Saturday, March 25, 2017

Dr. Gorka: London Attack Should Be a Surprise to Nobody

Assistant to President Trump speaks out on 'Hannity'

Katie Hopkins on the London Muslim Attack

Ms. Hopkins explains why nothing is going to change after the recent attack which killed a number of English people; and that the real reason for this may be in fact that the British government intends to eradicate the native British culture...

London Terror Attack: Tell the Truth about Islam! Ex-Muslim Preacher Demands It

Jamie Glazov Moment: How Not to Blame Islam for the Jihad in London

The Unknown - Forbes Deal with the Devil

BREITBART.COM: Forbes Mag: Iran Cool Travel Destination for 2017 – Visitors Must Adapt to Sharia Law And Customs »

FORBES: The 10 Coolest Places to Go in 2017 »

As a Muslim, I Am Shocked by Liberals and Leftists


If you had grown up, as I did, between two authoritarian governments -- the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria -- under the leadership of people such as Hafez al Assad, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, you would have seen your youth influenced by two major denominations of Islam in the Muslim world: the Shia and the Sunni. I studied both, and at one point was even a devout Muslim. My parents, who still live in Iran and Syria, come from two different ethnic Muslim groups: Arab and Persian.

You also would have seen how the religion of Islam intertwines with politics, and how radical Islam rules a society through its religious laws, sharia. You would have witnessed how radical Islam can dominate and scrutinize people's day-to-day choices: in eating, clothing, socializing, entertainment, everything.

You would have seen the tentacles of its control close over every aspect of your life. You would have seen the way, wielded by fundamentalists, radical Islam can be a powerful tool for unbridled violence. It is the fear of this violence, torture, and death, wielded by extremist Muslims, that keeps every person desperate to obey.

Read it all here » | Majid Rafizadeh | Saturday, March 25, 2017

Thousands Demonstrate in London against Leaving the EU

REUTERS.COM: Thousands of people marched through London on Saturday to protest against Britain leaving the European Union, just four days before Prime Minister Theresa May launches the start of the formal divorce process from the bloc it joined 44 years ago.

The Unite for Europe march was due to end with a rally in Parliament Square, scene of this week's attack by British-born Islam convert Khalid Masood in which four people died.

Marchers observed a minute's silence in memory of the victims at the start of the demonstration.

In bright sunshine, they waved EU flags and banners with slogans like "So what's the Plan" and "Stop Brexit" as they made their way to parliament. » | Reporting by Ralph Boulton; Writing by Stephen Addison; Editing by Mark Potter | Saturday, March 25, 2017

Long Live the EU! Brexit Vote Is 'Closed Nationalism' That Belongs In Past, Says Italian PM

THE GUARDIAN: Paolo Gentiloni speaks at Rome summit to celebrate EU’s 60th anniversary that reaffirmed leaders’ commitment to unity

Britain’s decision to leave the EU has been described by the Italian prime minister as “closed nationalism” that belongs in the past during a summit in Rome to celebrate the bloc’s 60th anniversary.

“Sixty years ago, recovering from the tragedy of two world wars, we decided to bond together and rebuild our continent from its ashes.

“We have built a unique union with common institutions and strong values, a community of peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, a major economic power with unparalleled levels of social protection and welfare. » | Daniel Boffey in Rome | Saturday, March 25, 2017

Canadian Parliament Passes Anti-Islamophobia Motion

THE INDEPENDENT: The motion calls on the government to 'quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear'

The Canadian parliament has passed a landmark anti-Islamophobia and religious discrimination motion that calls on politicians to condemn anti-Islamic behaviour and rhetoric.

The vote follows months of fierce debate in Canada, including protests from both the motion’s supporters and detractors.

Opponents argued the private members’ motion, which calls on the government to “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination”, will limit free speech in the country and single out Islam for special treatment. Read on and comment » | Harry Cockburn | Friday, March 24, 2017

Saudi Arabia’s Web of Hate Is Spreading One of the Worst Forms of Islam – and This Is Where It Leads

THE SUN: WHAT would make someone mow down pedestrians and then stab a policeman to death? One cause is clear.

Its roots lie in the Middle East and its web of hate spreads across the globe. But it is also here in Britain — and growing.

Since Wednesday’s carnage we have learned that 52-year-old Khalid Masood is believed to have converted to one of the worst forms of Islam.

Whether during his time in prison, or the years he spent in Saudi Arabia, Masood adopted Wahhabism. » | Douglas Murray, Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society | Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Source: Ryan Pulls GOP Health Care Bill at Trump's Request

Britain’s Massive Jihadi Problem

In the wake of London's latest terrorist attack, Brian Lilley analyzes the problem and solution to Britain's jihadist problem.

UKIP Leader Paul Nuttall Defends Extremism Comments After Westminster Attack | Good Morning Britain

Bernie Sanders: President Donald Trump Broke Working People Promise | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Senator Bernie Sanders talks with Rachel Maddow about how the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act and other Donald Trump Republican agenda items will hurt working class Americans.

IS Leaves Trail of Destruction in Syria's Palmyra

BBC: The BBC's Lyse Doucet says the trail of destruction left by Islamic State militants in Palmyra extends beyond the ancient Syrian city's famous Roman-era ruins.

She finds the city council building in utter ruin and the basement of a deserted building filled with a paperwork detailing the jihadist group's brutal rule. (+ BBC video) » | Friday, March 24, 2017

Democracy in Islam: Abdur Raheem Green

This is a Muslim's view of democracy. It is a typical view of most devout Muslims. So, are Western politicians listening to him? They would do well to do so, since they are deluded when they think that democracy and Islam are compatible. – Mark

Moscow Visit: Le Pen Surprise Meeting with Putin

The French National Front leader is here in Moscow for talks with Russian MPs and held a surprise meeting with Putin one month before the first round of presidential elections in her country – RT’s Illya Petrenko has more.

France's Fillon Insists President Hollande Is behind Efforts to Tarnish Him

Stephen Hawking on Donald Trump's US: "I Fear I May Not Be Welcome" | Good Morning Britain

Lord Heseltine Suggests Brexit Vote Allows Germany to Win World War Two

THE TELEGRAPH: Lord Heseltine has suggested that voting for Brexit is the same as handing victory to Germany, 70 years after the Nazis were defeated in World War II.

The former deputy Prime Minister said the UK's decision to leave the EU meant Germany had been "handed the opportunity" to become the dominant player in Europe.

He said that America would also now turn towards Germany and away from Britain.

Speaking to the House magazine, he said: “We’ve now abandoned the opportunity to influence Europe, the council of ministers will meet and we won’t be there.

"Our ability to speak for the Commonwealth within Europe has come to an end. The Americans will shift their focus of interest to Germany. » | Laura Hughes. Political Correspondent | Friday, March 24, 2017