Showing posts with label health matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health matters. Show all posts

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Lung Damage from Vaping Resembles Chemical Burns, Report Says

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Doctors at the Mayo Clinic examined samples of lung tissue from 17 patients, all of which looked as if the people had been exposed to toxic chemicals, the researchers said.

The lung damage in some people who have become ill after vaping nicotine or marijuana products resembles a chemical burn, doctors from the Mayo Clinic reported on Wednesday.

Their findings are based on samples of lung tissue from 17 patients around the country whose biopsy specimens were sent to Mayo to be examined under the microscope by experts in lung pathology. Two samples came from patients who died.

“All 17 of our cases show a pattern of injury in the lung that looks like a toxic chemical exposure, a toxic chemical fume exposure, or a chemical burn injury,” said Dr. Brandon T. Larsen, a surgical pathologist at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz. “To be honest, they look like the kind of change you would expect to see in an unfortunate worker in an industrial accident where a big barrel of toxic chemicals spills, and that person is exposed to toxic fumes and there is a chemical burn in the airways.”

The injuries also look like those seen in people exposed to poisons like mustard gas, a chemical weapon used in World War I, he said. » | Denise Grady | Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Why We Can't Stop Eating Unhealthy Foods

Sugar scientist and UCSF professor of health policy Laura Schmidt questions whether consumers really do have freedom of choice – and what policymakers can learn from corporations in nudging consumers toward healthier behaviors.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Why the War on Meat? Find Out Here from Dr. Gary & Belinda Fettke

Ever wondered why absurd anti-meat articles keep popping up on the world's media? Or why EAT-Lancet has sprung from the ashes of low-fat, to promote the guzzling of grains and vegetable oils in preference to real food? Well look no further - the answers are in 100 years of the historical record - now revealed here!

I Support Gary »

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A Brief History of Fat, and Why We Hate It

Fat is a complex organ, as essential as the heart or liver. Why do we hate it? Produced by the Science Communication Lab.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Science Myths and Health Misconceptions | DW Documentary

We've all heard that a glass of wine a day is healthy or that spinach is a good source of iron. But what is true and what is a myth?

There are many misconceptions about what is healthy and what is unhealthy. Insight is a constant process: what was accepted as true yesterday could be scientifically refuted today. But how do myths become embedded, even in the scientific community? Why can’t we simply replace old insights with new ones? Everything from methodological errors to manipulation can play a role. New myths aren’t just created in spite of science, but sometimes even with its help. One example: detoxing is a very popular myth at the moment. Removing toxins from the body is based on an understanding of medicine dating back to the early 20th Century. But modern medical experts say this notion of a build-up of toxins is nonsense. So why is it so hard to debunk the detox myth when it has no scientific basis? Dr. Lilian Krist, an epidemiologist at the Charité Hospital in Berlin says: "People want to believe in something. For many, these diet hypes and lifestyle trends have become a substitute religion." New studies often throw up more questions than answers and more room for wrong interpretations - or even deliberately false conclusions. Once wrong information has become embedded in our brains, it’s difficult to get rid of again. Cognitive psychologist Ullrich Ecker has discovered that established myths people have believed in for generations are incredibly resilient. There’s even a boomerang effect: the more we try to destroy a myth, the more people believe in it.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Dr. Lustig: Type 2 Diabetes Is "Processed Food Disease"

Dr. Robert Lustig is an endocrinologist and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California-San Francisco. In this video, he sits down with CrossFit’s Rory McKernan to explain sugar’s toxicity, outline the stakes of sugar consumption and offer suggestions for addressing the ongoing sugar crisis.

“Sugar is toxic,” Lustig explains. “It proffers a set of biochemical alterations that are detrimental to human health—unrelated to its calories.”

In this way, Lustig says, sugar “is very much like alcohol,” and chronic metabolic diseases associated with alcohol are becoming prevalent in children with high-sugar diets.

When asked about the state of pediatric medicine in the United States, Lustig says, “We have a problem.”

Because the food industry has negatively influenced nutrition science for the last 45 years, many people still abide by the mistaken belief that a healthy diet is attained by regulating calories and saturated fat. This misconception has led to a rise in chronic metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes in adult and youth populations.

People who believe they are making healthy choices and avoiding sugar are nevertheless affected by the crisis.

“Even though you might not be sick,” Lustig says, “society is.”

In the final third of the video, Lustig outlines the necessary steps for enacting a societal intervention. These steps include educating the public, approaching sugar as an addictive substance and calling Type 2 diabetes what it is: “processed food disease.”

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Find Out Why This Doctor Calls Statin Drugs 'Terrible'!

So many people are being prescribed statin drugs to lower cholesterol. But what are the long-term effects of their use? Dr. Stephanie Seneff discusses some frightening side effects of statins. Decide for yourself if they're worth it?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Conventional Medicine Is a Mistake

In this video MIT scientist Raymond Francis discusses how conventional medicine is a mistake of historic proportions. He explains how goals to drive profit loom over real health effectiveness.

Open Your Eyes to the Parlous State of American Medicine! Oncology Nurse Quits after Discovering Nutrition Heals Cancer

After 17 years as an oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick took a huge risk and walked away from a lucrative income because she could not be a part of the conventional cancer industry anymore. In our interview, Valerie shares insider information about the industry as well as vital resources and therapies that every cancer patient should consider.

My Wellness Tutor »

Monday, August 29, 2016

Webinar: The Cancer Chaos with Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

Cancer affects over 1.6 million people annually in the USA. We have lost the war on cancer – and while we have given ourselves over to the advice of the oncologist we are getting worse and worse.

In this epic webinar you will learn 10 questions that every cancer patient needs to ask their oncologist in the presence of a witness and a recording device.

You will also learn two "Alternative" cancer treatments that have shown clinical effectiveness.

Dr. Glidden is an outspoken, steadfast advocate for the health of people worldwide. He is an unruffled, proud pioneer of wholistic naturopathic medicine with over 27 years of clinical experience.

Dr. Peter Glidden »