Saturday, July 31, 2021

A Gay Farmer on Love, Isolation, and Disrupting the Meat Industry in Australia | The New Yorker

Jun 9, 2021 • In “Alone Out Here,” by Philip Busfield and Luke Cornish, an Australian rancher who is openly gay in a conservative industry fights to reduce carbon emissions through his cattle farming. | Views on YouTube: 230,084

NB: I have posted this documentary before, but it such a great documentary and so well made that I feel it is well worth posting it again. There will probably be many new visitors and followers who might well have not watched it before. In my opinion, this truly remarkable and well-made documentary breaks down many of the stereotypes so many people have of ‘gay’ men. This man is gay; yet he is all man! There is nothing quintessentially ‘gay’ about this man! And it is high time that gay stereotypes be smashed, broken down, once and for all time! – Mark

Diana: The Night She Died | Conspiracy Documentary | Real Stories

Jun 23, 2018 • After the death of Diana Princess of Wales, conspiracy theories filled the headlines. As so many of the conspiracy theories are absurd, many simple questions about the fatal night of August 31st [1997] have never been asked. By the end not only Princess Diana but also Dodi Al-Fayed and the driver Henri Paul were dead.

First, police blamed the paparazzi for causing the accident. They had been "buzzing round the car like flies." Then 48 hours later they blamed the driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul. He was said to be three times over the drink limit.

This compelling program seeks to answer the many questions overlooked by the enquiry and to uncover what really happened the night Diana died. | Views on YouTube: 2,135,925

Gelangen Trumps verheimlichte Steuererklärungen bald an die Öffentlichkeit?

Jul 31, 2021 • Dem ehemaligen Präsidenten wird vorgeworfen, sich durch privatwirtschaftliche Interessen in seinem Amt beeinflusst haben zu lassen. Nun erhält der Kongress Zugang zu seinen Steuererklärungen. © AFP, AP

Les pouvoirs qui dirigent le monde - Documentaire ARTE

Whiter Shade of Pale - Annie Lennox

Views on YouTube: 13,992,779

A Big Thank You to You All!

You have probably already noticed that today we reached over sixty thousand page views this month. This, of course, delights me! And I owe it all to you, my esteemed visitors, followers and readers. You come here from all over the world: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, eastern Europe and Russia, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia (Indian subcontinent) and Asia and, of course, Australasia.

I can’t thank you enough for all your support.

I don’t really know who you all are; but yet I feel that I do! I so look forward each and every morning to checking my visits overnight. Naturally, I check them constantly throughout the day as well. Many of you are regulars; though naturally I have no idea who you really are; I know only the countries, towns and cities you reside in.

I changed the name of this blog only a short while ago. I also made it trilingual. I also changed the focus of its content. I have made it much more gay-friendly, but hopefully not to the exclusion of my straight supporters. All my visitors mean a lot to me – gay or straight. In fact, you mean more to me than you probably know or realize. I feel that you are part of my family.

When I changed the name of this blog, I also decided to make its content more varied: I have introduced some new features like the ‘gay kiss of the day’, and I have added more music, and a cookery feature, too. My aim is to make the blog rather like a magazine: I want there to be something of interest for a broad audience, not just a select few. Naturally, when one makes such changes, there will be a certain amount of trial and error involved. So if I err from time to time, please bear with me.

Again, thank you all so much for your continued support. Without your support, this blog wouldn’t even exist. I send you all my very warmest of wishes. – Mark

If you wish to do so, you may contact me at – I would welcome your comments.

The Lincoln Project: Wayne Berman

Jul 27, 2021 • A notice to GOP donors: It may be your right to give money to whoever you like — but it is our right to tell Americans who and what you’re funding.

New York : un sommelier incendiait les terrasses de restaurants rivaux

LE POINT : L’homme de 35 ans a été filmé à trois reprises en train de mettre le feu à des terrasses et à un tas d’ordures, ont rapporté les pompiers. Il a été inculpé.

Il mettait le feu à des terrasses de restaurants rivaux. Caleb Ganzer, un sommelier new-yorkais, a été filmé par des caméras de sécurité alors qu’il incendiait des structures en bois installées en extérieur par deux restaurants, l’un en janvier et l’autre en juillet, selon les pompiers de New York. L’homme de 35 ans a été inculpé, ont annoncé les autorités. » | Source AFP | jeudi 29 juillet 2021

American Carnage: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency

The United States was in shock after an attack at the heart of the nation’s democracy. On January 6th, 2020, the Capitol building in Washington DC was ransacked by supporters of Donald Trump who refused to accept his election defeat. Jon Brain reported on the final days of the most controversial presidency in recent US history and asked what’s next for Trump and #Trumpism?

The Guardian View on Investigating 6 January: The Truth about the Storming of the Capitol

Pro-Trump supporters inside the Capitol building in Washington. Photograph: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

THE GUARDIAN: The attitude of Republican politicians to the committee shows exactly why it is needed

The investigation into the deadly insurrection of 6 January is not one but two processes. The first is an attempt to discover the truth about those events: not only what happened, but who, beyond the members of the mob, was responsible and in what ways. The second is the task of getting people to accept that truth – knowing that many will not.

Senior Republicans initially acknowledged the horror of the events and the culpability of Donald Trump, whose big lie of a stolen election triggered the assault upon the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader – who is said to have telephoned the president urging him to call the rioters off as they tried to break through his office window – said that Mr Trump bore responsibility. He and others called for a 9/11-style independent commission. » | Editorial | Friday, July 30, 2021

IRS must turn over Trump tax returns to Congress, DoJ says »

Hong Kong Man Arrested for Allegedly Booing Chinese Anthem While Watching Olympics

THE GUARDIAN: Man allegedly also waved colonial-era flags while watching fencer Edgar Cheung’s medal ceremony at a mall

Hong Kong police have arrested a man on suspicion of insulting the national anthem, after he allegedly booed the Chinese national anthem while watching an Olympic event at a mall. » | Associated Press | Saturday, July 31, 2021

Best Middle Eatern Breakfast: Shakshouka / Shakshuka / شكشوكة

Blanche TV : Blanche gives her own twist on this easy yet exotic Tunisian/Moroccan breakfast staple. This is low-carb, yet packed with flavor! | Views on YouTube: 94,502

As Fears Grip Afghanistan, Hundreds of Thousands Flee

With the security situation in Afghanistan rapidly deteriorating, hundreds of people wait in long lines at the passport department in Kabul each morning. Credit...Jim Huylebroek for The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: With the Taliban sweeping across much of the country, at least 30,000 Afghans are leaving each week. Many more have been displaced within Afghanistan’s borders.

KABUL, Afghanistan — Haji Sakhi decided to flee Afghanistan the night he saw two Taliban members drag a young woman from her home and lash her on the sidewalk. Terrified for his three daughters, he crammed his family into a car the next morning and barreled down winding dirt roads into Pakistan.

That was more than 20 years ago. They returned to Kabul, the capital, nearly a decade later after the U.S.-led invasion toppled the Taliban regime. But now, with the Taliban sweeping across parts of the country as American forces withdraw, Mr. Sakhi, 68, fears a return of the violence he witnessed that night. This time, he says, his family is not waiting so long to leave.

“I’m not scared of leaving belongings behind, I’m not scared of starting everything from scratch,” said Mr. Sakhi, who recently applied for Turkish visas for himself, his wife, their three daughters and one son. “What I’m scared of is the Taliban.” » | Christina Goldbaum and Fatima Faizi | Saturday, July 31, 2021

Gaddafis Sohn Saif will zurück an die Macht

Ein letzter Auftritt in Tripolis. Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi im August 2011, in den Tagen der Entscheidungsschlacht um die libysche Hauptstadt. AFP | Hier: Ein Screenshot

DIE PRESSE: Er residierte in einer Villa in Wien, war ein Freund Jörg Haiders und Kronprinz im libyschen Regime. Nach der Revolution 2011 endete Saif al-Islam in einem Kerker. Jetzt mischt er wieder im politischen Spiel mit.

Es war die entscheidende Schlacht, der Anfang vom Ende der langen Herrschaft des Gaddafi-Clans in Tripolis. Vor fast genau zehn Jahren, im August 2011, stießen Rebellen mit massiver Luftunterstützung der Nato in die libysche Hauptstadt vor. Zugleich starteten Untergrundgruppen in Tripolis einen Aufstand. Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi hatte damals seinen letzten großen Auftritt in der Stadt. „Die Menschen in Libyen stehen hinter uns“, behauptete er, als er im Kampfanzug nahe des Hotels Rixos al-Nasr noch einmal zu seinen Anhängern sprach. Dann stieg der Sohn und auserkorene Nachfolger des Diktators Muammar al-Gaddafi in seinen Geländewagen und brauste in einem Konvoi davon. Die Kameras internationaler Reporter fingen die bizarre Szenerie für die Nachwelt ein. Wenige Tage später war ganz Tripolis in der Hand der Aufständischen. Und Machthaber Muammar al-Gaddafi wurde zwei Monate später von Rebellen gelyncht.

Jetzt plant Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi sein Comeback. Nach einem Jahrzehnt, das von Flucht, Gefangenschaft und Leben im Untergrund geprägt war, will er zurück an die Macht. Und dabei geht er behutsam vor, Schritt für Schritt. Denn auf seinem Weg liegen gewaltige Hindernisse vor ihm. » | Von Wieland Schneider | Freitag, 30. Juli 2021

Um weiterzulesen, muß man abonnieren. Die Angebote der Zeitung finden Sie unten auf der Seite.

Ludovic : « J’ai dit à ma femme : “Je suis amoureux, mais d’un homme” »

LE MONDE : La nouvelle saison du podcast « S’aimer comme on se quitte » est diffusée cet été. Dans ce cinquième épisode, retrouvez le témoignage de Ludovic, 49 ans, interprété par Medi Sadoun.

« S’aimer comme on se quitte » est une série de témoignages recueillis par Lorraine de Foucher et publiés par Le Monde. Pendant l’été 2021, Le Monde et Spotify diffusent la saison 2 du podcast issu de cette série. » | Le Monde | samedi 31 juillet 2021

Spotify : Écoutez l’episode ici.