Wednesday, November 11, 2020

As Trump Loses White House, Robert De Niro Shares Relief and the Hope for Accountability | MSNBC

Legendary Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro speaks out in his first interview since Pres. Trump’s defeat, telling MSNBC’s Ari Melber that he is relieved about Trump’s loss and concerned about how someone like Trump could get as far as he did in American government, warning that “more people like” Trump may test democracy again. De Niro also reflects on Trump’s ethics, his silence since Saturday’s election call, why he believes Trump has “no center” and the appeal and role of “tough guys” and mafia films in American life and culture. Aired on 11/09/2020.

The Surging Coronavirus Finds a Federal Leadership Vacuum

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The winter wave has been anticipated for months. Now that it’s here, health officials worry once again about strategy and supplies.

WASHINGTON — When senior Food and Drug Administration officials held their morning call on Tuesday, they received a sobering warning from the agency’s chief, Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, who had just gotten off the phone with the White House: Block out “all the craziness” afoot and stay focused on fighting the pandemic, he said.

There are plenty of distractions. President Trump is pushing to overturn the results of the election and his only public statements about the coronavirus in the last few days were to make clear his pique that good news about a vaccine had not come until after Election Day — even as the average number of new daily infections topped 116,000, average daily deaths neared 1,000, and Covid-19 hospitalizations hit a record high of 61,964 on Tuesday.

Vice President Mike Pence canceled a vacation at the last minute this week as the virus numbers grew worse, but the White House coronavirus task force that he leads has been all but publicly silent. Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff who is infected with the virus, declared last month, “We are not going to control the pandemic,” and said the focus should instead be on the longer-term goals of developing vaccines and treatments. » | Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Noah Weiland, Sharon LaFraniere and Andrew Jacobs | Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Viktor Orban plant Verfassungsänderung: Ungarn will Rechte Homosexueller einschränken

TAGES ANZEIGER: Viktor Orban wird mit seinen Plänen zu Änderungen in der Verfassung, die auf Familien und die LGBTQ-Community zielen, viel Aufregung verursachen.

Die rechtskonservative ungarische Regierung hat überraschend eine Reihe von Verfassungsänderungen und Gesetzen eingebracht, die Opposition und Zivilgesellschaft in Atem halten und auch in Brüssel Irritation auslösen dürften. So soll das von der Regierungspartei Fidesz mit Zweidrittelmehrheit dominierte Parlament in den nächsten Tagen zwei Paragrafen zustimmen, in denen die Definition von Familie und die Rechte von Kindern umformuliert wurden. » | Cathrin Kahlweit aus Wien | Mittwoch, 11. November 2020

Several Injured in Explosion at Saudi Armistice Day Event

THE GUARDIAN: France condemns ‘cowardly attack’ at Jeddah ceremony for foreign diplomatic staff

Several people have been wounded in an explosion in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah during a ceremony to commemorate the end of the first world war attended by staff from foreign diplomatic missions, officials have said.

“The embassies involved condemn this cowardly attack, which is wholly unjustified,” the French foreign ministry said. “They call on the Saudi authorities to shed as much light as they can on this attack, and to identify and hunt down the perpetrators.”

A Greek government official told Reuters that an explosive device had gone off at a ceremony at a non-Muslim cemetery in Jeddah. Four people had been slightly injured, the official said, including a Greek national.

A statement from the Mecca governorate on Saudi state TV said two people were injured: a Greek consulate employee and a Saudi security guard. The British government said one UK national suffered minor injuries. » | Jon Henley | Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — November 11, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

See What Pompeo Said When Asked about Biden's Victory

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there would be a smooth transition to a "second Trump administration" despite President-elect Joe Biden's victory. Brianna Keilar discusses with CNN's Kylie Atwood, Gloria Borger and legal analyst Laura Coates.

Only in America! Pro-Trump Televangelist Laughs at News Biden Won US Election | NowThis

Say Goodbye to Trump’s Cabinet | NowThis

It's not just Trump leaving the White House in January — say goodbye to all his lackeys, too.

Brianna Keilar Sounds Off on GOP Enablers Fueling Trump's Refusal to Concede

CNN's Brianna Keilar calls out enablers of President Donald Trump for fueling the President's refusal to accept defeat in the 2020 election

Hitler and the Children of Obersalzberg

The Obersalzberg retreat was the summer residence and retreat of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and his closest confidants in the Nazi regime. The public are mainly familiar with film footage and photographs from the alleged Nazi idyll. For the first time, eye witnesses are willing to talk about their experiences in Obersalzberg.

Monday, November 09, 2020

John Major: Brexit Set to Be 'More Brutal Than Anyone Expected'

BBC: Brexit may be "even more brutal than expected" due to the UK's negotiating "failures", Sir John Major has said.

In a speech in London, the ex-prime minister said the UK's "inflexibility" and "threats" towards the EU would make future trade "less profitable".

And he warned of the "corrosive" impact to the UK's reputation of a proposed law giving ministers the power to over-ride aspects of the Brexit Agreement.

Peers will vote shortly on whether to amend the Internal Market Bill.

They are expected to remove a series of clauses which would give the UK the right to disregard obligations in the Withdrawal Agreement with the EU in relation to Northern Ireland, a move that Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis has conceded would break international law. » | Monday, October 9, 2020

John Podesta: Trump 'Is Interfering with the Orderly Transition of Power' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

John Podesta, the White House Chief of Staff to President Clinton and counselor to President Obama, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the transition and recount process. In regards to the GSA administrator refusal to sign the paperwork allowing for the Biden-Harris transition, Podesta says "I think that people need to think about how they are going to go down in history if they decide that they are going to follow the president's lead and kind of set themselves on fire as they go out the door." Aired on 11/9/2020.

Boris Johnson Congratulates Joe Biden But Faces Strained Relations - BBC News

Boris Johnson has said he is looking forward to working with the US President Elect Joe Biden on climate change - as well as on international trade - and security.

However, relations are likely to complicated by Joe Biden’s opposition to Brexit and his previous description of Boris Johnson as a “political and emotional clone of Donald Trump”.

The new administration is thought likely to want to establish a strong relationship with the European Union and its policies towards China will be watched closely after years of tension with the Trump White House.

Mishal Husain presents BBC News at Ten reporting by diplomatic correspondent James Landale, political editor Laura Kuenssberg, economics correspondent Dharshini David and China correspondent Jon Sudworth.

Merkel Congratulates Joe Biden: International Reactions on the US Election | DW News

While US President Donald Trump refuses to accept the result of the presidential election, many world leaders congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.

In her first extended remarks about the outcome of the US election, Chancellor Angela Merkel has outlined how Germany hopes to move forward with projected presidential winner Joe Biden in the White House. German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced hope for a return to stronger ties with Washington on Monday, following Joe Biden's projected presidential win. Merkel's speech on Monday marks the chancellor's first extended reaction to the results of the US election after she offered her congratulations to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris this weekend.

Goodbye Trump, Hello Biden: How America Is Waving Goodbye to a Shocking, Shameful Era

THE GUARDIAN: Trump’s brutal policies and spread of misinformation have divided the US. Uniting the country will be Biden’s biggest task

As the result was finally called, the end of his presidency confirmed, Donald Trump teed off on a crisp, autumnal Saturday afternoon at his private golf club in Virginia.

The president was in the midst of a four-day mission to spread baseless misinformation about election integrity in an attempt to subvert US democracy.

“I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” he tweeted, falsely, hours before hitting the fairway.

Of the many false claims Trump has made over the past four years – lying about the size of his inauguration crowd, lying about the trajectory of a life-threatening hurricane, lying about the deadliness of the coronavirus – the lies about this election are the most farcical and grotesque.

And they have not worked.

A growing chorus of world leaders, some members of the Republican party, and tens of millions of Americans have already begun to move on. Trump cast a lonely figure as he returned to the White House after golfing, his motorcade met on the street by hundreds of protesters who simultaneously gave him the middle finger. » | Oliver Laughland | Monday, November 9, 2020

Trump's a Loser: What Does His 2020 Loss Mean for America? | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to a diverse coalition backing Joe Biden -- powered especially by women of color and new voters. On the weekend that Biden was formally projected the winner and President-Elect, MSNBC anchor Ari Melber reports on implications of the election and digs into clues about America’s direction in the results. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Will President-elect Joe Biden Change US Foreign Policy? | Inside Story

After days of uncertainty and a hard fought, bitter campaign, Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the US Presidential election. He says he wants to restore the soul of America and unite a deeply divided nation.

Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. But he's appealed to the tens of millions of Americans who did not vote for him - to give him a chance.

After his victory in Pennsylvania, Biden is projected to have a majority of the Electoral College votes needed to win the White House.

How Will the Biden Presidency Impact US Foreign Relations? | US election 2020

Many European leaders are hoping Joe Biden will help repair the transatlantic ties that have been strained under the Trump presidency. So what is a Biden administration likely to do for relations with Europe and the rest of the world?

Biden Addressed Supporters, and the Nation

President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris addressed the nation from Wilmington, Del.

Read the article HERE »

Saturday, November 07, 2020


I would like to congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their clear victory in the US presidential election. This is a moment of hope for America: decency and common sense have triumphed. Decency has triumphed over vulgarity, light has triumphed over darkness, wisdom has triumphed over folly, knowledge has triumphed over ignorance, and hope has triumphed over despair.

America is fractured; its society is divided. Much damage has been done in recent years. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have their work cut out to try and undo the damage that Donald Trump and his administration have done to the American economy, to American society.

America has been crying out for change for many years. Now, change has come. In January, the US will have its new beginning. The road ahead will be long, rough and bumpy. I wish the new administration well in the difficult task ahead of them.

© Mark Alexander