Sunday, April 30, 2017

Marine Le Pen Takes Her Fight to the Right as Macron Dips in Polls

THE TELEGRAPH: Marine Le Pen took her fight for the French presidency to the Right-wing Riviera bastion of Nice last night slamming Emmanuel Macron as a puppet of "oligarchs" whose aim is to destroy and "dilute" France.

Her claim came as one poll suggested that Mr Macron's lead had slightly shrunk ahead of the May 7 runoff.

"We can win," Ms Le Pen told 4,000 tricolour flag-waving supporters at the Nice rally. "Throw them out! We are David against Goliath."

The far-Right contender spent the first first three days after Sunday's first round vote wooing French workers - many of whom had voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Communist-backed firebrand. » | Henry Samuel, Nice | Thursday, April 27, 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017

100 Tage Trump: Die Absurdität als Alltag

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Donald Trumps erste drei Amtsmonate waren chaotisch und konfus. Eines ist klar geworden: Er ist ein demokratiefeindlicher Plutokrat - und lernt jetzt langsam, seine Macht anzuwenden.

Seinen 100. Tag als Präsident wird Donald Trump dort feiern, wo er sich am wohlsten fühlt - im Kreise ekstatischer Anhänger. Und zwar in Harrisburg, der Hauptstadt Pennsylvanias, das er im November knapp gewann: Auf einer Großkundgebung will er sich feiern lassen. Sein Wahlkampf geht nie zu Ende.

Wie dieser Wahlkampf waren auch seine ersten drei Monate: chaotisch, konfus, betäubend - ein tägliches Schleudertrauma zwischen "Im Ernst?" und "Wird schon". Eine Bilanz fällt schwer. Was zählt, was nicht, was bleibt? » | Ein Kommentar von Marc Pitzke, New York | Samstag, 29. April 2017

Si Marine Le Pen est élue présidente, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan sera son premier ministre

LE FIGARO: La candidate du Front national, qui a obtenu vendredi le ralliement du dirigeant de Debout la France, a justifié ce choix au nom du «patriotisme» et du «projet commun»

La candidate du Front national Marine Le Pen a annoncé samedi qu'en cas d'élection à la présidence, elle nommerait Nicolas Dupont-Aignan comme premier ministre, lors d'une conférence de presse commune avec le président de Debout la France qui l'a ralliée la veille. Louant l'ex-candidat souverainiste, «un patriote», pour son soutien, et se disant «fière de cette alliance» pour «défendre main dans la main un projet commun» en vue du second tour, Maine Le Pen a déclaré: «présidente de la République, je nommerai Nicolas Dupont-Aignan premier ministre de la France». » | Par Anne-Laure Frémont et AFP agence | samedi 29 avril 2017

Bill O'Reilly Speaks Out after Being Fired from Fox News

Using his "No Spin News" podcast, Bill O'Reilly spoke out for the first time Monday since his firing from Fox News. This happened as the channel was hit with a new lawsuit from former anchor Andrea Tantaros who accused executives of high-tech retaliation after she complained of sexual harassment. Anna Werner reports.

EU Leaders Set to Take Tough Stance in Special Brexit Summit

THE GUARDIAN: Leaders of EU27 are expected to demand that UK resolves key divorce issues before any talks on future trade deal can begin

EU leaders are expected to unite on a tough opening negotiating stance on Brexit at a special summit in Brussels on Saturday, when they will agree on whether to make Britain settle potential payments to the bloc before considering a new trade deal.

The heads of the remaining 27 countries will demand that Britain resolves the key divorce issues of citizens’ rights, the divorce bill and the border on the island of Ireland before any talks on a future trade deal between the UK and the EU can begin. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Saturday, April 29. 2017

President Trump Looks to Turn the Screws on North Korea

Apr. 28, 2017 - 4:06 - Chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Wolf’s Lair | Nazi Hitler Documentary

WIKIPEDIA: Wolf's Lair »

Bernie Sanders Sounds Off On Donald Trump's Latest Fiascos | All In | MSNBC

Senator Bernie Sanders sounds off on the flurry of activity from the Trump administration, including its last-ditch effort to kill Obamacare and a tax cut plan that would give breaks to those who need then the least.

US War Veteran: I Stand behind Assad 100%

American war veteran Angelo John Gage speaks out against President Trump's attempts to further destabilize Syria, expressing his strong opposition to launch another counter-productive and illegal war based on lies and media propaganda.

What Can Pope Francis Achieve in Egypt? - Inside Story

The visit by Pope Francis to Egypt is being seen as an opportunity to promote better relations between Christians and Muslims.

Trump's First 100 Days. And What Has He Done? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Tallying the accomplishments of Donald Trump, the candidate who promised so much.

In Memory: Etienne Cardiles’ Tribute to His Partner, Xavier Jugelé

With thanks to The Guardian for recording and this profoundly moving statement.

Limited Burka Ban Approved by German Parliament

THE TELEGRAPH: Germany’s parliament has voted to approve a partial burka ban for judges, civil servants and soldiers carrying out their duties.

Under the ban, officials will also be able to require women wearing a burka or full-face veil to uncover their faces for the purposes of identification.

The new law falls short of calls from the Right in Germany for a French-style blanket ban on the burka in public places.

It also stops short of Angela Merkel’s call for a ban “wherever legally possible”.

The new legislation is mainly directed at public officials, and does not affect the right of private individuals to wear the burka in public. Read on and comment » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Friday, April 28, 2017

Nordkoreas Atomwaffen: Trump: „Es kann zu einem großen Konflikt kommen“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Donald Trump warnt vor einer möglichen Eskalation im Konflikt mit Nordkorea. Allerdings hofft Amerikas Präsident auf China - und auf einen Charakterzug von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un.

Amerikas Präsident Donald Trump hat vor einer Eskalation im Nordkorea-Konflikt gewarnt. „Am liebsten würden wir diese Dinge diplomatisch lösen, aber das ist sehr schwierig“, sagte Trump am Donnerstag in einem Interview der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. „Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass wir am Ende einen großen, großen Konflikt mit Nordkorea haben. Absolut“. » | Quelle: rad./Reuters/dpa | Freitag, 28. April 2017

Donald Trump's First 100 Days In Office | Season 28 | THE SIMPSONS

Donald Trump reviews his accomplishments from his first 100 days in office.

The New Normal: Trump's First 100 Days in Office (Parts 1 & 2)

Top US & World Headlines — April 28, 2017

Cuba s'ouvre aussi… à l'Islam

LE FIGARO: En plein coeur de la Havane, l'unique salle de prière musulmane officielle du pays accueille chaque jour une poignée de fidèles. Une communauté discrète qui pratique une religion opposée à la culture fondamentalement latine du pays, mais que l'Arabie saoudite aimerait mettre sous sa coupe. » | Par Vincent Jolly | vendredi 28 avril 2017

Opinion: White House of Grifters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: They dress nice and probably smell good and most of them don’t even muss the furniture. Wealth gives them the patina of respectability — the American reflex of deference to the rich. But make no mistake: The Trump family and assorted cronies are using the highest office in the land to stuff their pockets.

The presidential sleaze involves everything from using public money to promote and enrich Trump properties to pay-to-play schemes that allow companies to buy influence at many levels. At its core is a nepotistic operation that puts family interests ahead of country.

Donald Trump’s presidency may look like a theater of incompetency: armada going in the wrong direction, forgetting what country he bombed but remembering what he had for dessert, major promises broken with a shrug.

But one thing Trump has accomplished in his first 100 days is ensuring that his family can use the vast reach of the federal government for private gain. By God, they seen their opportunities and they took ’em. » | Timothy Egan | Friday, April 28, 2017

'I Thought Being President Would Be Easier': Trump's Reuters Interview Highlights

THE GUARDIAN: Donald Trump reflects on his first 100 days in office in an interview with Reuters, saying he misses aspects of his former life and is finding the presidency more work that he expected. He says the lack of freedom to go anywhere or to drive has been frustrating

Read the Guardian article here

You need to be more careful what you wish for, Mr. President!