Friday, June 29, 2018

Exclusive: Sergey Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, on Skripals, Trump 'Kompromat' (compromising material) Claims and Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Exclusive Channel 4 News interview with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He accuses Britain of 'extermination of the evidence' in the Skripal poisoning and of 'all kinds of tricks' to change the rules of the OPCW.

#antisemitism : Anti-Semitism Incidents Fuel Migrant Debate in Germany

After a spate of antisemitic attacks Germany's 100,000 strong Jewish community is becoming increasingly anxious about a new wave of hate crime. There are fears that it may be linked to an upsurge in migration from Muslim countries hostile to Israel.

Trump to Macron: Why Don't You Leave the European Union?

In a story for the Washington Post, CNN political analyst Josh Rogin reports that during a private conversation, President Trump suggested to French President Emmanuel Macron that France leave the European Union.

#bbcqt : Question Time – June 28, 2018

This week's Question Time, filmed in Exeter, where panellists focus on key issues such as Heathrow expansion and Brexit. All rights go to the BBC and Mentorn Scotland.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Donald "Roach Restaurant" Trump Attacks "Dirty" Red Hen

Trump is legendary for his projection, even among Republicans. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

Saudi Women Hit the Road as Kingdom Overturns Ban on Female Driving

A Brief History of Fat, and Why We Hate It

Fat is a complex organ, as essential as the heart or liver. Why do we hate it? Produced by the Science Communication Lab.

#democracynow: Top US News & World Headlines — June 27, 2018

Lawmaker: I Won't Delete Retweet of Nazi Sympathizer

CNN's Chris Cuomo questions Rep. Steve King (R-IA) about retweeting a message from a self-described Nazi sympathizer who has expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler.

Steve King »

”Dave Rubin Is a Clueless Fraud”

Dave Rubin is one clueless guy! Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

#F24Debate: The Migration Crisis: An Unholy Rift

Keith Ellison: Court Tailored to Trump's Ugly Philosophy

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to Congress, reacts to the Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Trump's travel ban, saying Trump has "his Supreme Court tailor-made to his ugly philosophy."

US ‘Isolated’ as Iran Moves Closer to EU & Russia – Professor

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned Iran will ‘face the wrath of the world’ if it pursues nuclear weapons. Meanwhile the top diplomats of Germany, United Kingdom, Russia and France are scrambling to rebuild the nuclear deal the United States abandoned in May. Dan Kovalik, professor of international human rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, joins Manila Chan to discuss.

Obama Adviser to Democrats: Don’t Follow Trump to the Bottom

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod discusses Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) call to confront Trump officials.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — June 26, 2018

How Mitt Romney Plans to Take on Trump

CNN's Dana Bash reports on Mitt Romney's complex approach to President Trump as he runs for senate in Utah, saying he is ready to speak out against Trump if he disagrees, but recognizes it's Trump's Republican Party.