Friday, January 22, 2016

Hysteria Surrounding Donald Trump

Jan. 21, 2016 - 6:31 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 1/21

Israel Demolishes EU-funded Structures in West Bank

Israeli forces have demolished four structures in the West Bank which were part of an EU-funded project. Nathan Frandino reports.

Saudi Arabia's Silence Over Lifted Iran Sanctions

A deafening silence from Saudi officials following the lifting of sanctions on Iran suggests Riyadh remains implacably opposed to Tehran's return to the economic mainstream, with private Saudi media pouring scorn on what they see as America's feeble acquiescence in the rise of the Sunni kingdom's arch foe.

Sarah Palin’s Weird and Wonderful Endorsement of Donald Trump

On Tuesday, the world was reintroduced to the speaking talents of Sarah Palin. The former Alaska governor returned in full force with a bizarre, disjointed, but highly memorable, endorsement of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. The speech was an instant classic: coining new words likes ‘squirmishes’ and mixing metaphors about political correctness being worn ‘like a suicide vest’. The Guardian looks back at her dark, twisted masterpiece

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Merkel at Risk: Germans Rebel against Chancellor’s Party over ‘Refugee Love’

The migrant crisis is taking its toll on the German Chancellor Merkel. Local population's' mood is 'worse than ever'. There's even talk of a revolt within the ruling coalition. Bavarian lawmakers are preparing a formal letter of protest to limit the immigration for the sake of solidarity among the population.

Gay Bashing by Muslim Migrants on the Rise in Europe

Ezra Levant has already talked about the organized sexual assaults that Muslim migrants have brought to Europe -- but after two transsexuals were nearly stoned to death, has the Islamic tradition of gay-bashing arrived, too?

"Muslim Pope" Explains the Hijab: It's Not Just about Modesty

Ezra Levant talks to anti-jihad writer Marc Lebuis about the RCMP's new hijab uniform. Lebuis reveals what Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of Sunni Islam's most powerful scholars, says about the headcovering: That it is primarily a sign of Muslim supremacy and separatism, not modesty.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Luxury-obsessed: Qatar Buying Up London Property & Business

One of the richest countries, Qatar, has set its eyes squarely on the UK. A lavish Highlands mansion for 7 mln pounds is its latest purchase. Now the oil and gas-rich state now owns even more of London than the Queen.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Merkel's Last Stand? Chancellor Running Out of Time on Refugee Issue

The mood in Germany is rapidly shifting, and
Chancellor Merkel is under fire.
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Angela Merkel has repeatedly said that it will take time to solve the refugee crisis. But impatience is growing, particularly following the sexual assaults in Cologne. Voices of discontent are getting louder and the chancellor's hold on power may be weakening.

The most unusual tribunal in the republic meets around 25 times per year, usually on Tuesdays in the gray-panelled conference room on the third floor of the Reichstag where conservative parliamentarians often meet. At the front sits the defendant, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Her accusers sit at the long rows of tables before her, the three or four dozen back benchers who are increasingly adopting the tone of a public prosecutor when addressing Merkel's refugee policies.

But then came New Year's Eve in Cologne, and since then everything has changed -- both in Merkel's party and across the country. The occasionally shrill debates in talk shows, on the Internet and on the streets have become even shriller. Among politicians in Berlin, calls for something to be done have grown both in number and volume. And within the population, where attitudes toward Merkel's policies have for months wavered between sympathy and skepticism, concerns are growing: Will the effort to integrate more than a million refugees overwhelm German society? Can the government still guarantee the safety of its citizens? Is the state failing?

But Merkel has failed to promptly impose order on the streams of refugees flowing into the country. Now, even her supporters are concerned that her plan for a European solution to the problem could fail. Former allies, such as the government of Sweden, have reintroduced tight border controls. Conservative German Constitutional Court justices such as Udo Di Fabio and Hans-Jürgen Papier have accused Merkel of making grave mistakes. And even a center-left paper like the New York Times, which for much of 2015 couldn't praise Merkel's refugee policies enough, recently published a column describing her course as a "high-minded folly." Read the whole article » | By SPIEGEL Staff | Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Inside Islamic State's New Stronghold in Libya: 'Isil Beheaded My Friend for Witchcraft - He Did Acupuncture'

THE TELEGRAPH: Residents of Islamic State's new 'caliphate' in Libya describe their terror of 'sorcery' trials

Sitting in the shabby parlour of his temporary home, Haaji Mohammed can barely bring himself to watch the Isil video playing on his mobile phone. The film was made just last month – yet the horrific scenes it shows could be from 500 years ago.

Kneeling before a masked executioner are two men in orange jumpsuits, charged under a statute that drags even the medieval barbarity of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to new depths. The pair are accused of “sorcery”, and just as in witchcraft trials of old, justice is swift, brutal and dispensed to the sound of a baying mob.

As the executioner beheads them with a four-foot scimitar, a crowd of men and boys scream “Allahu Akhbar”, jostling each other for a closer look.

Mr Mohammed is less keen. “I know that man personally,” he says, pointing to the older of the two defendants, whom he names as Said Jabr. “He is not a witch, he is just an alternative healer who does homeopathy and acupuncture. He was wrongly accused.” » | Colin Freeman, Misrata | Monday, January 18, 2016

Executed Cleric al-Nimr’s Son: ‘Saudis Didn’t Extract Bullet to Make Him Suffer’

Hundreds of activists took to New York's Times Square on Sunday, in an anti-Saudi protest against the execution of a prominent Shia cleric earlier this month.

Geert Wilders: Male Asylum Seekers Should Be Locked Up in Asylum Centers

In his new video message, Geert Wilders proposes that we lock the male asylum seekers up in the asylum centers. For them the asylum centers have to be closed institutions, so that not a single male asylum seeker can still go on the streets and our women are protected.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does! Ban Trump from Britain: UK Government Outraged by Republican's Comments on Muslims

Some of Donald Trumph's controversial comment about Muslims have theatened to stop him getting to the UK. The British Parliament has held a debate on whether the US presidential hopeful should be banned from entering the country.

‪Accepted But Not Welcomed: Refugees Face Difficulties As They Are Moved To Troubled US Areas‬

The US President has recently authorised $70 million in funds for a nationwide refugee programme & refugees from the Middle East (Syria) as well. However, half of the States refuse to accept refugees. Asylum seekers who still arrive in the USA are being resettled in economically troubled parts of the country, to give a boost to those regions.

Germany: Protesters Rally In Support of Russian-German Teen Allegedly Raped by 'Foreigners'

Protesters came out to the Marzahn district of east Berlin on Monday to demonstrate against the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl who told police that she was sexually abused by three "foreigners" at the weekend. Police have stated that there was no evidence of an abduction or rape following the accusations.

Netherlands: Iraqi Man Hangs Himself at Refugee Centre

A makeshift memorial was formed after Iraqi refugee Hussein Ali Abdel Amer hanged himself at an asylum seekers' centre in Alphen aan den Rijn, Monday, after becoming frustrated at the amount of time it was taking to process his application.

Netherlands: Violence Erupts at Mass Anti-immigration Demo over Refugee Centre

Anti-immigration protesters hurled fireworks and missiles at riot police during a far-right rally against the planned opening of a refugee centre in the Dutch town of Heesch, Monday.

After police attempted to disperse an estimated 1000 protesters who had marched on the local town hall, violence erupted, with anti-immigration demonstrators letting off flares and fireworks, targetting law enforcement. Police have yet to release the number of those arrested and injured.

The protest was organised after town officials called a meeting on Monday over plans to accommodate some 500 refugees in the town, spread out over next ten years. The rally also followed a statement by populist far-right politician Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party (PVV) called for all Muslim male refugees to be locked up in asylum centres. Wilders has been sued several times for inciting racial hatred.

‪Austria: Schengen Agreement Suspended as Chancellor Faymann Rails at EU Border Policy‬

DrB: Wie steht es um die Demokratie in Deutschland?

Viele der Ereignisse der letzten Monate erinnern stark an die Vergangenheit Deutschlands in den 30 er Jahren.

Jailed Turkish Editor Slams EU Deal with Erdoğan's 'Fascist Government'

Can Dündar speaks to the press in November before a court hearing.
THE GUARDIAN: Can Dündar, held for his story alleging Turkey armed Islamist rebels in Syria, says EU is betraying its democratic values

The editor of Turkey’s most influential dissident newspaper has said in an interview from his prison cell that the country’s ongoing crackdown on journalists is the worst in its history and that he was imprisoned for doing his job.

Can Dündar, the editor-in-chief of Cumhuriyet, also said the EU was betraying its democratic values by seeking a rapprochement with the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in the hope that he would stem the flow of refugees into Europe while ignoring human rights violations.

“We always looked at the European Union as an anchor, a model to raise the standard of democracy in Turkey to universal levels, not as leverage to dictatorships,” he said. “Now, if the EU, in order to stop the influx of refugees by turning our lands into a big concentration camp, agrees to turn a blind eye while Erdoğan spurns democracy, human rights, freedom of press and rule of law, it means that the EU is discarding its founding principles in order to protect its short-term interests.” » | Kareem Shaheen in Beirut | Tuesday, January 19, 2016

THE GUARDIAN: I revealed the truth about President Erdogan and Syria. For that, he had me jailed: Turkey’s regime not only smuggled guns into Syria, it used ‘state security’ as an excuse to imprison the journalists who reported it » | Can Dündar | Monday, December 28, 2015