Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Russen bombardieren offenbar Rebellen statt IS

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die russischen Angriffe in Syrien haben laut internationalen Medien nicht dem IS, sondern Gebieten der Free Syrian Army gegolten.

Russland hat erstmals Luftangriffe in Syrien geflogen. Das russische Verteidigungsministerium bestätigte die Luftangriffe auf Stellungen der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat in Syrien. Kampfjets hätten Munitionsdepots und Treibstofflager des IS etwa 200 Kilometer von Damaskus entfernt bombardiert, sagte Generalmajor Igor Konaschenkow vom Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau der Agentur Interfax zufolge. Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu habe enge Verbündete Russlands informiert, sagte er.

Verschiedene internationale Medien berichten hi[n]gegen, dass die russischen Angriffe in Gebieten geschahen, in denen nicht der IS sondern Rebellen der Free Syrian Army angesiedelt seien. Reuters zitiert ein Kader-Mitglied der FSA, die gegen Präsident Assad kämpft: «Im Gebiet nördlich von Hama gibt es keine Stellung des IS sondern ist vollständig unter der Kontrolle der Free Syrian Army.» Auch Gebiete um die Stadt Homs, die von russischen Bomben getroffen wurden, stehen nach Angaben von Reuters unter der Kontrolle von Rebellengruppen. Der IS operiere hingegen nicht in diesem Gebiet. » | bee/AFP/sda | Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

Judge Forced to Abandon 9/11 Case against Saudi Arabia Because It Has Immunity

EXPRESS: A JUDGE has thrown out a case claiming Saudi Arabia backed the horrific September 11 attacks – because the Middle East nation has sovereign immunity.

Families of the victims and insurers had accused the Arab state of providing material support to terror group al-Qaeda.

But US District Judge George Daniels said Saudi Arabia could not be tried for the damage claims.

He said: "The allegations in the complaint alone do not provide this court with a basis to assert jurisdiction over defendants."

Sovereign immunity means the the sovereign or state cannot be sued. » | Tom Parfitt | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pat Condell: The Invasion of Europe

The EU is breaking the law to import rape and jihad.

Russian Warships Launch Airstrikes against ISIS in Syria

Sep. 30, 2015 - 3:55 - Russia asks U.S. to withdraw jets from Syrian airspace

Ben Carson Responds to CAIR's Calls to Drop Out of 2016 Race

Sep. 29, 2015 - 5:24 - Presidential candidate slams accusations on 'The Kelly File'

When It Comes to Islamic Terrorism, Is Obama on Our Side? Root for America

As a kid we used to say “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” We were wrong. Words are dangerous. Words can be deadly. Words (or lack of them) can inspire terrorism. As radical Islamic Jihad threatens our countries, our children and our free speech, there is a new Neville Chamberlain. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama: Non-Muslims Must Stop Equating Islam with Terrorism

President Obama Attempts to Save Face on Syrian Conflict

Sep. 29, 2015 - 3:33 - Admin claims Putin meeting gave clarity about Russia's efforts to fight ISIS, role in Syria; Kevin Corke provides insight on 'Special Report'

Russians Tell US to Remove Warplanes from Syria, Senior Official Says

FOX NEWS: EXCLUSIVE: Russian officials have demanded that American warplanes exit Syrian airspace immediately, a senior U.S. official told Fox News early Wednesday.

The official told Fox News that Russian diplomats sent an official demarche ordering U.S. planes out of Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were now flying over Syrian territory. U.S. military sources told Fox News that U.S. planes would not comply with the Russian demand.

"There is nothing to indicate that we are changing operations over Syria," a senior defense official said. "We have had every indication in recent weeks that (the Russians) were going to do something given the build-up," another defense official added.

The move by Moscow marks a major escalation in ongoing tensions between the two countries over military action in the war-torn country and comes moments after Russian lawmakers formally approved a request from the country's president, Vladimir Putin, to authorize the use of troops in Syria.

The Russian demand also mirrors one made by Turkey this past July, when Ankara asked U.S. planes to fly only in airspace south of Mosul, Iraq. In that case, 24 Turkish jets bombed Kurdish positions, catching the U.S. off guard. » | | Fox News' Jennifer Griffin and Lucas Tomlinson and the Associated Press contributed to this report | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Russian Parliament Approves Use of Military in Syria to Fight ISIS

The upper chamber of the Russian parliament has unanimously given a formal consent to President Putin to use the nation’s military in Syria to fight terrorism at a request from the Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Vladimir Putin Is Calling the Shots over Syria - While Obama Is Sidelined

THE TELEGRAPH: The Russian president has checkmated his US opposite number by supporting Bashar al-Assad with tangible military might

When the history of the decline of American influence in the Middle East comes to be written, US President Barack Obama’s testy exchange with Vladimir Putin, his Russian opposite number, at this week’s UN General Assembly in New York may turn out to be the key turning point.

Ever since his appointment as president in 2009, Mr Obama has sought to redefine Washington’s relationship with the Arab world, starting with his keynote speech in Cairo in June 2009, when he called for “a new beginning” in relations between the West and Muslim governments.

And in many respects Mr Obama has achieved his goal, with the ground-breaking deal he signed with Iran in the summer over its nuclear programme transforming Washington’s relations with the region. The only problem for Mr Obama is that, by investing so much of his political capital in his agreement with the ayatollahs, he has neglected to address many of the region’s other critical issues.

This is particularly true so far as his handling of the threat posed by Islamic State (Isil) is concerned. Having initially supported the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime when anti-government protests erupted more than four years ago, Mr Obama has been far less keen to involve himself in the conflict after Isil fanatics emerged as the most effective opposition group. His decision to authorise US-led air strikes against Isil last year was taken with the utmost reluctance, and only after Isil militants began massacring captured Yazidis in neighbouring Iraq.

With the American president unwilling to provide effective leadership in dealing with the Syrian crisis, the vacuum has now been filled by Mr Putin, whose surprise military intervention in support of Mr Assad last week, when Russian tanks, warplanes and marines were deployed to shore up the beleaguered Syrian leader, was no doubt timed with this week’s UN summit in mind. Read on and comment » | Con Coughlin | Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My comment:

Wait until Iran sidelines the US and turns to Russia for succour and support. Methinks we are about to witness the total demise of American influence in the ME. And for this, the Americans can thank their 'leader', Barack Hussein Obama.

It has been Obama's wish all along to make Iran more powerful than Saudi Arabia. This, I believe, stems from his father. His father was a Shi'ite Muslim, and it was one of his father's dreams, I believe, to make Shi'ite Islam, i.e. Iran, dominant in the ME, and to limit Saudi Arabia's influence. (Remember: Dreams from My Father)

The problem for Obama is this: He seems to be well on track to make Iran strong and Saudi Arabia weak. But what he didn't factor in was that Iran would cut America down to size by turning its back on America (the Great Satan), and turn instead to Russia, Bashar Al-Assad's ally and friend. He also happens to be Iran's friend.

Obama is, and always has been, way out of his depth in international politics. The big players on the world stage are making a complete fool out of him. – © Mark

This comment also appears here.

German Leadership Has Left the Whole of Europe in Crisis Says Leo McKinstry

Angela Merkel's response to the migrant crisis has made
things worse
EXPRESS: ONE of the core objectives of the European Union’s creation was to put Germany in a straitjacket.

After the carnage of two world wars in the first half of the 20th century, both of them sparked by the country’s rampant territorial ambitions and maniacal leaders, the EU’s founding fathers believed that the best way to control Teutonic aggression was through the establishment of a federal superstate. But, as with everything that the EU does, this approach has failed disastrously.

Far from curbing German influence, the Brussels regime has served as a vehicle for cementing German dominance of Europe.

The EU is essentially a German-led entity with Berlin’s politicians now dictating the fate of the continent as surely as if they were in command of occupying armies.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is truly the empress of this realm, capable of ruining entire European societies with just a word from her cold lips.

It is a familiar role for Germany. Ever since it first became a unified state in 1871, it has been a menace to the peace and stability of Europe.

In the modern history of the world no other advanced nation has come close to inflicting such repeated damage or spreading such profound misery.

Now the German political class is at it again, dragging Europe towards permanent ruin through its spectacular mishandling of the immigration crisis.

The scenes of chaos throughout Europe are a monument to the appalling vanity of Merkel and large sections of the German public. In their mix of shortsightedness and smugness they are the architects of this present catastrophe.

It was Merkel who opened the floodgates by declaring last month that Germany would take in more than 800,000 migrants this year alone.

That was a clear invitation for thousands to venture across the Mediterranean from north Africa and the Middle East, most of whom are neither Syrian nor refugees. » | Leo McKinstry | Monday, September 28, 2015

Whitewash! Germany Fears Rise Of Far-Right Over Refugee Crisis

Islamophobia In Germany: With the German anti-Islamic group Pegida gaining more support, have they already affected Germany's immigration policy?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Behörden beschlagnahmen Häuser für Flüchtlinge

TAGES ANZEIGER: Deutsche Städte wollen Immobilien für Flüchtlinge «sicherstellen» – per Gesetz. Im Visier haben sie primär Gewerbehäuser.

Stimmen, dass Flüchtlinge in sogenannten «Zweitwohnungen» untergebracht werden sollen, wurden bereits vor Wochen laut. Nun hat die Stadt Hamburg eine weitere Idee, wie man den Flüchtlingen ein zuhause geben – oder sie zumindest vorübergehend unterbringen könnte. Das berichtet die «Zeit». Die Stadt will Immobilien und Grundstücke in Hamburg «sicherstellen». Mit anderen Worten, man will leere Immobilien und Grundstücke beschlagnahmen, um Asylsuchende in diesen Gebäuden unterzubringen. Die Eigentümer sollen dafür mit den ortsüblichen Mieten entschädigt werden. Was momentan bloss ein Gesetzesentwurf ist, könnte ab Oktober Wirklichkeit werden. » | nab | Dienstag, 29. September 2015

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To Progress and Back: The Rise and Fall of Erdogan's Turkey

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: No other state has catapulted itself into the future quite as rapidly, nor relapsed back into its dark past as suddenly, as Turkey. First there was modernization, and now the beginnings of a civil war. The country is divided by mistrust and hate.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan -- a devout Muslim, gifted populist, modernizer and father of the country's economic miracle -- is in danger of becoming an autocrat, one who is dragging his own nation into civil war and stoking external conflicts. First, he wanted to overthrow the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, then he ignored the Islamic State (IS) for far too long. And now he's fighting the Kurds, the West's only partner in its battle against the Islamic extremists. Erdogan is reinstating old battle fronts and stirring mistrust and nationalism. He is imprisoning journalists and his critics. And his soldiers are cordoning off and firing on entire Kurdish cities.

Erdogan used to have ambitious goals. He wanted to solve the Kurdish conflict and boost the economy. He wanted to modernize his country and align it more toward Europe. And he wasn't entirely unsuccessful.

Until very recently, Turkey, a NATO member, was regarded as democracy's only hope in the Islamic world. The country served as a mediator between East and West, and was on track to become a candidate for EU accession. But today's Turkey is quite the opposite: It is a country at risk of falling into a collective insanity, driven there by fanaticism, excessive nationalism and bizarre conspiracy theories.

Read the whole article » | Hasnain Kazim, Maximilian Popp and Samiha Shafy | Translated from the German by Chris Cottrell | Thursday, September 24, 2015

Flüchtlingskrise: Seehofer fordert von Merkel Signal zur Begrenzung der Zuwanderung

Ministerpräsident Seehofer: "Aus den Fugen geraten"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: CSU-Chef Seehofer verschärft den Ton gegenüber Kanzlerin Merkel. Der bayerische Ministerpräsident drängt die Bundesregierung, darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Aufnahmemöglichkeiten für Flüchtlinge begrenzt seien.

In der Flüchtlingskrise wächst der Druck aus den eigenen Reihen auf Angela Merkel (CDU). Bayerns Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer hatte die Kanzlerin bereits für ihre Entscheidung kritisiert, in Ungarn festsitzende Flüchtlinge vorübergehend ohne Kontrollen nach Deutschland einreisen zu lassen. Jetzt verschärft der CSU-Chef erneut den Ton: "Es ist die drängende Pflicht eines Politikers, auf die begrenzten Aufnahmemöglichkeiten hinzuweisen", sagte Seehofer in München. "Bei aller Hilfspolitik sind wir Politiker nicht befreit von der Frage, auch über die Folgen unseres Tuns nachzudenken."

Seehofer dankte Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, der bereits die beschränkten Aufnahmekapazitäten angesprochen habe. Ein "vergleichbares Signal" wünsche er sich von der Bundesregierung, sagte der CSU-Politiker. Seit Monatsbeginn seien knapp 170.000 Flüchtlinge in Bayern angekommen, so Seehofer - ein Beleg dafür, "dass die Angelegenheit vollständig aus den Fugen geraten ist". » | kev/dpa/Reuters | Dienstag, 29. September 2015

Cost of Migration Crisis Means Nothing to Us, Says Top EU Official

EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris
Avramopoulos during a joint news conference on the current
migration and refugee[s] crisis in Europe, in Brussels
THE TELEGRAPH: Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU official in charge of migration, says political backlash over migration 'means nothing' as he is not elected

The EU’s leaders “do not care about the political cost" of their handling of the migration crisis because they do not have to face election, one of its top officials has admitted.

Dimitris Avramopoulos, the commissioner for migration whose controversial plan to relocate 120,000 refugees badly split the EU last week, said national leaders should “stop thinking about” the backlash they face over migration.

The relocation policy is deeply unpopular in eastern Europe, but without the threat of re-election this “means nothing”, Mr Avramopoulos said. The remarks were met with anger by British eurosceptics. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Monday, September 28, 2015

Tunisie: lueur d'espoir après la condamnation d'un homosexuel à de la prison

Un homosexuel vient d'être condamné à de la prison pour sodomie.
L’EXPRESS: Un Tunisien de 22 a été condamné à un an de prison pour homosexualité après avoir subi un test anal. Le ministre de la Justice a admis lundi que la loi devait évoluer.

Un an de prison pour avoir eu une relation homosexuelle. La peine prononcée à l'encontre d'un Tunisien de 22 ans, a suscité l'indignation la semaine dernière. Son examen anal pour prouver la sodomie - une pratique légale - avait notamment indigné. "Cruel", "inhumain" et "dégradant", a jugé l'ONG Human Rights Watch. » | Maryline Dumas | mardi 29 septembre 2015

Flüchtlingskrise in Österreich: Jetzt droht Gewalteinsatz an der Süd- Ost- Grenze

Innenministerin Johanna Miki-Leitner warnt vor
"mazedonischen Zuständen".
KRONEN ZEITUNG: Nächste Eskalationsstufe in der Flüchtlingskrise: Weil Unklarheit herrscht, wie es mit dem Weitertransport der Flüchtlinge von Österreich nach Deutschland - Stichwort Sonderzüge - weitergeht, hat Innenministerin Johanna Mikl-Leitner jetzt im Falle eines Rückstaus auch einen "Gewalteinsatz" in den Raum gestellt. Wenn es zu einem Rückstau an der Grenze komme, dann habe man nur eine Chance, nämlich die Grenzen ganz dichtzumachen, sagte die Ministerin am Dienstag. Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann sagte, er glaube nicht, dass Deutschland die Flüchtlings-Sonderzüge ganz einstellen könnte.

In Deutschland mehrten sich zu Wochenbeginn warnende Stimmen, wonach die Kapazitäten zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen erschöpft seien. Pro Tag kämen im Durchschnitt etwa 10.000 Flüchtlinge an, berichtete die "Bild"- Zeitung am Dienstag unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskreise. Demnach sind in der Zeit vom 5. bis 27. September rund 230.000 Asylsuchende nach Deutschland gekommen. Zwei Drittel von ihnen, rund 150.000, seien nach den eingeführten Grenzkontrollen im "Zielland" Deutschland gelandet, viele davon über das "Transitland" Österreich. » | AG/red | Dienstag, 29. September 2015

Honor Killing in Germany After Police Slip-Up

Lareeb Khan
THE CLARION PROJECT: German police informed the family that Lareeb, 19, had been caught stealing condoms. This confirmed she was sexually active, leading to the murder.

A 19-year old girl was strangled to death by her father in an honor killing in Germany after police informed him by letter she had been caught shoplifting condoms.

Asadullah Khan, 51, strangled his daughter Lareeb while she slept in the family home. He and his wife, Shazia Khan, then dressed Lareeb in her work clothes as a dental assistant and put her body in their car and discarded it in a nearby forest.

The pair is being charged with murder.

Asadullah Khan admitted the killing and told the court that his daughter had brought dishonor on the family by forming a relationship with a boyfriend he did not approve of. He wanted her to have an arranged marriage with someone from Pakistan. » | Tuesday, September 29, 2015