Monday, August 16, 2021

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace in Tears: Some “Won’t Get Back” from Afghanistan | LBC

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace breaks down in tears describing how some “won’t get back” from Afghanistan

The Fall of Kabul: A 20-year Mission Collapses in a Single Day

THE GUARDIAN: President Ashraf Ghani flees Afghanistan as Taliban sweep into city to seize control of country

Kabul falls to the Taliban as thousands of Afghans try to flee – video report

The final collapse of the 20-year western mission to Afghanistan took only a single day as Taliban gunmen entered the capital, Kabul, on Sunday, President Ashraf Ghani fled the country, and America abandoned its embassy in panic.

Even the militants themselves were surprised by the speed of the takeover, co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar admitted in a video statement in the evening. Now the group faces the challenge of ruling, he added. They are expected to proclaim a new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan soon.

Many in Kabul do not trust promises made by the former insurgents of an amnesty for their old enemies and those, like women’s rights activists, who sought a different future for Afghanistan. The airport was mobbed with thousands of people desperate to escape. In the evening they flooded on to the runway, halting all air traffic.

In deeply humiliating scenes for the Biden administration, less than a month before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America, smoke spiralled from the embassy compound as staff hastily destroyed documents, before a final group took down the stars and stripes flag and headed to the airport by military helicopter. It was clear from early Sunday that a second era of Taliban rule had effectively begun. Taliban commanders started the day so confident of victory that after their fighters surrounded the capital, they ordered them to stay outside the city and wait. » | Emma Graham-Harrison and Luke Harding | Sunday, August 15, 2021

Humorous Queer Quotes

“I’m not a lesbian, but my girlfriend is.”

With thanks to The Best Queer & Lesbian Quotes To Inspire You(r Lover) for this funny quote.

Hot and Defiant!

I bet this handsome man doesn’t drink ‘milk’ made from oats or almonds!

Many thanks to Pinterest and misimagenesparatublog, its source, for this great photo.

Vintage Gay: Victorian Lesbian Defiance!

With thanks to for this photo.

La fascination et la sensualité des lèvres !

Die Faszination und Sinnlichkeit der Lippen! / The fascination and sensuality of the lips!

With thanks to Pink News and Google Images for this photo.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Céline Dion, Andrea Bocelli: The Prayer | Official Audio

Views on YouTube : 3,022,249

The Afghan Government Collapses as the President Flees the Country and the Taliban Enter Kabul

The Afghan government collapsed after the Taliban entered Kabul and took over every other major city in the country. U.S. diplomats were being evacuated and some civilians fled the capital as well. CreditCredit...Jim Huylebroek for The New York Times

Afghanistan’s government collapsed on Sunday with President Ashraf Ghani’s flight from the country and the Taliban’s entry into the capital, effectively sealing the insurgents’ control of the country after dozens of cities fell to their lightning advance.

On Sunday evening, former President Hamid Karzai announced on Twitter that he was forming a coordinating council together with Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of the Afghan delegation to peace talks, and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of the Hesb-i-Islami party, to manage a peaceful transfer of power. Mr. Karzai called on both government and Taliban forces to act with restraint.

Al Jazeera reported that it had interviewed Taliban fighters who were holding a news conference in the presidential palace in Kabul, the capital. The fighters said they were working to secure Kabul so that leaders in Qatar and outside the capital could return safely. Al Jazeera reported that the fighters had taken down the flag of Afghanistan.

As it became clear that Taliban fighters were entering Kabul and meeting no resistance, thousands of Afghans who had sought refuge there after fleeing the insurgents’ brutal military offensive watched with growing alarm as the local police seemed to fade from their usual checkpoints. The U.S. Embassy warned Americans to not head to the airport in Kabul after reports that the facility was taking fire, and said that the situation was “changing quickly.”

Late in Kabul’s evening, Mr. Ghani released a written statement on Facebook saying he had departed the country to save the capital from further bloodshed. » | Carlotta Gall and Ruhullah Khapalwak | Sunday, August 15, 2021

Le retour des talibans à Kaboul scelle la déroute des Occidentaux : Vingt ans après en avoir été chassés, les combattants islamistes ont repris la capitale afghane. Le président Ashraf Ghani a quitté le pays et reconnu la victoire des talibans. »

Taliban nehmen Kabul ein: Jämpfen wäre sinnlos gewesen: Niemand leistet Gegenwehr, als die Taliban nach Kabul zurückkehren. Die Menschen fürchten die Islamisten, zunächst aber die Gesetzlosigkeit – denn die Tore der Gefängnisse stehen weit offen. »

Afghanistan: amers, les habitants de Kaboul se préparent au retour des interdits et des châtiments corporels : TÉMOIGNAGES - L’immense majorité des Afghans sont piégés dans un pays plus instable que jamais depuis deux décennies. »

Tschaikowsky: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr.1 b-moll, op. 23 | Van Cliburn / Kyrill Kondraschin | Académie Charles Cros, Paris : Grand Prix du Disque

Abrau-Durso, le géant du vin russe où Poutine rêve de travailler après sa présidence

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - Fondée en 1870, la prestigieuse maison vinicole russe est touchée par la loi fédérale russe 345-FZ, qui s’attaque notamment à l’appellation «champagne».

Vladimir Poutine désire mettre en avant le mousseux russe, dans une logique protectionniste, en plein contexte de tensions avec l’Occident. POOL New/REUTERS

À l’approche du village d’Abrau-Durso (prononcer «Abraou-Diourso»), on se croirait en région Rhône-Alpes. Un lac couleur émeraude peuplé de bateaux, l’Abrau, est entouré de moyennes collines. Une petite église orthodoxe rappelle que l’on est en Russie. Non loin, 800 hectares de vigne profitent d’un terroir et d’un climat propices.

C’est ici, près de la mer Noire, dans la région viticole de Krasnodar (près de 50 % de la production russe, devant la Crimée), que l’œnologue français Georges Blanck, 59 ans, s’est installé en 2016. Recruté par le groupe Abrau-Durso, il supervise toute sa production viticole. «Je n’ai pas hésité un instant, après être venu visiter, confie-t-il. Le potentiel est immense, car la Russie est dans une phase de reconstruction de son capital viticole (démantelé par la prohibition décidée par Gorbatchev en 1985, NDLR). Le pays essaie de revenir au niveau qui était le sien il y a cent ans. Mais nos vins sont désormais d’un niveau international, basés sur la finesse et la légèreté. C’est dû à notre climat, plus ensoleillé. » | Par Julian Colling | Publié : mercredi 11 août 2021 ; mis à jour : jeudi 12 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Dimitra’s Dishes: One-Pan Lemony Chicken & Potatoes | Classic Greek Food

Get the recipe here.

The Taliban Close In on Kabul, the Last Government Stronghold

Taliban militants displaying their flag on Sunday after taking control of Jalalabad, a city in eastern Afghanistan. Credit...EPA, via Shutterstock

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Taliban’s relentless, rapid advance across Afghanistan brought them on Sunday to the outskirts of the capital, Kabul, the last major city controlled by the government.

As it became clear that the Taliban were at the gates of the capital, thousands of Afghans who had sought refuge there after fleeing the insurgents’ brutal military offensive watched with growing alarm as the local police seemed to fade from their usual checkpoints.

Wais Omari, 20, a street vendor in the city, reflected those concerns. “The situation is not good,” he said. “If it gets worse, I will hide in my home.”

The Taliban, in a statement, said that they were in negotiations with the government and would not take the capital by force.

“The Islamic Emirate instructs all its forces to stand at the gates of Kabul, not to try to enter the city,” a spokesman said, using the name by which the insurgents refer to themselves.

The Afghan government had no immediate public response. Afghan news media reported that President Ashraf Ghani had left the country on Sunday afternoon. » | David E. Sanger and Helene Cooper | Sunday, August 15, 2021

A frenzied U.S. flight from Kabul as chaos descends »

Le retour des talibans fait planer la peur sur Kaboul et Kandahar

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Rien que vendredi, quatre capitales provinciales sont tombées, parfois sans qu’aucune résistance soit opposée aux combattants islamistes.

Des combattants talibans dans une rue de Kandahar le 13 août 2021. -/AFP

En vingt-quatre heures, les deuxième et troisième plus grandes villes afghanes sont tombées aux mains des talibans. Jeudi, d’abord, Hérat, cité millénaire connue pour ses poètes et son architecture, dont la célèbre «mosquée bleue». Puis, vendredi, la guérilla fondamentaliste est entrée dans Kandahar, capitale de la province éponyme connue pour avoir été le berceau du mouvement.

Abdul Matin Amiri, journaliste à Kandahar et pourtant habitué à couvrir les zones de conflit, ne peut plus exercer son métier tant l’insécurité règne dans les rues de sa ville. «Je suis calfeutré à la maison. Avec ma femme, nous prions toute la journée pour que nos enfants s’en sortent vivants», écrit-il dans un message au Figaro, ajoutant qu’«on entend et on voit les tirs dans le ciel: c’est terrifiant». … » | Par Margaux Benn | vendredi 13 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

L’Amérique sidérée par l’ampleur de sa défaite en Afghanistan : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le Pentagone a dû se résoudre à l’envoi de renforts à l’aéroport de Kaboul pour protéger les opérations d’évacuation, encore qualifiée de partielle, de son ambassade. »

Afghan Women’s Defiance and Despair: ‘I Never Thought I’d Have to Wear a Burqa. My Identity Will Be Lost’

Outside a beauty parlour in Kabul last week; the burqa is synonymous with Afghan women’s identity worldwide. Photograph: Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

Women’s report in Afghanistan [WR]: Global development [GD]

THE GUARDIAN: As city after city falls to the Taliban, women fear that the freedoms won since 2001 will be crushed

In a market in Kabul, Aref is doing a booming trade. At first glance, the walls of his shop seem to be curtained in folds of blue fabric. On closer inspection, dozens and dozens of blue burqas hang like spectres from hooks on the wall. As the Taliban close in on Kabul, women inside the city are getting ready for what may be coming. “Before, most of our customers were from the provinces,” says Aref. “Now it is city women who are buying them.”

One of these women is Aaila, who is haggling with another shopkeeper over rapidly inflating burqa prices. “Last year these burqas cost AFS 200 [£2]. Now they’re trying to sell them to us for AFS 2,000 to 3,000,” she says. As the fear among women in Kabul has grown, the prices have risen.

For decades, the traditional Afghan burqa, mostly sold in shades of blue, was synonymous with Afghan women’s identity around the world. Usually made of heavy cloth, it is specifically designed to cover the wearer from head to toe. A netted fabric is placed near the eyes so that the woman inside can peer out through the meshing but nobody can see inside. It was enforced strictly during the Taliban regime in the late 1990s, and failure to wear one while in public could earn women severe punishments and public lashings from the Taliban’s “moral police”.

After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, even though many continued to choose to wear the burqa in adherence to religious and traditional beliefs, its rejection by millions of others across the country became a symbol of a new dawn for the country’s women, who were able to dictate what they wore for themselves again.

Today, there are burqas in the streets of downtown Kabul but women are also dressed in an array of different styles, many mixing traditional materials with colourful modern patterns and fashion inspiration from across the region. » | Zainab Pirzad and Atefa Alizada from Rukhshana Media | Sunday, August 15, 2021

Afghanische Regierung kündigt friedliche Machtübergabe an


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Das afghanische Innenministerium versucht, die Einwohner Kabuls zu beruhigen: „Es wird keinen Angriff auf die Stadt geben“, sagte Innenminister Mirsakwal. Demnach solle eine friedliche Übergabe erfolgen und eine Übergangsregierung gebildet werden.

Die radikalislamischen Taliban sind nach Angaben des afghanischen Innenministeriums in die afghanische Hauptstadt Kabul vorgedrungen. Das Innenministerium teilte mit, die Islamisten stießen von allen Seiten auf die Stadt vor. Die Regierung kündigte eine friedliche Machtübergabe an. „Es wird keinen Angriff auf die Stadt geben“, sagte Innenminister Abdul Sattar Mirsakwal in einer aufgezeichneten Ansprache. Demnach solle eine Übergangsregierung gebildet werden.

Auch der Stabschef von Präsident Aschraf Ghani, Matin Bek, schrieb im Onlinedienst Twitter: „Keine Panik! Kabul ist sicher.“ Noch am Samstag hatte Präsident Aschraf Ghani in einer Rede an die Nation eine „Remobilisierung“ der afghanischen Streitkräfte angekündigt. Zugleich sprach er jedoch auch von einer möglichen „politischen Lösung" in dem Konflikt. Ghanis Äußerung wurde bereits als Bereitschaft zur Kapitulation gewertet. Das afghanische Präsidialamt rief die Einwohner zu Ruhe und Besonnenheit auf. Gleichzeitig wurden in der Hauptstadt Regierungsgebäude geräumt. Die US-Botschaft flog Personal mit Helikoptern zum Flughafen. Auch andere Staaten, darunter Deutschland, bereiteten die Evakuierung ihrer Staatsbürger vor. » | Quelle: dpa/AFP/Reuters | Sonntag, 15. August 2021

Afghanistan: des combattants talibans entrent dans Kaboul malgré l'ordre de rester hors de la ville

LE FIGARO : Les talibans ont reçu l'ordre de rester aux portes de Kaboul selon leur porte-parole, mais des combattants insurgés ont été aperçus par des habitants en banlieue éloignée. Après avoir conquis Jalalabad, la capitale reste la dernière grande ville non conquise par les insurgés.

Le président Ashraf Ghan et le ministre de la Défense par intérim Bismillah Khan Mohammadi visitent le corps militaire à Kaboul, le 14 août 2021. AFGHAN PRESIDENTIAL PALACE / REUTERS

Les talibans se rapprochent dimanche de la prise complète du pouvoir en Afghanistan, après une campagne militaire d'une rapidité stupéfiante. Seule Kaboul, la capitale isolée et encerclée, reste à conquérir. Dimanche matin, des combattants ont néanmoins été aperçus par des habitants en banlieue éloignée, alors même que les insurgés ont reçu l'ordre de rester aux portes de la cité, selon leur porte-parole.

«L'Émirat islamique ordonne à toutes ses forces d'attendre aux portes de Kaboul, de ne pas essayer d'entrer dans la ville», a affirmé sur Twitter Zabihullah Mujahid, un porte-parole des talibans. «Il y a des combattants talibans armés dans notre quartier, a pourtant déclaré à l'AFP un habitant d'une banlieue à l'est de la capitale, mais il n'y a pas de combats».

Quelques heures après avoir pris Mazar-i-Sharif, la quatrième plus grande ville afghane et le principal centre urbain du nord du pays, les insurgés se sont emparés sans résistance dimanche de la ville de Jalalabad à l'est du pays. «Nous nous sommes réveillés ce matin avec les drapeaux blancs des talibans partout en ville. Ils sont dans la ville. Ils sont entrés sans combattre», a déclaré à l'AFP Ahmad Wali, un habitant de Jalalabad. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | dimanche 15 août 2021

Afghanistan: «Déshonneur» – L’éditorial du Figaro, par Patrick Saint-Paul. »

Jalalabad Falls, Leaving Kabul the Only Major City under Government Control

A security checkpoint in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, last month. Credit...Ghulamullah Habibi/EPA, via Shutterstock

THE NEW YORK TIMES: After a week of rapid victories, the Taliban seized the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad on Sunday, leaving Kabul, the capital, as the only major urban center still in the government’s hands.

The insurgents’ brutal offensive, which began in May as the United States started withdrawing troops, has intensified over the past week, with one city after another falling. Their capture of Jalalabad, the bustling capital of Nangarhar Province, gives them control of every key city but Kabul.

The insurgents have now encircled the capital. Mazar-i-Sharif, the last major northern city held by the government, was lost to the Taliban on Saturday night. A day earlier, the insurgents seized major cities in the south and west.

In Kabul, neighborhoods have filled with arrivals from other parts of the country that are under Taliban control. While many, particularly those with connections abroad, are scrambling to try to find a way out of the country, others said they were resigned to the likelihood of a complete Taliban takeover. » | Austin Ramzy | Sunday, August 15, 2021

The USA has gone from being led by a clown to being led by a fool in just one election! If the USA wishes to continue leading the free world, I implore American voters to start taking into account the impact of their leader’s foreign policy decisions on the rest of the free world! This decision to abandon Afghanistan, to throw the Afghans to the wolves, will have an enormous impact on the rest of us, especially Europe. We will have to pay the high price of Biden’s folly. Domestically, Biden has done some very good things, but this foreign policy decision is disastrous: it’s going to cause total chaos. Moreover, it will mark a further rightward shift in European politics. American politicians need to start behaving responsibly or else lose their pole position in the world and allow someone else to take up the position of leadership. – © Mark

Vintage: Queer Romance

With many thanks to Jheyda L for this great sepia photo.

Dry Humour!

With many thanks to for this great image and pithy quip.

Queer Quote of the Day

With many thanks to imgur for this great quote..