Showing posts with label Front National. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Front National. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

France: Le Pen Blasts EU Hypocrisy over Gulf States in War against IS

Leader of the Front National Marine Le Pen hit out at EU handling of foreign and migrant policy during a rally in Lille, Monday, as part of her campaign for upcoming French regional elections on December 6 and 13. Le Pen is running as the Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional presidential candidate.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Le Pen Feud: Jean-Marie in Outspoken Attack on Daughter Marine over Her 'Betrayal'

THE INDEPENDENT: Mr Le Pen says his daughter Marine is 'neither ethically nor politically' qualified to run for the presidency in 2017

The battle for the dark soul of the French far right intensified this weekend with an extraordinary personal attack by Jean-Marie Le Pen on his daughter, his successor as leader of the Front National.

Mr Le Pen – who faces expulsion from the party that he led for almost four decades – said his daughter Marine was “neither ethically nor politically” qualified to run for the presidency in 2017.

The far-right patriarch, 87, said he would refuse to vote for his daughter in two years’ time. He left open the possibility that he might lead a dissident far-right campaign in the south of France in regional elections in December.

Always partial to conspiracy theories, Mr Le Pen suggested that Marine Le Pen’s efforts to clean up the FN over the past four years might be the result of a plot concocted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the centre-right former president. » | John Lichfield | | Paris | Sunday, August 9, 2015

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Marine 'Not Fit to Be a Le Pen', Says Suspended Front National Founder Jean-Marie

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Jean-Marie Le Pen says he "does not recognise any ties" with daughter who "betrays me in such a scandalous fashion" after he is suspended from party he founded

Jean-Marie Le Pen claimed that his daughter Marine was unfit to run France, saying the Front National leader lacked the “moral principles” to be French president a day after his suspension from the party.

The 86-year old Front National (FN) founder said on Tuesday he would not, as things stand, back his daughter’s bid for the French presidency in 2017, saying his suspension suggested she did not have the moral fibre for the job.

“If such moral principles should preside over France, it would be scandalous given my betrayal,” he said. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Marine Le Pen Tells Father to Step Down from French Politics

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Leader of France's far-right says her father will be summoned before a disciplinary committee for his anti-Semitic remarks and says she no longer sees a future for him in Front National

France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen urged her father Jean-Marie to withdraw from political life and said she would begin disciplinary proceedings against him over repeated comments that had harmed efforts to broaden her party's appeal.

The 86-year-old founder of the far-right party, who last week defended a past comment that Nazi gas chambers were a "detail of history", was quoted on Tuesday as calling France's Spanish-born Prime Minister Manuel Valls "the immigrant" and defending Philippe Petain, leader of the war-time government that cooperated with Nazi Germany.

In what has become an increasingly bitter family feud, Marine Le Pen and her aides believe her father is undermining her efforts to rid the anti-immigrant party of its anti-Semitic image and widen its voter appeal as she readies a bid for the presidency in 2017. » | Reuters | Thursday, April 09, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Regionalwahlen in Frankreich: Angst vorm Triumphmarsch der Rechten

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Front National könnte bei den französischen Regionalwahlen am Sonntag stärkste Kraft werden. Für Parteichefin Marine Le Pen wäre es eine wichtige Etappe auf dem Weg in den Elysée. Präsident Hollande droht ein Debakel.

Eigentlich gehören die Departementswahlen nicht zu den wichtigsten Terminen in Frankreich: Die zu wählenden Räte kümmern sich hauptsächlich um bürgernahe Anliegen wie Haupt- und Mittelschulen, um Straßen, um Altenheime und Feuerwehr.

Doch am Sonntag und eine Woche später wird es anders sein, das Votum wird zu einer Kraftprobe von nationaler Bedeutung. Die Meinungsforscher erwarten, dass der Front National (FN) erstmals landesweit Ratsposten erobert und in zwei, drei Departements sogar die Führung übernimmt. FN-Chefin Marine Le Pen setzt auf eine "Marine-blaue Springflut", die Frankreich überspülen wird. Den regierenden Sozialisten von Staatschef François Hollande droht dagegen ein Debakel. » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Samstag, 21. März 2015

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Präsidentenwahl in Frankreich: Premier Valls warnt vor Sieg der Rechtspopulisten

Frankreichs Premier Valls: "Ich habe Angst um mein Land"
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der rechtspopulistische Front National ist in Frankreich auf Erfolgskurs. Nun hat Premierminister Manuel Valls davor gewarnt, die Partei von Marine Le Pen könnte bei der Präsidentschaftswahl stärkste Kraft werden.

Paris - Frankreichs Premierminister Manuel Valls hat vor einem Siegeszug des rechtsextremen Front National (FN) gewarnt. Es sei nicht auszuschließen, dass der FN schon die kommende Präsidentschaftswahl im Jahr 2017 gewinnen könnte, sagte der Regierungschef im TV-Interview bei iTéle. » | vek/AFP | Sonntag, 08. März 2015

Saturday, December 13, 2014

French Front National Vice President Florian Philippot 'Outed' as Gay

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Closer reveals that Florian Philippot, Front National number two, is homosexual, releasing photos of him with his boyfriend in Vienna, sparking row over private life, public interest and the FN's ambivalent attitudes to gays

A French gossip magazine sparked outrage across the political spectrum on Friday by "outing" the far-Right Front National's vice president, Florian Philippot, as homosexual.

The rare breach of Gallic press protocol is an embarrassment for the FN, whose attitude towards homosexuals has historically ranged from ambivalent to downright homophobic.

Closer, which scored a global scoop in January by publishing photos of French president, François Hollande, visiting his secret lover Julie Gayet, on Friday released pictures of Mr Philippot with his boyfriend, an unnamed TV journalist, on a trip to Vienna last week.

"At last a real weekend away from Paris," it headlined, followed by an inside article entitled: "Yes to love for all" – a play on words with France's recent Marriage for All bill legalising gay marriage.

Politicians across the board slammed the revelation as an unacceptable breach of Mr Philippot's private life. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

France Compares David Cameron to Far-Right Leader Following His Fury at the EU Budget

The figure compared Mr Cameron to Mrs Le Pen, left, who
leads the Front National party in France
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: France risks diplomatic row with Britain after comparing the Prime Minister to far-Right leader Marine Le Pen

France has risked a major diplomatic row with the UK after a senior government figure likened David Cameron to far-Right leader Marine Le Pen, saying his handling of a row over whether Britain should pay a £1.7 billion bill was “nationalistic” and “Byzantine”.

The French figure, who is close to President Francois Hollande, said that the Prime Minister had displayed “no European solidarity” when he hit out against the budget bill demanded by the EU because of the success of Britain’s economy.

In comments that will prompt outrage in Downing Street, the figure compared Mr Cameron to Miss Le Pen, who leads the Front National party in France.

Mr Cameron last month raised hackles among his European counterparts by suggesting the surcharge was “making thousands of voters believe the country should leave the European Union”.

He called the bill “outrageous” and refused to pay “anything like” the amount demanded by Brussels. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Le FN lève la suspension pour "prosélytisme" de l'un de ses élus

LE POINT: Conseiller municipal à Noisy-le-Grand, Maxence Buttey, récemment converti à l'islam, avait été "suspendu provisoirement" pour avoir "dépassé une limite".

Le Front national a annoncé vendredi avoir "levé la suspension temporaire" d'un de ses élus récemment converti à l'islam qu'il avait suspendu samedi, le parti lui reprochant d'avoir fait du "prosélytisme" en son sein. Devant le "bureau exécutif du parti réuni en commission des conflits", Maxence Buttey "a pu confirmer son engagement comme élu municipal du Front national à défendre les idées de son mouvement, notamment la lutte contre le communautarisme et la promotion de la laïcité", écrit le parti dans un communiqué. "Il lui a été signifié ainsi qu'à l'ensemble des protagonistes de ce dossier que l'envoi de vidéos à caractère religieux dans le cadre de fonctions militantes n'était pas acceptable", poursuit le document, qui conclut qu'"en conséquence, après ce rappel des devoirs qui incombent à un élu du Front national", la suspension est levée. » | Source AFP | vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Front National Councillor Urges French Far-Right Party to Convert to Islam

Maxence Buttey
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A far-right local councillor shocks Marine Le Pen's party by becoming a Muslim and sending Front National officials a video in which he urges them to embrace Islam

A Front National local councillor has embarrassed France's far-Right party by announcing his recent conversion to Islam – and urging fellow members to join him.

Maxence Buttey, 22, offended officials of the anti-immigration party by sending them a video in which he praised the "visionary" virtues of the Koran and urged them to become Muslims.

Mr Buttey, a councillor in the eastern Paris suburb of Noisy-le-Grand, said the Front National and Islam had much in common.

"Both are demonised and very far from the image portrayed in the media," he told Le Parisien newspaper. "Like Islam, the FN defends the weakest. The party denounces exorbitant interest rates charged on the debt of our country, and Islam is against the practice of usury."

Jordan Bardella, a local party secretary, said Mr Buttey had been suspended from a regional FN committee. » | David Chazan, Paris | Saturday, October 25, 2014

Monday, June 09, 2014

Marine Le Pen and Father in 'Unprecedented' Attacks on Each Other

Jean-Marie Le Pen
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Jean-Marie Le Pen fends off accusations of racism after commenting on Jewish singer

An unprecedented family feud has erupted at the heart of France's far Right between Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National, and her father and FN founder, Jean-Marie, over his alleged anti-Semitism.

The filial slanging match has seen Miss Le Pen accuse her father of damaging the party with perceived racist comments while he has blamed her for turning France's main far Right party into an insipid "bizarre" grouping "without substance".

On Sunday, the 85-year old Mr Le Pen, who already has several race hate convictions, had sparked political outrage, even from within his own party, for pledging to make an "oven load" of the Jewish singer Patrick Bruel – interpreted as a reference to the furnaces used by the Nazis to dispose of their victims.

Mr Bruel is a vocal FN critic.

In a spectacular departure from the usual family unity, Miss Le Pen joined the chorus of criticism of her father, who is an MEP and the party's honorary president, saying he had committed a "political mistake". » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Monday, June 09, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Des milliers de jeunes dans les rues contre le FN

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Des milliers de jeunes ont défilé jeudi dans plusieurs villes de France contre le Front national arrivé en tête des élections européennes dimanche dernier.

«France réveille-toi», «Péril FN en la demeure», «Non au F-Haine»: plusieurs milliers de jeunes ont manifesté jeudi en France. Ils se sont mobilisés contre le Front national, après la victoire historique du parti d'extrême droite de Marine Le Pen aux élections européennes. » | afp/Newsnet | jeudi 29 mai 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Are the Fascists Coming Back to France?

Is Marine Le Pen's smiling face a mask?
BBC: The Front National's victory in the EU elections - its greatest triumph ever - is attributed to the policy of "detoxification" conducted by Marine Le Pen since she took over in 2011.

But its enemies remain unconvinced that the FN has become in any sense a normal or acceptable political force.

Mainstream politicians regard the FN as a classic party of the nationalist extreme, exploiting economic distress to whip up hatred of the outsider, the immigrant.

For the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble, reacting to Sunday's vote, there is no question but that the FN is "fascist and extremist".

And in the UK, Nigel Farage of UKIP says he will never go into alliance with Marine Le Pen because of her party's "nasty, anti-Semitic past". » | Hugh Schofield, BBC News, Paris | Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Real National Front: The French Far Right Aims High

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: After its triumph in European elections on Sunday, the French far-right Front National is hoping to increase its power back home, with Marine Le Pen aiming for the presidency in 2017. With François Hollande's popularity plummeting, it is not out of the question.

Marine Le Pen shed tears of joy after her triumph in European Parliament elections on Sunday. When she arrived after midnight at a Parisian night club for the victory celebration with her fellow party members, the head of the far-right Front National (FN) embraced fans and family before letting the champagne flow. Marine's father Jean-Marie, who was re-elected to the EU body for the seventh time, was also on hand to congratulate his daughter. "It was a historic victory," he said.

By Monday morning, the emotional evening had already been forgotten and strategists were once again busy at work at the party's headquarters in Nanterre. Until Sunday's election, the Front National had occupied but three seats in European Parliament -- one each for Marine, her father and his political companion Bruno Gollnisch -- and had led a largely unnoticed existence on the political fringes in Brussels. Now, though, the party's caucus will grow by 21 representatives.

After pulling in a triumphant 25 percent of the vote, the Front National will now have the largest number of seats of any French political party in the European Parliament. Marine Le Pen has every intention of using the party's presence at parliament's headquarters in Strasbourg and Brussels for political gain. Some within the far-right in France are already considering their political futures -- all the way up to the presidential palace in Paris. » | Stefan Simons in Paris | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Triumph für Marine Le Pen: Frankreich im Schockzustand » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Montag, 26. Mai 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Frankreichs Wahlsieger: Schäuble nennt Front National "faschistisch"

Bundesfinanzminister Schäuble: "Wir alle müssen uns fragen, was wir besser machen können"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Das wird vielen in Frankreich nicht passen: Nach dem Erfolg des Front National hat der deutsche Finanzminister Schäuble die Partei als "faschistisch" bezeichnet.

Berlin/Paris - In Frankreich sitzt der Schock tief - und auch im benachbarten Ausland wurde der Erfolg des rechtsextremen Front National (FN) bei der Wahl zum Europaparlament mit Schrecken registriert. Der deutsche Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble sagte am Dienstag auf einer Konferenz in Berlin, ein Viertel der Franzosen habe "für eine faschistische, extremistische Partei gestimmt".

Die von Marine Le Pen geführte fremdenfeindliche Partei strebt den Austritt des Landes aus EU und Euro-Zone an. Das Ergebnis der Europa-Wahl gilt als schwere Schlappe für Staatschef François Hollande, dessen Sozialisten abgeschlagen hinter dem FN (rund 25 Prozent der Stimmen) und den Konservativen auf dem dritten Platz landeten. » | jok/dpa/AFP | Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Front National Wins European Parliament Elections in France

THE GUARDIAN: Elections return record number of MEPs opposed to EU project, with far right winning in France, Denmark and Austria

European politics were jolted as seldom before on Sunday when France's extreme nationalists triumphed in the European parliament elections, which across the continent returned an unprecedented number of MEPs hostile or sceptical about the European Union in a huge vote of no confidence in Europe's political elite.

France's Front National won the election there with a projected 25% of the vote, while the governing socialists of President François Hollande collapsed to 14%, according to exit polls.

In Britain the Nigel Farage-led insurrection against Westminster was also expected by all three main parties to deliver a victory for Ukip in the election, albeit with a lower lead than some opinion polls had been predicting in recent weeks. Turnout in Britain was 36%, higher than at the last European elections in 2009. » | Ian Traynor in Brussels | Sunday, May 25, 2014

Far-right National Front Triumph in France as Voters across Europe Turn to Extremists and Anti-EU Parties

Jubilant: French National Front leader Marine Le Pen reacts
to exit polls revealing her party won the election
THE MAIL ON SUNDAY: Exit polls have placed the hardline party as the country's most popular / The ruling socialists appeared to trail well behind with just 14 per cent / FN leader Marine Le Pen heralded victory for 'sovereign people of France' / Prime Minister Manuel Valls described result as 'a shock, an earthquake' / Le Pen called for French parliament to be dissolved to 'control borders'

The far-right National Front has topped polls in France as countries across Europe turned to extremist and anti-EU parties.

Exit polls suggested the anti-immigrant party led by Marine Le Pen had taken more than a quarter of votes, pushing President Hollande’s Socialist Party into third place with just 13 per cent.

It is the first time that the party – which wants to drastically cut immigration and reduce the influence of Islam – has come first in a nationwide French election in its 40-year history. Projections suggest it could take 25 Euro seats out of 74.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the National Front victory was ‘a political earthquake in France’, while ecology minister Segolene [sic] Royale said: ‘It’s a shock on a global scale.’

The result was the most striking of a number of successes for far right and anti-EU parties across Europe.

Chillingly, there were indications that a neo-Nazi candidate for the NPD party could be elected in Germany - giving the far-right a foothold for the first time in decades. » | Daniel Martin, Whitehall Correspondent | Sunday, May 25, 2014