Monday, December 14, 2015

Obama's Message to ISIS Leaders: 'You Are Next'

Dec. 14, 2015 - 7:39 - President updates coalition campaign against the Islamic State

Irakischer Bischof: „Das Schicksal des Westens wird schlimmer als unseres sein“

POLITICALLY INCORRECT: Amel Shamon Nona (Foto) war fünf Jahre lang Erzbischof von Mossul im Norden des Irak, dann kam der Islamische Staat (IS). Nona wurde zusammen mit den Christen vertrieben und lebte eine Zeitlang in Kurdistan, bis er von Papst Franziskus zum chaldäischen Erzbischof von Australien ernannt wurde. Er prophezeit dem Westen ein schlimmeres Schicksal als dem Irak und Syrien, wenn er nicht reagiere. Nona wirft den westlichen Regierungen vor, tatenlos zugesehen zu haben, als tausende junge Moslems nach Syrien gingen, um dort zu kämpfen und den IS aufzubauen. Sie hätten auch erlaubt, daß Staaten der Region den IS finanzieren und bewaffnen, weil es um politische und mehr noch um große wirtschaftliche Interessen gehe. Durch dieses Wegschauen müssten nun die Europäer einen hohen Preis bezahlen, indem der Terror ihre Städte aufsuche. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag abgeben » | Von Michael Stürzenberger | Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

PEGIDA Abendspaziergang Dresden | 14.12.2015

PEGIDA Dresden Abendspaziergang live vom Theaterplatz

Refugee Policy U-turn: Merkel to Limit Asylum Seekers Inflow

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had previously welcomed refugees, said on Sunday in an interview to the country's ARD channel that the flow of migrants needs to be limited.

Merkel zeigt sich kämpferisch | DW News

Die Flüchtlingspolitik steht im Fokus beim CDU-Parteitag. Merkel ist gegen Festlegung auf Obergrenze für die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen. Sie schloss Tag davor einen Kompromiss mit ihren Kritikern: Die Flüchtlingszahl solle "spürbar" reduziert werden.

Merkel: "Es geht um verringern oder reduzieren" | 13.12.2015 | Bericht aus Berlin

"Wir wollen spürbar die Zahl der Menschen reduzieren, die zu uns kommen", sagt Bundeskanzlerin Merkel kurz vor Beginn des CDU-Parteitages. Das Wort "Obergrenze" taucht nicht im Leitantrag auf. Die Flüchtlingskrise nennt sie die "komplexeste Frage" ihrer Kanzlerschaft.

Paris Teacher Stabbed by ISIS Sympathizer, Manhunt Underway

Dec. 14, 2015 - 2:20 - Victim's injuries are not life threatening

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The Ruthless Civil Service behind the Islamic State

Financing Terror: A look at the sophisticated and well-established civil service that funds the Islamic State

Germany: Top Politicians Warn of Rise of Right-wing Populism at SPD Event

The Social Democratic Party of Germany's three-day congress finished on Saturday in Berlin with several high profile politicians from social democratic parties all across Europe taking part.

France: Teacher Stabbed in Paris School by Man Citing Islamic State

A 45-year-old teacher from a Paris suburb was stabbed as he prepared a nursery class on Monday. A masked assailant allegedly cited the so-called Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL) during the attack.

Verwandt »

Front National Held Back In France – But Its Trajectory Is On The Up

THE GUARDIAN: Voters for Marine Le Pen’s far-right party can no longer be confined to a particular stereotype

The election night mood in France was one of grim introspection.

Even if the rising tide of the far right Front National (FN) had been held back – temporarily at least – by tactical voting and a leap in turnout, the lessons were clear to see. The nationalist, anti-immigration, anti-European party was here to stay.

There were no winners in an election that consisted of establishment parties running around at the last minute trying desperately to outwit what they warned was a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic and overwhelmingly dangerous party.

There was no serious examination of the reasons why voters were turning away from the parties of government and flocking to the FN not just as a mere protest vote, but as a political alternative.

When the FN made a historic breakthrough and took nearly 28% of the vote in the first round of the regional elections, it was yet another moment in which the party was ranked as “the most popular in France” after successively topping a series of polls from the European elections onwards in a steady rise.

Even if the FN has failed to win overall control of a region – just as it had failed to win overall control of any smaller local départements earlier this year – its broad trajectory is on the up. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Beat Islamic State

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: To win against the jihadists, isolate them, undercut their appeal to Muslims and avoid a ‘clash of civilizations’

Islam is a religion, and like any other faith, it is internally diverse. Islamism, by contrast, is the desire to impose a single version of Islam on an entire society. Islamism is not Islam, but it is an offshoot of Islam. It is Muslim theocracy.

In much the same way, jihad is a traditional Muslim idea connoting struggle—sometimes a personal spiritual struggle, sometimes a struggle against an external enemy. Jihadism, however, is something else entirely: It is the doctrine of using force to spread Islamism.

President Barack Obama and many liberal-minded commentators have been hesitant to call this Islamist ideology by its proper name. They seem to fear that both Muslim communities and the religiously intolerant will hear the word “Islam” and simply assume that all Muslims are being held responsible for the excesses of the jihadist few.

I call this the Voldemort effect, after the villain in J.K. Rowling ’s Harry Potter books. Many well-meaning people in Ms. Rowling’s fictional world are so petrified of Voldemort’s evil that they do two things: They refuse to call Voldemort by name, instead referring to “He Who Must Not Be Named,” and they deny that he exists in the first place. Such dread only increases public hysteria, thus magnifying the appeal of Voldemort’s power.

The same hysteria about Islamism is unfolding before our eyes. But no strategy intended to defeat Islamism can succeed if Islamism itself and its violent expression in jihadism are not first named, isolated and understood. It is as disingenuous to argue that Islamic State is entirely divorced from Islam as it is to assert that it is synonymous with Islam. Islamic State does indeed have something to do with Islam—not nothing, not everything, but something. That something is the way in which all Islamists justify their arguments using Islamic scripture and seek to recruit from Muslims. Read on and comment » | Maajid Nawaz | Friday, December 11, 2015

How Islamic Extremists Are Exploiting Our Weaknesses

Dec. 13, 2015 - 6:15 - Author Maajid Nawaz explains how jihadists are slipping through the cracks of our politically correct culture on 'The Greg Gutfeld Show'

Obama's Anti-terror Visits This Week Include Pentagon Stop, But No Strategy Changes Expected

Paris: Mann attackiert Lehrer und beruft sich auf IS

SCHWEIZER RADIO UND FERNSEHEN: Ein maskierter Mann ist in der Region Paris auf einen Kindergartenlehrer losgegangen. Dabei soll er sich auf die Terrormiliz IS berufen haben.

Ein Mann griff am Montagmorgen einen Kindergartenlehrer an, als dieser im Klassenzimmer in der Pariser Vorstadt Aubervilliers seinen Unterricht vorbereitete. Das teilten die französische Staatsanwaltschaft und die Polizei mit. Den Behörden zufolge trug der Angreifer Malerkleidung und Militärstiefel, hatte Handschuhe an und war maskiert. Nach Angaben eines Polizisten war er vermutlich zunächst unbewaffnet, griff dann aber im Klassenzimmer nach einem Teppichmesser. » | sda/ala; bers | Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

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Einschätzungen von Frankreich-Korrespondent Charles Liebherr

Teacher Stabbed in Paris by Attacker Citing Islamic State

THE TELEGRAPH: Primary school teacher in a serious condition have being stabbed by a man wearing a balaclava and gloves in France

A hooded man claiming to be acting for the Islamic State group attacked a nursery school teacher with a knife as he prepared for classes in a school north of Paris.

The attack occurred at around 7am in Aubervilliers, north of Paris, when a primary school teacher was stabbed with a box cutter by a man wearing a balaclava and gloves, reported Le Parisien newspaper.

The attacker was dressed in painter's overalls and a balaclava and arrived without a weapon but grabbed what appeared to be a box cutter that was lying in the classroom.

According to local prosecutors the man shouted: "This is Daesh. This is a warning." Daesh is another name for IS. » | Agencies | Monday, December 14, 2015

Le groupe EI «pénètre vers l'intérieur» de la Libye

LE MATIN: CONFLIT — Selon Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre français de la Défense, les djihadistes tentent de s'emparer de puits de pétrole.

Le groupe Etat islamique (EI), déjà ancré sur les côtes libyennes, commence à progresser «vers l'intérieur» du pays. Il vise l'accès à des puits de pétrole, a déclaré lundi le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian.

«Ils sont à Syrte, ils étendent leur territoire sur 250 kilomètres linéaires de côte, mais ils commencent à pénétrer vers l'intérieur et à avoir (une) tentation d'accès à des puits de pétrole et des réserves de pétrole», a-t-il dit à la radio RTL.

L'EI compte 2000 à 3000 combattants en Libye, dont 1500 à Syrte, la ville natale de Mouammar Kadhafi à 450 km à l'est de Tripoli. Parmi eux figurent des nationaux partis combattre en Syrie et de retour dans leur pays, mais aussi des étrangers venus notamment de Tunisie, du Soudan ou du Yemen, selon une estimation de l'ONU. » | ats/nxp | lundi 14 décembre 2015

Mark Zuckerberg-backed Immigration Bill Would Allow Unlimited Muslim Immigration

BREITBART.COM: In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries.

The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, is called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared), and it has taken on new significance following the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino. Those attacks were only possible due to Muslim immigration: Syed Farook is reportedly the child of Pakistani immigrants, and his jihadi bride, Tashfeen Malik, was reportedly born in Pakistan.

The I-Squared bill is significant for a second reason. One of the Senators who introduced the bill is also running for President: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). And several of Rubio’s most prominent financial backers are among the bill’s boosters. » | Julia Hahn | Washington D.C. | Sunday, December 13, 2015

6.5 Million Votes and Counting, Front National Gets Zero Seats, But Record Support

BREITBART.COM: Amongst the celebrations by the mainstream media and political establishment, you would be forgiven for thinking that the Front National crashed horrendously during today’s second round of French regional elections. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While it will sting that Marine Le Pen’s party didn’t manage to pick up any regional seats, a lot of this is down to the political establishment’s games over the past few weeks, where they’ve formed unofficial coalitions, stood down candidates for each other, and rolled out religious and community figures to effectively threaten voters with a view of what a Front National France would look like. » | Raheem Kassam | Sunday, December 13, 2015