Showing posts with label Stefan Petzner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stefan Petzner. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Haider's Party Scores 'Posthumous Triumph' for Its Founder

THE JERUSALEM POST: The Alliance for Austria's Future, an extremist anti-immigrant party founded by Jörg Haider, won 45.6 percent of the vote on Sunday in the southern Austrian state of Carinthia.

The Austrian media termed the outcome a "posthumous triumph" for Haider, who died over four months ago in a high-speed car crash in Carinthia that occurred when he was driving intoxicated.

Haider founded the Alliance party in 2005 and had served as governor of the southern Alpine state for 10 years and was active in the state's politics since 1979.

Haider's widow, Claudia Haider, presented a photo of her husband to the Alliance's re-elected candidate for governor, Gerhard Dörfler, at the party celebration on Sunday. She attributed the Alliance victory as recognition for her late husband's political achievements. >>> By Benjamin Weithal, JPost Correspondent, Berlin | Tuesday, March 3, 2009

L’EXPRESS: La liaison gay de Jörg Haider

Jörg Haider, "était l'homme de ma vie", a révélé Stefan Petzner qui n'aura pas tenu bien longtemps à la tête du parti populiste BZÖ...

Le successeur de Jörg Haider n'aura pas tenu bien longtemps à la tête du parti populiste BZÖ... Ayant révélé dans une interview les liens intimes qui l'unissait avec l'homme fort de l'extrême-droite autrichienne, Stefan Petzner a été démis de ses fonctions. Agé de 27 ans et inconnu du grand public, il avait quelque peu étonné en fondant en larmes lors d'une conférence de presse donnée quelques heures après l'annonce de la mort de Haider.

A présent, on comprend mieux pourquoi: "Nous avions une relation qui allait au-delà de l'amitié", a-t-il expliqué sur la principale radio nationale, Ö3, le 19 octobre, "Jörg et moi, on était soudés par quelque chose de très spécial. C'était l'homme de ma vie." L'épouse de Haider était, semble-t-il, au courant de la relation. >>> Par Marc Epstein | Friday, October 24, 2008

TAGES ANZEIGER: Haiders Lebensmensch ist der stille Wahlsieger

In Kärnten erreichte das von Jörg Haider gegründete Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ) einen grandiosen Wahlsieg. Hinter dem Erfolg steckt Lebensmensch Stefan Petzner.

Stefan Petzner ist der stille Sieger dieser Wahl, schreibt die Tageszeitung «Österreich». Denn der BZÖ-Politiker, der seinen Wegbegleiter Jörg Haider nach dessen Tod als Lebensmensch bezeichnete, war für den Wahlkampf verantwortlich. Und er hat ihn hervorragend geleitet, wie er übrigens auch selber findet: «Das war für mich der schwierigste Wahlkampf aller Zeiten – aber ich habe noch jeden gewonnen, den ich geführt habe.»

«Wir passen auf dein Kärnten auf»

Seine beste Idee: Am Ende des Wahlkampfes setzte Petzner und sein Team auf ein schlichtes Plakat mit einem an Jörg Haider adressiert Slogan: «Wir passen auf dein Kärnten auf.» Das erwies sich als Geniestreich, wie «Österreich» schreibt.

Mit diesem furiosen Erfolg dürfte Petzner bei seinen Parteifreunden wieder rehabilitiert sein. Nach dem Tod Jörg Haiders wurde er wegen seinen emotionalen Medienauftritten kritisiert. >>> bru | Montag, 2. Marz 2009

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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Österreich: Jörg Haiders Partei triumphiert bei Wahl in Kärnten

WELT ONLINE: Die in Wien regierenden österreichischen Sozialdemokraten haben Hochrechnungen zufolge bei Landtagswahlen in Kärnten und Salzburg kräftige Verluste erlitten. Die Haider-Partei BZÖ baute ihre Position als stärkste Partei in Kärnten aus. In Salzburg behauptete sich die SPÖ trotz Verlusten um die fünf Prozent als stärkste Partei.

Foto von Stefan Petzner und Gerhard Dörfler dank der Welt

Viereinhalb Monate nach dem Tod des österreichischen Rechtspopulisten Jörg Haider hat das von ihm gegründete rechte Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ) einen triumphalen Sieg bei der Landtagswahl in Kärnten errungen. Das BZÖ kam nach einer stabilen Hochrechnung des ORF-Fernsehens vom Sonntagabend auf 45,6 Prozent der abgegebenen Stimmen.

Damit gewann die von Haider 2005 gegründete Partei sogar noch 3,2 Prozentpunkte dazu. Die rechtsgerichtete Freiheitliche Partei FPÖ, mit der Haider 2004 gewonnen hatte, verpasste mit rund 3,5 Prozent der abgegebenen Stimmen den Einzug in den Landtag. Haider hatte die FPÖ2005 nach innerparteilichen Querelen verlassen.

Ein schweres Debakel erlitten Kärntens Sozialdemokraten (SPÖ), denen Meinungsforscher kurz vor der Wahl noch ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen mit dem BZÖ prognostiziert hatten. Die unter innerparteilichem Streit leidende Landespartei verlor mit 28,8 Prozent knapp 10 Prozentpunkte. Dagegen legte die konservative Volkspartei ÖVP mit 15,8 Prozent um 4,1 Punkte zu. BZÖ-Parteichef Uwe Scheuch sagte am Abend, der triumphale Sieg seiner Partei sei nicht allein ein Ergebnis des „Mitleid-Effekts“ der Bevölkerung. >>> dpa/fsl/lha | Sonntag, 1. März 2009

Far-Right Landslide in Austria >>> | March 3, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) – Deutschland & Österreich >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) – Deutschland & Österreich >>>

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Petzners Beziehung zu Haider war der Partei zu intim

TAGES ANZEIGER: Der nach dem Unfalltod von Jörg Haider zum neuen Chef des rechtspopulistischen Bündnisses Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ) ernannte Stefan Petzner ist von seinem Posten zurückgetreten.

Er habe den Entschluss freiwillig gefasst und sei nicht demontiert worden, sagte Petzner dem Fernsehsender ORF.

Petzner war ursprünglich Generalsekretär der Partei und galt als Ziehsohn des Kärntener Landeshauptmanns. Nach Haiders Tod Mitte Oktober wurde er einstimmig zum neuen BZÖ-Chef gewählt.

In den vergangenen Wochen zog er sich jedoch den Unmut vieler Parteifreunde zu, da er in Interviews ausführlich über seine innige private Beziehung zu Haider berichtete. >>> | 20. November 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jo[e]rg Haider and His Boyfriend Revived an Old Tradition

TIMESONLINE: Past Notes: the number of gay men in Hitler's Brownshirts was well known

Jörg Haider's last hours - involving an argument with his boyfriend and a search for solace in a gay bar - has surprised those who thought the late far-right demagogue and father of two was a pillar of respectability. His party, the Alliance for the Future of Austria, will not be honouring his wish that his boyfriend, Stefan Petzner, should take the helm.

Now deputy leader, Mr Petzner has nonetheless revived an old tradition of the nationalistic Right. For his relationship with Haider had a parallel in the Nazi Brownshirt movement. Also known as the Sturmabteilung or SA, the Brownshirts were the Nazis' stormtroopers whose thuggery helped to clear a path for Hitler's rise to power.

Their chief of staff was Ernst Roehm. He counted his deputy, Edmund Heines, among his many male lovers. Although homosexuality was illegal, there was not much effort to conceal the widespread gay activity among the paramilitary groups. “It was quite well behaved but thoroughly gay,” the art historian Christian Isermayer recalled, having once attended a Brownshirt knees-up.

Indeed, many of the formative meetings of Germany's right-wing extremists took place in gay pick-up joints. In Munich, Roehm's favourite was the Nürnberger Bratwurstglockl. Two other leading Brownshirts, the bisexual Karl Ernst and Paul Röhrbein (widely known as “Frau Röhrbein”) planned the New Order in Berlin's notorious nightclub, Eldorado. >>> Graham Stewart | October 25, 2008

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Austria in Disbelief after Haider Outed as Gay

INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE: PRAGUE: Austria has been suspended between shock, indifference and denial since Jörg Haider's successor, Stefan Petzner, said in a radio interview that the controversial and charismatic far-right politician, who died in a car accident this month, had been "the man of my life."

Petzner, the 27-year-old who took over from Haider as head of his right-wing Alliance for the Future of Austria, has made teary-eyed appearances on television since his death. Last Sunday, he told the Austrian radio Ö3 that he had felt a magnetic attraction for Haider, whom he met five years ago.

"We had a special relationship that went far beyond friendship," he said in the highly emotional interview. "Jörg and I were connected by something truly special. He was the man of my life."

Officials at Haider's party, which gained more than 10 percent of the votes in September elections, attempted to limit the political fallout from the confession by dismissing Petzner as party leader. But their requests that the radio interview not be rebroadcast were rebuffed by Austrian journalists.

Haider, 58, the governor of the province of Carinthia, was the son of a shoemaker; his parents were both active Nazis. He rose to national prominence in Austria over the last two decades, championing traditional family values, railing against the European Union and calling for an end to immigration. He had cultivated a macho, man-of-the-people persona, and was married with two daughters.

While his country has been clearly gripped by a somewhat un-Austrian outpouring of emotions, commentators there said the effective outing of Haider had been underplayed or largely ignored in the Austrian media, which tend to shy away from the private lives of politicians and other national figures.

While Vienna has an active, obvious gay community, homosexuality remains a taboo in some more conservative parts of the society, and Haider's supporters are intent on preserving his legacy as a traditional family man. >>> By Dan Bilefsky | October 23, 2008

BZÖ Boss Named: Klagenfurt: Acting Carinthian Governor Gerhard Dörfler has been confirmed as new provincial governor by the provincial parliament. >>> | October 24, 2008

Haider's Successor Axed for Loving Him: THE successor to Austrian far-right leader Jorg Haider has been forced to step down after he revealed he and the dead politician had a homosexual relationship… >>> | October 24, 2008

Far-right Austrian Leader Sacked for Revealing Gay Affair with Jörg Haider >>> | October 23, 2008

Haider’s Lover Steps Down as Far-right Party Leader: Stefan Petzner, a former beauty journalist, was forced to step down from the helm of his far right-wing Austrian party shortly after announcing on Austrian radio that he and the notorious Joerg Haider, who dies Oct. 11, had been lovers. >>> | October 23, 2008

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Haider’s Deputy Reveals Gay Affair

Photo of Jörg Haider with Stefan Petzner courtesy of The Independent

THE INDEPENDENT: Conservative Austria was in a state of shock today after the male successor to Jörg Haider admitted to having a longstanding “special relationship” with the far right leader who died dramatically in a high speed car crash earlier this month.

Stefan Petzner – the 27-year-old who recently replaced Haider as leader of the right wing Alliance for the Future of Austria and has often appeared in tears on television since his death - effectively outed himself as the deceased’s gay lover while being interviewed on an Austrian radio breakfast show.

“I had to go to him. I had to go to him,” Mr Petzner said in his highly emotional interview as he recalled how he rushed to the hospital where the dead body of 52-year-old* [sic] Haider was lying after his fatal crash in early October.

Admitting that he felt a “magnetic attraction” for Haider, whom he met five years ago while working as a cosmetics reporter, Mr Petzner insisted: “We had a relationship that went far beyond friendship. Jörg and I were connected by something truly special. He was the man of my life.”

He insisted that Mr Haider’s widow, Claudia did not object to his relationship: “She loved him as a woman. He loved her as a man. I loved him in a completely different and personal way. She understood that,” Mr Petzner said. However, the young man’s sister Christiane suggested in a newspaper interview that Mrs Haider had not always been so understanding. “Sometimes Claudia was jealous because Stefan would spend more time with her husband than she did.”

Clearly embarrassed by the revelations, party officials today attempted to limit the political damage and cancelled forthcoming interviews with Mr Petzner. Their attempts to prevent his radio interview being rebroadcast, however, were unsuccessful. >>> By Tony Paterson in Berlin | October 22, 2008

*Jörg Haider was actually born in 1950.

YouTube Video: Stefan Petzner: Jörg Haider ist tot

DIE PRESSE: Neuer BZÖ-Klubchef Bucher: Kampfansage an ÖVP

Foto von Josef Bucher , der neue BZÖ-Klubchef dank der Presse

Knalleffekt in der Obmannsuche: Der 43-jährige Kärntner Josef Bucher wird überraschend neuer BZÖ-Klubchef. Der designierte Parteichef Stefan Petzner hatte Bucher selbst vorgeschlagen.

Am Ende der längeren konstituierenden Sitzung im Parlament des BZÖ am Mittwoch stand eine faustdicke Überraschung: Josef Buchner, 43-jähriger Kärntner aus Friesach wurde einstimmig zum neuen Klubobmann gewählt. Bucher wird fünf Stellvertreter haben: Den designierten BZÖ-Obmann Stefan Petzner, Ursula Haubner, Herbert Scheibner, Ewald Stadler und Peter Westenthaler. Petzner, der als Favorit galt, sagte nach der Sitzung, er selbst habe Bucher als Klubobmann vorgeschlagen.

"Ich glaube, dass wir uns sehr gut ergänzen", so Bucher über Petzner. Der neue Klubchef sieht in der Trennung der beiden Führungspositionen "überhaupt nichts Ungewöhnliches". Petzner sei als Stratege unverzichtbar, vor allem, da es in den kommenden Jahren einige Wahlen zu schlagen gebe. Petzner wiederum würdigte Bucher als Wirtschaftsprofi, der gerade in Zeiten der Finanzkrise absolutes Know-how vorzuweisen habe. >>> | 23. Oktober 2008

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