Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hungary Splits Migrant Children from Parents as It Declares STATE OF EMERGENCY

EXPRESS: MIGRANT children are being split from their parents and thrown into "institutions" as Hungary declares a state of emergency amid scenes reminiscent of the Second World War.

The Hungarian Government announced this morning two of its southern counties bordering Serbia are now officially in a state of emergency due to the sheer number of refugees entering the country.

The shock move gives the Government powers to mobilise the army, to help police with border controls, and gives them power to search homes without a warrant if they suspect migrants may be hiding there - pending approval from parliament which is expected next week.

A state of emergency means courts will now be forced to prioritise cases involving people caught entering Hungary illegally.

The Government announced late this morning all children under 18 without the correct documents will be placed in "children's institutions" while their parents will be put in one of two holding areas called "transit zones".

But children have already been split from their parents today after new laws were enforced at midnight on Tuesday which make crossing the border illegally a crime punishable by a prison sentence.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said this morning his Government had been forced to officially declare a state of emergency of [or] face the nation being engulfed. » | Alix Culbertson | Tuesday, September 15, 2015