Showing posts with label Queen Elizabeth II. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queen Elizabeth II. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Late Queen Elizabeth II's Moving and Funny Speech on Anglo-French Relations (1996)

April 8, 2024 | On 14 May 1996, Queen Elizabeth II hosted a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace in honour of visiting French President Jacques Chirac. With Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh on her left and Chirac on her right, the Queen made a speech in which she reflected on the history of Anglo-French relations. noting that over the centuries they had been "occasionally less than friendly", but drawing attention to the century of cooperation between the two nations since the signing of the Entente Cordiale in 1904.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Die Ahnen der Queen | Adelsfamilie Sachsen-Coburg

Jan 12, 2024 | Die Ahnen der Queen - Anlässlich des 60. Jahrestages der Krönung von Königin Elisabeth II. von England erforscht diese arte-Dokumentation die deutschen Wurzeln des britischen Königshauses und zeigt, wie das Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha zum Königsmacher Europas wurde.

Die Ahnen der Queen (2013)
Regie: Hannes Schuler
Drehbuchautoren: Christiane Böhm, Hannes Schuler
Stars: Martin Rother, Sarah Kempin, Sandra Bertalanffy
Genre: Dokumentarfilm, Biographie, Geschichte
Land: Deutschland
Sprache: DeutschMbr /> Erscheinungsdatum: Juni 1, 2013 (Frankreich)

Am 2. Juni 2013 feiert Königin Elisabeth II. von England den 60. Jahrestag ihrer Krönung. Die arte-Dokumentation

"Die Vorfahren der Königin" zeigt, dass die Wurzeln des britischen Königshauses ursprünglich in Mitteldeutschland lagen, genauer gesagt im Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. Doch die Bedeutung dieser deutschen Herzogsfamilie für den europäischen Adel reicht viel weiter. Eine Untersuchung der verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Königin zeigt genealogische Verbindungen zu allen noch bestehenden europäischen Monarchien. Kurzum: Das Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha ist sowohl die Keimzelle als auch der Garant des europäischen Hochadels.

"Die Vorfahren der Königin" erzählt die faszinierende Geschichte, wie es einem unbedeutenden Außenseiter unter den europäischen Adelshäusern gelang, seine Nachkommen auf die Throne des Alten Kontinents zu manövrieren, von Norwegen bis Portugal, von Großbritannien bis Griechenland, von Schweden bis Bulgarien.

Im späten 18. Jahrhundert ist die herzogliche Familie in Coburg nur eine von vielen Adelsdynastien. Die Französische Revolution bedroht die Fürstenhäuser in ihrer Existenz. Doch nachdem das Bürgertum die Herrschaft übernommen hat, macht das Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha eine fast beispiellose Karriere. Mit dieser Familie schreiben Mitteldeutschland und Bayern europäische Geschichte.

Eine der beiden Schlüsselfiguren des Films ist Leopold I. von Belgien. Seine geschickte Heiratspolitik ebnete den Weg für den Aufstieg der herzoglichen Familie von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha und sicherte ihm den belgischen Thron, den das Haus noch heute innehat.

Sein taktisches Geschick und sein diplomatischer Scharfsinn brachten die legendäre Königin Victoria, eine Angehörige des Hauses Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, auf den britischen Thron. Ihre zahlreichen Nachkommen festigten dann den Ruf des Hauses als "Königsmacher".

Monday, September 18, 2023

Boris Johnson: Officials Discussed Raising Concerns about Former PM to Queen

Boris Johnson held private meetings with the Queen while he was prime minister | PA MEDIA

BBC: Senior government officials spoke to Buckingham Palace at the height of the pandemic to express their concern about Boris Johnson's conduct in office, the BBC has been told.

Officials even discussed suggesting to the Queen she raise the concerns with Mr Johnson during private audiences.

The revelation comes in episode two of the BBC documentary series, Laura Kuenssberg: State of Chaos.

It explores the turmoil in Westminster and Whitehall over four years.

Based on interviews with key players at the top of government, the series covers the period between 2016 and the departure of Liz Truss as prime minister in 2022. » | Laura Kuenssberg, Presenter, Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg | Monday, September 18, 2023

Friday, September 08, 2023

King Charles Attends Service for Anniversary of Elizabeth II's Death

A screenshot of the portrait of the late Queen that has not been released before. | PA Media

BBC: King Charles III and Queen Camilla have marked the first anniversary of Elizabeth II's death with a prayer service near Balmoral.

They were at Crathie Kirk, while the Duke of Sussex visited St George's Chapel in Windsor - the late queen's final resting place.

The Prince and Princess of Wales attended a private service at St Davids Cathedral in Pembrokeshire.

The King also released a message and a favourite photograph of the late queen.

The photograph chosen by the King shows the queen at an official portrait sitting in 1968 aged 42. » | James Gregory, BBC News | Friday, September 8, 2023

WATCH A RELATED BBC NEWS VIDEO: King Charles III marks anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's death »

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

French Resort Renames Airport after Queen Elizabeth II

THE TELEGRAPH: Le Touquet pays homage to late Queen who, as a girl, used to visit seaside town with her uncle for horseback riding [horse riding] and sand yachting

Le Touquet made the proposal to change the name of its airport just six days after Elizabeth II died | CREDIT: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP

The French seaside town of Le Touquet, described as “the most British of French resorts”, will rename its airport after Elizabeth II.

On Monday, Daniel Fasquelle, Le Touquet mayor, announced that the town had received the royal blessing of King Charles to rename the local airport the Elizabeth II Le Touquet-Paris-Plage International Airport after his mother, and called the agreement a historic turning point for the town.

“This is a tribute to a great queen and her uncle who had a fondness for France, as well as a recognition of the ‘most British of French resorts’”, read a statement posted by the town hall. » | Vivian Song | Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The golden age of Le Touquet – and why the late Queen adored it: Take a trip back in time to the heyday of this most British of French resorts, which has named its airport in honour of Queen Elizabeth II »

Friday, July 21, 2023

Queen Elizabeth's Name Will Be 'Closely Protected'

There will be a "national memorial" commissioned for the late Queen, but limits are put on using her name | PA MEDIA

BBC: Buildings, parks, pubs or businesses cannot be renamed after the late Queen Elizabeth without specific permission, the Cabinet Office has warned.

The name of the late Queen is going to be "closely protected" in terms of how it can be used, says new guidance.

The Cabinet Office says permission for using the late Queen's name will only be "sparingly granted".

An "official national memorial" to the late Queen is also to be commissioned, says the Cabinet Office.

There are many places and businesses named after historic royal names - from the Royal Albert Hall to the Queen Victoria pub in BBC TV's EastEnders soap opera.

But official guidance has recently been issued by the Cabinet Office warning about the limits on using modern royal names and titles.

In particular there are concerns about ensuring the late Queen's name is only used in "dignified and appropriate" ways. » | Sean Coughlan, Royal correspondent | Friday, July 21, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Queen Elizabeth II: The Speech You've Never Heard

May 6, 2023 | In this nostalgic video, we witness the majestic and inspiring compilation of speeches from Queen Elizabeth II, with footage of her life and coronation. This iconic moment in British history took place on June 2, 1953, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned as the Queen of England. Her message was a stirring call to duty, responsibility, and service to her people, and her words continue to resonate today. …

Friday, May 26, 2023

FBI Files Reveal Plot to Kill Queen Elizabeth during US Trip in 1983

THE GUARDIAN: Document says man claimed he would attempt to harm monarch while she was visiting California

An FBI file relating to a visit to the US by the late Queen Elizabeth II has revealed a potential plot to assassinate her.

The document, available on the FBI’s online vault, outlines what appears to be intelligence provided to federal agents about a threat to the queen’s life in California 40 years ago.

Queen Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, made an official visit to the US west coast in February and March 1983.

The file states that a phone call was made by “a man who claimed that his daughter had been killed in Northern Ireland by a rubber bullet”. » | PA Media | Friday, May 26, 2023

Monday, May 08, 2023

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1954

”Beautiful … Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. ...”

With many thanks to Content in a Cottage on Pinterest for this beautiful picture of a painting of Her Majesty the Queen.


National Museum of Australia: Queen Elizabeth II wattle painting »

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Porträt einer Königin | Mit offenen Augen | ARTE

May 4, 2023 | Wie entstanden die letzten Porträts der englischen Königin Elisabeth vor ihrem Tod, im Juni 2022 anlässlich ihres 70. Thronjubiläums?

Magazin (F 2022, 12 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 07/04/2028

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Was Queen Elizabeth Related to the Prophet Muhammad?

HISTORY: Claims that the British monarch was descended from the Prophet Muhammad may reveal more about modern perceptions of Islam than the queen.


Who’s in Elizabeth II’s family tree? Various European kings and queens may come to mind, but the Prophet Muhammad may not. Unless you open up a British tabloid these days, that is—publications like The Daily Mail and The Daily Express have recently run breathless pieces claiming Elizabeth was one of Muhammad’s descendants, recycling a recent news story that appeared in Al Ousboue, a Moroccan newspaper.

So was the queen really related to the prophet? It depends on whether you see a distant ancestor as related or not.

As The Economist notes, it’s not clear why the claims are resurfacing now. But they’ve been around since at least 1986, when the possible link was claimed by genealogist Harold B. Brooks-Baker, publisher of Burke’s Peerage, Britain’s guide to the nobility.

“It is little known by the British people that the blood of Mohammed flows in the veins of the queen,” Brooks-Baker wrote to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at the time. » | Erin Blakemoore | Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Welche Zukunft hat das Commonwealth nach dem Tod der Queen? | Fokus Europa

Was hält den Staatenbund noch zusammen und wie wichtig ist er für die Identität Großbritanniens? Einige Länder haben bereits angekündigt, ihre Mitgliedschaft zu beenden.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Land ohne Queen | ARTE Re:

Der Tod Elizabeth II. ist eine Zäsur. Millionen Briten und Menschen aus aller Welt nehmen Abschied. Zwischen Trauer und Neuanfang wird eine Frage immer drängender: Was bedeutet das Ende der Ära Elizabeth II. für die Monarchie – und was für die Briten selbst?

London. Nah am Buckingham Palace krabbelt John Loughrey aus seinem Zelt. Es ist fünf Uhr morgens, der 67-Jährige muss sich beeilen, denn schon bald müssen er und seine Freunde den Platz für die Massen räumen. Der Sarg der Queen wird an diesem Nachmittag vom Buckingham Palace zur Westminster Hall überführt. Seit Tagen campen die „Royal Superfans“ hier, um Abschied von ihrer Königin zu nehmen. Nicht nur John Loughrey, überall erzählen Briten von ganz persönlichen Begegnungen mit der Königin – und wie es ihr Leben bis heute prägt. So auch in Schottland. In Edinburgh verabschieden sich Menschen am geschlossenen Sarg der verstorbenen Monarchin. Vor Schloss Balmoral haben Anwohner hunderte Blumensträuße abgelegt. John Sinclair ist Metzger in Ballater, Aberdeenshire und beliefert das Schloss seit vielen Jahren. „Das erste Mal traf ich die Queen 2010. Ich war sehrnervös. Sie sah mich einfach an. Ich schaute diese kleine Dame an – ich wusste gar nicht, dass die Königin so klein ist.“ Viele richten nun den Blick nach vorn und hoffen, dass König Charles der Monarchie ähnliche Strahlkraft verleiht. Andere leben dagegen seit Jahren im Konflikt mit der Krone.

Ngozi Fulani stammt eigentlich aus der Karibik. Sie berichtet von Diskriminierungen – und von Chris Kaba, einem schwarzen jungen Mann, der drei Tage vor dem Tod der Queen von Polizisten erschossen wurde. Sie nimmt daraufhin an Protestmärschen in London Teil. Fulani kann in die Trauer für die Queen nicht mit einstimmen. Rassismus und Kolonialismus, dagegen habe das Königshaus zu wenig getan. Geht König Charles neue Wege?

Reportage (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 21/09/2023

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Thousands Pay Tribute as Britain Says Final Farewell to Its Queen

THE NEW YORK TIMES: More than 100 world leaders, including President Biden, attended the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II, and Britons lined the streets for a procession that took her to her final resting place at Windsor Castle.

After a state funeral at Westminster Abbey and a procession across central London, Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin was lowered into the royal vault of St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. | Andrew Testa for The New York Times

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest on Monday after a majestic state funeral that drew tens of millions of Britons together in a vast expression of grief and gratitude, as they bade farewell to a sovereign whose seven-decade reign had spanned their lives and defined their times.

It was the culmination of 10 days of mourning since the queen died on Sept. 8 in Scotland — a highly choreographed series of rituals that fell amid a deepening economic crisis and a fraught political transition in Britain — and yet everything about the day seemed destined to be etched into history.

Tens of thousands of people lined the route of the cortege past the landmarks of London. In Hyde Park, people watching the service on large screens joined in “The Lord’s Prayer” when it was recited at Westminster Abbey. Thousands more cheered, many strewing flowers in the path of her glass-topped hearse, as the queen’s coffin was driven to Windsor Castle, where she was buried next to her husband, Prince Philip.

“In this changing world, she was a pillar of the old world,” said Richard Roe, 36, who works in finance in Zurich and flew home for the funeral. “It’s nice to have something that’s stable and stands for good values.”

An unbroken thread of sadness ran through the day, but also an acute sense of uncertainty. The queen, who died at 96, was one of the last living links to World War II and the twilight of Britain’s imperial age. The country she embodied with such dignity has fundamentally changed. » | Mark Landler | Monday, September 19, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II Is Buried at Windsor Alongside Her Husband, Prince Philip: After a state funeral at Westminster Abbey and a procession across central London, the British monarch was interred at the King George VI Memorial Chapel. »

Prince William Moves Into the Spotlight as Heir to the Throne: Many royal watchers and historians are looking to William and his wife, Catherine, who rank high in popularity polls, as the long-term future of the British monarchy. »

The Guardian view on the Queen’s funeral: stirring emotions that transcend logic: Ministers want to reduce workers’ rights and increase bankers’ bonuses. They should be brave enough to reform the crown »

Monday, September 19, 2022

Royal Family Turns Out in Flawless Fashion for the Queen’s Funeral

THE GUARDIAN: From pillbox hats to pearls and sharp tailoring, the dress code was one of resplendent solemnity

The Queen Consort with, left, the Duchess of Sussex and, right, Prince George, the Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte. Photograph: Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

There was not a hair out of place, nor a shoe unpolished. Not one speck of lint on a jacket was to be seen. For the grandest, most gorgeous of occasions the dress code was resplendent solemnity, in pearls and pillbox hats, high heels and sharp tailoring.

For the royal family this was, as the archbishop of Canterbury noted, a portrait of grief under the brightest spotlight. The Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Sussex found a little privacy under wide-brimmed hats, or veils, or both. And while Britain was looking at the royal family, the rest of the world was looking at Britain. » | Jess Cartner-Morley | Monday, September 19, 2022

Grossbritannien zelebriert am Tag des Abschieds von der Queen seine Soft Power meisterhaft

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Welt schaut zu, wenn Königin Elizabeth II. in England zu Grabe getragen wird. Das ist der Faszination für ihre Person ebenso geschuldet wie der grandiosen Inszenierung des Königshauses durch die Briten.

Geleitzug der Königin zur Trauerfeier in Westminster. | Reuters


Präsident Joe Biden sitzt mit seiner Ehefrau Jill in der 14. Reihe der Westminster Abbey und verfolgt den Trauergottesdienst für Königin Elizabeth II. Auch der französische Präsident Macron ist da, der deutsche Bundespräsident Steinmeier und die EU-Kommissions-Präsidentin von der Leyen. Von weit her sind der brasilianische Präsident Bolsonaro angereist, der kanadische Premierminister Trudeau, der südkoreanische Präsident Yoon und viele weitere Staatschefs. Für die Fernsehübertragung wurde ein Milliardenpublikum erwartet. Welche Persönlichkeit kann bei ihrem Tod eine ähnlich grosse Aufmerksamkeit erwarten? Die weltweite Anziehungskraft der englischen Königin ist einmalig.

Das hat viel mit ihrer Person zu tun, die während 70 Jahren als Staatsoberhaupt 117 Länder in offizieller Mission bereist hat. Nie hat sie sich einen Fehltritt erlaubt, nie hat sie einen Gast oder einen Gastgeber vor den Kopf gestossen. Die Perfektion und Ausdauer, mit der Königin Elizabeth ihr Land in der Welt vertreten hat, löst überall Respekt und Bewunderung aus. Die Queen erhält verdientermassen grossen Dank aus der Bevölkerung dafür. Es braucht mehr als perfekte Pflichterfüllung » | Peter Rásonyi | Montag, 19. September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II. († 96) – das Staatsbegräbnis LIVE bei BILD TV

LIVE: Queen Elizabeth II's Funeral

Watch live coverage of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral held at Westminster Abbey. Heads of state, members of the Royal Family, and others will attend.

The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - BBC News

Live coverage of HM Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral at Westminster Abbey in London and the committal service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.

Embedding on external websites has been disallowed by the BBC. Therefore, it has to be watched on YouTube itself; so, in order to watch this coverage, please click here