit Duke of York and disgraced billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

She said: "You all seem to have forgotten that Jeffrey Epstein, the offence with which he was charged and for which he was imprisoned, was for soliciting prostitution from minors.

"That is not the same thing as paedophilia." » | Telegraph reporters | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lady Colin Campbell »

Prince Andrew to 'Step Back from Public Duties for the Foreseeable Future' over Epstein Relationship

THE TELEGRAPH: Prince Andrew is stepping back from public duties "for the foreseeable future", following his interview on the weekend about his friendship with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.

In his statement, Andrew said: "It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family's work and the valuable work going on in the many organisations and charities that I am proud to support.

"Therefore, I have asked Her Majesty if I may step back from public duties for the foreseeable future, and she has given her permission."

The duke added: "I continue to unequivocally regret my ill-judged association with Jeffrey Epstein. His suicide has left many unanswered questions, particularly for his victims, and I deeply sympathise with everyone who has been affected and wants some form of closure. » | Jamie Johnson | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anand Giridharadas: ‘Winners Take All’ with Teddy Schleifer

Today's elites are some of the more socially concerned individuals in history. Yet, according to journalist and writer Anand Giridharadas, while their philanthropic missions may attempt to reform the root causes of unjust systems, many elite initiatives serve only to maintain the very power structures they claim they want to fix. So, who really benefits? To what extent are the elite working to create real progress and systemic change for people and communities? Giridharadas is joined onstage by Teddy Schleifer, Senior Reporter at Recode, for an in-depth discussion on elite leaders and how communities might work together to create a more participatory democracy.

Anand Giridharadas is the bestselling author of Winners Take All, The True American and India Calling as well as an editor-at-large for TIME, an on-air political analyst for MSNBC and a visiting scholar at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University. A former columnist and correspondent for the New York Times, he has written for the Atlantic, New Republic and New Yorker.

Son of Former German President Fatally Stabbed in Berlin

THE GUARDIAN: Man arrested after killing of Fritz von Weizsäcker during medical lecture

The son of Germany’s former president Richard von Weizsäcker has been stabbed to death in Berlin.

Fritz von Weizsäcker, a prominent doctor and the head of a private Berlin clinic, was attacked while giving a medical lecture on Tuesday night.

Police said a 57-year-old man was arrested at the scene and was being questioned. They said the man was not known to police and was not believed to have been a patient at the clinic, and the motive was unclear. He was due to appear before a judge on Wednesday. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Conversation with Anand Giridharadas

Join Anand Giridharadas author of Winners Take All, in conversation with Belfer Center Executive Director Aditi Kumar on the perils of philanthropy and policy in the hands of the global elite.

Geiselnahme von Mekka: Wie die Salafisten vor 40 Jahren begannen, die Weltherrschaft anzustreben

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Vor 40 Jahren besetzten militante Islamisten die große Moschee in Mekka und nahmen hunderte Geiseln. Der islamistische Terror war geboren. Ein Interview mit dem Islamwissenschaftler Patrick Franke über die Folgen für Saudi-Arabien und die Welt.

Am 20. November 1979 stürmten islamistische Terroristen beim Morgengebet die große Moschee in Mekka und nahmen hunderte Menschen als Geiseln. Was passierte damals an einer der heiligsten Stätten des Islam?

Das Datum war speziell: Es war der erste Tag des Jahres 1400 nach islamischer Zeitrechnung, ein neues Jahrhundert brach also an. An diesen Tag knüpften sich gewisse Erwartungen, welche die Rebellengruppe ausnutzte. Angeführt wurde sie von dem fundamentalistischen sunnitischen Prediger Dschuhaiman al Utaibi. Während Hunderte seiner Anhänger die Moschee unter ihre Kontrolle brachten, ergriff er das Mikrofon und hielt eine Ansprache. Darin verkündete er, dass der Mahdi – eine Art Messias – in Form des Studenten Muhammad al Qahtani gekommen sei und die Welt in Gerechtigkeit führen werde. Gleichzeitig kritisierte er das saudische Königshaus für die Einführung bestimmter Neuerungen wie Fernsehen, Fußball, Arbeit von Frauen, königliche Auslandsreisen und die Präsenz von Ausländern in Saudi-Arabien. Dschuhaiman sah darin einen „Abfall vom Islam“ und forderte das Ende der königlichen Herrschaft. » | von Marie Illner | Mittwoch, 20. November 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Why Is the US Saying Illegal Israeli Settlements Are Okay? I Inside Story

It’s a dramatic shift in US policy, and goes against the position taken by international organisations and most other countries.

The US says it no longer views the illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank as “inconsistent with international law”... The Palestinians are furious and many observers say it makes Israeli-Palestinian peace even more elusive.

It’s another U-turn on policy by the US President in favour of Israel. Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the American embassy there. He also recognised Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights from Syria.

So what's the reason for this latest controversial move?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Gideon Levy, columnist at Haaretz News and author of 'The Punishment of Gaza’; Richard Falk, professor emeritus at Princeton University. Richard is the former UN special rapporteur for occupied Palestinian territories; Nour Odeh, political analyst and former spokesperson for the Palestinian Task Force on public diplomacy

Noura Erakat: US Recognition of Israeli Settlements Is “Entrenchment of an Apartheid Régime”

The Trump administration has announced it no longer views Israel settlements in the occupied West Bank to be a violation of international law, in another blow to possible Israel-Palestine peace negotiations. On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a reversal to the US position, putting the US at odds with the international community. A UN resolution in 2016 declared the settlements a “flagrant violation” of international law. Israel’s embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed Pompeo’s announcement as a historic day for Israel, but Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned the US decision. Soon after Mike Pompeo announced the new US policy, the US Embassy in Israel issued a travel warning to Americans in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. From Washington DC, we speak with Noura Erakat, a Palestinian human rights attorney and legal scholar. She is an assistant professor at Rutgers University and the author of “Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine.”

Dangerous Indiscretions: The Decline of the House of Windsor | The Crown Documentary | Timeline

This in-depth documentary looks at the scandals that have blighted the credibility and popularity of the royal family through the ages, right up to the more recent controversies surrounding Diana, Fergie and Camilla.

The Royal Who Kept Hope Alive | Charlotte: A Royal At War | Real Royalty

This is the previously untold account of Charlotte of Luxembourg - a wife, mother of six children and head of state of the tiny duchy of Luxembourg. Charlotte became a Royal propagandist in pearls who inspired a nation through the power of radio, reaching her people in their darkest hour. The film reveals a powerful truth: ordinary people will endure hardship, imprisonment, even death, if they have someone to believe in, to keep their hopes alive. The feature length documentary combines vivid eyewitness testimony with dramatic reconstruction and unique, previously unseen, colour archive.

Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg »

Monday, November 18, 2019

KPMG Ends Its Backing for Prince Andrew's Mentorship Scheme

THE GUARDIAN: Accountancy firm not renewing sponsorship, it emerges, after much-criticised TV interview

The accountancy giant KPMG is not renewing its sponsorship of Prince Andrew’s entrepreneurial scheme Pitch@Palace, it has emerged, in the wake of his much-derided interview in which he defended his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.

The Duke of York has been heavily criticised as having shown neither contrition nor sympathy for Epstein’s child victims in the BBC Newsnight interview and his suitability as patron to scores of charities and organisations has been called into question as a result.

On Monday, after it was reported by Sky News, Buckingham Palace confirmed that KPMG, a founding partner of Pitch@Palace, a mentorship scheme for budding entrepreneurs, was no longer involved, its contract having ended in October. » | Haroon Siddique and Anugraha Sundaravelu | Monday, November 18, 2019