Friday, June 10, 2016

A Young Voter Blasts ‘Dodgy Dave’ ‘You F**ked Every F**king Thing Up In This Country!’

Britain and Europe: For Richer of Poorer?

BBC iPlayer: Watch the programme here

"Merkel, die Schlepperkönigin Europas"

Inside Story - Can Hillary Clinton Break the Ultimate Glass Ceiling?

Richard Sulík: "Alle sehen das, außer Frau Merkel" (AfD Flüchtlingspolitik richtig)

Countering Radical Islam – A Reformist Muslim Speaks Out

The Death of Free Speech in Europe

RadicLe - "A Fu*king Problem" by Maajid Nawaz Feb 1st 2015

Swedish TV Cancels Film on Jihad & Anti-Semitism over Muslim Backlash Fears


The Daily Show - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Dave Rubin Discuss Her Life, Islam and the Regressive Left (Full Interview)

Watching the Moon at Night – Trailer

HT: Jihad Watch

BREITBART: Jihad Documentary Cancelled for Fear of Offending Muslims: Swedish state-run TV won’t air a new documentary about anti-Semitism and jihad in case it offends the ever growing Muslim population in Sweden.