Monday, May 21, 2018

Petro-Euro? Tensions between EU & US Grow over Sanctions against Iran

The European Commission launched a process to prevent EU firms from being hit by US sanctions on Friday. European firms would also be able to get compensation and loans if they are affected. Shabbir Razvi, director of International Finance Solutions Associates shares his view on the possible outcome of tensions between EU & US.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 21, 2018

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Royals Arrive at St. George's Chapel

Members of the royal family arrive at St. George's Chapel in Windsor for the marriage of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle

Imam Tawhidi Speaks with Pauline Hanson on Muslims in Australia and Those Seeking to Go There

Pauline Hanson caught up with Imam Tawhidi while he visited Brisbane to speak to his supporters in Queensland. He recognises the work Pauline Hanson is doing to try and prevent radical Islam from affecting those Muslims who want to carry on living in peace in Australia. Hanson thinks most people will appreciate the time Imam Tawhidi gave her to sit down and talk about the troubles Australia faces. | May, 17, 2018

US-North Korea Peace Talks: Trump Threatens Kim with Gaddafi’s Fate

Col. Larry Wilkerson: Trump’s threats, Bolton’s inexperience, combined with the military exercises in the region is putting the North Korean peace talks at risk. It is inexplicable form of diplomacy, unless you want the talks to fail

Friday, May 18, 2018

French and Noble in 2018: What Remains of France's Aristocracy?

A Message for Muslims in Europe by an Ex-Muslim

Top US News & World Headlines — May 18, 2018

With Friends Like Trump... What's Europe's Answer to 'America First'?

It's Donald versus Donald. The president of the European Council let loose on trade tariffs and the Iran nuclear deal ahead of an EU leaders' dinner in the Bulgarian capital on Wednesday. A fighting speech, but how does it help those trying to salvage the Iran deal? Already French giant Total has warned its new mega gas project with the Iranians is in jeopardy. How can the EU respond when the US owns the currency used to trade oil? What will Europe do?

The Jangmadang

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Trump Pursues Denuclearization in North Korea & Nobel Peace Prize, While Ramping Up US Weapons Sales

North Korea, Cold Feet and the US Deal – BBC Newsnight

Kim Jong Un has warned they are now reconsidering their summit with President Trump next month - and pointed the finger, in no unwavering terms, at Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton. John Sweeney reports.

Planned US - North Korea Peace Talks in Jeopardy as Trump Adviser Bolton Pushes for Régime Change

Top US News & World Headlines — May 17, 2018

Trump’s Jerusalem Move Caters to Religious Extremists

The opening ceremony of the US Embassy in Jerusalem featured billionaire Sheldon Adelson prominent far-right evangelical Christian leaders John Hagee and Robert Jeffress. We discuss the alliance between Trump, Netanyahu, and far-right extremists in both the US and Israel with journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen

How Has Netanyahu Transformed Israel?

'There Is No Opposition in Israel' as Netanyahu Massacres Gazans, Israeli Journalist Says

Renowned Israeli journalist Gideon Levy says "the victims of Gaza hardly touch anybody in Israel," as the IDF mows down protesters. Hardline right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a stranglehold on politics and the left barely exists.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Norman Finkelstein: Outrage over Israeli Massacre Shows Power of Non-violent Palestinian Resistance

The United States is refusing to criticize Israel after Israeli forces shot dead at least 61 unarmed Palestinian protesters taking part in the Great March of Return in Gaza Monday. More than 2,700 Palestinians were injured. At the United Nations, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley has blocked a call for an international investigation into Israel’s actions. On Tuesday, she repeatedly blamed the violence on Hamas while praising Israel for showing restraint. During her remarks, Nikki Haley refused to place any blame on Israel. She later walked out of the Security Council chamber when the Palestinian ambassador to the U.N., Riyad Mansour, addressed the council. Since Palestinian protests began on March 30, Israel forces have killed at least 112 Palestinians and injured more than 12,000. On Tuesday, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said she was closely following the situation in Gaza and would “take any action warranted” to prosecute crimes. Meanwhile, the United Nations human rights office has condemned the “appalling deadly violence” by Israeli security forces in Gaza. For more, we speak with Norman Finkelstein, author and scholar whose most recent book is titled “Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Arms Industry Stocks Shoot Up after Trump Withdraws from Iran Deal

As soon as Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal, and Israel bombed Syria, stocks of the top weapons corporations immediately increased. Author Andrew Feinstein says this sabotage of the JCPOA offers companies new opportunities for war profiteering