Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tom Arnold Says Michael Cohen Is Cooperating “100%” With Prosecutors | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence gets Tom Arnold to answer questions about Michael Cohen and Tom Arnold says Michael Cohen will tell the truth about Donald Trump.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Tom Arnold: ‘President Donald Trump Is An Illegitimate President’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Tom Arnold sits down with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace to discuss his meeting with Michael Cohen. Arnold talks about his Vice series, “Hunt for the Trump Tapes,” which is focused on finding ‘incriminating’ Trump tapes with Cohen’s help. Arnold also speaks about his ex-wife Roseanne Barr saying she is “full on with the Nazis.”

The World This Week: Zero Tolerance: Does Border Security Trump Compassion?

In the United States, the Trump administration has gone back on its decision to separate migrant children from their parents at the border. But confusion still reigns over the fate of the 23-hundred kids detained. Can this situation be remedied? Also on the programme, Turkish President Erdogan is likely to win Sunday's presidential elections.The government's human rights violations and lack of freedom of the press are well known abroad. Is the government a dictatorship?

The Billionaire Class Is Not Fit to Rule – Paul Jay

The ruling elites are creating a world where the majority of people suffer the consequences of the climate crisis and massive unemployment while the super-rich use artificial intelligence to save themselves - a commentary by TRNN’s Senior Editor

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Trump Says North Korea 'No Longer a Nuclear Threat'; Not Everyone Agrees

Donald Trump says the Singapore summit ended North Korea's nuclear threat. Is his claim premature? Former Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) and Asia expert Mike Chinoy weigh in. Then, "Gatekeepers" author Chris Whipple on John Kelly's future at The White House.

Ein Zeitzeuge von Auschwitz erzählt

„Die Zukunft gehört euch.“ Das hat Jacek Zieliniewicz gesagt. Er hat das Konzentrationslager Auschwitz überlebt. Sarah Modrow hat ihn beim Projekt "Nahaufnahmen" des Maximilian-Kolbe-Werkes vor Ort in Auschwitz kennen gelernt und interviewt.

Das System Konzentrationslager | Historische Ereignisse mit Mirko Drotschmann

Am 11. April 1945 befreiten US-amerikanische Soldaten das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald. Mirko Drotschmann erklärt in der "Zeitreise2Go" das System dieser Lager.

MDR ZEITREISE: Buchenwald - Geschichte des KZ »

Gedenkstätte des KZs Buchenwald »

Helmut Schmidt erklärt | Promis der Geschichte mit Mirko Drotschmann

Man kennt ihn als den kettenrauchenden Altkanzler aus Talkshows. Viele haben ihn auch im Portemonnaie, denn sein Konterfei ist auf der 2-Euro-Münze: Helmut Schmidt. Aber wer war dieser Schmidt, welche Rolle hat er als Bundeskanzler gespielt und was hat es mit seinem Familiengeheimnis auf sich?

Ehemaliger Bundeskanzler Schmidt: Bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts mehr Muslime als so genannte "Weiße" | September 2015

In einem Interview mit Journalisten der NZZ äußert der ehemalige Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt Skepsis gegenüber dem Engagement Deutschlands in Afghanistan. Seiner Meinung nach hat das militärische Engagement in Afghanistan zu viele Jahre gedauert, ohne sich zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Feindschaft zwischen dem Islam und dem Westen zu. Vor dem Hintergrund, bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts mehr Muslime als so genannte "Weiße" zu erwarten, sollte dies laut Schmidt eine besorgniserregende Entwicklung sein.

This Is How Fascism Begins

Recently several right-wingers took to Fox News to claim there's a "soft coup d'etat" against Trump. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, debunks the right-wing conspiracy theory about the FBI's investigation into Trump.

Did Obama Separate Families at the Border?

Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson says that he discussed separating kids from their parents as a deterrent to illegal immigration but didn’t think the practice was right.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 22, 2018

Ann Coulter Claims Child Migrants Detained at US Borders Are 'Child Actors' | Good Morning Britain

It is reported that over the course of a month 2,000 immigrant children have been separated from their parents at the US border. American political commentator Ann Coulter has recently made a controversial statement saying that these children are actors so Piers challenges her views.

Ivanka's Trump WH Role Facing New Scrutiny After Her Silence Amid Border Crisis | Deadline | MSNBC

Emily Jane Fox discusses her new book “Born Trump” and shares insight into Ivanka’s role as her father’s “senior advisor”

Anderson Cooper: Is Your Head Spinning Yet?

CNN's Anderson Cooper unpacks the confusion surrounding President Trump's executive order that would end family separations at the US-Mexico border.

Wilkerson: Don't Trust Trump, Bolton to Deliver US-North Korea Peace

The US has suspended war games as part of Trump's commitment in Singapore, but his administration can't be trusted to deliver a comprehensive denuclearization deal with North Korea, says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says She’s Tired Of Defending Trump

Reports say that Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ refusal to talk to the press for most of this week boils down to one reason: She’s sick and tired of defending Trump and his policies that she doesn’t support. Is this a sign that Huckabee Sanders is soon to be leaving the White House? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

James Comey Interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s Border Policy

James Comey became a globally known figure following his decision in 2016 to announce that the FBI was re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information. Many argue it was this move which lost Clinton the election.

After Trump took office in 2017 Comey says the President sought to win over and influence him and his inquiry into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. Comey says he refused, and he was later fired by Donald Trump - an event which sparked the appointment Special Counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation into links with Russia.

Trump Admin to Indefinitely Detain Migrant Families Together; No Plan to Reunite Separated Children

President Trump has signed an executive order claiming to end the separation of children from their parents at the border, but critics warn the order could lead to the indefinite detention of entire families. The government has no plans to reunite the thousands of children already separated from their families with their parents. We go to Washington, D.C. to speak with Franco Ordoñez, White House correspondent for the McClatchy Washington Bureau. His latest story is headlined, “Trump’s immigration order replaces one crisis with another.”

Bill de Blasio: Kids Have Lice, Bed Bugs, and Chickenpox

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says he met with workers at a foster care center in New York, where 239 migrant children who were separated from their families are experiencing mental and physical health issues.