Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Milo Yiannopoulos Show: Douglas Murray

Saudi Arabia: A Régime Declining?

Islamic Conquest of Persia

Empire - War on Terror, War on Muslims?

Will Brexit Hurt the UK and Europe? - UpFront

Former Extremist Gives His Theory on Orlando Shooting Motive

Dr. Zudhi Jasser: Islam Needs 'Tough Love' to Reform

Why Language, 'Radical Islam,' Matters in the War on ISIS

‪Inside Story - Has Politics in the UK Become Too Divisive and Toxic?‬

Unreal-Muslim Students Wants to Remove Jesus from Catholic Schools

Life Imitates "1984": Canada's Liberals Get Google to Erase Stephen Harper from the Web

Resentment Grows between Christians and Muslims in France (2015)

Joschka Fischer - hat die EU eine Zukunft?

Meet Obama's Kenyan Family