Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Guy Verhofstadt: 'UK Will Return to EU after Brexit Tory Catfight'

EU's chief negotiator Guy Verhofstadt says he's "100% convinced the UK will return to the European family" and called Brexit a "Tory cat-fight that got out of hand".

Farage Is Outrageous! Farage Calls EU Parliament 'The Mafia'

Nigel Farage is back likening European Parliament to the mafia and after being told off by its President, Antonio Tajani, he just calls them gangsters instead

Nigel Farage is loud-mouthed and brash. He has far, far too much to say for himself. He needs to be cut down to size. – Mark

Companies Pull Ads from Bill O'Reilly's Fox News Show

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly faces growing fallout over newly-revealed harassment allegations. Nearly 20 advertisers, including BMW, Allstate and T. Rowe Price have pulled commercials from his top-rated program. Anna Werner reports.

Trumps Grenzwall teilt vor allem Meinungen | DW Deutsch

Ein wichtiges Wahlversprechen von US Präsident Donald Trump ist der Bau einer Mauer zwischen Mexiko und den USA, um illegale Einwanderung und Drogenschmuggel zu stoppen. Aber wie stehen die Texaner an der Grenze zu den Plänen?

President Trump Condemns Syrian Gas Attack But Shifts Blame To President Obama | Morning Joe | MSNBC

At least 83 people are dead, including 25 children, following a chemical attack in Syria. The panel discusses the scope of the attack and Donald Trump's response and criticism of Obama.

For Trump, a Focus on U.S. Interests and a Disdain for Moralizing

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — As the world recoiled at the televised images of lifeless children in the latest atrocity in Syria’s savage civil war on Tuesday, the White House issued a statement expressing outrage just as any White House presumably would.

But where other presidents might have used the moment to call for the departure of Syria’s authoritarian leader, Bashar al-Assad, President Trump’s spokesman dismissed the notion as impractical because it would not happen. “We would look like, to some degree, rather silly not acknowledging the political realities that exist in Syria,” said the spokesman, Sean Spicer. » | Peter Baker | Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

According to the Bible...Homosexuality Is Wrong

A short clip from the West Wing about the Biblical stance on homosexuality, and the hypocrisy these same Christians ignore.

John Brennan: Donald Trump’s Travel Ban 'Simplistic and Misguided' - BBC Newsnight

Former CIA director John Brennan talks to Newsnight’s Kirsty Wark about President Trump’s travel ban, the threat from North Korea, and the notion of a Deep State.

Bill O'Reilly Loses Major Advertiser After Reports Of Harassment | The Last Word | MSNBC

Mercedes-Benz pulls "The O'Reilly Factor" ads after reports of a $13M harassment settlement against Bill O'Reilly. Plus, a new suit against fmr. chairman Roger Ailes. Gabriel Sherman, who literally wrote the book on Fox News, calls O'Reilly's silence "striking".

Snowdon & Margaret: Inside a Royal Marriage

Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon »

Lord Snowdon obituary »

Trump prüft extreme Einreise-Kontrollen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: „Was halten Sie von Ehrenmorden?“ Diese oder ähnliche Fragen müssen sich bald auch Deutsche gefallen lassen, wenn sie in die Vereinigten Staaten fliegen. Und ans Facebook-Konto und alle Handy-Daten wollen die Behörden ebenfalls gerne ran.

Die Regierung von Donald Trump prüft neue, extreme Sicherheitsvorschriften. Alle Ausländer, die in die Vereinigten Staaten reisen wollen, könnten sie bald durchlaufen müssen. Wie das „Wall Street Journal“ schreibt, müssten die Besucher den Beamten dann eventuell alle Kontakte in ihrem Handy offenlegen, Passwörter für soziale Netze herausrücken und sich Fragen zu ihrer Weltanschauung gefallen lassen. » | Quelle: FAZ.NET | Dienstag, 4. April 2017

When Britain Split From Europe, in a Big Way

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The separation of Britain from Europe, set in motion by Prime Minister Theresa May last week, began a historic process but one not as abrupt as the first Brexit. That was the catastrophic destruction of the land bridge that for 10 million years had joined Britain physically to the Continent.

The bridge was a rock formation, about 20 miles wide, that ran from Dover to Calais and protruded several hundred miles into France and Britain. It was made of chalk, as can be seen in the cross-section where it has been ripped away at the white cliffs of Dover. » | Nicholas Wade | Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Homosexuality Explained

A cartoon that explains what homosexuality is.

The 'Gay Brain' Explained - Louann Brizendine

Dr. Louann Brizendine, author of The Male Brain, outlines the preliminary scientific results measuring the differences between the straight male brain and the gay male brain. She says that having "same-sex attraction" is "not some kind of a moral decision," but rather involves brain circuitry, genes, and hormones.

Dr. Louann Brizendine: The Male Brain »

British Prime Minister Seeks GCC Trade Deals

Britain's prime minister, Theresa May, is in Saudi Arabia for a two-day visit.

As Britain leaves the European Union, her trip is aiming to strengthen trade and security ties in the Gulf,

Al Jazeera’s Hashem Ahelbarra reports.

Theresa May on Brexit, Saudi Arabia and Refugees

Theresa May is in the Middle East on a trade mission.

She's due to arrive in Saudi Arabia later - and is being urged to raise concerns over human rights.

The Prime Minister has defended her dealings with the Kingdom and says she will bring up the issue of Yemen, where the Saudi military is engaged in a long-running campaign.

The Prime Minister been speaking to our Political Editor, Faisal Islam.


It seems to me that Theresa May wants her cake and eat it. And chasing around the world, brown-nosing here and brown-nosing there is most unbecoming. She'd be far better off working with our European brothers and sisters than this. Our future should be in Europe, not the Middle East. – Mark

The Glazov Gang - Dr. Jordan Peterson on Non-Traditional Gender Pronouns

Tunisian Nightclub Shut Down over Muslim Call to Prayer Remix

THE GUARDIAN: Owner held and English DJ apologises after playing recording at Orbit festival in north-east of country

Tunisian authorities have shut down a nightclub and begun an investigation after a DJ played a remix recording of the Muslim call to prayer, an official has said.

A video, widely shared online since Sunday, shows clubbers dancing to music that includes the call to prayer at the club in the north-east town of Nabeul.

The footage sparked a storm of debate on social media. » | Agence France-Presse in Tunis | Monday, April 3, 2017

Up to 100,000 UK Jobs At Risk as Merkel and Juncker Ally Warns on Euro Clearing

THE GUARDIAN: EU lawmaker Manfred Weber says sector must relocate out of City of London after Brexit

The future of an estimated 100,000 jobs has been plunged into doubt after a close political ally of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and president of the European commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, warned that a prized sector in the City of London must relocate to EU soil after Brexit.

Manfred Weber, the leader of the largest political group in the European parliament, to which both the German chancellor and the commission president belong, told reporters that euro-denominated clearing could no longer be undertaken in the City when the UK leaves the EU.

“EU citizens decide on their own money,” Weber said during a press conference in Strasbourg on Tuesday. “When the UK is leaving the European Union it is not thinkable that at the end the whole euro business is managed in London. This is an external place, this is not an EU place any more. The euro business should be managed on EU soil.” Read on and comment » | Daniel Boffey | Tuesday, April 4, 2017

May: National Trust Stance ‘Ridiculous’ Over Egg Hunt Easter Omission

The prime minister, Theresa May, criticises the National Trust after the organisation decided not to mention Easter in the title of its annual egg hunt. Speaking while in Jordan on Tuesday, May adds that a Christian and also member, that she doesn’t understand what the National Trust were thinking when they made the decision. Easter is on the National Trust’s website but not on the event logo

Read the Guardian article here