Monday, November 16, 2015

PEGIDA: Dresden Abendspaziergang (16.11.2015)

Pegida Dresden Abendspaziergang live vom Theaterplatz Dresden

Pat Condell: The Rape of Sweden

Swedish woman raped for hours by migrant “children”

Anonymous Declares War on Islamic State after Paris Attacks in Chilling Video

Anonymous has posted a video declaring war against Islamic State following a series of terror attacks in Paris.

Paris attacks: Anonymous declares war on Isil. Hacker group Anonymous says in a video that it will "hunt" Islamic State after its terrorist attacks in Paris, France on Friday.

Anonymous has posted a video declaring war against Islamic State following a series of terror attacks in Paris that have left at least 129 people dead. The hacker group, known for its cyber attacks against controversial organisations and individuals, is believed to have uploaded the footage on Friday night.

In the video, an announcer wearing an Anonymous Guy Fawkes mask and speaking French says: "You should know that we will find you and we will not let you go. "We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. "Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared.

"The French people are stronger than you and will come out of this atrocity even stronger."

‪Islamic State Threatens Further Attacks in New Video‬

Islamic State is warning in a new video released online that more attacks are imminen

Geert Wilders Speaks on Paris Attacks and Islam

François Hollande to Congress after Paris Attacks: "We Need to Do More in Syria"

‪Massive Anti-terror Raids in France, Belgium Follow Paris Attacks, Dozens Arrested‬

Anti-terrorist raids are currently underway across France, authorities said. The operations come following Friday’s co-ordinated attacks by jihadists in Paris that killed more than 120 people and left hundreds injured.

Paris Attacks: Throughout the World, La Marseillaise Echoes to Commemorate the Victims of Barbarity

Merkels offene Grenzen läuten Zeitalter des Terrors in Europa ein?

Man braucht Grenzen, um sein Territorium zu schützen. Wenn man das unterlässt, dann gibt man seine Nation den Feinden preis.

Franklin Graham Blames Terror Attacks on Islam, Sends Team of Chaplains to Paris

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Six French-speaking chaplains should arrive Monday to work with church, Christian groups / Graham says ‘Islam is at war with us’ and calls for restricting Muslim immigration / Muslim groups in Charlotte and around world condemn attacks, say ISIS is contrary to true Islam

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is sending a rapid-response team of chaplains to Paris.

The move comes as Franklin Graham, who heads the Charlotte-based group, continues to make waves by blaming the latest ISIS terror attacks on the religion of Islam and calling for restricting Muslim immigration to the United States.

“In the hours after the horrific attacks, some said ‘Terrorism has no religion.’ Do not be fooled. ... In this case, terrorism does have a religion – its name is Islam and its god is Allah,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post Saturday. “Islam is at war with us – we’ve witnessed its evil face firsthand over and over.”

In a second Facebook post Saturday, Graham reiterated his call for reform of America’s immigration policies to exclude Muslims. “We cannot allow Muslim immigrants to come across our borders unchecked while we are fighting this war of terror,” he wrote. “If we continue to allow Muslim immigration, we’ll see much more of what happened in Paris – it’s on our doorstep.” » | Tim Funk | Sunday, November 15, 2015

L’editorial du Guardian: Nous devons rester fermes après les attaques de Paris

THE GUARDIAN: On ne défend pas ses idéaux en les démontant. L’Europe doit rester un lieu de liberté, de refuge et de résolution sans faille

Avant d’évoquer quoi que que soit d’autre, parlons des victimes. Au milieu du bruit qui suit un épouvantable acte de violence, au milieu du vacarme des débats et des argumentaires, il est facile de ne plus entendre la seule douleur de l’événement. Paris déplore la perte d’au moins 132 personnes qui, ce vendredi, se livraient à des activités inoffensives et heureuses: manger ensemble, regarder ensemble un match de football, écouter de la musique ensemble. Ils sont morts aujourd’hui, assassinés dans des circonstances absolument terrifiantes. Les survivants, les blessés, les Français tous ensemble, déjà blessés par les attaques meurtrières de Janvier, sont sous le choc. Dans leur perte, leur deuil, leur douleur, nous sommes avec eux.

Le Président Français a répondu aux tueries parisiennes en les qualifiant de déclaration de guerre. Cela semble incontestable. Parler des tirs et des explosions de vendredi soir comme de simples crimes, comme s’ils n’étaient qu’une suite de meurtres commis par des gangs urbains, passe à côté de quelque chose d’important. Ces meurtres ont été coordonnés, méticuleusement planifiés et, selon des témoins visuels, effectués avec une précision froide et militaire. François Hollande n’a pas, pour rien, parlé de confrontation avec « l’armée » d’EI (Etat islamique). » | Monday, November 16, 2015

Read this editorial in English »

France Launches 'Massive' Airstrikes In Wake Of Paris Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: As planes took off for Syria to strike Isis, French police issued wanted notice for Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam, thought to be involved in attacks

France launched “massive” airstrikes against the Islamic State’s de facto capital in Syria on Sunday as French and Belgian police hunted a fugitive who was among the perpetrators of Friday’s bloody wave of suicide bombings and shootings in Paris.

As evidence mounted of a sophisticated, multinational terror operation with links to at least three European countries and the Middle East, 12 French aircraft including 10 fighter jets dropped a total of 20 bombs on a jihadi training camp and munitions dump in the city of Raqqa.

A French defence ministry statement said the strike, launched in coordination with US forces from airfields in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, was the biggest since France extended its bombing campaign against the extremist group to Syria in September.

Meanwhile in Paris, French police had released a wanted notice for Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old man born in Brussels, thought to be one of three French brothers living in Belgium who were involved in the attacks, which killed 129 people and left more than 350 injured, including nearly 100 critically. Belgian police also issued an international arrest warrant in Abdeslam’s name. » | Jon Henley in Paris and Ian Traynor in Molenbeek | Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Schweiz: Tagesschau Spezial: Terror in Paris (14.11.2015)

Hollande va s’adresser aux parlementaires pour «rassembler la nation»

LE MONDE: Deux jours après les attentats de Paris et l’annonce du président François Hollande de la tenue d’un Congrès extraordinaire, lundi 16 novembre, les forces politiques du Parlement se mettent en marche pour organiser cet événement exceptionnel, qui sera suivi d’un débat entre parlementaires.

Pour la deuxième fois de l’histoire de la Ve République, et même depuis 1848, un chef de l’Etat s’exprimera devant tous les parlementaires réunis en Congrès à Versailles, une allocution rendue possible depuis la réforme de la Constitution, en 2008. Nicolas Sarkozy avait été le premier à utiliser ce droit, en juin 2009, pour présenter ses orientations économiques et sociales. » | Par Hélène Bekmezian | dimanche 15 novembre 2015

French Citizen Directly Involved in Terror Attacks Being Hunted by Officials

Read the FoxNews articlehere | Sunday, November 15, 2015


Paris Attacks: "By Hitting in Paris, Terrorists Want to Diminish Everything France Represents"

Paris Attacks: "The Islamic State Group Is Exporting Its War into Europe"

Hundreds Sing Marseillaise in London’s Trafalgar Square Paying Tribute to Victims of Paris Attacks

Turkey: Lavrov Calls on World Leaders to Build Universal Anti-terrorist Front

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed the necessity to "put aside all excuses, preconditions and to concentrate on the creation of a universal anti-terrorist front," during a press briefing at the G20 Summit in Antalya, Sunday. Lavrov added that the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Jabhat an-Nusra and other terrorist organizations are the "common enemy."