Saturday, April 15, 2017

Syria, Trump and a Media U-turn – The Listening Post

US - North Korea War "At Any Moment"

'Democrats' Taking Over The Donald Trump White House? | The Last Word | MSNBC

Steve Bannon reportedly called Jared Kushner a "Democrat" but now Ivanka Trump, Kushner, and two former Goldman Sachs execs are reportedly growing their influence ahead of Steve Bannon. Betsey Woodruff, David Horsey and Charlie Pierce join Ari Melber.

Rare Live Report from North Korea Military Parade

BBC: North Korea has paraded soldiers, tanks and other military hardware in Pyongyang to mark the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founding president, Kim Il-sung.

The show of strength on Saturday comes after the country warned the US not to take provocative action in the region, saying it was "ready to hit back with nuclear attacks".

The BBC's John Sudworth's movements are being tightly controlled but he was allowed to report live from the parade.

"You can feel the ground shake" he said, watching soldiers, tanks and rockets pass. (+ BBC video) » | Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nordkorea droht mit „vollständigem Krieg“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Mit einer gigantischen MIlitärparade feiert sich Nordkorea selbst. Der Konflikt um das Atomwaffenprogramm des Regimes in Pjöngjang spitzt sich unterdessen zu. China ruft zur Mäßigung auf – und schiebt Trump den Schwarzen Peter zu.

Der Konflikt zwischen Nordkorea und den Vereinigten Staaten um das militärische Atomprogramm Pjöngjangs drohte sich am Samstag weiter auszuweiten. Vom Regime des stalinistisch geführten Landes kamen die gewohnt martialischen Töne: Nordkorea drohte Washington damit, einen möglichen Atomangriff mit einem nuklearen Gegenschlag zu vergelten. Das Land sei bereit, „einen vollständigen Krieg mit einem vollständigen Krieg zu beantworten“, sagte die Nummer Zwei des Landes, Choe Ryong Hae, am Samstag in einer vom Staatsfernsehen übertragenen Rede. » | Markus Wehner | Samstag, 15. April 2017

Bilderstrecke »

North Korea Military Parade Shows Off ‘New Weapons’

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un watches a military parade in Pyongyang on Saturday, marking the 105th ‘Day of the Sun’, the birth anniversary of the state’s founder Kim Il-sung. The parade showcases military vehicles carrying different types of missiles. International fears have been mounting over whether the regime is preparing to conduct a nuclear test

North Korea parades military might and warns US amid nuclear test fears »

Nordkorea-Krise: Düstere Vorahnungen zum Tag der Sonne

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nordkorea will zum Geburtstag des Staatsgründers Kim Il-sung Stärke demonstrieren. Das könnte zu einer internationalen Eskalation führen. Denn mit Trump steht dem Regime in Pjöngjang ein unberechenbarer Widersacher gegenüber.

Für Nordkorea ist es der größte Feiertag des Jahres. An diesem Samstag lässt das Regime den Geburtstag des Staatsgründers Kim Il-sung als „Tag der Sonne“ feiern. Dass es an diesem 105. Geburtstag des Begründers der Kim-Dynastie eine große Militärparade geben wird, erscheint sicher. Doch wird Machthaber Kim Jong-un, der Enkel des Staatsgründers, den großen Tag auch mit einem Atomtest oder einem Raketenstart „feiern“ lassen? Satellitenbilder zeigen auffällige Aktivitäten auf Nordkoreas Testgelände. » | Petra Kolonko, Peking | Freitag, 14. April 2017

Friday, April 14, 2017

''It's Unbelievable That She Works in the White House.'' Morning Joe’s Mika on Kellyanne Conway

Lauren Green on the Significance of Good Friday

Fox News religion correspondent provides insight

Hank Hanegraaff Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy: Here's Why!

Poland Proclaims Christ King Over Nation!

Poland is just the latest example of the re-awakening of Christian civilization in Europe.

Jesus Christ Officially Enthroned the King of Poland | November 19, 2016 (English subtitles)

In the presence of bishops and cardinals, the President of the Republic Andrzej Duda, the Ministers of the Government and many other senior state officials, on the 1050th anniversary of its Baptism, Poland has officially recognized and confirmed the reign of Jesus Christ over its people.

Greek Orthodox Bishop Calls on Erdogan to Denounce Islam and Be Baptised

NEO KOSMOS: The proposal comes with the added suggestion that Russian President Vladimir Putin be his godfather

Greek Orthodox Bishop, Metropolit Seraphim of Piraeus has caused controversy by urging Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to convert to Orthodoxy with Russian President Vladimir Putin as his godfather. And no, it's not a joke.

In a 37-page letter to Erdogan written in Greek, Metropolit Seraphim asks the Turkish leader to denounce his Islamic faith and be baptised in the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

"If you want to save yourself and your family you should convert to Greek Orthodox Church, the only real faith," Seraphim writes, reports Keep Talking Greece.

"We propose and we advise you to come to the arms of the Greek Orthodox Church before the end of your life on earth. » | Thursday, April 13, 2017

Letter of His Eminence Metropolitan of Piraeus Mr. Seraphim to the President of the Turkish Republic Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan (In Greek) »

Dr. Lustig: Type 2 Diabetes Is "Processed Food Disease"

Dr. Robert Lustig is an endocrinologist and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California-San Francisco. In this video, he sits down with CrossFit’s Rory McKernan to explain sugar’s toxicity, outline the stakes of sugar consumption and offer suggestions for addressing the ongoing sugar crisis.

“Sugar is toxic,” Lustig explains. “It proffers a set of biochemical alterations that are detrimental to human health—unrelated to its calories.”

In this way, Lustig says, sugar “is very much like alcohol,” and chronic metabolic diseases associated with alcohol are becoming prevalent in children with high-sugar diets.

When asked about the state of pediatric medicine in the United States, Lustig says, “We have a problem.”

Because the food industry has negatively influenced nutrition science for the last 45 years, many people still abide by the mistaken belief that a healthy diet is attained by regulating calories and saturated fat. This misconception has led to a rise in chronic metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes in adult and youth populations.

People who believe they are making healthy choices and avoiding sugar are nevertheless affected by the crisis.

“Even though you might not be sick,” Lustig says, “society is.”

In the final third of the video, Lustig outlines the necessary steps for enacting a societal intervention. These steps include educating the public, approaching sugar as an addictive substance and calling Type 2 diabetes what it is: “processed food disease.”

North Korea Blames US 'Aggression' amid Tension

North Korea is blaming the US for stirring up a possible conflict in the region. Words have been flying between the adversaries as the North prepares to mark its biggest celebration of the year - some say with a show of force. Al Jazeera's Gerald Tan explains.

Day of Reckoning: How Will Erdogan's Referendum Reshape Turkey? (Parts 1 & 2)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, du réformateur au «sultan»

LE FIGARO: PORTRAIT - Neuf mois après avoir mis en échec une tentative de putsch, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan joue son va-tout dimanche lors d'un référendum sur une révision constitutionnelle qui lui permettrait, s'il l'emporte, de considérablement renforcer ses pouvoirs.

Des mois qu'il s'époumone dans des meetings aux quatre coins du pays. Au point d'en devenir aphone, ce qui l'a contraint à annuler plusieurs rassemblements. Ce dimanche, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan joue gros: neuf mois après avoir mis en échec une sanglante tentative de putsch, il appelle les Turcs à se prononcer par référendum sur une révision de la Constitution qui lui permettrait de considérablement renforcer ses pouvoirs. » | Par Anne-Laure Frémont | vendredi 14 avril 2017

Appell der Uno: Russen sollen Gewalt gegen Homosexuelle in Tschetschenien stoppen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mehr als 100 Festnahmen, Folter, mindestens drei Tote: Tschetschenien geht brutal gegen Homosexuelle und Transgender vor - auch wenn die Führung dementiert. Nun nimmt die Uno den Kreml in die Pflicht.

Die tschetschenischen Behörden geben sich zwar alle Mühe, das Thema herunterzuspielen. Doch inzwischen sorgen die Berichte von staatlichen Übergriffen auf mehr als 100 Homosexuelle und Transgender auch international für Protest.

Der Hohe Kommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte wandte sich mit einem Aufruf direkt an Russland, Druck auf die Führung in Tschetschenien zu machen. Der Kreml müsse die Verfolgung stoppen, heißt es auf der Webseite des Büros des Hohen Kommissars. Homosexuelle lebten in einem Klima der Angst, das auch durch die homophobe Rhetorik der Behörden entstünde. Die Investigativ-Journalistin Elena Milaschina von der russischen "Nowaja Gaseta" hatte als erste über die Vorfälle berichtet. » | jok/AP | Freitag, 14. April 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Stephen Cohen: This Is Most Dangerous Moment in US-Russian Relations Since Cuban Missile Crisis

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has wrapped up a visit to Moscow, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The meetings come at a time of increased tension between Washington and Moscow. On Wednesday during a press conference, President Trump said relations with Russia had reached a new low point. Trump’s comments came a day after the White House accused Russia of attempting to cover up the role of the Syrian government in the recent chemical attack in Syria that killed 87 people. Russia has rejected the claim, saying the U.S. has been too quick to blame Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. We speak to Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University.

Is Turkey On the Road to Autocracy? – Video Explainer

President Erdoğan is set to benefit from sweeping new powers over parliament and the judiciary if Turkish voters support his constitutional reforms in this Sunday’s referendum. But with a heavy crackdown on opponents and the press, many of his critics fear the country is on a path to autocracy