Tuesday, September 15, 2015

‘We Need to Abandon Double Standards to Combat ISIS’ – Putin

Putin is urging other nations to set aside double standards and selfishness, to unite in defeating Islamic State. Vladimir Putin also responded to accusations Moscow was to blame for the mass refugee exodus from Syria to Europe. Murad Gazdiev reports.

Female Genital Mutilation Must Happen to Every Girl as Part of Culture, Alleged Victim Tells Court

ABC NEWS: A young girl has described the religious ceremony where she allegedly underwent female genital mutilation (FGM), the New South Wales Supreme court was told.

"It's part of our culture and that has to happen to every girl," she said in a 2012 recording of a police interview aired in court.

The girl's mother, a member of Sydney's Dawoodi Bohra community, is accused of arranging separate FGM procedures on two of her daughters when they were seven years old, between 2009 and 2012.

Dawoodi Bohra is a sect within Shia Islam mostly found in India, Pakistan and Yemen.

Also on trial is a former nurse and midwife who allegedly performed the procedures. » | Claire Aird | Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Angela Merkel Defends Germany's Handling of Refugee Influx

THE GUARDIAN: German chancellor says she let in unregistered refugees in the face of a humanitarian emergency and insists country’s borders remain open

Angela Merkel has defended her decision to open German borders to unregistered refugees, only to introduce controls on Sunday, saying the impulse was right and had shown Germany’s “friendly, beautiful face” to the world.

Speaking in Berlin after a meeting with her Austrian counterpart, Werner Faymann, Merkel said she had faced a humanitarian emergency two weeks ago, as tens of thousands of exhausted refugees waited to enter the country. She had, exceptionally, agreed to let them in, she said.

The German chancellor rejected claims that her decision had made Europe’s refugee crisis worse by encouraging others to head for Germany. She said that images of volunteers greeting refugees at Munich’s main train station had gone round the world. “If we had not shown a friendly face, that’s not my country,” she said. » | Luke Harding in Berlin | Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hungary Splits Migrant Children from Parents as It Declares STATE OF EMERGENCY

EXPRESS: MIGRANT children are being split from their parents and thrown into "institutions" as Hungary declares a state of emergency amid scenes reminiscent of the Second World War.

The Hungarian Government announced this morning two of its southern counties bordering Serbia are now officially in a state of emergency due to the sheer number of refugees entering the country.

The shock move gives the Government powers to mobilise the army, to help police with border controls, and gives them power to search homes without a warrant if they suspect migrants may be hiding there - pending approval from parliament which is expected next week.

A state of emergency means courts will now be forced to prioritise cases involving people caught entering Hungary illegally.

The Government announced late this morning all children under 18 without the correct documents will be placed in "children's institutions" while their parents will be put in one of two holding areas called "transit zones".

But children have already been split from their parents today after new laws were enforced at midnight on Tuesday which make crossing the border illegally a crime punishable by a prison sentence.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said this morning his Government had been forced to officially declare a state of emergency of [or] face the nation being engulfed. » | Alix Culbertson | Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First Migrant Arrested at Closed Hungary Border as New Laws Kick In

THE TELEGRAPH: A group of Syrian men are the first migrants to be arrested at Hungary's border after new laws were brought in to criminalise attempting to cross into the country illegally

Hungarian authorities have made their first arrests of migrants for violating strict border rules that were recently introduced.

Three men, believed to be Syrian, have been arrested for illegally crossing from Serbia into Hungary under a wire fence at the border town of Roszke.

They were quickly apprehended by Hungarian police.

New laws introduced to deal with the influx of migrants and refugees from countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa made it a criminal offence, punishable by prison or deportation, to damage Hungary's newly erected border defences. (+ video) » | Vin Shahrestani, and agencies, video source APTN | Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Obama Using Refugee Crisis He Created To Sneak In ISIS

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily exposes what lies behind the latest breaking news.

Mad Max-style Train Seals Hungary-Serbia Border

An apocalyptic-looking train fitted with razor wire has been deployed to seal the last gap in Hungary’s border with Serbia, amid UN agency warnings that fences and tougher border controls are not a solution to the dire refugee crisis.

Roszke as Police Close Border to Refugees

Germany: PEGIDA Supporters Protest Merkel's Refugee Policies in Munich

Hundreds of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans against Western Islamisation) supporters marched through Munich on Monday evening, in protest against German government policies in relation to the ongoing refugee and migrant crisis.

Germany: PEGIDA Protests Government's Response to Refugee Crisis

Thousands of PEGIDA protesters gathered on Neumarkt Square in Dresden on Monday, marching towards the city centre in opposition to government policies on Europe's ongoing migrant and refugee crisis.

Malcolm Turnbull Sworn In as Outgoing PM Tony Abbott Lashes Out in Emotional Farewell Speech

Outgoing Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott attacks "treachery" of fellow Liberal MPs and the media but pledges not to undermine the new leader Malcolm Turnbull

Read the Telegraph article here | Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney | Tuesday, September 15, 2015

‘Period of Tolerance for Illegal Migrants Ends’ – Top Hungarian Politician

Europe is coping with a record-breaking number of asylum seekers by closing the borders, building four-metre fences and putting soldiers on standby. Fears that border breaches are allowing Islamic State terrorists to enter the EU are being raised by European politicians.

James O'Brien Grills Daniel Kawczynski MP on Saudi Arms Sales - Newsnight

Should there be an international investigation into possible war crimes in Yemen? James O'Brien asked Daniel Kawczynski, member of the UK's Foreign Affairs Select Committee.

Flüchtlingskrise: Orbán: „Wir wollen kein Chaos“

Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán: Verschärfte
Gesetze kompromisslos anwenden
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Ungarns Ministerpräsident fordert bei ihrer Vereidigung hunderte Grenzpolizisten dazu auf, „menschlich, aber kompromisslos die Gesetze anzuwenden“. Eine „Völkerwanderung weltweiten Ausmaßes“ dürfe das Land nicht verändern.

Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán hat seine Grenzpolizei zu entschlossenem Handeln aufgerufen. „Wir wollen kein Chaos“, sagte Orbán am Montag bei der feierlichen Vereidigung von 868 neuen Grenzpolizisten am Budapester Heldenplatz. „Wir wollen nicht, dass eine Völkerwanderung weltweiten Ausmaßes Ungarn verändert.“ Orbán forderte die Polizisten auf, in menschlicher, aber kompromissloser Weise die ungarischen Gesetze anzuwenden. » | Quelle: dpa | Montag, September 14, 2015

Refugees Rush to Enter Hungary as Door Slams Shut: Entering the Country Illegally Will Now Be Punishable by Up to Three Years in Prison

THE INDEPENDENT: New legislation will make entering the country a criminal act

Almost 26 years since the day, in 1989, when Hungary opened its borders to citizens of East Germany, heralding the collapse of the Iron Curtain, those same barriers are being closed. In a desperate effort to stem the flow of asylum seekers fleeing war zones in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond, the Hungarian government deployed flanks of police and soldiers wielding automatic weapons to patrol its border with Serbia, assisted by a 110-mile long newly constructed barbed-wire fence.

According to new legislation effective from Tuesday, entering Hungary illegally will constitute a criminal act, potentially punishable by a prison sentence of up to three years. This afternoon police closed the unofficial crossing along a train track between the Serbian village of Horgos and Roszke in Hungary, a route previously popular with refugees. » | Andrew Connelly | Roszke | Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Flüchtlinge - Österreich kündigt Grenzkontrollen an

Nach Deutschland will nun auch Österreich den Zustrom von Flüchtlingen auf der sogenannten Balkanroute begrenzen.

Der Ruf nach einem deutschen Einwanderungsgesetz

Tausende Flüchtlinge sind in den letzten Wochen nach Deutschland gekommen, und die Deutschen haben ihnen geholfen, so gut es eben ging. Politiker fordern nun ein Einwanderungsgesetz, in dem geregelt wird, wie viele und welche Migranten im Land Aufnahme finden.

Marine Le Pen dénonce les migrants «arrogants et exigeants»

LA DEPECHE: « On est chez nous ! On est chez nous ! » Ce sont les cris des sympathisants FN qui ont soutenu Marine Le Pen pendant son discours dimanche à Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais). La présidente du Front national s’est exprimée devant la permanence de son parti au sujet de la crise des migrants. Et elle n’a pas mâché ses mots : « Les routiers voient leur outil de travail chaque jour menacé, saccagé, par des clandestins ne reculant devant rien et devenant même arrogants et exigeants, comme à Calais, où ils manifestent presque quotidiennement ». » | ladepeche.fr | lundi 14 septembre 2015

Réfugiés : pour Marine Le Pen, «l'Allemagne s'écrase sur le mur de la réalité»

LE FIGARO: LE SCAN POLITIQUE - Après la décision de Berlin de rétablir les contrôles aux frontières avec l'Autriche, la présidente du FN demande la fermeture des frontières avec l'Allemagne. Bernard Cazeneuve appelle pour sa part «au respect scrupuleux» des règles de Schengen.

Elle a réagi au quart de tour. À peine l'Allemagne avait-elle annoncé le rétablissement des contrôles aux frontières avec l'Autriche que Marine Le Pen dégainait son communiqué. «Après avoir totalement ouvert ses portes aux migrants pour de basses raisons économiques, voyant dans cette masse humaine un réservoir de travailleurs à bas coût, l'Allemagne est soudainement rattrapée par la réalité de sa folie migratoire», assure la présidente du FN. «Par suivisme et idéologie, le gouvernement français s'est mis, lui, dans la pire des situations, acceptant de faire peser sur les Français la charge des migrants que l'Allemagne a fait venir en Europe, et que finalement elle ne souhaite plus aussi largement recevoir» ajoute-t-elle. Marine Le Pen réclame la suspension dans l'urgence des accords de Schengen en France «pour éviter que le trop-plein de clandestins dont elle ne veut plus ne vienne chez nous». » | Par Le Scan politique | lundi 14 septembre 2015

Immigration Wave: Will Europe Still Be Europe?

Migrants are continuing to pour into Europe by the hundreds of thousands. But what if the migrant surge doesn't stop?