Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dan Rather: Trump Not a Descendant of Some God

Journalist Dan Rather says Trump's call to take away due process for undocumented immigrants is contrary to American ideals and classic authoritarianism.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sanders Speaks about Being Asked to Leave Restaurant

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders addresses being asked to leave a Virginia restaurant, saying "calls for harassment and the push for any Trump supporter to avoid the public is unacceptable."

'One Man Rule' for Turkey after Erdogan's Election Win?

Turkey has become a "one-man regime" - the words of President Erdogan's main rival after losing yesterday's election by ten million votes. The Turkish leader wins another five years in office, in what is seen as the country's most important poll in decades.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | Full Interview with Russian NTV

Erdogan Almighty: Turkey Elections Hand President Enhanced Powers

What Will Erdogan Do as Executive President? | Inside Story

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dominated Turkey's political scene for the past 16 years, and looks set to continue for many more to come. His re-election on Sunday makes him Turkey's first executive president. That means he has new, expanded powers because of changes to the constitution approved in last year's referendum.

His main opposition rival accepts the result - but Muharrem Ince says the election was unfair, and warns Erdogan's 'one man rule' is a danger to Turks. So how will the balance of power be changed?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: Enes Bayrakli - Professor of International Relations, Turkish-German University; Selim Sazaka - Fellow at the Century Foundation focusing on Turkey's foreign policy in the Middle East; Ege Seckin - Turkey specialist, IHS Markit financial services company

#brennpunkt: Wie viel Türkei braucht Österreich?

Lehnt sich Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan vor den Türkei-Wahlen zu weit aus dem Fenster? Und ist der neue selbstbewusste Kurs der österreichischen Bundesregierung nötig - oder zu riskant? Darüber diskutierte krone.at-Kolumnistin und #brennpunkt-Moderatorin Katia Wagner mit Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), Juristin und Sektionschefin im Integrationsressort des Außenministeriums Susanne Raab, Chef des Türkischen Kulturvereins Birol Kilic und Leiter der Landesverteidigungsakademie Brigadier Walter Feichtinger.

Achim Steiner: "The World Won’t Improve on Its Own" | DW English

"We are living in a political moment in which nationalism, protectionism, and withdrawal have become a great temptation," says the head of the United Nations Development Programme, Achim Steiner. On DW Interview, he praised Germany’s role in the refugee crisis.

Lebensborn erklärt | Historische Ereignisse mit Mirko Drotschmann

Lebensborn – eine geheimnisvolle Einrichtung im Dritten Reich, um die sich bis heute viele Legenden ranken. Waren das geheime Bordelle für potente SS-Männer? Begattungsheime für blonde deutsche Frauen ? Wie die „arische Rasse“ mit Hilfe der Lebensborn-Heime vergrößert werden sollte und wie es den Kindern aus diesen Heimen erging, darum geht es jetzt.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 25, 2018

Trump: Deport Immigrants without 'Judges or Court Cases'

President Donald Trump on Sunday called for the US to deport people without judicial proceedings, referred to an invasion by "these people" and railed against standing immigration laws.

What US and UK Media Won't Tell You about the War in Yemen

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Glenn Beck Walks Off Interview after 'Blaze' Layoffs Question

Glenn Beck walk off an interview with CNN's Brian Stelter after Stelter asked Beck about a Daily Beast report about layoffs at Beck's company "The Blaze."

Will US Lose Global Influence after Human Rights Council Pullout? | Al Jazeera English

Diplomats are assessing the fallout of the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council. The move was widely condemned by activists and even some of Washington's allies. They say the retreat could leave the US with less influence on the international stage.

An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump | Full Interview – Huckabee

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Booted From Red Hen Restaurant

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tens of Thousands March in Pro- and Anti-Brexit Rallies

Tens of thousands of anti-Brexit campaigners have marched through central London on the second anniversary of the vote to take Britain out of the EU - demanding another referendum on any final Brexit deal.

Will Turkey's Election Produce a Surprise? | Inside Story

Turks go to the polls on Sunday for what are seen as the most crucial elections in Turkish modern history.

For the first time presidential and parliamentary votes take place on the same day. There are six candidates for president. If no one wins more than 50 percent of the vote in Sunday's poll, the top two will be involved in a run-off. And whoever becomes president will be assuming enhanced powers approved in a referendum last year.

These are not easy times. Turkey's been in a state of emergency since a failed coup attempt in 2016 and the economy is in crisis. So could there be a surprise? And what would that mean for Turkey's future?

Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests Muhittin Ataman - Editor of Insight Turkey and Director of the SETA Think Tank Education and Social Policy; Fadi Hakura - Associate Fellow in the Europe Programme at Chatham House; Ozgur Ozdamar - Professor in the Depatment of International Relations at Bilkent University

Krach um Flüchtlinge: Stürzt Merkel? | DW Deutsch

Stürzt Angela Merkel über die Flüchtlingsfrage? Der Angriff aus den Reihen der Schwesterpartei ist der gefährlichste in Merkels gesamter langer Kanzlerschaft. Schafft sie es, mit einer europäischen Lösung ihre Macht zu sichern? Gäste: Anna Sauerbrey (Der Tagesspiegel), Hélène Kohl (freie Korrespondentin), Jörg Quoos (Funke-Mediengruppe)

Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt über seinen Freund Henry Kissinger | dbate-Interview