Showing posts with label Fitna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitna. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Freedom Dies as Radical Islam Advances

THE DC EXAMINER: Halfway through “Fitna,” the short film about radical Islam made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders, we see an angry imam, speaking Arabic and telling how it will be.

“We have ruled the world before, and by Allah the day will come when we rule the entire world again!” the translation scrolls, “The day will come when we will rule America! The day will come when we rule Britain and the entire world!”

Score one for the Islamists, where Britain is concerned. The cringing bureaucrats of Gordon Brown’s Labour government barred Wilders from entering the country last week to attend a screening of “Fitna” at, of all places, Britain’s Houses of Parliament.

The 17-minute movie, which has been out for a year and is easily viewed online, seeks to make the case that Islam is dangerously in the ascendant in the Netherlands.

The film is composed almost entirely of scenes where Muslims are doing the talking, but it includes images of terrorist attacks and violent passages from the Quran.

It features clips of radical Islamist preachers calling for the murder of Jews and the defenestration of gays. It shows dead female victims of honor killings, a kneeling woman in a burqa being executed, and a captured Westerner being beheaded by masked Islamic militants.

Now, Wilders didn’t write the Quran, he didn’t bomb the Twin Towers, and where his narrative voice comes in, it’s not even saying anything very extraordinary – not in a world where a lot of people say a lot of things.

With the same material, one suspects that a practiced polemicist like Michael Moore could have made something even more shocking.

But Britain’s first Muslim peer, Lord Ahmed, warned that 10,000 Muslims would march on Parliament if Wilders appeared at the screening.

So the government caved. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith banned the Dutchman for fear his presence “would threaten community security and therefore public security.”

See how easily old freedoms are revoked? You would think that there’s no point in freedom of speech if you can’t use it to say unpopular things.

Yet in Britain – and in the Netherlands, where Wilders faces trial and a jail term for making “Fitna” – that freedom is gone. >>> By Meghan Cox Gurdon, Examiner Columnist | Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wilders Coming to America >>> Robert Spencer | Thursday, February 19, 2009

Geert Wilder’s English website >>>

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Dutch Lawmaker Banned from UK to Take Anti-Koran Film on 'World Tour'

HAARETZ: In response to his expulsion from Britain, Dutch legislator Geert Wilders announced yesterday he is taking his controversial film on Islam on "a world tour" - beginning next week with Rome.

On Thursday, British immigration officers detained Wilders at Heathrow Airport and put him on a plane back to the Netherlands. This was done under orders from the Home Office, whose officials said Wilders' presence would disrupt public order.

"This event [in Rome] is part of the 'Facing Jihad' world tour that will serve to expose Islam for what it is, an ideology that preaches terrorism, anti-Semitism and the oppression of women, homosexuals and non-Muslims," Wilders said.

Wilders - who heads the Party for Freedom, a rightist movement of nine seats in parliament - had been invited to show his 17-minute film "Fitna," which he released last year, at the House of Lords in London before being turned back.

In the text of a speech he had intended to deliver at the House of Lords, obtained by Haaretz, Wilders wrote: "Britannia rules the waves, and Islam will never rule Britain, so I was confident the Border Agency would let me through. After all, you have invited stranger creatures than me. Two years ago the House of Commons welcomed Mahmoud Suliman Ahmed Abu Rideh, linked to Al Qaeda.

"If you let in this man, then an elected politician from a fellow EU country surely is welcome here too. By letting me speak today you show that Winston Churchill's spirit is still very much alive," he added. >>> By Cnaan Liphshitz | Friday, February 13, 2009

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

No, Janet, Geert’s Film Was NOT Ugly!

Banning any discussion about the nature of the Koran just plays into the hands of bigots and demagogues, argues Janet Daley.

I had just taken part in a television discussion on the coverage of the Gaza conflict and was now paired up with the driver provided by BBC Transport to take me home. Clearly identifiable from his beard and clothing as a practising Muslim, he led me courteously to his car. On the way back, we chatted about the traffic and the weather, before we got onto the problems of minicab drivers in the recession. I sympathised with the fact that he was finding it harder and harder to make a living: even coming into central London from where he lived (he mentioned a town well known for its fundamentalist Islamic community) was no solution because it used so much petrol. Cab drivers were, I said, always among the first to suffer in financial hard times.

At various points in our exchanges, he expressed curiosity about what I had been debating on the programme and I avoided answering, sensing that the subject might be inflammatory. But finally there was a direct question: what subject had I been discussing? So I told him. And what had I said about it, he asked.

So, as tactfully as I could, I told him. Which opened the floodgates. The problem could never be resolved, he said, because it was a battle between Muslims and Jews which meant that it was between, as he put it, "good and evil". The Jews in Israel, he said, did not follow the faith of Judaism, but of another religion called "Zionism". At this point, I intervened to point out, very gently, that I was Jewish and to suggest that Judaism and Zionism were not actually mutually exclusive. The More We Discuss Religious Differences the Safer We Will Be >>> Janet Daley | Sunday, February 15, 2009

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pat Condell: Freedom Go to Hell!

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Geert Wilders Banned from the UK - Shameless Censorship

For God’s sake, the British government is so YELLOW! Appeasement of Islam is the name of the game! Gordon Brown, Jacqui Smith (Jackboot Jacqui), and David Miliband are all part of the ‘axis of cowardice’!

By disallowing Geert Wilders into the United Kingdom to show his film, Fitna, to the House of Lords, the UK has shown that it is well on the road to dhimmitude, well on the path which will lead to Eurabia.

Not since Neville Chamberlain has any British government shown such readiness to appease its enemies. And let’s make no mistake about it, Islam is the enemy, for it is the enemy of democracy and freedom, but nobody in the MSM or in politics wants to admit that this is so. But it is so. What else can an ideology be when it doesn’t recognize the separation of religion and politics? Whichever way anyone slices it, any ideology that does not regognize this separation, the sine qua non of democracy, can only be one thing: the enemy of democracy.

If you are aware of what is going on, then you must be, as am I, absolutely fed up with reading articles in the press which make excuses for the excesses of Islam and its adherents. You must also be sick to death of listening to, or reading about, politicians stating that Islam is not the problem. These people insist that some radical Muslims who espouse an extremist version of Islam are the problem. This is HS! Islam is the problem; and Islam pure and simple. There is, anyway, but one Islam. Any Muslim will tell you that. The moderate Muslims that politicians tell you about are non-existent, for moderate Islam doesn’t exist. There is but one Islam, and that’s Islam! The real deal!

A so-called ‘moderate Muslim’ is a Muslim who doesn’t follow his religion; and that’s no real Muslim at all!

What are we to do? Are we to wait until the crocodile devours us? Or are we to find our spunk and backbone, and confront this problem NOW, head on?

Our politicians and the people you watch on TV and listen to on your radio are spinning yarns, they’re peddling lies. They will go on doing so until YOU stop them! Tell them you’ll have no more of this crap, no more of this nonsense, no more of this poppycock! Tell them you want the truth. Insist on the truth; it’s your right.

That’s why banning Geert Wilders from the shores of the United Kingdom is such a nonsense. If what he has to say is false, then it will soon be seen as such. Nothing exposes the truth like the light of day. And if it is true, then we will have to confront the reality that faces us. But isn’t that the problem? Isn’t that what people like Jacqui Smith, David Miliband, and Gordon Brown do not want: the truth?

The following brilliant film, Fitna, is hurtful to our leaders, the mainstream media and the establishment simply because it is truthful. Were it not to be, then these stupid people that lead us would simply refute it. But they cannot because the film is masterful. Why? Because it encapsulates the problems we face with Islam in a short, sixteeen or so minute film. How brilliant is that? – ©Mark Alexander

Here is the film the establishment – our craven establishment – do not want you to see. It is to be hoped the Lords are watching:

Fitna: Original Version

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Gb-Olanda/ Borghezio: Londra si è inginocchiata all'Islam: Eurodeputato leghista critica fermo del regista Wilders

VIRGILIO NOTIZIE: Bruxelles - Il fermo all'aeroporto di Heathrow del deputato olandese del Partito per la Libertà (PVV) Geert Wilders, regista di 'Fitna', film fortemente critico del Corano, dimostra che "la Gran Bretagna è inginocchiata all'Islam". Ad affermarlo, in una nota, è il capodelegazione della Lega Nord al Parlamento europeo, Mario Borghezio.

"E' ormai vietata ogni critica all'Islam, con tanti saluti ai roboanti principi di libertà sancita dalla Carta delle Nazioni Unite e dai Trattati dell'Unione Europea" accusa Borghezio, secondo cui l'Occidente è ormai "sotto ricatto islamista". Oggi la Commissione europea ha sottolineato che in base alla direttiva sulla libera circolazione delle persone nell'Ue "gli Stati membri possono rifiutare l'ingresso ai cittadini europei per ragioni di pubblica sicurezza, di ordine pubblico o di salute pubblica", ma le vittime di questa decisione possono appellarsi e devono essere informate dei motivi.

"Il silenzio omertoso delle istituzioni europee, di fronte a un caso come questo, ci fa ben capire quanto ragione avesse Oriana Fallaci a profetizzare un'Europa tremebonda e vile, inginocchiata di fronte alle minacce dei musulmani estremisti e intolleranti", commenta Borghezio. "Come una Super-Mafia, l'Islam impone con il terrore la sua volontà persino a Paesi di grande tradizione democratica", conclude l'esponente del Carroccio.

Wilders - che la prossima settimana dovrebbe recarsi a Roma - era stato invitato a Londra dal partito euroscettico Ukip. Al suo arrivo a Heathrow è stato fermato dalla polizia e imbarcato su un volo per Amsterdam. [Fonte: Virgilio Notizie] APCOM | 12 febbraio 2009

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House of Lords Apathetic about the Islamization of the United Kingdom and Europe!

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: The film Fitna was shown in the British upper house of parliament on Thursday despite the British authorities' refusal to allow its maker, Dutch rightwing populist MP Geert Wilders, into the United Kingdom.

Only around 30 people attended the screening, five of them members of the upper house.

All 743 members of the upper house were invited, as were the 646 members of the lower house, none of whom attended. Few Attend UK Screening of Wilders' Film >>> RNW | Friday, February 13, 2009

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Breaking News! Dutch MP Wilders Refused Entry to UK: 'A Threat to Public Order'

Photo of Geert Wilders courtesy of Radio Netherlands Worldwide

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Dutch Right-wing politician and controversial anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders has been refused entry to the United Kingdom despite being invited to visit by a member of the House of Lords, the British parliament's upper chamber.

Mr Wilders (pictured), who was due to go to London this Thursday, received a letter today, 10 February, from the British ambassador to the Netherlands telling him that he was not welcome, reportedly because his visit would constitute a threat to public order.


Mr Wilders responded to the decision in fighting mood, telling Dutch media that he still intended to travel to London:
"I'll see what happens at the border. Let them put me in handcuffs."
Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen's response was also firm. He contacted his UK counterpart, David Miliband, by telephone and voiced his dissatisfaction that a member of the Dutch parliament - Geert Wilders is in fact also the leader of a political grouping, the Freedom Party - has been prohibited from entering a fellow European Union member state. >>> By RNW Internet, (Sources: ANP/Elsevier) | Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Send your PROTESTS to the Foreign Secretary: OR

TELEGRAPH BLOGS: Geert Wilders, Anti-Islamic Politician, Banned from Britain

Can this really be true? An elected representative, the leader of a legitimate political party, banned from entering the United Kingdom? On what possible grounds?

It's true that Geert Wilders is a controversialist, who takes pleasure in causing offence. He needs 24-hour protection, so serious are the death-threats he has attracted from jihadis. He revels in offending liberals as well as Muslims: his call for the Koran to be banned struck me as rather inconsistent with his stated commitment to civic freedoms. I wouldn't vote for him if I were Dutch.

But what I think of him is neither here nor there. Freedom means the freedom to express any opinion, however eccentric, however offensive. The Dutch foreign minister, a political opponent of Mr Wilders, has complained to David Miliband. Good for him. Whether our government is actuated by cowardice or authoritarianism, it's equally ugly. We are a meaner country than we were this morning. Comment here >>> Daniel Hannan | Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hat tip: Dale Hurd >>>

LIVE LEAK: Anti-Islamic Film, Fitna

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Exprimer: Restriction et régression de la liberté d’expression en Europe

RESILIENCE TV: Lu sur Riposte laïque : " Incroyable : le 21 janvier dernier, la cour d’appel d’Amsterdam a décidé de poursuivre le député néerlandais Geert Wilders pour son film Fitna, dans lequel on peut voir, en seize minutes – et uniquement par des images d’actualité illustrant des extraits du Coran – la violence dont sont capables les islamistes.

Il aura donc suffi que Geert Wilders s’appuie sur des faits réels – qu’il prend pourtant la précaution de ne pas commenter – pour être accusé à la fois d’« incitation à la haine et de discrimination à l’égard des musulmans ».

C’est exactement en ces termes que fut condamnée à cinq reprises – et par un tribunal français, s’il vous plaît ! – notre Brigitte Bardot nationale, dont le seul tort avait été de dénoncer, à l’occasion de l’Aïd-el-Kébir, l’égorgement des moutons préalablement non étourdis. Le la collaborationniste venait d’être donné !

Louis Chagnon, professeur d’histoire/géographie au collège Georges-Pompidou, de Courbevoie, encourra les mêmes foudres pour avoir appris à ses élèves que Mahomet était non seulement le Prophète de l’islam mais encore un chef politique et militaire qui sut s’imposer en utilisant aussi bien la diplomatie que la force. >>> Posté par Façal Souteï | Mardi 27 Janvier 2009

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Geert Wilders, European Islam and Fitna

AMERICAN THINKER: "The film equates Islam with violence. We reject that interpretation," - The Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende

When Geert Wilders released the film FITNA it terrified the government of the Netherlands who hoped to minimize any violent reaction by its restive Muslim immigrants and refugees by loudly condemning it. The film is a 15-minute indictment of Islamic radicalism intended as a warning of the unchecked radicalism infecting European Islam. Now Mr. Wilders is being prosecuted for "inciting hate" a charge unlikely to be leveled at the Imams that preach hatred and violence in that small country.

The many terror attacks the world has suffered in the years since 9-11 were not perpetrated by Lutherans, Catholics or members of the Dutch Reformed Church. The politically correct stubbornness found in western democracies insists it is not Islam, just a tiny minority of misguided radicals that perpetrate violence. However, saying something does not make it so, no matter how endlessly it is repeated. It is not a matter of "interpretation," of the Koran, it is a matter of evidence and truth; Islam too often brings violence.

Holland is a case in point. Decades of naïve multiculturalism, generous handouts and easy asylum for "Muslim refugees" has made Holland a land of two incompatible belief systems, Islam and 21st century socialist humanism. Islam has become the largest active religion in Holland, its churches draw a fraction of the attendance that its mosques do. Its timid government is held hostage by the threat of violence, implicit in its Muslim citizens' reaction to any criticism, however mild. Native Dutch birthrates are low compared to Muslim immigrants, who do not encourage abortion and do not start families late in life.

The Dutch Prime Minister and its judiciary reject free speech, which is not surprising; the Netherlands may be the first European country to allow Shari'a law to compete with national courts. They may not have a choice if all the voices of dissent are silenced. While the Dutch see themselves as eminently civilized and able to negotiate and appease conflict away, their country is stolen from under them, Muslim immigrant population's have skyrocketed and Imams increasing call for the beating of women and the killing of gays and all the 7th century brutality that is Islamic orthodoxy. >>> By Lance Fairchok | Saturday, January 24, 2009

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Friday, January 23, 2009

”A Victory for the Muslim Community”

ASSOCIATED PRESS OF PAKISTAN: LONDON‑The British Parliament has cancelled the showing of a controversial film “Fitna” by the right‑win Dutch MP Geert Wilders following vociferous protest by the Muslim community.

The screening was to take place on January 29 at the House of Lords.

The decision to cancel the showing was taken on Friday when Lord Nazir Ahmed had a meeting with the Government Chief Whip of the House of Lords and Leader of the House of Lords, together with representatives from the Muslim Council of Britain, British Muslim Forum and other representatives from the British Muslim community. British Parliament Calls Off Screening of Controversial Film >>> APP | Friday, January 23, 2009

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Wilders' Fitna Put on a Par with Mein Kampf

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: The Dutch right-wing Freedom Party is furious about a passage in a primary school textbook in which party leader Geert Wilders' film Fitna is put on a par with Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf. The two works are cited as examples of one-sided thinking. The textbook will be distributed to 2,000 primary schools.

The Freedom Party says it's a disgrace that the textbook was subsidised by the Dutch government. The party speaks of political indoctrination and demands that the authors, the Day of Respect foundation recall the textbooks.

The foundation says that even though it's not entirely happy about the phrasing of the passage in question, it has no intention of cancelling distribution. The Day of Respect will be marked next week on Thursday. [Source: Radio Netherlands Worldwide] | November 4, 2008

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jordan’s Legal Jihad

MIDDLE EAST AND TERRORISM (BLOG): In a brazen attempt to stifle free speech in the West, a Jordanian court recently summoned twelve European citizens to answer criminal charges of blasphemy and inciting hatred.

Among those sought by the court is Geert Wilders, the Dutch liberal politician who made the anti-Islamist film, Fitna. Released last March, the Dutch MP's production caused an uproar in Islamic countries, since it equated Islam with violence. Now a Middle Eastern court would like to prosecute Wilders for the "crime." (Ironically, a Dutch court dropped charges against him for inciting hatred against Muslims with his film the day before the Jordanian court issued its subpoena.)

The Jordanian court's move is only the most ambitious attempt to silence debate about Islam. Until now, the preferred strategy has been to file civil lawsuits in western courts to intimidate critics. The latest version of what may be called the legal jihad Jordan’[sic] is even more disturbing.

In one subpoena, issued in early June, the Jordanian court ordered ten Danish newspaper editors to travel to Jordan for the "crime" of having republished the "Mohammad cartoons" last February. The cartoons, first published in 2005, were also greeted with disturbances in Muslim lands. Seventeen Danish newspapers republished the controversial cartoons as a response to the discovery of an Islamist plot to murder Kurt Westergaard. Westergaard, a caricaturist, drew the most famous of those cartoons in the form of Mohammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban, for which he is also included in the summons. Jordan’s Legal Jihad >>> By Stephen Brown | September 28, 2008

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Defending Islam, Hacker Defaces Thousands of Dutch Websites

IT WORLD: WebWereld Netherlands — A 'hacktivist' has hijacked numerous Dutch sites in retaliation for the anti-Islamic short film "Fitna" which was made and released earlier this year by the Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders.

Over the last six weeks an activist hacker by the name of 'nEt^DeViL' has hacked many Dutch Web sites and posted ideological statements on their home pages. Such an attack is known as a website defacement.

The hacked sites feature an embedded YouTube video dubbed "Anti-Fitna", which the hacker states is "[a] Response to the Fitna Movie by 'Geert Wilders' Cow !" "This hax0ring is to defend ISLAM - The Religion of [ Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad ( Peace Be Upon Them All ) ] that Insulted by a Cow ! from Netherlands !", a website that tracks website defacement attacks worldwide, has documented thousands of compromised websites over the last months. Zone-H reports that 'nEt^DeViL' has hacked 18,157 websites as of Thursday, August 28.

From July 15 on, the hacker specifically targeted sites in The Netherlands, the home country of politician Geert Wilders. A number have since been restored, but numerous others still feature the forcefully injected ideological messages. Defending Islam, Hacker Defaces Thousands of Dutch Websites >>> By Andreas Udo de Haes | August 28, 2008

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Zwanenberg Plumps for Eternal Dhimmitude

Poster of Dutch-Danish products boycott

“Zwanenberg announces its solidarity with the ‘Messenger of Allah Unites Us Campaign’ in its endeavours to pass an international legislation to stop any insult of any religion including Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)” – Zwanenberg announcement

THE JORDAN TIMES: AMMAN - The multilateral Danish-Dutch boycott campaign is moving ahead with the addition of a major brand, the removal of others and an ongoing lawsuit, while Jordanian importers still suffer losses.

Launched in late February to protest against the republication of disturbing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, “The Messenger of Allah Unites Us” campaign was relaunched in mid-June to add products from the Netherlands after Dutch MP Geert Wilders posted an anti-Islam film on the Internet.

The ultimate goal, according to campaign spokesperson Zakaria Sheikh, is to enact a universal law that prohibits the defamation of any prophet or religion, similar to the international legislation banning anti-Semitism.

Sheikh told The Jordan Times that the boycott will assist them in providing proof of the harm of “hateful messages” when advocating for the law. Boycott Campaign Moves Ahead >>> By Linda Hindi | June 25, 2008

Diana West: "The Islamic strategy to compel the suicidal West to destroy its own identifying liberties by exploiting capitalism's essential weakness – blithering fear of shrinking markets – continues apace with renewed calls for an Islamic boycott of Dutch and Danish goods." >>>

Zwanenberg Food Group >>>

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jordan Group Wants Geert Wilders Tried for Fitna

Photo of Geert Wilders courtesy of Google Images

AFP: AMMAN — Some 30 Jordanian media outlets filed an official complaint on Tuesday seeking court action against far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders over a film judged anti-Islamic.

The organisations, who have set up a group called "Campaign for the Prophet", said in a statement they had lodged their complaint with the Amman prosecutor.

One of the group's lawyers, Tarek Hawamdeh told AFP that the action was "based on the (film's) violation of publishing laws which ban insults against religions and attacks against Islam and the prophets", punishable by a jail term of three years.

The lawyer said the prosecutor "will hear on Wednesday the arguments of those who have started the judicial process and of witnesses". He said he hoped this would lead to a court "order for Wilders to appear".

Wilders's 17-minute film "Fitna" ("discord" in Arabic), which links the holy Koran with terror attacks, has sparked uproar in Muslim countries.

Jordan immediately condemned the film on its release and some Jordanian MPs called for Amman to break diplomatic relations with The Hague.

The media group has also called for a boycott of Dutch products. [Source: Jordan Group Wants Dutch MP Tried Over 'Anti-Islam' Film]

Wilders Disregards Jordanian Law >>> | June 11, 2008

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