Showing posts with label AUKUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AUKUS. Show all posts

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Submarine Deal Gives Post-Brexit Britain Its Moment on the Global Stage

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The British government played an early role in brokering the alliance with the U.S. and Australia to deploy nuclear-powered submarines in the Pacific, officials in London and Washington said.

President Biden with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia, left, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain joining him via video conference on Wednesday at the White House. Doug Mills/The New York Times

LONDON — As relations between France and the United States sink to their lowest depths in decades, Britain has emerged as the unlikely winner in a maritime security alliance that has sowed anger and recrimination across three continents.

The British government played an early role in brokering the three-way alliance with the United States and Australia to deploy nuclear-powered submarines in the Pacific, according to officials in London and Washington. The landmark agreement was announced hours after Australia canceled a $66 billion deal for diesel-electric submarines with France, provoking fury in Paris and quiet satisfaction in London.

For Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who will meet this coming week with President Biden at the White House and speak at the United Nations, it is his first tangible victory in a campaign to make post-Brexit Britain a player on the global stage.

Since leaving the European Union 18 months ago, Britain has cast about for a place in the world. Brexiteers latched on to the phrase “Global Britain,” which always seemed more a marketing slogan than a coherent foreign policy.

Yet the deal sealed on Wednesday, in which the United States and Britain would supply Australia with the submarines, confirmed Britain’s status as a military power with nuclear expertise, as well as a trusted ally of the United States. It also lent credibility to Mr. Johnson’s effort to build a British presence in Asia, a strategy that at first looked mostly like a nostalgic throwback to its imperial past.

Now, Britain has negotiated trade deals with Australia, Japan and South Korea, and deployed an aircraft carrier to help the United States keep an eye on China in the South China Sea, where Beijing is asserting its own imperial ambitions by constructing a chain of military installations. » | Mark Landler | Saturday, September 18, 2021

Crise des sous-marins : Le Drian dénonce une «duplicité», l'Australie évoque de «profondes et sérieuses réserves»

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères français Jean-Yves Le Drian justifié le rappel des ambassadeurs français à Canberra et Washington par le fait qu'il y avait «une crise grave entre nous». ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le chef de la diplomatie française pointe «une rupture majeure de confiance». Canberra rétorque que la France savait que Canberra avait de «profondes et graves réserves» sur la commande de sous-marins.

Le chef de la diplomatie française Jean-Yves Le Drian a évoqué samedi la «crise grave» provoquée par le torpillage d'un mégacontrat de sous-marins français à Canberra, dénonçant une «duplicité», ce que l'Australie et les États-Unis contestent. Interrogé au journal télévisé de France 2, le ministre des Affaires étrangères a ainsi justifié le rappel des ambassadeurs français à Canberra et Washington par le fait qu'il y avait «une crise grave entre nous». Cette mesure, la première dans l'histoire des relations entre Paris et Washington, «est très symbolique. Il y a eu mensonge, il y a eu duplicité, il y a eu rupture majeure de confiance, il y a eu mépris donc ça ne va pas entre nous», a-t-il déclaré.

Plusieurs représentants du gouvernement australien ont tenté de faire baisser la pression française dans cette affaire et de défendre leur bonne foi. Le ministre australien des Finances Simon Birmingham a assuré dimanche que son pays avait informé le gouvernement français «à la première occasion possible, avant que l'affaire ne devienne publique». Interrogé par la chaîne publique australienne ABC, il a souligné que la décision australienne de revenir sur le contrat conclu avec la France était évidemment très difficile. «Nous ne sous-estimons pas l'importance maintenant de nous assurer que nous serons en mesure de rétablir ces liens forts avec le gouvernement français et nos partenaires à long terme», a-t-il ajouté. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | Publié : samedi 18 septembre 2021 ; mis à jour : dimanche 19 septembre 2021

Baptism of fire as Liz Truss heads to US amid submarine row: As France accuses the US and Australia of ‘lies and duplicity’, new UK foreign secretary faces major diplomatic incident on her first official overseas trip »

Wir haben unsere Bedenken geäußert“: Paris wirft Canberra wegen eines geplatzten Rüstungsdeals „Doppelzüngigkeit“ vor. Der australische Außenminister weist den Vorwurf der Lüge jetzt entschieden zurück. Und auch die neue britische Außenministerin verteidigt den Deal. »

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Nach geplatztem U-Boot-Deal: Paris ist verärgert über die USA

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Frankreich hat man erzürnt auf das neue Militärbündnis im Indopazifik und das geplatzte Abkommen mit Australien zum Bau von zwölf U-Booten reagiert. Gross ist die Wut besonders auf Washington.

Australiens Premierminister, Scott Morrison, wandte sich vom Abkommen mit einem französischen Konzern über den Bau von zwölf U-Booten ab. | Leo Baumgartner / Australian Defence Force / Getty

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Frankreich hat man erzürnt auf das neue Militärbündnis im Indopazifik und das geplatzte Abkommen mit Australien zum Bau von zwölf U-Booten reagiert. Gross ist die Wut besonders auf Washington.

Es kriselt zwischen Paris und Washington. Aus Ärger über die Entwicklungen der letzten Tage hat die französische Botschaft in Washington ein für Freitag vorgesehenes Galadinner abgesagt, mit dem die beiden Länder an einen gemeinsamen Sieg während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs erinnern wollten.

Für Frankreich war es ein Schlag vor den Kopf, als der australische Premierminister Scott Morrison am Mittwochabend (europäische Zeit) den Beitritt Australiens zu einem Bündnis mit den USA und Grossbritannien, als Reaktion auf die Expansionsbestrebungen der Grossmacht China, sowie den gemeinsamen Bau von acht atombetriebenen U-Booten verkündete. Zugleich liess Morrison ein bereits geschlossenes Abkommen mit einem französischen Konzern über den Bau von zwölf dieselelektrisch angetriebenen U-Booten platzen. Frankreich macht die USA verantwortlich für Australiens Kehrtwende » | Judith Kormann | Samstag, 18. September 2021

Aukus: France’s Ambassador Recall Is ‘Tip of the Iceberg’, Say Analysts

THE GUARDIAN: Aukus pact announcement ‘puts a big rift in Nato alliance’ for France, says former UK ambassador

The French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has described the Aukus security pact as a ‘stab in the back’.Photograph: Jens Schlueter/AP

France’s historic decision to recall its ambassadors to the US and Australia is far more than a diplomatic spat, analysts have warned.

The move, in protest at Canberra’s surprise decision to cancel an order for French-built submarines and its security pact with Washington and London, will affect France and Europe’s role in Nato and already strained relations with the UK.

French officials have accused Australia, the US and the UK of behaving in an underhand, duplicitous manner that has betrayed and humiliated France.

“This is far more than just a diplomatic spat, the withdrawal of ambassadors is the tip of the iceberg,” Peter Ricketts, a former permanent undersecretary at the Foreign Office and former UK ambassador to France, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

“There is a deep sense of betrayal in France because this wasn’t just an arms contract, this was France setting up a strategic partnership with Australia and the Australians have now thrown that away and negotiated behind the backs of France with two Nato allies, the US and UK, to replace it with a completely different contract.

“For the French this looks like a complete failure of trust between allies and calls into doubt what is Nato for. This puts a big rift down the middle of the Nato alliance … Britain needs a functioning Nato alliance.”

Ricketts added: “I think people underestimated the impact that this would have in France and how this would seem as a humiliation and betrayal in a year President Macron is running for election in a very tight race with the far right.” » | Kim Willsher | Saturday, September 18, 2021

The nuclear option: why has Australia ditched the French submarine plan for the Aukus pact? : Just two weeks before the bombshell, senior ministers from both countries met and declared they were ‘committed to cooperation’. How did it all go so wrong? »

Friday, September 17, 2021

Chinese Outrage at New US-UK-Australian Security Pact - BBC News

Sep 16, 2021 • China has strongly criticised a new defence and security pact between the United States, UK and Australia.

The AUKUS agreement is intended to help deliver stablility in the Indo-Pacific region, which has come under increasing Chinese influence.

The deal will deliver a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines to the Australian navy. That has also angered France which was expecting to supply the defence equipment.

China called the pact “extremely irresponsible” and said it would harm the participating countries.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by defence correspondent Jonathan Beale and north America editor Jon Sopel.

Sous-marins australiens : la France rappelle ses ambassadeurs à Washington et à Canberra « pour consultations » : Le ministre des affaires étrangères, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a justifié cette décision par « la gravité exceptionnelle » des annonces sur le partenariat noué dans l’Indo-Pacifique entre les deux pays, auquel est associé le Royaume-Uni, et la rupture du contrat de commande de douze sous-marins français au profit d’équipements américains. »

Streit um U-Boot-Deal: Paris ruft Botschafter aus USA und Australien zurück »