Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Lincoln Project: It Can’t Happen Here

May 16, 2024 | We've seen what can happen before. Donald Trump is telling us what he will do to America, when will you believe him?

Hillary Clinton 'Didn't Have a Single Doubt' Endorsing Harris to Face 'Unhinged' Trump

Oct 17, 2024 | Secretary Hillary Clinton tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell why Vice President Harris is “exactly the kind of person” she wants to be president.

Zelenskyy Meets with EU and NATO Leaders for Backing of His 'Victory Plan' | DW News

Oct 17, 2024 | Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced his long-awaited victory plan to end his country's war with Russia. His plan includes Ukrainian NATO membership and permission for strikes inside Russia. Today Zelenskyy is to present his plan to EU lawmakers in Brussels. The Ukrainian President has another high level engagement in Brussels later today: a meeting of NATO defense ministers. NATO officials gathered this morning for the first such event chaired by the alliance's new chief Mark Rutte.

The Lincoln Project: Near Miss

Nov 17, 2023 | Antisemitism is not foreign to America. We must remain vigilant in our fight to resist it. If you don’t believe it, just see it for yourself.

WIKIPEDIA: Fritz Julius Kuhn »

Kamala Harris Arrived for a Fox Interview. She Got a Debate.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The vice president’s sit-down with Bret Baier was her most contentious meeting with a journalist since becoming the Democratic nominee.

Bret Baier, shown at the Democratic National Convention in August, asked Vice President Kamala Harris questions on Wednesday that echoed former President Donald J. Trump’s attacks against her. | Maddie McGarvey for The New York Times

Vice President Kamala Harris may not get another debate with former President Donald J. Trump, but on Wednesday, she got one with Bret Baier.

In an interview that turned contentious almost the instant it began, Mr. Baier, Fox News’s chief political anchor, repeatedly pressed the Democratic presidential nominee on illegal immigration, taxpayer support for gender-transition surgery and other areas that closely aligned with Mr. Trump’s regular attacks against her.

At one point, Mr. Baier wondered if the vice president considered Mr. Trump’s supporters “stupid.” (“I would never say that about the American people,” she replied.) At another point, he asked if she would apologize to the mother of a murdered 12-year-old Texas girl whose death is frequently invoked by Mr. Trump because two recent Venezuelan migrants were charged with the crime.

Mr. Baier’s aggressive demeanor was consistent with the kind of tough coverage of Ms. Harris that blankets Fox News’s daily programming. Lots of viewers were surely eager to hear how she would respond when confronted head-on.

Frequently, however, Mr. Baier did not give viewers that chance. Instead, looking frustrated, he cut off several of Ms. Harris’s answers after a few seconds. His first interruption came within the first half-minute of their exchange.

“May I please finish responding?” Ms. Harris asked at one point. “I’m in the middle of responding to the point you’re making, and I’d like to finish.” » | Michael M. Grynbaum | Michael Grynbaum is a media correspondent covering the 2024 campaign. | Wednesday, October 16, 2024

North Korean Troops Set to Join Russian Army as Pyongyang ‘Fully Enters’ War

THE TELEGRAPH: Intelligence sources say a battalion of 3,000 has been secretly training to fight against Ukraine

An image released by North Korean state media of young people reportedly signing petitions to join or return to the army this week | KCNA via Reuters

A battalion of 3,000 North Korean soldiers will shortly join Russian troops in fighting Ukraine, marking Pyongyang’s full entry into the war.

Intelligence sources said the unit has been secretly training in Russia’s Far East ahead of deployment as part of a Russian airborne regiment.

“They are called the Buryat Battalion,” a senior Ukrainian military source told Politico. Buryatia is a remote region of Russia bordering Mongolia that the Kremlin has targeted heavily for military recruitment.

The Kyiv Independent quoted another Western intelligence source claiming that North Korea had sent 10,000 soldiers to join the Russian army. » | James Kilner | Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Meek Europe is now in North Korea’s crosshairs: Reports suggest Moscow may be about to receive 10,000 troops from Pyongyang. Why is no one in uproar? »

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hamburg nach dem Kriegsende: Alltag in Trümmern — Nach dem Feuersturm | ZDF Doku

Feb 11, 2015 | Doku über die Zeit im Hamburg nach dem Kriegsende mit beeindruckenden Aufnahmen. Der Bericht zeigt die das beschwerliche Leben in den Ruinen, seltene Aufnahmen der zerstörten Stadt und des Hafens. Aber auch die ersten Schritte des Wiederaufbaus und den Weg in eine bessere Zukunft für die Menschen. Sehr sehenswert!

Michael Bolton: Drift Away | Reupload

Nov 6, 2014 | Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 8,861,630

HTML Irregularities Are Being Found

MARK ALEXANDER: In recent times, I have started coming across HTML irregularities in my postings, causing the printed word to turn gold where it shouldn’t. This is not me ‘losing it’; rather, it is what happens when someone else is playing around with my posts.

At first, I thought I had made mistakes. But now I have been able to prove that it is someone else that is causing the trouble.

If only I knew who it was, I’d buy him a rattle and a dummy (pacifier)! By gosh, he needs something to while his time away.

So, if you see these errors, you will know what is happening.

Mark Alexander

Trump Escalates Threats to Political Opponents He Deems the ‘Enemy’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Never before has a presidential nominee openly suggested turning the military on Americans simply because they oppose his candidacy. With voting underway, Donald Trump has turned to dark vows of retribution.

With three weeks left before Election Day, former President Donald J. Trump is pushing to the forefront of his campaign a menacing political threat: that he would use the power of the presidency to crush those who disagree with him.

In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Mr. Trump framed Democrats as a pernicious “enemy from within” that would cause chaos on Election Day that he speculated the National Guard might need to handle.

A day later, he closed his remarks to a crowd at what was billed as a town hall in Pennsylvania with a stark message about his political opponents.

“They are so bad and frankly, they’re evil,” Mr. Trump said. “They’re evil. What they’ve done, they’ve weaponized, they’ve weaponized our elections. They’ve done things that nobody thought was even possible.” » | Lisa Lerer and Michael Gold | Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Shouldn’t Trump be sporting an orange jumpsuit by now? A jumpsuit to match his skin tone? How many crimes does one have to commit in America to qualify for a free, orange jumpsuit, I wonder? – © Mark Alexander

Italy Criminalizes Surrogacy From Abroad, a Blow to Gay and Infertile Couples

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The new law was pushed by the party of Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s conservative prime minister.

A protest organized by families and L.G.B.T.Q. associations to support surrogacy in Rome in April. | Andreas Solaro/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Italy passed a law on Wednesday that criminalizes seeking surrogacy abroad, a move the country’s conservative government said would protect women’s dignity, while critics see it as yet another crackdown by the government on L.G.B.T. families, as the law will make it virtually impossible for gay fathers to have children.

Surrogacy is already illegal in Italy. But the government of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has vowed to broaden the ban to punish Italians who seek it in countries where it is legal, like in parts of the United States.

Analysts saw the legislation as a way for Ms. Meloni to assert her conservative credentials and appeal to her political base, which disproportionately opposes surrogacy and adoption by gay couples. Italy, home to the Vatican, already ranks low in Europe when it comes to civil liberties, and Italian critics say that by imposing further restrictions on gay families, Ms. Meloni has taken a particularly hard line.

Even before it passed, the law had plunged gay families into panic. Now, they feel even more in danger, since under the new law they could be subject to prison sentences and large fines if they seek a surrogate birth abroad. » | Emma Bubola, Reporting from Rome | Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The population of Italy is in steep decline. More people are dying there than there are babies being born. So, I would have thought that Georgia Meloni would be grateful for any babies being born to Italian families, straight or gay, by natural means or through surrogacy.

No doubt for a devout, upstanding lady such as Georgia Meloni, for a person of such high morals, it must be extremely difficult to countenance babies being born in surrogacy to rainbow families, but as the old saying goes, beggars cannot be choosers.

This is a sad day for all Italian gays who dream of bringing up a family. This is a mean, unnecessary law which punishes innocent, well-intentioned, loving people — people who could give a warm, kind and loving home to truly wanted children. We know that children born in surrogacy are wanted because surrogacy is an extremely expensive route to parenthood.

With all this extreme right garbage going on both sides of the Atlantic, it is difficult not to conclude that we in the West are hurtling towards very dark times. Each passing day seems to bring more news redolent of Europe in the 1930s! These are troubling times indeed. — © Mark Alexander

Old-fashioned Greek Burgers - Biftekia | Akis Petretzikis

May 10, 2022 | It's time for the most succulent biftekia ever! These all-time favorite Greek burgers are made with fresh herbs and baked with tender potatoes. Follow my recipe and enjoy a mouthwatering meal! – Akis

Click here for the recipe.

Droite radicale, la conquête de Washington | ARTE

Oct 16, 2024 | Documentaire disponible jusqu'au 27/01/2025

Dans le sillage de Donald Trump, jamais la droite radicale américaine n'a paru aussi puissante. Remontant aux sources de la "révolution républicaine" qui, depuis les années 1990, a préparé l’avènement des ultraconservateurs, une chronologie essentielle pour comprendre comment les États-Unis sont arrivés au bord du chaos.

"Si vous me remettez à la Maison-Blanche, on éradiquera les communistes, les fascistes et les voyous gauchistes qui vivent comme une vermine au sein de notre pays." Si Donald Trump paraît aujourd'hui plus extrémiste que jamais, son ascension fulgurante n’est pas seulement le résultat de son talent pour les coups de force. Elle couronne la stratégie méthodique imaginée voici près de quarante ans par une minorité d’hommes politiques et de lobbyistes en mal de pouvoir : la droite radicale américaine. Dans les années 1990, sous l’impulsion de Newt Gingrich, quelques ultraconservateurs fomentent une "révolution républicaine", combinant méthodes agressives et diabolisation effrénée de toute opposition. Leur but : disséminer leur idéologie dans les arcanes du système politique (en infiltrant par exemple la Cour suprême), jouer la fracture du pays quitte à le pousser au bord du chaos. Mais comment ces réactionnaires aux penchants autoritaires ont-ils pu prendre les leviers du pouvoir ? Jusqu’où iront-ils dans la menace qu’ils font peser sur la démocratie américaine et l'unité de la nation ?

Remise en cause de l'avortement, violences de Charlottesville en 2017, assaut du Capitole en 2021, flambée des actes racistes... Jamais la droite radicale n'a paru aussi puissante et visible qu'aujourd'hui. Ce documentaire fait entendre les voix d’historiens, d’universitaires, de journalistes, mais aussi de conseillers œuvrant pour le parti républicain, pour remonter aux sources d’une vague de fond qui a permis à Trump de faire sauter tous les verrous moraux et de se proclamer "le vengeur" d’une certaine Amérique. Entre manœuvres et manipulations médiatiques, il raconte comment les républicains sont passés en quelques années du parti de l'ordre à celui de l'insurrection. Aujourd’hui, même certains d’entre eux estiment que les États-Unis sont entrés dans une "guerre civile froide". Les démons de la Sécession sont réveillés...

Documentaire d'Alice Cohen (France, 2024, 53mn)

Diese Dokumentation ist auf Deutsch hier verfügbar. – Mark

Elon Musk Is Going ‘All In’ to Elect Donald Trump

Oct 16, 2024


Musk Is Going All In to Elect Trump: Elon Musk is planting himself in Pennsylvania, has brought his brain trust to help and may even knock on doors himself. »

British Food on Brink of Collapse

Oct 16, 2024 | British farmers are scaling back food production in favour of alternatives e.g. rewilding or growing crops for biofuels. As predicted, Brexit is making Britain more reliant on food imports which are pushing up prices thanks to Brexit red tape.

Brexit cuts to subsidies which kept British farmers producing Britain's food are now ensuring Britain is losing food security as we rely on imported food.

The last Tory government wanted USA and India trade deals but the new Labour government is saying they want closer EU ties and are continuing with Brexit trade deals. The Labour government has to face reality that they can't do both.

David Cameron did a very stupid thing in calling that ridiculous Brexit referendum. He was ‘sore’ afraid of the Britain’s loudmouth-in-chief, Nigel Farage! But it is we, the people, who have had to pay the ultimate price of this ludicrousness. Further, we should not let Trump off the hook on this Brexit shitshow either. It is my personal opinion that Brexit would never have happened without Trump. The Brexiteers were emboldened by Donald Trump at the time. He had it in for the EU. Apparently, he had his very own vendetta against the EU because they wouldn’t allow him to build one of his glitzy towers somewhere in the EU. Because of that, he turned against the EU! It is such a pity that Trump doesn’t now go one step further and relieve us of Farage. For heaven’s sake, take him off our hands and give him an apartment in Mar-a-Lago, Mr Trump! Sensible Brits want shot of him!

By the way, as an aside, supermarket shelves are much emptier than they used to be before Brexit. I buy my food from supermarkets online. Umpteen of my favourite foodstuffs are unavailable, time after time, when I place my orders. And this is true in a couple of supermarkets when I shop online. In fact, I placed an order online only this afternoon. So many of my favourite items were again “out of stock”. These gaps on the supermarket shelves are all related to that damn, stupid, and unnecessary Farage-inspired Brexit! – © Mark Alexander

England and Wales Assisted Dying Bill Formally Launched in House of Commons

THE GUARDIAN: MPs to hold first debate on Labour MP Kim Leadbeater’s private member’s bill on 29 November

A bill to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill adults in England and Wales has been formally introduced in the House of Commons, triggering intense discussion over the coming weeks and months on an emotionally charged and controversial issue.

MPs will hold their first debate on Labour MP Kim Leadbeater’s private member’s bill on 29 November. They will be given a free vote on the bill, meaning they can vote according to individual conscience.

The text of the terminally ill adults (end of life) bill has not been published, but its title states that it would “allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards and protections, to request and be provided with assistance to end their own life”.

The bill is expected to propose assisted dying be restricted to mentally competent adults with six months or less to live, although a 12-month prognosis is also a possibility. The details will be published in the coming weeks ahead of the Commons debate. » | Harriet Sherwood | Wednesday, October 16, 2024

UK’s top Catholic bishop urges faithful to lobby MPs to oppose assisted dying: Cardinal Vincent Nichols says proposed bill could change medical duty of care into ‘duty to kill’ »

I suppose that this far-left government wants this bill passed through Parliament in order to help Cruella de Ville fill her £20bn “black hole”! Funny thing, though, that these extremists find it okay for doctors to help people die now, but they are dead nuts against someone smoking even though smoking is likely to take about fifty years to do the job (if it does it at all)!

Starmer is an out and out atheist, apparently. Little wonder he sees nothing wrong with man doing God’s work for Him.

Whilst I see the logic in helping people in terrible pain to bring an end to their suffering, I fear that this bill, however well-intentioned, is fraught with many dangers and open to much abuse, especially by greedy families just waiting for their inheritances. – © Mark Alexander

Baroness Finlay: ‘Labour’s assisted dying bill is dangerous – it could have unintended consequences’: The Lords’ only resident palliative care expert warns Labour’s bill risks a ‘slippery slope’ to coercion by relatives and ‘doctor shopping’ »

On the Verge of Collapse: Lebanon’s Battle for a Future | Dispatch | HD Documentary| Reupload

Oct 15, 2024 | Long considered the Switzerland of the Middle East, Lebanon is now going through the worst economic crisis in its history. 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. In one year, food prices have jumped 500% due to galloping inflation.

For Riad, who runs a grocery store in the suburbs of Beirut, business has become hellish. Every morning, calculator in hand, he changes the labels of his products according to the day’s exchange rate. An operation all the more complex as his store is plunged into darkness, due to lack of electricity. The Lebanese government no longer provides more than two hours of electricity per day in the country. It is impossible for the population to heat, light or use their refrigerator. Taking advantage of the situation, a network of private generators has emerged.

The Lebanese pound, the local currency, has lost 90% of its value. The only ones to get away with it are those who are paid in dollars. The greenback, which is exchanged for a fortune against the local currency, has given birth to a new privileged social class in the country. A salesman in an international pharmaceutical company, Joseph lives like a king in a ruined Lebanon. Thanks to his new purchasing power, he repaid his house loan in two months, instead of… twenty years!

In a bankrupt state, plagued by corruption, six out of ten Lebanese citizens now dream of leaving the country. In Tripoli, in northern Lebanon, Mohammed and his son left by sea to reach Germany. Although their trip was cut short off the Turkish coast, the young father is still ready to take all the risks to reach the European El Dorado.

Himmlisch: Käsespätzle mit Sahne - Leckere & cremige Variation

May 1, 2020 | Heute gibts super leckere Käsespätzle. Sie sind besonders cremig und sehr schnell und einfach zubereitet. Ich zeige euch im Video natürlich auch wie ihr den Spätzleteig selber machen könnt.

Fürs Rezept, bitte hier klicken und dann auf „more“ klicken.

USA - Der Aufstieg der Ultrarechten | Doku HD | ARTE

Oct 15, 2024 | Wie konnten die Ultrarechten bis ins Zentrum der amerikanischen Politik aufsteigen? Indem sie nach und nach Machtpositionen in Politik, Justiz und Medien besetzten und ihren Einflussbereich stetig ausweiteten. Für ihr Ziel – den Wahlsieg 2024 – ist die ultrarechte Minderheit sogar bereit, die Demokratie aufs Spiel zu setzen. Wie hat sie es geschafft, die politische Bühne zu erobern?

Die Verschärfung des Abtreibungsrechts, der Sturm auf das Kapitol 2021, das Aufflammen rassistischer Gewalt: Nie zuvor waren die Ultrarechten in den USA mächtiger und sichtbarer als heute – und das liegt nicht nur an Donald Trump. Die Ultrarechte konnte sich in der Mitte der US-Politik etablieren, indem sie nach und nach Schlüsselpositionen in Politik, Justiz und Medien besetzte und ihren Einfluss kontinuierlich vergrößerte. Mit Blick auf einen Wahlsieg 2024 ist sie bereit, die Dämonen der Sezessionskriege zu wecken, das Land ins Chaos zu stürzen und die Demokratie ins Wanken zu bringen.

Der Siegeszug der radikalen Rechten ist das Ergebnis einer wohlüberlegten Strategie: Vor mehr als 40 Jahren wurde sie in Gang gesetzt – von einer konservativen Minderheit, die nach der Macht strebte. Sie hat quasi unbemerkt ihre Agenda durchgesetzt. Heute erntet sie die Früchte dieser Arbeit: Ihr ist es gelungen, die Schaltzentralen der Macht zu erobern – in Politik, Justiz und Medien.

Donald Trump hat diesen Prozess in jeder Hinsicht beschleunigt. Mit seiner Hilfe haben die Ultrarechten den Obersten Gerichtshof in ihre Gewalt gebracht, nun können sie bei wichtigen Entscheidungen im Kongress den Ausschlag geben. Mit Donald Trump oder einem seiner politischen Erben könnten die Ultrarechten in Zukunft noch weiter in die Offensive gehen.

Dokumentation von Alice Cohen (F 2024, 53 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 27/01/2025

The Lincoln Project: Russia First

Oct 16, 2024 | Vladimir Putin is not a friend of the United States, but he is a friend of Donald Trump. That’s why Trump cannot be in the White House.