Thursday, August 03, 2017

USA – Authoritarianism: We Thought We Were Free (2014)

America used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave - but over time - we've become a shell of our former self. What's driving this change - and is there any way to stop it?

White House Having Weekly Bible Studies (Which Trump Skips)

Trump thinks setting up Bible studies for his cabinet and not attending them will play well with his evangelical base. He’s probably right. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 3, 2017

US Considered Most Dangerous Country Globally

A new study into which country people fear most, found an answer that might surprise some. Researchers surveyed 42,000 people across 38 countries. RT's Murad Gazdiev has the story.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

The Ugly Truth About Justin Trudeau | Ezra Levant and Stefan Molyneux

Top US News & World Headlines — August 2, 2017

Ursula Haverbeck Komplettes Panorama Interview März 2015

"Der Holocaust ist die größte und nachhaltigste Lüge der Geschichte", sagt Ursula Haverbeck. Für sie hat die Massenvernichtung der Juden nicht stattgefunden. Und damit geht sie ganz offen um - auch im Panorama-Interview. Die rüstige 86-Jährige gilt unter Rechtsextremen als die "Ikone der Holocaust-Leugnung". Regelmäßig tritt sie auf Veranstaltungen auf, um ihre kruden Thesen zu verbreiten. Mehrfach wurde sie wegen Volksverhetzung verurteilt. 2003 verkündete sie auf der Wartburg in Eisenach "Den Holocaust gab es nicht" - unter anderem gemeinsam mit dem ehemaligen RAF-Anwalt Horst Mahler, der derzeit eine zwölfjährige Haftstrafe wegen Volksverhetzung absitzt.

Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, daß diese scheinbar sehr intelligente Frau den Holocaust verleugnen kann. Sicherlich hat sie, wie wir alle, die Bilder, Dokus und Zeugnisse gesehen und gelesen. Es gibt nichts zu verleugnen. Es war doch eine Tatsache. – @Mark

Volksverhetzerin Haverbeck: "Den Holocaust gab es nicht" »

Alltag Holocaust: eine KZ-Aufseherin erinnert sich | Panorama | NDR

Ein Interview der Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen löst neue Ermittlungen gegen eine KZ-Aufseherin aus. Die 93-Jährige soll 1945 einen Todesmarsch begleitet haben.

Holocaustleugnerin Ursula Haferbeck beim Gröning-Prozess (28.04.2015 Panorama)

Historisch ist auf jeden Fall belegt, dass der eigentliche Schuldige am Holocaust das Gutmenschentum der Weimarer Republik war, das damals den Putschisten Adolf Hitler schon sehr frühzeitig aus dem Gefängnis entlassen hatte.

Auch hatten einst nicht die Nazis den Zweiten Weltkrieg begonnen, sondern dies war die damalige Sowjetunion mit ihrem Eroberungsfeldzug; wobei dann schließlich auch Finnland kriegerisch überfallen wurde, worauf dann Deutschland den Gegenangriff eröffnete.

Why Do People Still Deny The Holocaust?

"ARRIVEDERCI SCARAMUCCI!” - Trump Fires Communications Director After 10 Days

Farce! Inside the Spiritual Awakening at the White House

What's behind the Bible studies at the West Wing?

Who Will Be Left to Defend Trump When He’s Impeached?

On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom talks with Richard Wolff about the ongoing demise of US democracy under Trump. Then he talks with Brian Darling and Sam Sacks about Trump’s possible coming impeachment, the latest attempt from the Koch brothers to distort democracy and the dangerously low chance our planet has to reach the Paris Climate accords.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Why There Is No Way Back for Religion in the West | David Voas | TEDx | UniversityofEssex

Religion is in decline across the Western world. Whether measured by belonging, believing, participation in services, or how important it is felt to be, religion is losing ground. Society is being transformed, and the momentum appears to be unstoppable.

You might be asking yourself two questions. Is it actually true? And even if religion is currently losing ground, could things change in the future?

David is a quantitative social scientist with a background in demography. He serves on the executive committee of the European Values Study and is co-director of British Religion in Numbers (, an online centre for British data on religion that has received recognition as a British Academy Research Project. He serves on the editorial boards of the British Journal of Sociology and the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. With Mike Brewer, David directs the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC). He is also Deputy Director of ISER.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Jill Stein on Trump as a "Grave Danger" & Why She Was at 2015 Moscow Dinner with Putin & Flynn

Former Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein assesses the Trump administration’s first six months and responds to questions about an infamous photo that showed her sitting at the same table as Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russian President Vladimir Putin at a dinner in Moscow in 2015.

The Last Nazis: Children of the Master Race

Moscow Court Shooting: Three Killed as Defendants Attack Officers - BBC News

"The Making of Donald Trump": David Cay Johnston on Trump's Ties to the Mob & Drug Traffickers (2016)

David Cay Johnston began covering Donald Trump in the 1980s when he was working as the Atlantic City reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Johnston’s new book, "The Making of Donald Trump," looks at a side of Trump seldom covered in the press: his ties to the mob, drug traffickers and felons.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 1, 2017

Could There Be a World War Three? Have We Learnt the Lessons of History? | BBC Newsnight

As we reflect on the film Dunkirk and mark the anniversary of Passchendaele, can we be optimistic about the state of the world? Or should we be worried by North Korea, the conflicts in the Middle East, or the deteriorating relationship between Russia and the US? Evan Davis discusses with former US ambassador to Iraq James Jeffrey, former deputy director of GCHQ Brian Lord, and arms control expert Patricia Lewis.