Showing posts with label Carinthia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carinthia. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sans prononcer le terme, le Tyrol ne veut pas de minarets

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: AUTRICHE | Près de deux semaines après le vote suisse sur l'interdiction des minarets, la question est d'actualité en Autriche.

Crédits photo : Tribune de Genève

Le parti d'extrême-droite FPÖ va proposer une loi la semaine prochaine devant le parlement provincial "préservant le caractère du paysage".

Comme la Carinthie et le Vorarlberg, le FPÖ tyrolien se prépare à faire voter un texte qui, sans nommer les minarets, doit "préserver le caractère local du paysage". "Nous faisons confiance en nos juristes pour formuler la loi d'une manière efficace", a indiqué samedi à l'agence APA le député FPÖ au Parlement provincial Richard Heis.

Le FPÖ prépare d'autre part une initiative visant au "maintien des croix dans les classes", a ajouté M. Heis. Il a critiqué au passage la décision de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme en novembre de condamner l'Italie pour le maintien des crucifix dans les écoles. >>> ats | Samedi 12 Décembre 2009

Liens en relation avec l'article :

Le dossier de la Tribune de Genève sur l'interdiction des minarets >>>

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Investigative Reporter Offers Murder Theory Over Death of Jörg Haider

TIMES ONLINE: When Jörg Haider died in a car crash last year, many Austrians mourned the complex, fast-living populist. He may have been an admirer of Hitler’s employment policies, but he seemed to many rightwingers, frustrated with the Vienna Establishment, to hold the key to a new Austria.

Now pressure is growing to reopen the investigation into his death, and at least one investigative reporter is asking whether the 58-year-old politician was murdered.

“There are too many open questions,” said Gerhard Wisniewski, the author of the book Jörg Haider: Accident, Murder or Assassination? that has been selling quickly in Austria since it was launched last Tuesday. “After eight months of research I am convinced that it is highly probable that Haider was the victim of a politically motivated assassination.”

Neither the Haider family nor his political associates go quite that far, but they have been appealing this week for a more thorough look at the events of the night of October 10 last year.

“This case has to be reopened with an independent prosecutor . . . and with the involvement of international experts,” said Stefan Petzner, the former spokesman for Mr Haider and a leading figure in the right-wing BZOe party, the Alliance for the Future of Austria. He is threatening to mobilise a referendum on the issue unless the Justice Minister complies.

Mr Haider’s wife, Claudia, has also joined in the critical chorus, questioning the narrative provided by the police investigation team in the week after the crash. The police version, much of it leaked to the press before the official report, was that Mr Haider had visited various bars, including a reputedly gay hangout, on the night of Saturday October 10, in the town of Klagenfurt. He had drunk the equivalent of a bottle of vodka, according to blood sampling, and had driven at 142 kilometres per hour. >>> Roger Boyes in Berlin | Saturday, July 04, 2009

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Haider's Party Scores 'Posthumous Triumph' for Its Founder

THE JERUSALEM POST: The Alliance for Austria's Future, an extremist anti-immigrant party founded by Jörg Haider, won 45.6 percent of the vote on Sunday in the southern Austrian state of Carinthia.

The Austrian media termed the outcome a "posthumous triumph" for Haider, who died over four months ago in a high-speed car crash in Carinthia that occurred when he was driving intoxicated.

Haider founded the Alliance party in 2005 and had served as governor of the southern Alpine state for 10 years and was active in the state's politics since 1979.

Haider's widow, Claudia Haider, presented a photo of her husband to the Alliance's re-elected candidate for governor, Gerhard Dörfler, at the party celebration on Sunday. She attributed the Alliance victory as recognition for her late husband's political achievements. >>> By Benjamin Weithal, JPost Correspondent, Berlin | Tuesday, March 3, 2009

L’EXPRESS: La liaison gay de Jörg Haider

Jörg Haider, "était l'homme de ma vie", a révélé Stefan Petzner qui n'aura pas tenu bien longtemps à la tête du parti populiste BZÖ...

Le successeur de Jörg Haider n'aura pas tenu bien longtemps à la tête du parti populiste BZÖ... Ayant révélé dans une interview les liens intimes qui l'unissait avec l'homme fort de l'extrême-droite autrichienne, Stefan Petzner a été démis de ses fonctions. Agé de 27 ans et inconnu du grand public, il avait quelque peu étonné en fondant en larmes lors d'une conférence de presse donnée quelques heures après l'annonce de la mort de Haider.

A présent, on comprend mieux pourquoi: "Nous avions une relation qui allait au-delà de l'amitié", a-t-il expliqué sur la principale radio nationale, Ö3, le 19 octobre, "Jörg et moi, on était soudés par quelque chose de très spécial. C'était l'homme de ma vie." L'épouse de Haider était, semble-t-il, au courant de la relation. >>> Par Marc Epstein | Friday, October 24, 2008

TAGES ANZEIGER: Haiders Lebensmensch ist der stille Wahlsieger

In Kärnten erreichte das von Jörg Haider gegründete Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ) einen grandiosen Wahlsieg. Hinter dem Erfolg steckt Lebensmensch Stefan Petzner.

Stefan Petzner ist der stille Sieger dieser Wahl, schreibt die Tageszeitung «Österreich». Denn der BZÖ-Politiker, der seinen Wegbegleiter Jörg Haider nach dessen Tod als Lebensmensch bezeichnete, war für den Wahlkampf verantwortlich. Und er hat ihn hervorragend geleitet, wie er übrigens auch selber findet: «Das war für mich der schwierigste Wahlkampf aller Zeiten – aber ich habe noch jeden gewonnen, den ich geführt habe.»

«Wir passen auf dein Kärnten auf»

Seine beste Idee: Am Ende des Wahlkampfes setzte Petzner und sein Team auf ein schlichtes Plakat mit einem an Jörg Haider adressiert Slogan: «Wir passen auf dein Kärnten auf.» Das erwies sich als Geniestreich, wie «Österreich» schreibt.

Mit diesem furiosen Erfolg dürfte Petzner bei seinen Parteifreunden wieder rehabilitiert sein. Nach dem Tod Jörg Haiders wurde er wegen seinen emotionalen Medienauftritten kritisiert. >>> bru | Montag, 2. Marz 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) – Deutschland & Österreich >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) – Deutschland & Österreich >>>

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Austria: Asylum Seekers’ Facility under Scrutiny

ASSOCIATED PRESS: VIENNA, Austria — Human rights experts on Tuesday expressed concern about a special facility holding suspected criminal asylum seekers in the mountains of southern Austria.

Joerg Haider, right-wing governor of Carinthia province, said Monday that the facility in a former childrens' home was a security measure to protect the people of Carinthia.

The building houses five men, but has a capacity of 50 and has been in use for about a week, his office said.

Conviction was not a "mandatory prerequisite" for being sent to the facility, Haider's spokesman Stefan Petzner said. The inmates would be "under constant observation so that no criminal acts can be committed," he added.

But he said no one's rights were being violated.

He would not provide specific details on the five in the facility, but confirmed a media report that the men are asylum seekers from Georgia, Kazakhstan and Gambia. He did say some in the group had been convicted, but did not say of what.

"With this security precaution, we are protecting the Carinthian population," Haider said at a news conference Monday. He added that the number of criminal asylum seekers was on the rise. Carinthia currently has about 900 asylum seekers.

The building is in a secluded pasture at an altitude of about 3,900 feet (1,200 meters).

"It's a perfectly normal establishment far away from civilization in a secluded area so they can't get up to anything," said Petzner. "You shouldn't think of this as a prison surrounded by barbed wire."

Human rights experts are not convinced. Austria: Asylum Seekers’ Facility under Scrutiny >>> Veronika Oleksyn | October 8, 2008

Far-right Austria Governor Isolates Asylum Seekers: ASSOCIATED PRESS: VIENNA, Austria — Powerful far-right politician Joerg Haider has set up a holding facility in the remote mountains of southern Austria for asylum seekers suspected as criminals, saying they need to be isolated to protect the people in the area.

Haider gained international prominence in 1999 when the Freedom Party, which he then headed, took 27 percent of the vote in Austria's parliamentary elections. The party's subsequent inclusion in the government led to months of European Union sanctions over Haider's statements, which were seen as anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and sympathetic to Adolf Hitler's labor policies.

Haider is now governor of Carinthia province and his regional government set up the facility for asylum seekers, which sits in a secluded pasture in the mountains of southern Austria at an altitude of about 3,900 feet.

"With this security precaution, we are protecting the Carinthian population," Haider told a news conference Monday. He said the number of criminal asylum seekers was on the rise.
Veronika Oleksyn | October 8, 2008

BZÖ [Jörg Haider’s Party] to Benefit from Much Larger Party Subsidy >>> | October 9, 2008

Asyl: UNO übt scharfe Kritik an "Sonderanstalt" in Kärnten: Das UN-Flüchtlings-Hochkommissariat zeigt sich "besorgt über die Folgen der Kriminalisierung einzelner unbescholtener Asylwerber". Auch die isloierte Lage des Quartiers für Asylwerber sei problematisch >>> | 10. Oktober 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) / Free delivery >>>

Friday, September 26, 2008

Haider Is Back. Just Don't Mention the War

THE INDEPENDENT: Last time he was in power, his nation became a pariah state. These days, Jörg Haider is more likely to praise the EU than the Nazis, although he and his party still hold controversial views about immigrants. Tony Paterson meets Austria's comeback kid

Jörg Haider, the far-right politician who turned Austria into an international pariah less than a decade ago because of his sympathetic views about Nazi Germany, is aiming for a surprise comeback in elections this weekend.

When he was part of the Austrian government in 1999 the rabble-rousing populist described Nazi SS veterans as "men of honour" and praised Hitler's employment policies, triggering European Union sanctions against Austria as a result.

Mr Haider, 58, has been mostly out of national politics ever since, but in Sunday's parliamentary elections he is hoping to return with a result that will leave him holding the balance of power, and maybe even offer him the chance of becoming head of state.

In an interview at the headquarters of his Alliance for the Future of Austria party in Vienna, Mr Haider told The Independent: "I want to run for the post of Chancellor of Austria – I am convinced that I can offer an alternative to those voters who have had enough of the failures of the outgoing grand coalition government."

Austria's grand coalition, comprising the conservative People's Party and the centre-left Social Democrats, collapsed in July after months of infighting. Neither of the two parties wants to form another alliance. Opinion polls published this week suggest that each will secure only around 25 per cent of the vote. The forecasts suggest that a further 25 per cent of votes will go to Austria's populist far-right bloc comprising the Freedom Party and Mr Haider's Alliance.

Mr Haider is banking on such a constellation leaving the far-right bloc as potential kingmakers. He says he is open to the idea of forming a coalition with either of the two main parties. And as a well-known figure in Austrian politics and a seasoned governor of the state of Carinthia, he sees himself as the ideal candidate for chancellor. Haider Is Back. Just Don't Mention the War >>> Tony Paterson | September 26, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>