Saturday, February 14, 2009

Geert Wilders Banned from the UK - Shameless Censorship

For God’s sake, the British government is so YELLOW! Appeasement of Islam is the name of the game! Gordon Brown, Jacqui Smith (Jackboot Jacqui), and David Miliband are all part of the ‘axis of cowardice’!

By disallowing Geert Wilders into the United Kingdom to show his film, Fitna, to the House of Lords, the UK has shown that it is well on the road to dhimmitude, well on the path which will lead to Eurabia.

Not since Neville Chamberlain has any British government shown such readiness to appease its enemies. And let’s make no mistake about it, Islam is the enemy, for it is the enemy of democracy and freedom, but nobody in the MSM or in politics wants to admit that this is so. But it is so. What else can an ideology be when it doesn’t recognize the separation of religion and politics? Whichever way anyone slices it, any ideology that does not regognize this separation, the sine qua non of democracy, can only be one thing: the enemy of democracy.

If you are aware of what is going on, then you must be, as am I, absolutely fed up with reading articles in the press which make excuses for the excesses of Islam and its adherents. You must also be sick to death of listening to, or reading about, politicians stating that Islam is not the problem. These people insist that some radical Muslims who espouse an extremist version of Islam are the problem. This is HS! Islam is the problem; and Islam pure and simple. There is, anyway, but one Islam. Any Muslim will tell you that. The moderate Muslims that politicians tell you about are non-existent, for moderate Islam doesn’t exist. There is but one Islam, and that’s Islam! The real deal!

A so-called ‘moderate Muslim’ is a Muslim who doesn’t follow his religion; and that’s no real Muslim at all!

What are we to do? Are we to wait until the crocodile devours us? Or are we to find our spunk and backbone, and confront this problem NOW, head on?

Our politicians and the people you watch on TV and listen to on your radio are spinning yarns, they’re peddling lies. They will go on doing so until YOU stop them! Tell them you’ll have no more of this crap, no more of this nonsense, no more of this poppycock! Tell them you want the truth. Insist on the truth; it’s your right.

That’s why banning Geert Wilders from the shores of the United Kingdom is such a nonsense. If what he has to say is false, then it will soon be seen as such. Nothing exposes the truth like the light of day. And if it is true, then we will have to confront the reality that faces us. But isn’t that the problem? Isn’t that what people like Jacqui Smith, David Miliband, and Gordon Brown do not want: the truth?

The following brilliant film, Fitna, is hurtful to our leaders, the mainstream media and the establishment simply because it is truthful. Were it not to be, then these stupid people that lead us would simply refute it. But they cannot because the film is masterful. Why? Because it encapsulates the problems we face with Islam in a short, sixteeen or so minute film. How brilliant is that? – ©Mark Alexander

Here is the film the establishment – our craven establishment – do not want you to see. It is to be hoped the Lords are watching:

Fitna: Original Version

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>


Always On Watch said...

The significance of denying Wilders into the UK cannot be overstated.

I see Gert Wilders ban from the UK just as you do, Mark: an act of cowardice! It is an act of surrender as the centuries-long principles governing the UK are overturned

Furthermore, this dhimmitude will serve only to embolden Moslems as they continue to colonize Western countries. And let us make no mistake. They ARE colonizing! They are changing our culture and throwing it into the dustbin.

There can be no co-existence between Islam and the free world.

Now, here is the bottom line....Is it already too late for the West?

Mark said...


The significance of denying Wilders into the UK cannot be overstated.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I see Gert Wilders ban from the UK just as you do, Mark: an act of cowardice! It is an act of surrender as the centuries-long principles governing the UK are overturned

The people governing us have no sense of responsibility, and nor do they have a sense of history. But the Labour government does not wish to upset the Muslim community, because most Muslims vote Labour. There you have it. So, instead of fighting for our civilization, the government is compromising our democratic principles. It's low, cheap behaviour. There's certainly nothing noble in it.

Furthermore, this dhimmitude will serve only to embolden Moslems as they continue to colonize Western countries. And let us make no mistake. They ARE colonizing! They are changing our culture and throwing it into the dustbin.

Muslims, as you well know, are emboldened enough as it is. That Lord Ahmed, for example, is very much emboldened; indeed, I would say that he has far too much to say for himself. As they used to say when I was a child: He's too big for his boots!

And yes, I agree with you when you say we are being colonized.

There can be no co-existence between Islam and the free world.

None whatsoever, because Islam is the antithesis of everything the free world stands for.

Now, here is the bottom line....Is it already too late for the West?

I don't know. I hope not. But it sure does look as if it might be.

Unknown said...

Mark. The establishment simply cannot afford to admit this plain fact, for to do so would be an admission of their own stupidity. Islam is sounding the death knell of the whole governing philosophy by which our elites have used to govern our peoples and maintained their rod iron grip on our societies cultural and political directions.

To a man, (or woman), the elites of our societies have been molded by the cultural milieu that runs through the halls of higher academia, with its Utopian dreamscapes, its condescending waffle and all its other fetid flatulence.

Marxism will once again, with eyes wide open, immerse us all in another blood bath.

One of the things I have noticed, especially over this issue of Gert Wilders, is just how much people, who have never heard of the man before, are then prepared to pontificate on his motives, his manner, his designs. These brave Sir Robins, are at great pains to demonstrate their own superior virtue and compassion, by painting lurid pictures of a man and his character, about whom they know next to absolutely debate, no doubts, just out and out sneers and slander, and for what, just so they can live comfortably with their illusions intact. We really do live in the age of ignorance, but after 40 -50 years of having this postmodernist mush shoved down our throats, is it any wonder.

Mark, as you say, Labour is compromising our future for nothing more than votes. Votes for their failed ideology.

Alas, in my frustration the words will not come out. However, one thing is for sure, without a massive fraud at the ballot box, Labour is history. The sad part is that those that will replace them are but a pale imitation of the same, for they too have been brought up through the same milieu.

Sorry if this comment seems to ramble, but if thoughts do clarify in my mind, I will comment again later on. Oh happy happy joy joy, I hear you thinking. Now I am off to do a favour for my neighbor, see, what a nice guy I am :)

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

The establishment simply cannot afford to admit this plain fact, for to do so would be an admission of their own stupidity.

Yes, and it must also be said that they are afraid to admit the problem, because to admit it would mean that they would have to do something about it. And they don't have the courage for that, for they fear all hell breaking loose, as it surely would.

Islam is sounding the death knell of the whole governing philosophy by which our elites have used to govern our peoples and maintained their rod iron grip on our societies cultural and political directions.

Yes indeed! Islam has sounded the death knell of every society it has ever been allowed in to, and been allowed to put down its roots. Those roots, as you and I know, are like tentacles which have an ever greater reach and grip.

To a man, (or woman), the elites of our societies have been molded by the cultural milieu that runs through the halls of higher academia, with its Utopian dreamscapes, its condescending waffle and all its other fetid flatulence.

Yes, it is true; and fetid it is too!

Marxism will once again, with eyes wide open, immerse us all in another blood bath.

The blood bath is coming just as sure as night follows day!

One of the things I have noticed, especially over this issue of Gert Wilders, is just how much people, who have never heard of the man before, are then prepared to pontificate on his motives, his manner, his designs. These brave Sir Robins, are at great pains to demonstrate their own superior virtue and compassion, by painting lurid pictures of a man and his character, about whom they know next to absolutely debate, no doubts, just out and out sneers and slander, and for what, just so they can live comfortably with their illusions intact. We really do live in the age of ignorance, but after 40 -50 years of having this postmodernist mush shoved down our throats, is it any wonder.

Yes. Isn't it amazing? To read some of the articles in the MSM is to be brought to a feeling of acute nausea. One simply wants to vomit.

They keep characterizing Geert Wilders as "far-right". Well, I don't see him as far right at all! The man is just talking common sense. And Fitna is too close to the bone for them; it is far too truthful for these stupid people to bear.

Mark, as you say, Labour is compromising our future for nothing more than votes. Votes for their failed ideology.

And a failed ideology it most certainly is.

Alas, in my frustration the words will not come out. However, one thing is for sure, without a massive fraud at the ballot box, Labour is history.

I do hope you're right; I do hope that the voters will not again be taken in by the smarm.

The sad part is that those that will replace them are but a pale imitation of the same, for they too have been brought up through the same milieu.

Yes, as you say, the people who are likely to replace the Labour 'rulers' are but a pale imitation. The damn lot of them, Labour and Conservative, are spineless and 'ever so pc'.

Sorry if this comment seems to ramble, but if thoughts do clarify in my mind, I will comment again later on. Oh happy happy joy joy, I hear you thinking. Now I am off to do a favour for my neighbor, see, what a nice guy I am :)

Your comment was a great one. Most welcome! Do come back with any other thoughts you have on the subject. It is always such a pleasure to read your thoughtful comments.

By the way, I always knew you were a nice guy! ;-) Okay, don't get embarrassed.

Mark said...


Is this the sort of article you were referring to?

Labour Bares Its Appeaser’s Teeth to Unbending Muslims, where Geert Wilders is criticized heavily.

You can email the author of the article with your comments by using this address:

Unknown said...

I can't. No Mark, right now, the sheer vacuous empty headedness of not only the article, but quite a few of the comments, is enough to fry the mind. Such a contemptible article, that were I to comment directly, my outrage would be swept aside as "outraged of Tunbridge Wells", "a little Englander". These titans of intellectual compassion will broke no contrary opinion, as their shrill, vacuous and ignorant disposal of Mr Wilders testifies.

These endless protestations of superior virtue, by means of ignorant slander, are the stuff of foolish minds lost to their own vanity. This shoot the messenger mentality, defies all rational thought. I used to think this was simply a consequence of fear, now however, I believe it is something more...gut wrenching fear, alleviated by pompous prevaricating; an escape of the weak mind into the relief of absolution found in the arms of a collective cowardice masquerading as high virtue.

The die has been cast, the stage set, it is only a matter of time till the fire ignites.

These people are absolutely clueless. By their endless chattering, they are sacrificing the future to Islam, and they are simply oblivious to the rising danger.

I have read several comments recently, that posits that much of our appeasement and denial, stems from the feminine side of our political opinions, that being that it is better to give in for a peaceful community cohesion, and that by being accommodating we can all learn to get a long. With a voracious and insatiable tiger like Islam, that is simply an invitation to a feast. This simple minded mindset has inflamed the desires of Islam to come take what it will from a decadent West, lost in the soup of postmodernist mush. Now this obviously does not encompass the thinking of all women, nor exclude the thinking of the metrosextualized man, but it is a thought process very prevalent in Western society today, and it is going to get an awful lot of people killed in the near future.

In the days when I read the Telegraph on a semi regular basis I used to quite enjoy Miss Marin's commentaries, this, on the other hand...pah, pap for the unthinking.

The elephant in the room, which all "right thinking" pc chatterers avoid like the plague, is the truth of the mythical moderate muslim. How come this mythical creature is forever missing in action whenever there is some muslim inspired atrocity anywhere in the world. How come, when such incidences occur, any muslim representative will dispense twenty or so words of condolence and tut tutting, with the inevitable "but", followed by several paragraphs of muslim grievances and accusations of rabid Christian fundamentalists, ransacking the muslim tranquility.

Sadly we must conclude, humanity will not awake, till the blade is at our collective throats. When that happens, I think the MSM should have its collective accreditation revoked...toilet bowl cleaners would seem to be about the highest level these sanctimonious fools could rise too, for some at least; deceitful snakes as the rest of them are...I can only leave their fate to minds more calm than I. These bromides of the virtuous are the scent of the prey to the ravenous beast that is Islam. The funny part is, when the balloon goes up, these pious virtues will be harder to find than a moderate muslim.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Marrin..Her name is Marrin....See Mark, I told you I was too angry to see straight :)

Mark said...

Yes, JAR, didn't that article just make you sick? What the hell is this fool on about. Pompous, self-righteous ass! She is clueless; and condescending to boot.

You have raised a very pertinent question about the over-feminized nature of our politicians, and of our society in general, actually. No such feminization has occurred in the macho world that is Islam, as you well know.

I have often thought that a lot of our problems could be arising from there being too many women in politics, and for all the reasons you mentioned. When Churchill was at the helm, there were far fewer. I think we might have discussed this phenomenon on this forum a long time ago. It seems to ring a bell.

But anyway, this problem permeates our society. We also find it in schools, where young boys have far too few male rôle models. As you and I know, young boys growing up need such male rôle models. With absent (sometimes non-existent) fathers, and few male teachers in the classrooms, where are these rôle models to come from?

And as you rightly say, the feminine response to our problems with Islam is to appease.

Take Jacqui Smith as a case in point: she looks to me as though she'd be better suited to primary education than the Home Office! She looks like the quintessential primary school teacher to me. Then we have the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband. Well, what a soft thinker he is! Yet he is said to be sooo intelligent!!! I have yet to see any sign of that so-called superior intelligence, though. To me, he looks like an overgrown schoolboy. He acts like one too!

Then you have Gordon Brown to complete the 'axis of cowardice'! Corpulent and flabby: flabby of body and flabby of thought! A man with no conviction; he just wants to be prime minister, regardless of how badly he does the job. And he's made a pretty pathetic job of it so far.

This is the calibre of politician the sad Brit has leading him today. With Islam in the room, we don't have a chance unless the people take charge of their own affairs. These stupid governments certainly won't. They are selling us all down the river. They are treasonous, and they should be tried for high treason, too.

Unknown said...

High treason it is. These clowns have no clue. With High office comes great responsibility, a concept too far for the modern politician. Until we the people, ram that right down the elites collective throats, they will continue on their scheming, thieving merry way. Happily, the discontent is there, building slowly, but I think it will not break forth until those ultra impatient radicals of Islam overstep the mark, and a large number of people die. Then, every single one of these conniving pompous prats will be guilty of indirect collusion, by virtue of their continuous enabling behaviour; (and that does not only mean the politicians).

Now, off to walk the dog, and calm down :)

Unknown said...

Oh, and one more thing, with reference to your comment about the dreadful Mrs Smith. I read somewhere that Jackboots Jacqui was originally, a primary school teacher by profession; if so, she was promoted way...way above her capabilities. I would say, maybe she should return to what she knows and leave the great responsibilities of state for more accomplished minds. I was going to say...resolute, but alas, she seems imbued with more than her fair share of the "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude of the modern elite, which does tend to cancel out the better attributes of resolution in the hands of a thinking person.

Mark said...


Well, well, well! Now wasn't my assessment of her accurate then?

I really did not know that she had been a primary school teacher. I was basing it all on gut instinct and how she appears.

Thanks for this info. I'm glad to learn it, for it bears out what I have always thought about her: nothing!

Unknown said...

It occurs to me, that what we are witnessing, in the conformity of received opinion, is the end product of a successful, long term campaign of brainwashing. The multiculturalist mantras may not be transgressed, lest the irreverent mind, stray into the realms of free and independent thought, a crime more insidious, more horrific than rape or murder, (to the architects of our "pc" morality). And so, the uninformed are encouraged to display their ignorance as a vent to their frustration. But the folly of strict thought conformation is that it makes everyone complicit in the "great lie", and from there it is but a short step to an overbearing self loathing, that destroys all spirit, all opposition. Now ask yourself...just who benefits, yes that's right, the ruling elite once again. No wonder that they feel secure from all censure in their snug palace at Westminster, and if ever anyone needed confirmation of this plain fact...the disgusting spectacle of Mrs Smith caught with her hands in the cookie jar, can leave no one in any doubt as to just how secure they do feel.

Just how do you deprogramme half a nation, suckling as it is, on a pre scripted narrative. Short of a catastrophic war, to wake people up, by virtue of the revelation of our leaders with their feet of clay, as they struggle in the net of reality, binding themselves, ever more tighter in the knots of their own philosophical contradictions, and coming up empty of real time practical ideas; I can't see any other way, for their stranglehold on the means of the distribution of information is almost total, and will be so, if their designs are ever fully met.

Our fortune is that our far enemy...Islam is still yet weak. Our near enemy, quasi Marxism, must be our first line of attack. We simply must bring it down. The whole rotten structure of Westminster is corrupted to the core. In fact the whole Western establishment is sick to the bone, and rabid with a hubristic conceit.

As a previous post of yours points out Mark; only 30 members of the upper and lower house actually bothered to attend the screening of "Fitna" in the House of Lords. When collectively, between them the over 1400 odd members could have demonstrated a willingness to be aware and comment rationally upon a disputed subject, the overwhelming response was to ignore it, and run for the TV cameras, to display all of your "pc" bona fides,for everyone to see just how wonderful they are. How truly disgusting

Mark said...


Our fortune is that our far enemy...Islam is still yet weak.

Is is really that weak? To me, Islam seems to be gaining in strength by the day.

Our near enemy, quasi Marxism, must be our first line of attack. We simply must bring it down. The whole rotten structure of Westminster is corrupted to the core. In fact the whole Western establishment is sick to the bone, and rabid with a hubristic conceit.

There is much truth in what you say. Westminster is indeed corrupt. Did you know that the Saudis have a lot of control in the corridors of power there? Many of the ruling élite must be in their pay.

I agree with you: Marxism must be brought down. Miliband and his ilk. He is, you know, the son of a Marxist theorist! Don't tell me that his mind hasn't been influenced by Marxism in his upbringing.

As a previous post of yours points out Mark; only 30 members of the upper and lower house actually bothered to attend the screening of "Fitna" in the House of Lords. When collectively, between them the over 1400 odd members could have demonstrated a willingness to be aware and comment rationally upon a disputed subject, the overwhelming response was to ignore it, and run for the TV cameras, to display all of your "pc" bona fides,for everyone to see just how wonderful they are. How truly disgusting

Yes, how truly disgusting. To think that the people who are supposed to be ruling us couldn't be bothered to turn up for the sixteen-minute film! Talk about apathy!

Unknown said...

"is it really that weak? To me, Islam seems to be gaining in strength by the day".

Yes Mark, it does appear so, but appearances can be very deceptive. For all their demonstrating and remonstrating, they really only appear strong because our elites and media are, with malicious intent, shielding them and us from the truth and promoting their cause as a just and righteous one,all the while portraying us as intolerant bigots, meanwhile the vast majority of the voiceless masses are left without any voice. There will come a tipping point...and then God help us all, but most especially the elites.

Unknown said...

As to your comment about the great and the good being in the pocket of the Saudis...absolutely. But would you wish to be found to be in the payroll of our enemies when this disaster in the waiting kicks off...I sure as hell wouldn't. It is going to get very, very bloody, and retribution is a dish best served cold, especially by the furry of those who have been so transparently betrayed.

Mark said...


Yes Mark, it does appear so, but appearances can be very deceptive. For all their demonstrating and remonstrating, they really only appear strong because our elites and media are, with malicious intent, shielding them and us from the truth and promoting their cause as a just and righteous one,all the while portraying us as intolerant bigots, meanwhile the vast majority of the voiceless masses are left without any voice.

Oh yes, I agree with you here. The so-called élite have tied our hands behind our backs by silencing us and making this and that a criminal offence. When you keep on silencing people like that, though, one day the people will rise up in righteous indignation, for it is like applying more and more carbonation to a bottle of soda pop. Eventually, it will explode. And when people are silenced as this NuLabour government has done, the frustrations grow and people seethe underneath the surface.

There will come a tipping point...and then God help us all, but most especially the elites.

There will indeed come a tipping point; and that tipping point may not be so far off. Look what has been happening in France in recent times with all that car-burning!

Mark said...

As to your comment about the great and the good being in the pocket of the Saudis...absolutely. But would you wish to be found to be in the payroll of our enemies when this disaster in the waiting kicks off...I sure as hell wouldn't. It is going to get very, very bloody, and retribution is a dish best served cold, especially by the furry of those who have been so transparently betrayed. – Just Another Richard

I most certainly WOULD NOT wish to be in the payroll of our enemies. That would make me feel most uncomfortable.