Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Austria: Far-right Presidential Candidate Speaks Following Election Loss

Plenty in 28 Pages of 9/11 Report for Lawsuits against Saudi Arabia ‒ Congressman

Austria’s Far Right Narrowly Beaten in Race for Presidency

Is Turkey's Free Press Under Attack?

The Rise Of Austria's Jörg Haider

WIKI: Jörg Haider died in 2008

Pope Francis Welcomes Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, One of Sunni Islam’s Top Clerics

Spain: Vegan Activists Use Their Bodies to Protest Meat Industry

WIKI: Veganism

Monday, May 23, 2016

‪Norbert Hofer: Mit einwanderungskritischem Kurs fast ins Präsidentenamt‬

Angela Merkel hat mit der Türkei Mist gebaut!

Norbert Hofer Loses Austrian Presidential Election Despite Initial Success

Das Duell: Schengen und Flüchtlingskrise | Norbert Hofer | Alexander Van der Bellen

Dr. Frauke Petry erklärt Gründe für den Abbruch des Gesprächs mit Mazyek (ZMD)

Ann Coulter on BBC Radio 4 (May, 18, 2016)

Maher on Saudi Involvement in 9/11: 28 Pages Prove ‘We Definitely Attacked the Wrong Country’