Friday, February 27, 2015

Sarah Palin Slams President Obama on ‘Radical Islam,’ ISIL

POLITICO: Sarah Palin is asking President Barack Obama to “wake up” to the threat of “radical Islam.”

“Wake up, Mr. President,” Palin said on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “While Christians bow our heads and pray for you, radical Islamists want to cut off your head.”

The former governor of Alaska accused the president of ignoring the threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant during her address, which focused heavily on veterans’ issues. » | Kendall Breitman | Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nicht Armut macht Terroristen, sondern Gewaltlust

DIE WELT: "Jihadi John" hatte im Leben alle Chancen, aber er entschied sich aus freiem Willen für den Terror. Genauso wie die Universitäts-Absolventen bei al-Qaida oder die Pfarrerstöchter bei der RAF.

Wieder ein guter Schüler. Wieder jemand mit Manieren, der gern Markenkleidung trug und sensibel wirkte, so nachdenklich. Und wieder keiner, der einem linken Armutskult und Armutskitsch entsprochen hätte. Auch "Jihadi John", der Messermann des IS, ist ein Spross aus gut situiertem Hause.

Die Litanei von der Gewalt, die durch fehlendes Geld gesät werde und bei fehlenden Bildungschancen aufgehe, trifft auf ihn nicht zu – so wenig wie auf die Universitätsabsolventen al-Qaidas oder auf die RAF-Mitglieder, in deren Reihen man Arme zwischen all den musisch begabten Pfarrers- und Anwaltskindern mit der Lupe suchen musste. Wen überrascht das noch? Allenfalls diejenigen, die sich eine Welt der gesellschaftlichen Ausgrenzungsfolklore zurechtsingen, glauben noch, Gewalt gedeihe in Staub und Schmutz. » | Von Torsten Krauel, Chefkommentator | Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015

Atheist US Blogger Hacked to Death in Bangladesh

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Hardline Islamist groups have long demanded the public execution of atheist bloggers and sought new laws to combat writing critical of Islam

A prominent American blogger of Bangladeshi origin was hacked to death with machetes by unidentified assailants in Dhaka on Thursday, police said, with the atheist writer's family claiming he had received numerous threats from Islamists.

The body of Avijit Roy, founder of Mukto-Mona (Free-mind) blog site which champions liberal secular writing in the Muslim-majority nation, was found covered in blood after the attack which also left his wife critically wounded.

"He died as he was brought to the hospital. His wife was also seriously wounded. She has lost a finger," local police chief Sirajul Islam said.

The couple were on a bicycle rickshaw, returning from a bookfair, when two assailants stopped then and dragged them onto a sidewalk before striking them with machetes, local media reported citing witnesses. » | AFP | Friday, February 27, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Syrie : la terrible fuite des chrétiens face aux djihadistes de l'EI

LE POINT: Décrivant l'échappée avec sa famille, Jano assure que "tous ont eu la peur de leur vie" mais qu'ils n'ont "pas réfléchi à deux fois".

En apprenant que les djihadistes du groupe État islamique (EI) approchaient de son village dans le nord-est de la Syrie, Danny Jano a pris la fuite en pyjama, avec sa femme et ses deux filles. Terrorisée, la famille Jano n'avait qu'une idée en tête : gagner un endroit sûr, au plus vite et sans se faire prendre, comme de nombreux autres chrétiens assyriens. Joint par téléphone dans la ville de Hassaké (nord-est), l'homme de 35 ans a expliqué à l'AFP que les combats avaient commencé lundi à 4 heures du matin. "Nous avons entendu le bruit des armes automatiques et des bombardements pendant sept heures, effrayés, avant de nous décider à abandonner notre maison." » | Source AFP | jeudi 26 février 2015

A Mossoul, l'État islamique brûle les trésors impies de l'Irak

LE POINT: VIDÉO. Les biens culturels détruits appartiennent à un Musée irakien à Mossoul, une ville occupée depuis juin par les djihadistes.

Les djihadistes de l'EI détruisent des... by 6MEDIAS

Lire l’article ici

SPIEGEL ONLINE: IS-Fanatiker verwüsten Mossuls Museen: Der Hass der IS-Dschihadisten macht auch vor unschätzbaren Kunstschätzen keinen Halt. In der irakischen Stadt Mossul haben die Terroristen erst die Bibliothek und nun das Museum gestürmt. Sie hinterließen eine Spur der Verwüstung. » | Von Christoph Sydow | Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015

Related »

Watch: ISIS Destroys Artifacts in Iraq Museum

ARUTZ SHEVA: ISIS destroyed artifacts dating back thousands of years in Mosul, claiming it was 'idol worship.'

The Islamic State group released a video Thursday in which terrorists in Iraq are seen destroying ancient artifacts that included idols, which are prohibited by the Muslim faith, AFP reports.

The five-minute video shows terrorists at the museum in Mosul knocking statues off their plinths and smashing them to pieces with sledgehammers.

In another scene, a jackhammer is used to deface a large Assyrian winged bull at an archeological site in the city, which the Sunni extremist group captured last summer.

"Muslims, these artifacts behind me are idols for people from ancient times who worshipped them instead of God," said a bearded terrorist speaking to the camera. » | Arutz Sheva Staff | Thursday, February 26, 2015

Director of Human Rights Group CAGE Says 'Jihadi John' Is a 'Kind, Gentle and Beautiful Young Man'

A Top Shariah Lawyer’s Stunning Response to the Question: ‘Is There Such a Thing as Moderate Islam?’

Read the Blaze article here | Benjamin Weingarten | Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paradise Jihadis: Maldives Sees Surge in Young Muslims Leaving for Syria

Kuda Bandos in the Maldives.
THE GUARDIAN: In a country better known for tourism than militancy, radical preaching and social problems are prompting a rise in Islamism

They left in small groups, through the narrow lanes of the city, on to the ferry across the glassy blue sea and then, past the tourists waiting for connections to luxury resorts, to the airport. Their ultimate destination: Syria, and the “caliphate” of Islamic State.

The Maldives is better known for luxury tourism than Islamic militancy. But in recent weeks there has been a surge in departures of young men for Syria, raising fears of a growing threat both to the million-plus tourists who visit its 1,200 atolls each year and to countries such as the UK that do not require visas from citizens of the island.

“There are serious concerns,” said one western diplomat in the region. “The risk is either of an attack locally or someone coming to Europe or even going on to the US.”

Four people have been stopped by authorities. But between 50 and 100 from the country of 300,000 have joined “the jihad”. Analysts say the emergence of al-Qaida affiliate al-Nusra Front and Isis in Syria has catalysed an existing problem, giving it new dimensions and urgency. » | Jason Burke in Malé | Thursday, February 26, 2015

DANIEL PIPES: Like-to-like Ethnic Migration in the Middle East

Population shifts resulting from Syria's four-year-long civil war have profoundly changed Syria and its three Arabic-speaking neighbors: Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. (Turkey and Israel have changed too, but less so.) Ironically, amid tragedy and horror, as populations adapt to the brutal imperatives of modern nationalism, all four countries are becoming a bit more stable. That's because…

Britain to Lead the World in Islamic Finance

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH : London is bidding to become a leading centre for sharia-compliant finance, according to the UK's foreign minister for the Middle East

London has set its sights on becoming the world centre for the Islamic finance industry according to the UK's foreign office minister for Middle East.

Speaking at The Telegraph's Middle East Congress on Wednesday, Tobias Ellwood, under secretary of state at the Foreign Office, said the capital had ambitions to stand alongside Dubai and Kuala Lumpur as a global hub for Islamic finance.

Britain became the first country outside the Muslim world to issue an Islamic bond, known as Sukuk, last year.

The £200m bond attracted healthy investor interest and was the first step in encouraging wider investment from the region to the City of London.

Britain was also committed to promoting a "peaceful and prosperous" Middle East and expanding trade ties with the region, which topped £35bn last year, said Mr Ellwood. Read on and comment » | Manu Mair, and Mehreen Khan | Thursday, February 28, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Archival - British Islamist Abu Waleed Fantasizes about the Virgins of Paradise

ISIS Militants Enjoy a Day of R&R at an Iraqi Lake

Egyptian TV Host Ibrahim Issa: Nobody Dares to Admit That ISIS Crimes Are Based on Islamic Sources

Wafa Sultan: " Le problème est l'islam ! (The Problem Is Islam!)" / France Nation et Patriote !

My comment:

Of course Islam is the problem. Anybody with a brain knows this. All praise to Dr Wafa Sultan for having the courage to point out this FACT. – © Mark

20% of Germans Advocate Revolution - 'Globalisation Is Fueling Dissent'

D'Ormesson : "Les chrétiens d'Orient sont en train d'être exterminés"

LE POINT: L'écrivain appelle la communauté internationale à intervenir pour sauver les chrétiens victime d'"une sorte de génocide" perpétré par l'EI.

Jean d'Ormesson a dénoncé un "génocide" des chrétiens d'Orient. L'écrivain a appelé la communauté internationale à agir après l'annonce de l'enlèvement de 90 chrétiens par le groupe État islamique (EI) en Syrie. "Il n'y a pas de privilège pour les chrétiens", a expliqué Jean d'Ormesson, rappelant que les violences touchent toutes les populations des pays ou le groupe État islamique (EI) est présent. Cependant "pour les chrétiens je me demande s'il n'y a pas une sorte de génocide dans cette région du monde", a-t-il déclaré à l'AFP mercredi. » | Source AFP | mercredi 25 février 2015

L'exode des chrétiens assyriens de Syrie

LE POINT: Des membres de cette communauté chrétienne ont pris le chemin de l'exode après le rapt de dizaines des leurs par le groupe djihadiste État islamique (EI).

Ils sont environ 5 000 sur 30 000 Assyriens à avoir fait leurs bagages. Cette communauté, parmi les plus anciennes converties au christianisme, vivait en Syrie avant le début du conflit en Syrie le 15 mars 2011, la majorité à Hassaké. Dans la province de Hassaké, à l'extrémité nord-est de la Syrie, près de 1 000 familles ont fui depuis lundi leurs foyers pour trouver refuge dans les villes de Hassaké et de Qamichli, "soit près de 5 000 personnes", a affirmé à Oussama Edward, directeur du Réseau assyrien des droits de l'homme basé en Suède. » | Source AFP | mercredi 25 février 2015

Israel: PM: World Powers 'Have Given Up' in Iran Nuke Talks

YNET NEWS: Netanyahu slams US-led nuclear negotiations with Tehran, a week before a scheduled address to Congress in Washington.

In his sharpest criticism yet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that world powers "have given up" on stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons in ongoing negotiations.

Netanyahu's comments, at a meeting of his Likud Party outside of Jerusalem, come as he plans to address the US Congress on the nuclear negotiations.

The West fears Iran could build an atomic bomb with its nuclear program. Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes. The Islamic Republic is now negotiating a final deal with the US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany, with hopes of on a preliminary deal in March and a follow-up pact in June.

Netanyahu, as well as many in Israel, view a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its very existence, citing Tehran's repeated calls for Israel's destruction and its support for groups like Hezbollah. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Deutschland 1937 aus USA Sicht (Doku deutsch)

1937 reiste ein amerikanischer Journalist durch das Dritte Reich und machte Filmaufnahmen. Michael Kloft hat daraus den eindrucksvollen Film "Innenansichten" gemacht.