Saturday, October 10, 2015

Swedish Church Removes Crosses to Make Muslim Migrants Feel Welcome

Ezra Levant of reports on the Swedish bishop who has ordered crosses removed from a Stockholm church to avoid offending Muslim migrants.

They're even marking the direction to Mecca! Like German chancellor Angela Merkel, this bishop hates her own culture and history so much she wants to hand it over to invaders without a fight.

This Swedish bishop is also a lesbian. Doesn't she know what Muslim fundamentalists do to women like her? The bigger question is, Isn't anybody prepared to defend the West any more?

Putin Crushes BBC Smartass

Turkey Terror Attack: Many Killed in Ankara Blasts

THE GUARDIAN: At least 30 people killed in blasts before planned march in Turkish capital to protest against conflict between state and Kurdish militants

At least 30 people have been killed and more than 100 wounded in a terrorist attack on a peace rally in the centre of the Turkish capital, according to reports.

Twin explosions outside Ankara’s main train station on Saturday morning appear to have targeted hundreds of people who had gathered to protest against violence between authorities and the Kurdish separatist group, the PKK.

Turkish government officials said the explosion was a terrorist attack and are investigating the claim that a suicide bomber was responsible. Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, is to hold a meeting with government officials and security chiefs in response to the attack, his office said.

The country’s interior ministry confirmed 30 people were killed in the blasts and 126 were wounded. A Reuters reporter at the scene saw at least 20 bodies covered by flags, with bloodstains and body parts scattered on the road.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan strongly condemned the double bombing, saying the attack targeted the country’s unity and peace. » | Staff and Agencies | Saturday, October 10, 2015

‪US Complicit in Saudi Bombing of Yemeni Civilians ‒ Human Rights Activist‬

Amnesty International is criticizing the US and the UK for human rights violations in Yemen, accusing them of selling weapons and hardware to Saudi Arabia during the country’s intense airstrike and bombing campaign against Houthi rebels, which have killed hundreds of civilians since the end of March. RT’s Lindsay France speaks with human rights activist Ajamu Baraka about the Amnesty report and the ongoing violence devastating the region.

Germany: Bavaria's Seehofer Demands German Government Limit Influx of Migrants

Bavaria's Minister-President Horst Seehofer convened his cabinet for an extraordinary meeting in Munich, Friday, to decide on emergency measures to deal with the influx of migrants in the region.

Geert Wilders: Anti-Islam Activist's Australian Visa Granted

ABC NEWS: Controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders has had his Australian visa granted, meaning he will be able to travel to Perth in just over a week to launch an Australian anti-Islam party.

The founders of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) had feared the far-right politician may be unable to attend the launch due to visa delays.

The party, which is inspired by that of Mr Wilders, wants to ban full-face coverings in public spaces and calls for a 10-year moratorium on resident visa applications by people from Islamic countries.

In a tweet, Mr Wilders said he was looking forward to visiting Perth.

The Immigration Department confirmed in a statement that Mr Wilders' visa had been granted. » | Lauren Day | Thursday, October 8, 2015

US Muslim Leaders Brace for Protests with Potentially Armed Demonstrators

THE GUARDIAN: Communities across the US worry over a gathering storm this weekend dubbed the Global Rally for Humanity: ‘There is so much misunderstanding’

Muslim leaders of mosques in some 20 cities in the US, including Phoenix and Oklahoma City, are preparing for anti-Islam demonstrations scheduled for Friday and Saturday by a loose group of potentially armed rightwing protesters.

Various Facebook pages are promoting the protests and calling on followers to go to any mosque, Muslim establishment or Islamic organization and voice their opinion on Saturday, 10 October.

“We are not canceling our prayer services for Friday and Saturday but we will have Phoenix police officers here in case the protestors get violent, especially because we have been hearing that some of the protestors will be armed,” said Usama Shami, the president of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (ICCP), the largest mosque in Phoenix that hosts more than 800 people for Friday prayers.

Phoenix police confirmed that they would have a presence at the event, with the caveat that it is legal in Arizona to openly carry guns.

Among the groups organizing the events, dubbed the Global Rally for Humanity, are the Oath Keepers, a group that advocates for open carry of guns and has been described as a “fiercely anti-government, militaristic group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Zainab Chaudry, outreach manager of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) in Maryland and a key organizer of the community alert to the mosques all over the US, said “this is one of the most massive anti-Islam protests in recent history ... even in post-9/11 we didn’t see the kind of Islamophobia that we see now”. » | Halima Kazem in San Francisco and Tom Dart in Houston | Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday, October 09, 2015

CrossTalk: Targeting All Terrorists

An expanding strategy and upping the ante – Russia is increasing its campaign against terrorist groups in Syria, while protecting the legitimate government in Damascus. Official Washington continues to struggle to find a response, other than expressing its fury. Being angry at Russia is not a foreign policy. CrossTalking with Ray McGovern, Daniel Lazare, and Michael O'Hanlon.

Jihad-Drohungen gegen Russland

TAGES ANZEIGER: Wegen der Intervention Russlands in Syrien verstärken Saudiarabien und die Türkei ihre militärische Hilfe für die Rebellen. Und saudische Kleriker rufen zum Heiligen Krieg auf.

Das russische Eingreifen im Syrien-Krieg zugunsten des Assad-Regimes hat über 50 Kleriker in Saudiarabien zu einem dramatischen Aufruf veranlasst. Es ist ein Aufruf zum Heiligen Krieg gegen die syrische Regierung und ihre Verbündeten. Gemeint ist vor allem Russland, aber auch der Iran. «Sie führen einen Krieg gegen die Sunniten, ihre Länder und ihre Identität», heisst es im Pamphlet der Kleriker. «Die heiligen Krieger in Syrien verteidigen die gesamte islamische Nation. Unterstützt sie.» Die sunnitischen Extremisten beschimpfen die schiitischen und alawitischen Muslime, und sie kritisieren Russlands Kampfeinsatz in Syrien als «christlichen Kreuzzug». » | Vincenzo Capodici, Redaktor International | Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015

Russian Orthodox Church Supports Putin's 'Holy War' in Syria to Protect Christians

CHRISTIAN TODAY: Russia is waging a "holy war" in Syria to protect innocent Christians against the "tyranny of terrorism," the powerful Russian Orthodox Church declared in a statement on Wednesday as Russian warplanes began pounding targets in Syria.

"Russia took a responsible decision to use military forces to protect the Syrian people from the woes brought on by the tyranny of terrorists," Russian Orthodox Church's Patriarch Kirill said in an official statement.

The Patriarch said Russia's armed intervention became necessary since "the political process has not led to any noticeable improvement in the lives of innocent people, and they need military protection."

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church, which has 150 million members worldwide, pointed out that President Vladimir Putin's decision to send Russian forces to Syria has the approval of parliament and is "consistent with international law, the mentality of our people and the role that our country has always played in the Middle East," the Interfax news agency said as reported by the International Business Times.

Chaplin said Russia cannot turn its back on Christians and other minority groups being wiped out by Islamic State militants and other extremist forces. » | Hazel Torres | Friday, October 2, 2015

US Scraps Syria Rebels Training Program - Report

The Obama administration is set to overhaul the Defense Department's $500 million program to train and equip Syrian rebels, according to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. The US president is expected to speak on the matter later on Friday.

Jean-Claude Junker: 'European Policies Must Not Be Dictated by Washington'

Europe must treat Russia with more decency, improve the relationship, and not let EU policies be dictated by Washington, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a surprise speech in Germany.

Gauland: Wir schaffen das, sagt Frau Merkel. Nein, wir wollen das gar nicht schaffen!

Wir werden immer mehr! Danke an alle Mutbürger, die in Erfurt am 7. Oktober Flagge gezeigt haben gegen den Asyl-Wahnsinn der Altparteien! Für dreifachen Klartext haben Alexander Gauland, Paul Hampel und Björn Höcke gesorgt. Gauland forderte in seiner Rede, dass Kanzlerin Merkel die Interessen der eigenen Bürger wahrzunehmen habe, und die fremder Menschen. Den ungarischen Präsidenten Viktor Orbán schlug er für die Verleihung des Karlspreises vor.

Merkel: "Ich habe einen Plan"

Schaffen wir das? Ja, wir schaffen das. Planlos in Berlin? Unsinn. Aufnahmestopp für Flüchtlinge? Bringt nichts. Thomas de Maiziere? Wird gebraucht, dringender denn je. Nach 60 Minuten Merkel bei "Anne Will" ist klar: Die Kanzlerin hat sich festgelegt. Ohne Hintertürchen.

Flüchtlingskrise: Nie gefragt, ob wir Einwanderungsland werden wollen

Politologe Werner Patzelt ist sicher: Die Flüchtlinge werden zu einem Problem für unsere Gesellschaft. Die Politik habe es versäumt, das Volk überhaupt zu fragen, ob man Einwanderungsland sein wolle.

'Stop Messing with Australia and Its Society', Grand Mufti Hits Out at Islamic Extremism

ABC – THE WORLD TODAY: KIM LANDERS: But first, Australia's Muslim leaders have denounced extremism saying misguided teachings are being imported to Australia via Twitter and Facebook.

Just a week ago a 15-year-old left the Parramatta mosque in Sydney's west and walked to the New South Wales police headquarters where he shot and killed a police employee.

With anti-Islam protests looming in several cities, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, says violent extremism is a rare but serious problem.

Speaking through a translator, he says the root cause has to be examined and addressed by all Australians.

IBRAHIM ABU MOHAMED (translated): Number one, we say to those who supported that, stop messing with Australia and its society. Generally speaking and utterly, we refuse and reject any form of terrorist activities whether this, if it's proven to be a terrorist activity or any other one.

It is not just a religious problem that may have led to these things. It's a religious, ideological, social and other factors that may have contributed to this kind of motivation, and therefore any remedy should include all the factors, all the ingredients of this mix for us to have a proper remedy, not just focusing on the religious part of the story. (+ Audio) » | Rachael Brown | Friday, October 9, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Officials Conclude Iran Deal Violates Federal Law

FOX NEWS: Some senior U.S. officials involved in the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal have privately concluded that a key sanctions relief provision – a concession to Iran that will open the doors to tens of billions of dollars in U.S.-backed commerce with the Islamic regime – conflicts with existing federal statutes and cannot be implemented without violating those laws, Fox News has learned.

At issue is a passage tucked away in ancillary paperwork attached to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, as the Iran nuclear deal is formally known. Specifically, Section 5.1.2 of Annex II provides that in exchange for Iranian compliance with the terms of the deal, the U.S. “shall…license non-U.S. entities that are owned or controlled by a U.S. person to engage in activities with Iran that are consistent with this JCPOA.”

In short, this means that foreign subsidiaries of U.S. parent companies will, under certain conditions, be allowed to do business with Iran. The problem is that the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act (ITRA), signed into law by President Obama in August 2012, was explicit in closing the so-called “foreign sub” loophole. » | James Rosen | Friday, October 9, 2015

Refugees Take Charge of Danish Newspaper for a Day

THE GUARDIAN: Liberal daily Dagbladet Information hands over reins to 12 refugees who are professional journalists, most of them recent arrivals in Denmark

Refugees facing hostile politicians and press in Denmark were given the run of a daily newspaper on Friday to present a radically different picture of the thousands of asylum seekers knocking on Europe’s door.

“For politicians, refugees are just a problem to be solved as quickly as possible, and most prefer to do it without looking them in the eye,” said an editorial in Dagbladet Information, an independent liberal daily, in a special issue written entirely by refugees who are also professional journalists. “Today it is the refugees who speak to us.”

The paper assembled a dozen refugees, most of whom are recent arrivals in the country, giving them full editorial control and help with research and translation.

“This is a chance to show the Danish people a different picture – we are giving them a new kind of story made by refugees,” said Dalam Alasaad, a Syrian journalist from Palmyra who came to Denmark via Turkey last year. » | David Crouch in Gothenburg | Friday, October 9, 2015

Italy: First Asylum Seekers Flown to Sweden as Part of EU Refugee Relocation Plan

A plane carrying 19 Eritrean refugees left from Rome's Ciampino airport for Sweden, Friday, the first people to take part in the EU’s new relocation plan that aims to ease the pressure of the refugee crisis on Europe’s border-states.

Italy: EU Warns of Refugee Deportation as Relocation Policy Gets Underway

EU politicians held a presser on the union’s new asylum seeker relocation policy in Rome, Friday, after the first group of refugees were flown from Ciampino airport to Sweden as part of the scheme to ease the pressure of the refugee crisis on Europe’s border-states.