Sunday, June 03, 2018

Who Will Pay for North Korea's Hotel Bill?

The Washington Post reports North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is asking for another nation to pay for his hotel bill during the historic summit between the US and North Korea in Singapore.

The US Presidency Is Broken: A Conversation with John Dickerson and Jeffrey Goldberg

Can the presidency be repaired?

John Dickerson, a co-host of CBS This Morning and contributor for The Atlantic, chats with the magazine's editor in chief, Jeffery Goldberg, about Dickerson's recent cover story and its central question of how the office of the presidency is flawed.

Trump's admission that the presidency is harder than he expected should come as no surprise. "This is a common presidential revelation,” says Dickerson. The pair discusses the emergence of presidential campaigns, the outsized expectations of the American public, and why fixing the presidency is a task that’s bigger than any one person.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

The Five Star Movement and the EU – BBC Newsnight

Italy is now embarking on a political adventure that could put it at odds with the EU and the bond markets. So what lies in store for the European dream? Five Star's Manlio di Stefano and Italy's outgoing Europe Minister Sandro Gozi give their take.

Friday, June 01, 2018

North Korea Diplomacy; Trade War Looms; Italy's New Government

RT Reporter Gets Exclusive Access to Kim Jong-un’s Residence in North Korea

Amid continuing uncertainty over a US-North Korea peace summit later this month, Russia's Foreign Minister met with the leader of North Korea in person on Thursday.

RT's correspondent Ilya Petrenko has been following this meeting - and was granted EXCLUSIVE access to one of Kim Jong-Un's residences.

Sam Harris 'Just Cannot Believe' Donald Trump' Is US President

American neuroscientist and popular author Sam Harris discusses how Donald Trump rewrites reality, the illusion of free will and how social media is driving us all insane.

'Hello': RT Journalist Visits North Korean Leader’s Private Residence, Talks to Kim Jong-un's Sister

RT’s Ilya Petrenko became one of few foreign journalists to have visited Kim Jong-un's private palace

Madeleine Albright: I'm Warning The American Public | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright joins Morning Joe to discuss her new book 'Fascism: A Warning' and what aspects of fascism she sees happening in the U.S. now.

John Brennan: President Donald Trump Is An Aberration And Not In A Good Way | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former CIA Director John Brennan joins Morning Joe to discuss his new Washington Post column on speaking out against the president, U.S.-North Korea relations and election meddling.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 1, 2018

Michelle Wolf Roasts Trump Administration

Leaders and officials from the E.U., Canada and Mexico were united in their disapproval of President Trump’s move to place tariffs on metals, which could provoke retaliation against American businesses.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Putin on Iran and Israel (January 2015)

Putin talks about his views regarding Iran and Israeli security concerns.

The Nigel Farage Show: May 30, 2019

John Bolton Names Professional Islamophobe & Bush Official Fred Fleitz to National Security Staff

The White House has appointed a longtime senior staffer at an anti-Muslim think tank who has been named by National Security Adviser John Bolton as his new chief of staff. Fred Fleitz formerly served as Bolton’s undersecretary of state in the George W. Bush administration. He now joins the Trump administration from the Center for Security Policy, a think tank founded by former Reagan administration official Frank Gaffney. The Southern Poverty Law Center designated the organization an anti-Muslim extremist group. We speak with Eric Levitz, associate editor for New York Magazine’s “Daily Intelligencer,” whose recent piece is headlined “Bolton Installs Anti-Muslim Wingnut as NSC Chief of Staff.”

Top US News & World Headlines — May 31, 2018

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad Interview With Russia Today

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Is It Contagious? Italy Crisis Spooks Europe, Markets

A technocrat interim prime minister who may never form a government. Will the Italian president call early elections or try again to cut a deal with an unprecedented populist coalition. Will a founding member of the EU be led by euro skeptics? With no clarity on the horizon, the now-steadied European markets may falter. Why is the backlash against traditional politics still growing, with new parties blowing up the old left vs right divide? When the dust settles, what will Europe look like?