Monday, October 27, 2014

The Glazov Gang – Geert Wilders on “The West’s Battle for Freedom.”

Political Correctness and Islam

THE JERUSALEM POST: With no end in sight to Islamist violence, perhaps the time has finally come to muster up the courage and take a long, hard look at why it is afflicting dozens of countries around the world.

For much of the past 13 years, ever since al-Qaida attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, the West has found itself confronting an increasingly dangerous foe in the form of jihadist terror.

From New York to London to Madrid, Islamic extremists have carried out brazen attacks, targeting airplanes, public transportation and, of course, innocent civilians.

They have left a trail of tragedy and bloodshed and it would appear that the struggle to defeat them is far from over.

But despite the passage of so much time, and the gallons of ink that have been spilled in reporting on their actions and analyzing their motives, there is one critical question that has been largely ignored by the mainstream press.

It is a sensitive issue, the kind that makes people shift uncomfortably in their seats and anxiously clear their throats, but it is one that must, nonetheless, finally be addressed.

Simply put: If Islam is a religion of peace, then why are so many of its followers in so many countries killing so many people with such brutality? And, no less important, why are Western leaders so insistent on telling us after each attack that Muslim terrorists are distorting Islam? Each month, literally hundreds of people, if not more, are being killed by Muslims in the name of Islam in a multiplicity of conflicts around the world. » | Michael Freund | Monday, October 27, 2014

British Journalist John Cantlie Used As 'Isil Reporter' Inside Kobane

John Cantlie appearing in the new propaganda video reportedly
filmed in Kobane
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: John Cantlie, a British journalist who is being held captive by Isil inside Syria, has appeared in a sixth propaganda video

The British freelance journalist held hostage by Isil jihadists has appeared in a news report purporting to be from the embattled Kurdish city of Kobane.

John Cantlie has already appeared in five propaganda videos for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

But in those he sits at a desk, wearing the same orange jump suit that other prisoners have worn as they are filmed being beheaded.

In this latest production, he is wearing black and is filmed as if on a normal television report, describing events happening around him.

He points to the Syrian-Turkish border behind him, and claims that contrary to recent reports claiming the Kurdish fighters defending the city are pushing back Isil, it is in fact in control of the south and east, and “mopping up” the rest of the resistance street-by-street. » | Richard Spencer | Monday, October 27, 2014

Federal Election Commission Chair Goodman on Push to Regulate Online Political Ads

Archbishop of Canterbury Condemns Politicians Who View Immigration as a ‘Deep Menace’

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Justin Welby describes tone of debate about immigration as un-Christian and un-British in wake of Michael Fallon's claim that people feel ‘swamped’

The Archbishop of Canterbury has condemned politicians who speak of immigration as a "deep menace" which will "overwhelm" the country for voicing un-Christian and un-British rhetoric.

The Most Rev Justin Welby’s comments came as the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon apologised for claiming that some communities feel “swamped” and “under siege” from migrant workers.

Mr Fallon, who was slapped down by Downing Street, said he had been “a little careless” in his language.

The Archbishop, whose grandfather came to Britain as a German Jew, said clergy across the country are reporting an upsurge in “frightening” racist language in their communities.

While refusing to comment on Mr Fallon's remarks directly, the Archbishop said it was wrong to view immigration as “something that is somehow going to overwhelm” Britain. » | John Bingham and Georgia Graham | Monday, October 27, 2014

Ces réseaux salafistes qui inquiètent les autorités allemandes

FRANCE 24: La Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, dans l’ouest de l’Allemagne, est devenue un bastion des groupuscules salafistes. Leur activisme inquiète aussi bien les autorités allemandes que la population. Reportage.

Selon les services de renseignement occidentaux, plus de 400 jeunes allemands sont partis faire le jihad en 2013 en Irak et en Syrie. Un nombre important d’entre eux ont rejoint les rangs de l’organisation de l’État islamique (EI), le groupe jihadiste dirigé par le "calife" autoproclamé Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi. Les envoyés spéciaux de France 24 se sont rendus en Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, dans l’ouest de l’Allemagne, là où les groupuscules salafistes, dont sont issus la plupart des jihadistes, sont de plus en plus actifs. Ce qui inquiète aussi bien les autorités que la population[.] (+ vidéo) » | mercredi 01 octobre 2014

L’infiltration des principes de la Charia au Royaume-Uni

SISYPHE.ORG: Néo-libéralisme et fondamentalisme religieux se traduisent au Royaume-Uni par une limitation de l’accès à la justice. Pragna Patel affirme que les femmes issues des minorités ethniques se voient refuser le droit de participer au collectif politique général en tant que citoyennes et non plus comme simples sujets. » | dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Maldives : la charia au paradies

Les Maldives : une république islamique parmi les plus strictes de la planète !

Lire le reportage ici | Un reportage de Nicolas Betrand er David Da Meda

La charia a très officiellement cours en Grèce

MÉDIAS-PRESSE-INFO: Grèce – En Thrace occidentale où vivent près de 100 000 musulmans, la charia est officiellement d’application. Nous sommes bien ici dans un pays membre de l’Union européenne. Et pourtant, des citoyens grecs musulmans font ici appel aux muftis et à la loi islamique pour régler leurs affaires familiales et personnelles. Une possibilité permise par la loi du 5 janvier 1914 qui porte sur « la législation applicable dans les territoires cédés et leur organisation judiciaire ». » | Par Pierre-Alain Depauw | lundi 27 octobre 2014

Australia: Mosque Open Day to Challenge Misconceptions of Islam

BBC: There has been a reported increase in attacks on Muslims in Australia following the rise of the militant group Islamic State.

On Saturday, Muslims from mosques across Australia aimed to change misconceptions of Islam by holding an open day.

Phil Mercer reports. Watch BBC video » | Monday, October 27, 2014

Australian Muslim: 'A Tirade of Anti-Muslim Abuse and Threats'

BBC: There has been a reported increase in attacks on Muslims in Australia following the rise of the militant group Islamic State.

Arif Hussain Khan is a Muslim youth worker in Wollongong, south of Sydney.

He says he was savagely abused by a middle-aged woman in an anti-Muslim attack. Watch BBC video » | Monday, October 27, 2014

Hooligans gegen Salafisten: «Brachialgewalt war Eigentor»

In Köln ist es gestern zu schweren Ausschreitungen von gewaltbereiten Hooligans gekommen. Gegen 5'000 Hooligans unterschiedlichster Fussball-Clubs waren es, um - so die Ankündigung - gegen Islamisten zu demonstrieren. Was auffiel: es waren auch viele aus der rechts-radikalen Szene mit dabei.

Warum haben sich Holligans aus unterschiedlichsten Fan-Lagern zusammengeschlossen? Antworten von Günter A. Pilz - er ist Sportsoziologe und gilt als einer der führenden Fan-Forscher in Deutschland.

«Hooligans gegen Salafismus» in Deutschland

Mindestens 3000 Fussball-Hooligans und Rechtsextreme haben sich am Sonntag in Köln zusammengerottet und alles kurz und klein geschlagen, was auf ihrem Weg lag. Dass verfeindete Fussball-Schläger, die sich sonst immer gegenseitig verprügeln, nun plötzlich gemeinsam auf andere losgehen, ist neu - und trotzdem typisch.

Krawallen nach Marsch gegen Salafisten

McFarland: Why Lone Wolf Terror Is The 'Most Scary'

Oct. 27, 2014 - 5:16 - Fox News national security analyst on 'cheap and easy' recruiting

Iran's Non-Muslims Face Prison, Execution, Despite 'Reform' Claims, Says New UN Report

FOX NEWS: Iran’s regime conducted a raid on an Easter service and arrested Christians, subjected Christian converts to death threats and psychological abuse and shut down licensed churches, according to a UN report that will be submitted to world leaders on Tuesday.

While persecution of religious minorities is nothing new in the Islamic Republic, the 28-page catalog of horrors compiled by Ahmed Shaheed, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Right in the Islamic Republic of Iran, undermines the claim that President Hassan Rouhani has ushered in a new era of tolerance.

“At least 49 Protestant Christians are currently detained, many for involvement in informal house churches,” the report states. “In April 2014, security forces reportedly raided an Easter service in a private home in southern Tehran and detained six individuals.” » | Benjamin Weinthal | Monday, October 27, 2014

Ermittlungen nach Hooligan-Krawall: "Eine wüste Schlägerei"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Körperverletzung, Verstoß gegen das Vermummungsverbot und Landfriedensbruch: Nach den Kölner Krawallen ermittelt die Polizei gegen Dutzende Gewalttäter. Justizminister Maas droht "mit allen Mitteln des Rechtsstaats".

Köln - So eine gewalttätige Nacht hat Köln seit Langem nicht erlebt: Dutzende Polizisten wurden bei Krawallen von Tausenden Hooligans verletzt - jetzt suchen die Behörden mit Hochdruck nach den Randalierern. Bislang seien 57 Strafanzeigen erstattet worden und weitere könnten folgen, sagte ein Sprecher der Kölner Staatsanwaltschaft. Die Polizei richte zudem eine Ermittlungsgruppe ein, um die zahlreichen Videoaufnahmen und Zeugenaussagen auszuwerten. » | mxw/dpa/sid/AFP | Monday, October 27, 2014

David Cameron 'Shoved' by Protester in Leeds

Security around Prime Minister is breached outside Leeds Civic Centre when member of public pushes David Cameron

Read the short Telegraph article here | Georgia Graham and Nick Collins | Monday, October 27, 2014

Michael Fallon: ‘Swamped by Migrants’ Remark Leaves Tories in Disarray

Defence secretary Michael Fallon appearing on the
Andrew Marr Show, 26 October 2014
THE GUARDIAN: Defence minister’s comments about immigration prompt hasty climbdown by No 10

Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, has claimed British towns are being “swamped” by immigrants and their residents are “under siege”, in an escalation of the emotive language being used by Tory ministers calling for a renegotiation of the UK’s relationship with Europe.

In language reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher in the 1970s, he said on Sunday that in some areas of the UK, large numbers of migrant workers and foreign people claiming benefits should be subject to some form of restraint or risk dominating the local population.

His words follow David Cameron’s pledge to make changes to the principle of freedom of movement of workers within the union a “red line” in a mooted renegotiation of the UK’s membership terms. » | Rajeev Syal | Monday, October 27, 2014

Warning: Extremely Disturbing Images. Woman Stoned to Death by ISIS in Syria (October 2014)