Thursday, August 10, 2017

Pat Robertson: Bolling Can't Be Guilty Because 'He's a Good Catholic'

Why Is the US Threatening War with North Korea Instead of Pushing for Negotiations?

The war of words between the U.S. and North Korea continues to intensify, with North Korea threatening to strike the U.S. territory of Guam, while Defense Secretary General Mattis warned North Korea’s actions could result in the "destruction of its people." This came after Trump vowed to strike at North Korea with "fire and fury." Meanwhile, the U.N. Security Council recently imposed a new round of sanctions against North Korea over its test launches of two intercontinental ballistic missiles last month. We speak with journalist Tim Shorrock, who recently returned from South Korea.

North Korea Promises US Territory of Guam Strike Plan in Days - BBC News

North Korea says a plan that could see it fire four missiles near the US territory of Guam will be ready in a matter of days. State media said Hwasong-12 rockets would pass over Japan and land in the sea about 30km (17 miles) from Guam, if the plan was approved by Kim Jong-un.

It denounced Donald Trump's warnings of "fire and fury" and said the US leader was "bereft of reason".

The US has warned the North its actions could mean the "end of its regime". US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said Pyongyang would be "grossly overmatched" in any war against the US and its allies.

The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, who is in Guam, says there is a sense that the North Korean threat is rhetorical, as most people feel that if they really did strike with missiles it would be suicidal for the North Korean regime.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 10, 2017

Bolton: Trump's 'Fire and Fury' Comments Were Appropriate

Former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. talks options for addressing North Korea on 'Hannity'

Historians Find Little Precedent for Trump's Words

US presidential historians have found little precedent in the modern era for Donald Trump's harsh military rhetoric on North Korea.

US - North Korea Tensions: Take a Look Back at Kim Jong-un's Nuclear Ambitions

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Die Schwulenheiler | Panorama - die Reporter | NDR

Christian Deker, schwul und Panorama Reporter, besuchte Ärzte, die offenbar seine sexuelle Orientierung ändern wollen. Eine Reise in die homophoben Winkel der Republik.

A Rightist Revolution: Allan Nairn on Trump Administration's Radical Agenda to Roll Back Social Progress

From Attorney General Jeff Sessions to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, many of Trump’s key administration members are far-right-wing figures who are seeking to dismantle the very agencies that they have been picked to head. For more on this right-wing revolution, we speak with longtime activist and journalist Allan Nairn.

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Urges Trump to Privatize Afghan War & Install Viceroy to Run Nation

The White House is considering an unprecedented plan to privatize the war in Afghanistan at the urging of Erik Prince, founder of the now-defunct private mercenary firm Blackwater. Prince told USA Today the plan would include sending 5,500 private mercenaries to Afghanistan to advise the Afghan army. It would also include deploying a private air force—with at least 90 aircraft—to carry out the bombing campaign against Taliban insurgents. The plan’s consideration comes as a federal appeals court has overturned the prison sentences of former Blackwater contractors who were involved in a 2007 massacre in Nisoor Square in central Baghdad, killing 17 civilians when they opened fire with machine guns and threw grenades into the crowded public space. For more, we speak with longtime investigative journalist and activist Allan Nairn.

"Gay and Muslim in America" - Al Jazeera - Edward Wyckoff Williams Reports (2014)

This special report explores the unique challenges facing openly gay, American Muslims—and the double consciousness that comes from being a dual minority.

Our subjects both speak of wanting gay Muslims to galvanize around a progressive agenda that will challenge both their faith community and American neighbors and friends — to see Muslim Americans in their totality: diverse, multi-cultural and multi-contextual.

Imam Jalloh, leader of New York's largest mosque, says the doors to the mosque are always open to everyone -- regardless of sexual orientation. But he struggles to find a balance between the traditional teachings of the faith and lessons of the heart.

Edward Wyckoff Williams reports.

Meet Iran's Gay Mullah Forced to Flee the Country - BBC News

In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who conducted gay weddings in secret, was forced to flee the country, and has been threatened with death. BBC Persian's Ali Hamedani reports. Video Journalist: Kelvin Brown

Top US News & World Headlines — August 9, 2017

North Korea Threat after Trump Vows ‘Fire and Fury’ | FT World

Tillerson: North Korean Leader Didn't Understand Diplomatic Language - BBC News

North Korea has said it is considering carrying out missile strikes on the US Pacific territory of Guam.

The North's official news agency said on Tuesday the plan involved firing medium-to-long-range rockets at Guam, where US strategic bombers are based.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, flying into Guam, said there was no imminent threat from North Korea. He also defended President Donald Trump, who on Tuesday threatened Pyongyang with "fire and fury". Mr Tillerson said that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un did not understand diplomatic language, and a strong message was needed that he would understand. "I think the president just wanted to be clear to the North Korean regime that the US... will defend itself and its allies," he said.

The exchanges mark a sharp rise in rhetoric between Washington and Pyongyang, but China has urged calm.

Inside Story - Can UK Tackle Growing Wage Gap among Ethnic Groups?

A new report by the think tank Resolution Foundation has detailed a growing wage gap among ethnic groups in the UK.

It has found that Pakistani and Bangladeshi households are at the bottom of the list, earning a third less than that of a white British household. The report says that while incomes for these minority groups have been growing, there is still a large gap between white households and ethnic groups. So, what does it mean to be in the lowest income group? And how does the UK compare with other rich countries? | Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests: Farah Elahi - Researcher and Policy Analyst at Runnymede Trust; Matthew Goodwin - Senior Fellow with the think tank, A Changing Europe; François Gemenne - Research Fellow in Political Science at the University of Versailles

Trump Unhinged with "Fire & Fury" Rant

On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom discusses growth in the stock market and what it means for the economy and the average American with economist and professor Dr. Richard Wolff. Then, Thom talks to Nick Givas of the Daily Caller and Zaid Jilani of the Intercept about Donald Trump’s threatening rhetoric toward North Korea and a dangerous proposal that would privatize the war in Afghanistan.

President Emmanuel Macron: A Progress Report - BBC Newsnight

How has French President Emmanuel Macron been faring since his election victory? Newsnight’s diplomatic editor Mark Urban reports from Macron's home town of Amiens.

Trump's Remarks on North Korea: Threat or Bluster? – BBC Newsnight

Following remarks by President Donald Trump that North Korea "will be met with fire and fury" if it threatens the US, Evan Davis talks to Mark Fitzpatrick, executive director of the non-proliferation organisation IISS-Americas.

Why Is North Korea Threatening the US Territory of Guam?

North Korea state news agency calls Guam “the outpost and beachhead for invading” North Korea and is warning it will take “practical actions to neutralise it” if necessary. Guam’s governor said there is no change in the threat level, but that Guam is prepared for any eventuality. Al Jazeera's Kathy Novak reports from Seoul