Friday, March 31, 2017

Brexit — Schmerzhafte Scheidung? | DW Deutsch

Es ist eine Entscheidung von historischer Dimension. Der Brexit ist beantragt. Droht jetzt ein langwieriger Rosenkrieg? Es diskutieren: Christopher Cermak (Handelsblatt Global), Catherine Hickley (freie Journalistin), Cerstin Gammelin (Süddeutsche)

Brexit Reax - Brits in Berlin | DW Deutsch

Rund 10 000 Briten leben in Berlin. Sie sind nervös, es wird ernst mit dem Brexit. Müssen sie Berlin bald verlassen? Obwohl die Stadt vielleicht die neue Startup-City Europas wird.

Coming Out in the 1960s

Four young activists interview gay, lesbian and trans-gender elders who explore how the perfect storm of 1960s activism -- the anti-war, civil rights, and the women's movements -- inspired them to fight for their personal freedoms. These were the years that led up to the Stonewall Riots in 1969. The elders explain what the underground LGBT community looked like pre-Stonewall, and how their treatment created a resentment that boiled over and ultimately gave way to the national modern LGBT movement.

Anderson Cooper 360 | March 30, 2017 - Full Show

What Exactly Does Ivanka Trump Do at the White House? – BBC News

Ivanka Trump has taken on an official job as assistant to the President - her father Donald Trump. Even though she won't take a salary, she will have to be careful in trade negotiations with countries that export clothing for her label, warn ethics experts. Produced by the BBC's Franz Strasser and Gareth Evans.

Interview with German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen - BBC Newsnight

Brexit: Europe Reacts as Britain Leaves the EU

"There's no reason to pretend today's a happy day" - those were the words of EU council president Donald Tusk after he received the Prime Minster's letter.

Later there was a slap down from German Chancellor Angela Merkel who denied the Prime Minister's request for two separate sets of talks.

Sky's Europe Correspondent Mark Stone has all the reaction from Brussels.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dave Rubin's Political Awakening

The host of The Rubin Report discusses the 'regressive left,' his thoughts on Islam, and breaking with progressives.

Can Brexit Be Finished In Two Years? – Inside Story

Faith Goldy: How the EU Made Greece a Muslim Ghetto

Faith Goldy of "This week, millions of Hellenes worldwide are celebrating Greek Independence Day. But I'm not one of them. Greece has become Europe's illegal Muslim migrant storehouse."

Dr. Daniel Pipes: Why Trump May Turn Against Israel

Dr. Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum joined Ezra Levant of for a wide ranging conversation about President Trump's Israel policy, the UN and more. WATCH Ezra's nightly show:

Governing Is Hard: Trumpcare Edition | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Trumpcare was a disaster but it was a fantastic disaster! One of the greatest disasters! Huge!

M103 Passes in Canada | The Islamisation of Canada

Maischberger: Brexit stärkt Europa! Nationalisten am Ende? (29.03.2017)

Jared Kushner: From Son-in-law to Top Trump Advisor

The shameless nepotism of Trump! – Mark

US - "First Daughter" Ivanka Trump to Become Official President Advisor

Trump is running the US as a family business. Why do Americans put up with this nepotism? – Mark

Lord Heseltine on Brexit Day: 'We've Lost Power and Influence' – BBC Newsnight

"It's the day in which Britain lost more power and influence than in any other day of my peacetime life.” Lord Heseltine speaks to Emily Maitlis on the day Article 50 was triggered - starting the process of the UK leaving the EU.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Article 50 Debate: Lord Heseltine and Kate Hoey Clash on Brexit

Lord Heseltine, former deputy prime minister, and MP Kate Hoey, former co-chair of Labour Leave, discuss Theresa May’s triggering of Article 50.

Muhammad Syed: Ex-Muslim

Muhammad Syed is an ex-Muslim and President of the Ex-Muslims of North America. He spent a few minutes with Seth Andrews in conversation about his former faith.

Ex-Muslims of North America »

Analyse – Grossbritanniens autoritärer Wandel

TAGES ANZEIGER: Seit dem Brexit-Referendum hat sich die politische Kultur verändert. Wem der Kurs der Regierung nicht passt, soll einfach den Mund halten.

Von einem Land, das am 23. Juni 2016 noch davon überzeugt war, dass es in der EU bleiben würde, ist Grossbritannien zu einer Nation geworden, die sich nicht mehr nur dem institutionellen ­Gefüge der Union entziehen möchte, sondern damit droht, Europa ganz den Rücken zu kehren. Die britische Regierungschefin Theresa May hat angekündigt, sie könne notfalls auch ohne neue Handelsvereinbarung mit den EU-Staaten leben. «Lieber gar keinen Deal als einen schlechten», sagte sie im Januar.

Boris Johnson, der Aussenminister, hat hinzugefügt, ein kompletter Bruch mit der Europäischen Union wäre für ihn «vollkommen in Ordnung». Und Finanzminister Philip Hammond hat signalisiert, sein Land werde sich gegebenenfalls in ein Billiglohnland und eine Steueroase vor den Küsten Europas verwandeln, um sich gegenüber der EU zu behaupten und um internationales Kapital an sich zu ziehen. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag hinzufügen » | Von Peter Nonnenmacher | Korrespondent | Tages Anzeiger | London | Mittwoch, 29. Marz 2017