Thursday, August 09, 2018

Are US Sanctions Realigning Global Alliances? | Inside Story

Earlier this week the United States re-imposed a wide range of sanctions on Iran following the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement. Washington called on other powers to join it but also issued a threat, telling governments to choose: do business with US or Iran, not both.

The response has been a nearly universal "no". Some of Washington's closest allies have even promised legislation to protect their own companies against possible American reprisals.

We have been here before. In 1996 the Helms-Burton Act sought to force the rest of the world to adhere to Washington's long-standing boycott of Cuba. A 1977 law penalised US companies honouring the Arab boycott of Israel; and as recently as 2014, shortly before the nuclear deal was completed, France's largest bank, BNP Paribas, agreed to pay the US Justice Department an eight-point-nine billion dollar fine for violating US sanctions related to Iran.

Can extra-territorial sanctions really work? If they don't - as seems likely - what will that mean for America's broader role in the world?

Presenter: Hoda Abdel-Hamid | Guests: Steven Rogers - Member of the Donald J Trump for President Advisory Board; Scott Lucas - University of Birmingham (UK); Aniseh Bassiri-Tabrizi - Research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies

The Man Who Witnessed Hundreds of Executions - BBC Newsnight

Capital punishment was re-introduced in Texas in 1976 and, as every death sentence is carried out, it is witnessed. Associated Press reporter Michael Graczyk has been present at more than 400 executions over the last 34 years. Speaking to Evan Davis, he reflects on his experiences.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — August 9, 2018

US Urges Canada and Saudi Arabia to Resolve Feud

The US State Department has urged Canada and Saudi Arabia to resolve their escalating feud. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has expelled the Canadian ambassador, suspended flights to the country and terminated student exchange programs. This comes after Canada's foreign minister called on the Saudis to release detained human rights activists. Washington Post foreign affairs writer Ishaan Tharoor joins CBSN to break down the diplomatic spat.

Die Auswanderer: Deutsche in der Schweiz - Dokumentation von NZZ Format | 2009

Autos mit deutschen Kennzeichen werden abgedrängt und weggeblinkt, und wenn die deutsche Fussballmannschaft verliert, jubeln die Schweizer. Die deutschen Zuwanderer sind fleissig und gut ausgebildet, sie sind die Stützen des Schweizer Gesundheitssystems und trotzdem mag man sie nicht besonders. Mit der Zeit verstehen die Deutschen schweizerdeutsch, wenn sie es aber zu sprechen versuchen, ist es auch wieder nicht recht. Sie treten in tausend Fettnäpfchen, weil die Schweiz wider Erwarten ganz anders ist als Deutschland. Viele bleiben trotzdem hier, wegen der guten Arbeitsbedingungen und der hohen Lebensqualität, und in der zweiten Generation sind sie von Schweizern kaum mehr zu unterscheiden.

Was macht eigentlich das Verhältnis zwischen Deutschen und Schweizern so schwierig? Deutsche Zuwanderer reden über ihre Integration in der Schweiz.

Should Boris Johnson Apologise over His Burka Comments? | Julia Hartley-Brewer

After Boris Johnson's ‘Telegraph’ article Theresa May and other Conservative party members have asked him to apologise for his comments. Julia takes an in depth look at whether he should apologise with the help of Nadine Dorries, Ajmal Masoor, Stanley Johnson and more.

"Boris Johnson Is a Disreputable Wretch" | George Galloway

Watch George Galloway's opening monologue from the 'Mother of All Talk Shows'

CEOs Who Condemned Trump Now Dine with Him

CNN's Don Lemon lays out the contradiction of some CEOs who condemned President Trump for his comments on the deadly white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville, but a year later dined with the President privately.

Canada Will Not Apologize for Saudi Critique

The diplomatic row between Canada and Saudi Arabia shows no signs of abating after the kingdom's foreign affairs minister publicly demanded that Canada withdraw its criticism of his country's human rights record — something Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to do Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Neue Heimat Schweiz | Grüezi Schweiz – Die Einwanderer | Doku | SRF DOK

Jedes Jahr beginnen mehr als 100‘000 Menschen ein neues Leben in der Schweiz. Was bringt sie dazu, ihre Heimat zu verlassen? Und werden sie ihr Glück finden? Die fünfteilige Serie «Grüezi Schweiz – die Einwanderer» begleitet Menschen aus Indien, Frankreich, Syrien und Portugal bei ihrem Neuanfang.

Meet the Rising Socialists Challenging the Trump Presidency

In the United States, left-wing Democrats backed by former Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders have suffered a setback overnight, after voters in the mid-term primary races favoured traditional candidates over their more liberal challengers.

The Democratic establishment says sticking to the centre is the best way to win over Trump supporters. But, as Kiran Moodley reports, others continue to call for a radical agenda, arguing that 'democratic socialism' is the best way to take down the President in 2020.

Boris Johnson Burka Row: The Rise of Political Populism?

Pressure is mounting from senior Tories for the former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to apologise - or even be kicked out of the party - after his remarks about women who wear burkas. One MP said if Mr Johnson ever became Tory leader - he'd quit the party himself in protest. Critics are accusing Mr Johnson of using the issue to further his own leadership ambitions - and trying to mine a Donald Trump style of political populism. Our political correspondent Michael Crick has been finding out if that resonates with the voters.

4-Star General Warns: President Trump Behavior ‘More Alarming And Illogical’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump’s incendiary rhetoric and increasing rate of falsehoods have former national security leaders alarmed. Retired general Barry McCaffrey and Jason Johnson join Lawrence to discuss the reported “intensifying fury” of the President.

Don Lemon Rips Trump Over Personal Attack

CNN's Don Lemon responds to President Donald Trump's personal attack on himself and NBA star LeBron James, saying "referring to African-Americans as dumb is one of the oldest canards of racism in this country."

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Why One Company in France Won't Say Bye to Iran | Al Jazeera English

The US sanctions on Iran are forcing many European companies to rethink their investment plans. But some small businesses are choosing to deal with Iranians, rather than Americans. Al Jazeera's David Chater went to Chateauroux in France, where one company is doing big business with Iran.

Why Is Saudi Arabia Angry at Canada? | Inside Story

Saudi Arabia considers Canada's comments on human rights in the Kingdom as an interference in its affairs that require what it calls a "sharp response". So it has expelled the Canadian ambassador and recalled its envoy from Ottawa. Its state-owned airline has suspended direct flights to Toronto; and the government says it will end trade and investment ties.

It all began with a tweet from Canada's Foreign Affairs ministry, stating concerns over Saudi Arabia's arrest of rights activists and demanding their immediate release. One of those activists mentioned in that tweet is Samar Badawi, a relative of Canadian citizens.

Badawi and fellow activist Nassima al-Sadah were arrested last month. Badawi is the recipient of the 2012 International Women of Courage Award, who is known for challenging Saudi Arabia's male guardianship system.

But is international criticism enough to improve human rights in the Kingdom?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests Rothna Begum - Senior researcher at Human Rights Watch; Sultan Barakat - Director of the Centre for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at the Doha Institute; Imad Harb - Director of research and analysis at the Arab Centre Washington DC