Showing posts with label Obersalzberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obersalzberg. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Stunning Landscape and Dark History in the Bavarian Alps

Aug 25, 2024 | Berchtesgadener Land is one of the most beautiful regions in Germany. Lake Königssee and the Bavarian Alps never fail to enchant visitors. But it has a dark side: In the 1930s and 40s, this was the location of Adolf Hitler's vacation home and the second seat of Nazi power. Today, the documentation center at Obersalzberg provides information about the Nazi crimes planned in this idyllic setting.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Obersalzberg – From the Alpine Village to the Führer's Off-limits Area: Eyewitness Reports | Reupload

Jan 31, 2022 | Obersalzberg had been Adolf Hitler's vacation domicile since 1923. During the National Socialist era, the mountain ridge above Berchtesgaden became the second seat of government of the Nazi regime. With historical footage and interviews with contemporary witnesses, the film documents the expulsion of the local population and the transformation of the old village into the "Führersperrgebiet" (Fuhrer's Restricted Area) with large buildings such as Hitler's Berghof and the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest). Former neighbors tell how Hitler lived in the Wachenfeld house in the 1920s and wrote "Mein Kampf." While they had to sell their houses after 1933, Hitler enjoyed life on Obersalzberg with Eva Braun, received state guests such as Benito Mussolini and led the Second World War from here. It was not until April 1945 that the "Führersperrgebiet" was partially destroyed in an air raid.

The exhibition film by journalist and book author Ulrich Chaussy was shown in the Dokumentation Obersalzberg from 1999 to 2021. The film was slightly edited for the online version.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 20", Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film: K-72204
Obersalzberg, Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film: 27462-1

Monday, February 17, 2025

Geheimnisse des Kehlsteinhauses: Hitlers Alpenfestung im Detail - Dokumentation

Nov 18, 2020 | Neu Entdeckte und teilweise bisher unveröffentlichte Aufnahmen vom Bau der Kehlsteinstraße und des Kehlsteinhauses lassen dieses Video zur ultimativen Dokumentation über das „Projekt Kehlstein“ werden.

Noch NIE ZUVOR gab es eine derartig umfangreiche Dokumentation über die Entstehung des wohl kühnsten Bauprojektes des III. Reiches.

Der Dokumentarfilm ist eine Dokumentation über den Bau des sogenannten "Kehlsteins" auf dem Kehlstein im Obersalzberggebiet bei Berchtesgaden. Mit neuem Filmmaterial vom Bau des Tunnels und des Kehlsteinhauses ist diese Dokumentation die ultimative Dokumentation über das Kehlsteinhaus und dessen Bau.

Die Produktion des Films erforderte den Einsatz von speziellem Equipment, um im Tunnel und im Kehlsteinhaus zu filmen.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Obersalzberg – From the Alpine Village to the Führer's Off-limits Area: Eyewitness Reports

Jan 31, 2022 | Obersalzberg had been Adolf Hitler's vacation domicile since 1923. During the National Socialist era, the mountain ridge above Berchtesgaden became the second seat of government of the Nazi regime. With historical footage and interviews with contemporary witnesses, the film documents the expulsion of the local population and the transformation of the old village into the "Führersperrgebiet" (Führer's Restricted Area) with large buildings such as Hitler's Berghof and the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest). Former neighbors tell how Hitler lived in the Wachenfeld house in the 1920s and wrote "Mein Kampf." While they had to sell their houses after 1933, Hitler enjoyed life on Obersalzberg with Eva Braun, received state guests such as Benito Mussolini and led the Second World War from here. It was not until April 1945 that the "Führersperrgebiet" was partially destroyed in an air raid.

The exhibition film by journalist and book author Ulrich Chaussy was shown in the Dokumentation Obersalzberg from 1999 to 2021. The film was slightly edited for the online version.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 20", Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film: K-72204
Obersalzberg, Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film: 27462-1

WIKIPEDIA: Obersalzberg »

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Eagle's Nest - Hitler's Mountaintop Headquarters Today

May 2, 2019 | Find out what remains atop the Obersalzberg, Hitler's mountaintop home and headquarters in Southern Bavaria, Germany. 'On the spot' investigation of the remaining buildings and ruins by the author of 'Guarding Hitler: The Secret World of the Führer'.

Mark Felton Productions can be supported here.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Obersalzberg – From the Alpine Village to the Führer's Off-limits Area: Eyewitness Reports

Jan 31, 2022 | Obersalzberg had been Adolf Hitler's vacation domicile since 1923. During the National Socialist era, the mountain ridge above Berchtesgaden became the second seat of government of the Nazi regime.

With historical footage and interviews with contemporary witnesses, this film documents the expulsion of the local population and the transformation of the old village into the "Führersperrgebiet" (Fuhrer's Restricted Area) with large buildings such as Hitler's Berghof and the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest).

Former neighbors tell how Hitler lived in the Wachenfeld house in the 1920s and wrote "Mein Kampf." While they had to sell their houses after 1933, Hitler enjoyed life on Obersalzberg with Eva Braun, received state guests such as Benito Mussolini and led the Second World War from here.

It was not until April 1945 that the "Führersperrgebiet" was partially destroyed in an air raid. The exhibition film by journalist and book author Ulrich Chaussy was shown in the Dokumentation Obersalzberg from 1999 to 2021. The film was slightly edited for the online version.


Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 20", Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film: K-72204
Obersalzberg, Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film: 27462-1

WIKIPEDIA: Obersalzberg and Mein Kampf.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Children Who Met Hitler Speak Out - Hitler and the Children of Obersalzberg - History Documentary

The Obersalzberg retreat was the summer residence and retreat of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and his closest confidants in the Nazi regime. The public are mainly familiar with film footage and photographs from the alleged Nazi idyll. For the first time, eye witnesses are willing to talk about their experiences in Obersalzberg.

Obersalzberg »

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hitler and the Children of Obersalzberg

The Obersalzberg retreat was the summer residence and retreat of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and his closest confidants in the Nazi regime. The public are mainly familiar with film footage and photographs from the alleged Nazi idyll. For the first time, eye witnesses are willing to talk about their experiences in Obersalzberg.

Monday, April 28, 2014

2pm Lie-ins and a Daily Führer Cake...

Elisabeth Kalhammer, one of Hitler's maids at the Berghof,
Obersalzberg, Austria
MAIL ON SUNDAY: Elisabeth Kalhammer, 89, responded to newspaper advert in 1943 / She did not know her employer at Berghof, Germany, would be Hitler / Reveals dictator pretended to be healthy but had insatiable sweet tooth

As far as his closest aides were aware, he kept to a strict healthy diet and drank only lukewarm water.

But Adolf Hitler would regularly stave off attacks of midnight munchies by tucking into specially made ‘Fuhrer Cake’ and other gooey treats.

He would raid the kitchen after staying up late talking to guests and rarely get up before 2pm, according to a maid who worked at his mountain retreat in Bavaria.

Elisabeth Kalhammer has broken her silence after 71 years to reveal what life was like at the Berghof when the Nazi dictator was in residence.

Mrs Kalhammer, 89, says that Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun – whom staff greeted with a ‘Heil M’lady’ – ran the house.

All the maids knew Hitler had trouble with his spleen and kept to a strict diet devised by a personal cook.

But the famously sweet-toothed dictator secretly feasted on chocolate biscuits and cream scones, Mrs Kalhammer says. » | Allan Hall | Sunday, April 27, 2014

SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN: Im Dienst des Diktators: Adolf Hitlers Hausmädchen: "Denken durfte ich, aber sprechen nicht." Elisabeth Kalhammer hat am Berghof das Reden beinahe verlernt. Sie erinnert sich, was sie im Haushalt des Diktators erlebte. » | Von Michaela Hessenberger | Samstag, 26. April 2014

SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN: Hitlers Stubenmädchen: Seltene Blicke auf den Diktator: Als Stubenmädchen hat Elisabeth Kalhammer für den NS-Diktator gearbeitet. Durch den Vorhang hat sie Adolf Hitler beobachtet. Gesehen hat sie ein "armseliges Mandl", erinnert sie sich im zweiten Teil des SN-Gesprächs. » | Von Michaela Hessenberger | Montag, 28. April 2014

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Alltag unterm Hakenkreuz – Hitlers Geliebte Eva

Zu Beginn wurde gejubelt: Österreich wurde zur Ostmark. Die meisten Bewohner glaubten an eine bessere Zukunft -- Wirtschaftsaufschwung durch Rüstungsindustrie, Lösung der Wohnungsnot durch die Vertreibung der Juden, sinkende Arbeitslosigkeit und steigender Lebensstandard. Den "Glücklichen unter dem Hakenkreuz" standen aber Zehntausende gegenüber, die von einem Regime verfolgt wurden, das Angst und Terror in die Familien trug. Die offiziellen Filmdokumente ab 1938 sind geschönte Propagandabilder. Amateurfilmer dokumentierten gewollt und ungewollt die antisemitischen Ausschreitungen nach dem sogenannten "Anschluss", die Schrecken des Kriegs, die Lebenswirklichkeit im Ghetto -- den Alltag der Österreicher von 1938 bis 1945. Der Film zeigt den österreichischen "Alltag unterm Hakenkreuz".