Sunday, February 19, 2017

Japanese Americans Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Internment Order

Today marks the 75th anniversary since the signing of a presidential executive order that sent nearly 120,000 innocent Japanese Americans to internment camps during World War II.

Japanese Americans are disturbed by the parallels they see with the recent travel ban signed by US president Donald Trump.

Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds reports from Los Angeles.

Bill Maher Tangles with Trump Supporter & Kellyanne Conway Trump – Real Time with Bill Maher

Douglas Murray - Could Geert Wilders Change Europe?

Netherlands: Wilders Vows to Ban Muslims

Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders has launched his party's parliamentary election campaign by pledging to crack down on what he called "Moroccan scum".

Like Trump, Wilders has promised to ban Muslims from coming to the country, close down mosques and take his country out of the EU.

Al Jazeera’s Paul Brennan reports.

Media Lied about “Nazi Salute” at Our Rally: PROOF

Ezra Levant looks at the laughably absurd allegation by Vice, BuzzFeed and others that someone made a Nazi salute at rally for free speech.

Sen. John McCain Hits Out at Trump in Speech

How Kellyanne Conways’s Operates as Trump’s Spin-master

'Shark Tank' Star Hoping to Be Canada's Donald Trump?

Billionaire Kevin O'Leary running for Conservative Party leadership

Trump: 'I'm Only Worried He's Gonna Give Me a Kiss'

BBC: US President Trump invited one of his supporters on stage during his "campaign rally for America" event in Florida.

While the Republican was giving a speech, he recognised the man in the crowd that he had seen "on television just now", and let him deliver a few words at the podium to the Trump supporters. (+BBC video) » | Sunday, February 19, 2017

Mike Pence: "Radical Islamic Terrorism Has Fixated On The Destruction Of Western Civilization!"

President Trump: Media Are Part of Corrupt System

Feb. 18, 2017 - 2:16 - President speaks out at Florida rally

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Man Who Could Make Marine Le Pen President of France - Podcast

Florian Philippot is the strategist behind the rebranding of the extreme right Front National as a populist, anti-elite movement. But don’t mistake him for a moderate

Listen to the podcast here

Rede von Merkel auf Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz - Kampf gegen den IS [ist] nur gemeinsam [zu bewältigen] – 18. Februar 2017

Merkel: Europe Must Take More Migrants, Islam Is Not The Cause Of Terrorism

BREITBART.COM: Angela Merkel claims that the European Union still has a “responsibility” to take in more so-called refugees, and pleaded to Islamic governments to help convince people that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

The 62-year-old German chancellor began her speech by acknowledging that “the European Union right now is in a very difficult situation due to the result of the British referendum … which is very regrettable”.

While calling on the bloc “to do more to integrate our military capacity”, she also confessed it could not fight terrorism without U.S. president Donald Trump’s assistance. » | Jack Montgomery | Saturday, February 18, 2017

Sicherheitskonferenz: Merkel fordert vom Islam Abgrenzung vom Terrorismus

BERLINER ZEITUNG: München - Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat von islamischen Autoritäten eine klare Abgrenzung vom Terrorismus gefordert. Sie erwarte „klare Worte“ über die Abgrenzung des friedlichen Islam vom Terrorismus im Namen des Islam, sagte Merkel am Samstag bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz. Dies könnten westliche Politiker nicht so leisten wie islamische Autoritäten. » | dpa, afp, red | Samstag, 18. Februar 2017

Frau Merkel! Der Islam kann sich je gar nicht vom Terror abgrenzen, weil Terror Teil der Religion ist. Wissen Sie nicht, daß der Islam Welteroberung als Ziel hat? – Mark

Merkel to Security Summit: Islam Is Not the Source of Terror

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: German chancellor tells Munich conference that Muslim clergy must fight back against ‘false’ reading of their religion

The Islamic faith is not the cause of terrorism, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Saturday, and urged members of the Muslim clergy to fight back against a “false” interpretation of the religion that permits acts of violence to be carried out in its name.

Arguing for Muslim states to cooperate with the rest of the world to stamp out terror, the chancellor told an international security conference in Munich that this is the only way to persuade non-Muslims that the religion is one of peace. » | Times of Israel Staff and Agencies | Saturday, February 18, 2017

Merkel: 'Islam Is Not the Source of Terrorism'

AL JAZEERA: Both Merkel and US Vice President Mike Pence attend key security conference in Munich with Russia high on the agenda.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Islam is not the source of "terrorism" and that cooperating with predominantly Muslim states in the fight against it is vital.

Merkel, who has been critical of US President Donald Trump's attempt to impose a temporary travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries, was speaking on Saturday at the Munich Security Conference, with US Vice President Mike Pence in the audience.

"I think, those countries, first and foremost have to give a contribution. Because only in this way we would be able to convince people that it is not Islam that is the source of terrorism. But a falsely understood Islam," she said.

"I expect from religious authorities of Islam to find strong language in order to delimitate peaceful Islam from terrorism committed in the name of Islam. We as non-Muslims cannot do this, it should be done by Islamic clergy and authorities," she added. » | Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies | Saturday, February 18, 2017

Don, Bibi, Vlad? Shlomo Ben-Ami, Former Israeli Foreign Minister

As Donald Trump prepares for his meeting with the Israeli prime minister next week, the White House has already moderated many of its earlier pledges. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem is no longer a priority, while the expansion of settlements, though not openly criticized, has been described as not necessarily helpful. How will Trump's firebrand politics affect the conflagration of the Middle East? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Shlomo Ben-Ami, former foreign minister of Israel and Vice-President of the Toledo International Centre for Peace.

Shlomo Ben-Ami »

American Perestroika? Jack Matlock, Former US Ambassador to the Soviet Union

From mistrust to indifference to obsession - the American policy toward Russia has gone through many stages over the last few decades but never settled into a calm and pragmatic partnership. Is that now an option under the new US president? To discuss that, Oksana is joined by former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock.

Trevor Noah on President Trump, Racism in America, & More | The View