Friday, October 11, 2019

Shepard Smith Steps Down from Fox News

Fox News and Shepard Smith jointly announce that he will be stepping down from his role as chief news anchor and managing editor of the network's breaking news unit and anchor of 'Shepard Smith Reporting.

Shepard Smith leaves Fox News with hope that 'facts will win the day' »

Liberals love Fox News's Shepard Smith. Is he the network's voice of reason? »

Cities At War - Berlin: The Doomed City | WW2 Documentary | Timeline

Cities At War: London | World War 2 Documentary | Timeline

Cities At War - Paris: The Enraged City | WW2 Documentary | Timeline

Susan Rice on Trump: What Is He Smoking?

Former national security adviser to President Obama Susan Rice responds to President Donald Trump's comments claiming Kurdish forces haven't helped US forces throughout history.

Robert De Niro on Donald Trump: 'I Can't Wait to See Him in Jail'

THE GUARDIAN: The Irishman actor tells the Guardian that Trump and the Republicans ‘have to know they can’t get away with bullying us’

Robert De Niro has renewed his criticism of Donald Trump, calling the US head of state a “gangster president” and saying he “can’t wait” to see him jailed.

De Niro was speaking to the Guardian ahead of the London film festival premiere of The Irishman, Martin Scorsese’s new film, in which he plays mafia killer Frank Sheeran, now generally presumed to have been responsible for the murder of celebrated union boss Jimmy Hoffa in 1975.

De Niro said: “We have a real, immediate problem in that we have a gangster president who thinks he can do anything he wants … the problem is, if he actually gets away with it, then we all have a problem. » | Andrew Pulver and agencies | Friday, October 11, 2019

Helmut Schmidt übers Rauchen

Helmut Schmidt: Ein Auszug aus dem Interview zum Thema Vorbilder - von Thomas J. Nagy: "Rauchen". Bilder: Rainer Friedl

Helmut Schmidt wollte sich von seinen Ärzten nicht überreden lassen, aufs Rauchen zu verzichten. „Würde ich das tun, gehe ich ein“, sagte er im Vorbilder-Interview und zündete sich die nächste Zigarette an.

Elizabeth Warren's Answer to Marriage Question Gets Laughs at Los Angeles Townhall

Elizabeth Warren's deadpan quip in LGBT debate wins plaudits »

Trump Insults Opponents, Promises to Win in 2020 in His First Campaign Rally

President Donald Trump has held his first campaign rally since Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry against him.

An angry, energized Trump whipped his supporters into a frenzy on Thursday at a rally in Minneapolis as he sought to use the Democrats' two-week-old impeachment inquiry as a campaign weapon, and predicted a 2020 election "backlash" against any attempt to unseat him.

In a speech lasting one hour and 40 minutes, Trump bathed in supporters' adulation, homing in on his favourite talking points with a mix of jokes, insults and populist exaggeration. Trump told a crowd in Minnesota that he has done nothing wrong. He is accused of pressuring Ukraine's leader into investigating his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

Al Jazeera's John Hendren reports.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Testosterone – New Discoveries about the Male Hormone | DW Documentary

Testosterone has long been seen as a metaphor for aggression, but is there really anything to the idea of the testosterone-driven male? Prominent scientists explain how subtle the hormone’s effects actually are.

Men with a lot of testosterone have long been accused of violent and competitive behavior. Now the image of the sex hormone is changing. Unlike in the animal world, the general statement "testosterone makes one aggressive" cannot be confirmed in humans, and recent studies suggest that it can actually even promote selfless behavior. One of the leading experts in this field is Jean-Claude Dreher from Lyon. He says his laboratory experiments show that testosterone does not make men aggressive but instead allows them to act in a strategic manner. Those who are more testosterone-charged tend to be friendlier towards others in order to bolster their own social status. British behavioral psychologist Simon Baron Cohen demonstrates how testosterone determines our gender characteristics when we are still in the womb. Meanwhile, his colleague Oliver Schultheiss from Erlangen has found out how testosterone can improve our learning abilities.

Evangelical Leaders Say God Wants Them to Protect Trump

Disgraced evangelical leader Ralph Reed has become the most recent member of the “religious right” to come forward and say that God wants us to protect Donald Trump. Reed has a new book coming out that allegedly makes the moral case for Christians to support Trump, but his pleas might be falling on deaf ears, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Who’d want to be an American Evangelical Christian? They have such a crazy (mis)understanding of Christianity!

Erdoğan Threatens to Send 3.6m Refugees to Europe

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warns he will ‘open the gates’ if Syria assault is called an ‘occupation’ »

Trump Alters US Under the Radar While Impeachment Is Pursued

The Trump administration is undermining our nation from immigration to the environment, while his tweets and impeachment distract us. Add it all up, says our guest, we can see how he threatens what remains of U.S. democracy.

Turkey Invades Syria: Who Are the Players and What Do They Want? | DW News

Civilians are fleeing northern Syria as Turkish troops advance in Kurdish-controlled areas. The offensive was made possible by the withdrawal of US troops. It has opened a new front in Syria's eight-year-old war. So, who are the key players in this particular conflict and what are their goals? Let's begin with Turkey: Ankara wants to establish a so called "safe zone" along its border stretching about 30 kilometers into Syria territory. This area is currently controlled by Kurdish militias. Turkey wants to clear it of Kurds – and then resettle some two million Syrian refugees there who are currently living in Turkey. Then there are the Syrian Kurds. Groups like the Kurdish People’s Protection Units or YPG want autonomy. The latter fought alongside the US AND Turkey against the so-called Islamic State. But Ankara's offensive could now force Kurdish militias to throw in their lot with the Syrian government and its Russian and Iranian allies. And there is the US. The main goal of the United States and its allies was to defeat Islamist forces in Syria, like ISIS. Washington says ISIS has now been defeated and has started withdrawing its troops from north-eastern Syria, clearing the way for the Turkish offensive.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Britain’s against Brexit, So Why Is It Still Happening? Plus Are Extinction Rebellion Being Heard?

Brexit Is a Necessary Crisis – It Reveals Britain’s True Place in the World

THE GUARDIAN: A determined ignorance of the dynamics of global capitalism is bringing about a long-overdue audit of British realities

Who backs Brexit? Agriculture is against it; industry is against it; services are against it. None of them, needless to say, support a no-deal Brexit. Yet the Conservative party, which favoured European union for economic reasons over many decades, has become not only Eurosceptic – it is set on a course regarded by every reputable capitalist state and the great majority of capitalist enterprises as deeply foolish.

If any prime minister in the past had shown such a determined ignorance of the dynamics of global capitalism, the massed ranks of British capital would have stepped in to force a change of direction. Yet today, while the CBI and the Financial Times call for the softest possible Brexit, the Tory party is no longer listening. » | David Edgerton | Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Turkey Launches Airstrikes on Syrian Kurdish Territory | DW News

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced the start of Turkish military action in northern Syria. Turkish television reports that jets are carrying out airstrikes on Syrian Kurdish positions in the border town of Tal Abyad. Early video footage shows strikes hitting fields. But reports from the Kurdish-led Syrian democratic forces say the air strikes are causing "huge panic among the people." Before the strikes, Erdogan announced offensive "Operation Peace Spring" in two tweets.

Sachsen-Anhalt: Tödliche Schüsse in Halle - Bundesanwaltschaft ermittelt

In Halle (Saale) sind zwei Menschen erschossen worden. Mehrere bewaffnete Täter seien auf der Flucht. Die Polizei fordert die Menschen auf, in ihren Wohnungen zu bleiben.

ÉDITORIAL : La diplomatie irresponsable de Donald Trump

LE MONDE : Editorial. Le président américain a annoncé, lundi 7 octobre, le retrait des troupes américaines au nord de la Syrie, avant de rétropédaler face au tollé provoqué par cette décision. Mais le mal est fait.

Depuis son arrivée à la Maison Blanche, Donald Trump a souvent agi sur des coups de tête, a multiplié les revirements soudains et les décisions à l’emporte-pièce. Mais la confusion qu’il a semée à propos du retrait des forces américaines de certains secteurs du nord de la Syrie convoités par la Turquie est inouïe et inédite. Provoquant la sidération non seulement de la part des alliés des Etats-Unis, de sa propre administration, mais aussi, une fois n’est pas coutume, de son propre camp politique, le président américain a affaibli la parole de la première puissance mondiale. » | Editorial du « Monde » | mardi 8. Octobre 2019

Tuesday, October 08, 2019