Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

OJ Simpson Converts to Islam

TVNZ: O.J. Simpson is set to convert to Islam. The former American footballer and movie star has been imprisoned in Nevada since 2008 on charges of kidnapping and armed robbery in relation to an armed robbery that took place at the Palace Station hotel-and-casino in Las Vegas in which sports memorabilia was taken.

After seeing his appeal for a re-trial quashed last and being informed in July 2013 he will serve at least another four years, Simpson has embraced the religion in a bid to change his life.

A source told National Enquirer magazine: "O.J. really thought that he was going to be successful in a bid for a new trial and eventually be released from prison.

"But now he's not eligible for parole until late 2017, which has angered him."

The disgraced 67-year-old star has become interested in the religion through his friendship with former world heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson, who was imprisoned in the early 1990s and is a devout Muslim. » | Thursday, August 28, 2014

Turkey’s New Hitler

SHOEBAT.COM: Last week, with Mr Erdogan sworn in as president, the workaholic Mr Davutoglu was given yet another promotion. On August 28, he became Turkey’s new prime minister and chairman of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). And while the East understands the current success of the AKP, the West is still in limbo in understanding truly the magnitude of this new political victory.

Rather than being a country relegated to the periphery of Europe and Nato, Turkey should seize on historical, geographical and cultural links with its neighbours, Mr Davutoglu believed.

Its “Muslim” and not “backslidden Christian western” neighbors that Turkey wants to rebuild relations with. It[’]s the Arian Heresy that they follow and not the Trinitarian God and defiantly not the One who built Solomon’s Temple on top of Zion’s hill.

In Mr Erdogan, whom he advised on foreign policy issues since 2003, he found an eager disciple and partner. To make the case for re-establishing Turkey’s bygone glory, the quiet thinker and the fiery populist often invoked Turkey’s Islamic heritage and anti-colonialist discourse. » | Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) | Monday, September 01, 2014

Erdogan Rally from Joel Richardson on Vimeo.

"Turkey & The Spread of the Islamic Caliphate"

Westerners are joining Islamic rebel groups in the Mideast to get fighting experience. How and why?

Former Muslim Terrorist Walid Shoebat, author of the book, "Why We Want to Kill You" joins Tamar and talks about Turkey's role in spreading an Islamic caliphate, Obama's brother, Malik Obama, "proudly talking about how he purchased an African girl as his slave “wife”, and 'free girlfriends' for Islamic fighters supplied by their commanders. Listen to the AUDIO here | Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Meet Isis Sluts For Jihad “Hijab Fighters” » | Shoebat Foundation | Wednesday, August 30, 2014

Walid Shoebat »

Monday, September 01, 2014

Neonazi-Protest in Schweden eskaliert

TAGES ANZEIGER: Kurz vor den schwedischen Wahlen ist es in Stockholm bei einer Demonstration gegen eine rechtsextreme Partei zu schweren Ausschreitungen gekommen.

Bei einer Demonstration gegen die Wahlkampfveranstaltung einer rechtsextremen Partei in Stockholm ist es zu schweren Ausschreitungen gekommen. Nach Angaben der Polizei wurden am Samstag in der schwedischen Hauptstadt vier Polizisten und drei Zivilisten leicht verletzt. 17 Personen seien festgenommen worden. » | ldc/sda | Samstag, 30. August 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Exclusive: One-on-one with Anjem Choudary

Aug. 27, 2014 - 11:10 - London imam on the beheading of James Foley by ISIS

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Syria Will Help US Fight Terrorism, Says Walid Muallem

BBC: Syria's foreign minister has offered to help the US fight the Islamic State (IS) militant group, which has seized swathes of land in Iraq and Syria.

Walid Muallem said Syria was "the centre of the international coalition to fight Islamic State".

The US has already bombed IS fighters in Iraq and has hinted it would be willing to take action in Syria.

Western powers generally shun Syria's government, accusing it of carrying out atrocities in its three-year civil war.

But Mr Muallem warned that the US must co-ordinate with the Syrian government before launching any air strikes on its territory.

"Anything outside this is considered aggression," he said. (+ BBC video) » | Monday, August 25, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

West Poised to Join Forces with Assad in Face of Islamic State

THE INDEPENDENT: Covert co-operation may signal the beginning of a once unthinkable alliance

Islamist forces are fighting their way into western Syria from bases further east, bringing forward the prospect of US military intervention to stop their advance. If Isis, which styles itself Islamic State, threatens to take all or part of Aleppo, establishing complete dominance over the anti-government rebels, the US may be compelled to act publicly or secretly in concert with President Bashar al-Assad, whom it has been trying to displace. » | Patrick Cockburn | Friday, August 22, 2014

Brigitte Bardot Calls Marine Le Pen 'Modern Joan of Arc'

Brigitte Bardot has described Marine Le Pen as
"the Joan of Arc of the 21st century"
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Former actress Brigitte Bardot says she hopes the far-right leader will be the saviour of France in a Paris-Match interview before her 80th birthday

Brigitte Bardot, the 1960s icon of liberated, bikini-clad French womanhood, has described the far-right leader Marine Le Pen as "the Joan of Arc of the 21st century" in an interview with Paris-Match.

The magazine published a topless photo of the former actress, taken in 1967 when she was 33, on its cover this week as she prepares to celebrate her 80th birthday in September.

"I am a native Frenchwoman and proud of it," Bardot said. "I mourn the fact that my beautiful country has deteriorated in every way. It's criminal to submit to these depths."

Now an animal rights activist, she is an outspoken supporter of Ms Le Pen's anti-immigration Front National party, which topped the vote in European elections earlier this year amid widespread discontent with the Socialist government over record unemployment and the stagnant economy.

"I hope she [Ms Le Pen] saves France. She is the Joan of Arc of the 21st century," Bardot said. Burned at the stake for heresy in 1431, Joan of Arc is a Roman Catholic saint, sometimes referred to as the "mother of the French nation". » | David Chazan, Paris | Friday, August 22, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Steven Sotloff: The American Journalist Whose Life Fanatics Say Is In Obama’s Hands

An IS militant with a man purported to be US journalist
Steven Sotloff in a still from the group's video
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Following the killing of James Foley by Islamic State militants, a second kidnapped journalist is threatened with execution

His friend Anne Marloe put it best on Twitter: “Steve Sotloff lived in Yemen for years, spoke good Arabic, deeply loved Islamic world.. for this he is threatened with beheading.”

Originally from Miami, Florida, freelance reporter Steven Joel Sotloff had been based in the Libyan city of Benghazi when he went on assignment to Syria just over a year ago.

Captured close to the Turkish border near Aleppo, he is believed to have been held in Raqqa.

Today he finds himself in the hands of Islamic State fundamentalists whose capacity for bloodshed and murder was made horrifically clear in the video released Tuesday night purportedly showing the beheading of Mr Sotloff’s fellow journalist, James Foley.

Sotloff himself appears at the end of the same video, clad in a similar orange outfit to that worn by Foley and with a knife to his throat.

Addressing the US President directly, the black-robed figure beside him warns: “The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision.” » | Rosa Prince, New York | Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time to Bomb ISIS

Journalist James Wright Foley
NEW YORK POST: The time for games is over.

On Tuesday, America got a horrific wake-up call: Islamic State terrorists released a gruesome video that shows them beheading James Wright Foley, an American photojournalist held in Syria since 2012. The group also showed another US journalist held hostage, Steven Joel Sotloff, and threatened to murder him as well.

“The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision,” declares the masked terrorist as he holds Sotloff by the neck.

True, that puts President Obama in a difficult spot. But the president must do whatever it takes to counter this vicious savagery: that is, launch full-throttled airstrikes against ISIS and its “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria — until the threat is gone. » | Post Editorial Board | Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bill Maher Talks to CNN's Anderson Cooper about Islam, Terrorists and Guns

US and UK Agents Work to ID Executioner in Beheading Video

Aug. 20, 2014 - 3:16 - Executioner appears to speak in British accent

I Fear Our Panic[-]stricken Politicians Are Leading Us into Another Bloody Shambles in Iraq, Says General Sir Michael Rose

General Sir Michael Rose led the UN forces in Bosnia
DAILY MAIL: Amid the rising tide of horror stories coming from Iraq, there seems to be little constructive thought emerging from Western politicians on how to solve the political and humanitarian issues that confront the country.

Like panic-stricken rabbits caught in the headlights, our political leaders do not appear to know which way to go.

The only thing that they do know is that something must be done. But developing a viable, effective strategy against the brutal campaign of the Islamic State has, so far, clearly been beyond their competence.

Although I strongly believe that military intervention must be instigated only as a matter of last resort and I firmly opposed the invasion of Iraq in 2003, I am convinced that there is a powerful moral — and practical — case for intervening now against the Islamic State.

For what we are witnessing is the terrible consequences of the so-called Arab Spring, so naively celebrated by our leaders just a few months ago.

As I have watched and read news reports from this embattled and disintegrating region, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that we must intervene to protect the lives of Iraqis and hold back the rising tide of the Islamic State. Read on and comment » | General Sir Michael Rose | Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Norwegian Mass Murderer Anders Breivik's Father to Publish Book

THE GUARDIAN: Jens Breivik's My Fault? A Father's story will deal with his role in life of killer and is said to be 'self-trial' by ex-diplomat

The father of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik will publish a book entitled, My Fault? A Father's Story, on his role in the life of the killer, his publisher has announced.

In an excerpt released on Wednesday, Jens Breivik writes: "I feel some guilt and I feel some responsibility. What would have happened if I had been a better father? Would Anders have done what he did?" » | Agence France-Press in Oslo | Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Glazov Gang-Confronting the Muslim Brotherhood in the American Heartland

Read the article here | | Wednesday, August 20, 2014

‘ISIS Is Enemy No. 1 of Islam,’ Says Saudi Grand Mufti

TREND.AZ: Militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Qaeda were blasted by Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh on Tuesday as "enemy number one" of Islam, Al Arabiya reported.

"The ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism ... have nothing to do with Islam and (their proponents) are the enemy number one of Islam," the kingdom's top cleric said in a statement[.]

He cited militants from ISIS, which has declared a "caliphate" straddling parts of Iraq and Syria, and the global al-Qaeda terror network.

Last Wednesday, Saudi Arabia donated $100 million to the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) to help combat terrorism. » | Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Caliphate of Fear: The Curse of the Islamic State

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Images of Yazidis fleeing parts of Iraq and Syria have shocked the world and the battle against the jihadists with the Islamic State has united Americans, Europeans, Kurds and Iranians. Can the Islamists be stopped?

In Raqqa, Syria, the Islamic State's "caliphate" has already become a reality. All women in the city are required to wear the niqab veil and pants are banned. Thieves have their hands hacked off and opponents are publicly crucified or beheaded, with the images of these horrific acts then posted on social networks.

The few hair salons that are still open are required to black out the pictures of women on the packaging for hair dye solutions. Weddings are only permitted to take place without music. And at livestock markets, the hindquarters of goats and sheep must be covered in order to prevent men from viewing their genitalia and having uncomely thoughts.

Any person caught out on the street during the five daily prayer times is risking his or her life.

The jihadists with the Islamic State, or IS, are acting out their fantasies of omnipotence in the name of God. They're murdering, torturing and forcing families to give their daughters away for marriage to Islamist fighters coming in from abroad. One girl whose family agreed to marry her off took her own life. » | Spiegel Staff | Tuesday, August 19, 2014